Fighters of Dimicel: Annihila...

By Crimson_Arael

50 5 8

In a sea of despair and chaos, all you need to see is a small glimpse of light you call hope. This is a world... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 1

13 2 6
By Crimson_Arael

"Crosshair lock you down,
May death gently kiss you on your forehead."

Henry whispered, singing a tune to himself with a confident smirk plastered on his face.

It was a hot noon, with the sun shining its golden rays mercilessly onto the land. Standing on a rooftop without any shade, Henry endured the heat, as if used to the weather. His job needs him to be outside most of the time, which gave Henry strong endurance even on the harshest winter nights and harshest sunny day.

Before him was a tall glass building, reflecting the sun's rays. Henry saw his reflection shown on the glass windows, holding what seemed to be a sniper rifle, set in place on the rooftop's railing. His finger tapped on the trigger softly, ready to find the proper time to shoot. His eyes shone a bright yellow, seemingly not phased by the obstacles before him, rather as if looking through it, like a transparent object.

His yellow eyes was not his natural eye colour anyway. But rather a sign of him activating his powers. His X-ray vision, specifically.

Gazing intensely through the scope, Henry searched for the target he needs to assassinate, moving slowly while being extremely focused. Even the smallest change of the wind can determine the path of his bullet.

"Found you." He whispered to himself.

A lucky target, who was not able to see Henry was finally caught in crosshairs. Without any second thoughts, the sniper's trigger was pulled, emitting a loud sound of gunshot, similar to the cries of thunder. A gush of wind flew, and immediately was the sound of shattering glass.

And then silence.

Then a distant yet soft thud.

Henry's bright yellow eyes shifted to a dark brown hue, his normal eye colour. He steped away from the railing and lowered down his sniper.

He did not feel the need to check. His eyes confirmed the kill, accomplishing his mission.

Henry slightly turned his head, focusing on a medium sized drone levitating beside him, which has been silently observing the young man.

"Mission accomplished. Drug lord down." Henry said towards the drone.

"Sending results back to Headquarters." The drone spoke back monotonously. A typical robotic voice, which Henry found himself liking it, until it beeped. "Warning. Hostile enemies approaching the area."

Henry's eyes widened slightly. He cursed under his breath, tossing down his sniper and pulled out a glock from his holster, cocking it before aiming towards the first enemy he sees.

"Fuck... I'm so unprepared for this." Henry hissed. "Call for backup. How many are there?"

"Estimatedly 50. But there might be more. Reinforcements has been called. Arriving in five minutes."

Five minutes to hold off the enemies. Five minutes to survive.

Having a countdown in his head, Henry creased his brows in anticipation. Rushed footsteps was soon heard, crashing through the rooftop entrance's door with an explosion. Smoke filled the area and limited the vision for the surrounding area, but for Henry, he was at an advantage. Once those dark brown eyes turned bright yellow again, he managed to dash from enemy's view and shoot at whoever he sees without being seen. A glock would not do much, though Henry still know that a pistol's accuracy would mostly drop when enemies are far. In this case, enemies are mostly close, so vital points are easier to hit. Even if snipers are even more deadly, the speed would be too slow as the enemies kept on coming the more Henry kills.

It just would not end. Even when the smoke finally died down and revealed the bloodied corpses that stained the rooftop, the enemies will not back down.

There is one thing in common about the enemies. They are mostly in some sort of black bodysuit, masked to protect their identity. They have an agile fighting style, mostly wielding bladed weapons like swords.

Spies, maybe?

Melee is not Henry's feature. He is still decent, but because he is mostly used to ranged fights, he calls himself rusty. His drone also tried to give Henry support by shooting at the enemies with it's included range attack, but with Henry surrounded, it's support will not be enough.

"Sniper spotted." The robot beeped.

Henry looked up. "What--"


Henry's eyes widened. He spot a silver bullet making its way towards him, aiming directly towards his head.

But time seemed to slow down as a bright flash occured, blinding those in the area for a moment. When the light was soon gone, Henry stood in shock and silence, mouth gapped when he witnessed a dome shaped forcefield summoned from nowhere surrounding him, saving him from a certain death. The forcefield radiated a warm light that somehow felt familiar. To Henry, it felt like a mother's embrace.

A few shots were made again and again, but the forcefield stayed strong, keeping Henry safe.

Not long after, came strong winds that overwhelmed the area, then distant chopping noises that soon get louder.

A sword immediately dived down, pushing through the air before piercing the ground, letting out a gush of wind that stalled the enemies, making them pause in confusion and making them look up to see the sword's owner.

Henry looked up to see no one other than a helicopter being stationary on the sky, distance away. Henry then looked down, seeing shadows under the spies and himself being shifted weirdly, as though manipulated by someone before forming some sort of distortion, a bulge on the ground slowly appearing. The shadow ebbed and flow smoothly like water, shifting its shape as it slowly rose.

As if breaking the surface of the water, the shadows broke to emerge a woman with shining red eyes. She grabbed her sword and swung it with such speed that a shockwave was formed, sending a few spies aback, while some went over the railings, hearing their cries and screams silenced by a loud slam.

A small smile formed on Henry's lips.

The woman began to dash and broke to another fight, repeatedly slashing and stabbing the incoming spies with extreme speed that the enemies stood no chance. When the battle was done, the whole scene was filled with mountains of corpses, overwhelmed with a metallic scent of blood.

The woman let out a exhausted sigh, sheathing her sword on her hips before wiping her forehead with the back of her palm. She soon faced Henry, smiling kindly towards the tall man.

"Guess I was on time," She spoke.

Henry nod his head, chuckling. "Knew I could count on you, Hannah."

The woman and Henry gave each other a fist bump.

Henry spent a good moment looking at the young woman. Her crimson red eyes shifted its hue to brown, an action similar to Henry's. But unlike Henry's whose colour changed to look through object, her colour shift was more towards speed and strength, which explains her fighting style.

Her long brown hair flowed gently with the soft breeze, along with her blue coat. The sun's golden rays did justice to her, as what Henry sees before him is not just some assassin, but someone so beautiful that her existence captivated Henry. Henry gazed at the woman's eyes who had the same shade of brown as his, feeling as though time slowed when their gaze locked into each other.

But the reunion had to die down when Henry remembered of the sniper that almost killed him.

"Wait- There was a sniper somewhere," Henry spoke, stepping up and looking around in hopes to find the sniper.

Seconds after saying that, a bright light from a nearby building appeared for a short moment. Both Henry and Hannah looked at the source, seeing a man sheathing his sword at a distance after finishing off what supposed to be the sniper. The man then faced the two young assassins and waved from afar.

"Well speaking of the devil... Cecilion was in charged of that," Hannah smiled, looking at Henry. "Anyways, are you hurt?"

Henry looked down at himself, his cheeks blushing slightly. "Well... I got a few scratches... but other than that I am fine."

Hannah looked at the drone beside Henry, clearing her throat. "We need to get to Tyson and investigate 'bout this. Many reports mentioned of some masked soldiers that the police are overwhelmed. DSU, please take some pictures."

Hannah then proceed to signal the helicopter to let down the ladders so that the two assassins can ride and retreat back to headquarters.

Henry sighed, looking at the drone that flew away to fulfill Hannah's request.

"You can name it Bob, you know? I changed it's name 'cause DSU is a mouthful."

Hannah ignored Henry, watching the drone.

"Get to the chopper. We'll fetch Cecilion and head back to base. We have lots of investigation to do."

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