Descendants, Evan's Story

By Thegriffinpuff

577 22 0

In present-day Auradon, Ben, the benevolent teenage son of King Adam and Queen Belle, offers a chance of rede... More

Rotten to the core {Prologue}
Ride to Auradon
The Dorms and Museum.
Classes and the Marching band...
Under the Bleachers and a Plan
More than just a Pretty face
The Date
Family day is Ruined
I believe {Epilogue}

The Magic Wand Heist

28 2 0
By Thegriffinpuff

Evan's POV

               The next day, I was on edge. I woke up way early than usual, and Doug was still asleep. I didn't even glance at him, I walked out of our share room and went towards, Evie and Mal's room. The two of them were sitting in their bed, Mal noticed me enter the room I nod at them as I closed the door, I sat down in a nearby chair. Evie knew exactly, why I was there.  She was going to help me get ready for Ben coronation. The silence between us was too obvious as Mal got up from her bed and began getting ready, since she was arriving with Ben to the coronation. Once Mal had left to meet with Ben, I began getting ready for the coronation. Evie made me a beautiful Tuxedo, the outfit she made me was a Navy blue blazer, A maroon button up, a navy blue tie, my pants were also navy blue, underneath I had suspenders Navy blue as well, and brow dressing shoes. My hair was combed and curly. Evie had outdone herself with this outfit, I smiled as I stared at my own image. I hugged Evie, as I was happy and better now. I never had look this handsome before,
                                         "you are going to be the best looking there" Evie said smiling wide as I smiled.
                                       "Thank You Evie" I said said hugging her, I stood up straight "I have to meet up with Zachary now" I was going to walk outside 
                                          "Evan" She started making me stop "Remember the plan" She said as I nodded smiling slightly, before I slowly walked out the room.

             I walked out of the Dorm rooms as Zachary was waiting for me. He looked at me and raised an eyebrow when he saw me. He was wearing a Blue blazer, with a yellow tie and red button up shirt, he also had blue pants as he waited with his arms in his pants. He nods at me and  nod back, A while Later both Cindy and Chad arrived. Cindy gave me a small smile which I had returned but Chad just Glared at me. The four of us got into our limo. I sat a cross from the three of them. 'Today is the day we will show our parents we are rotten' I thought. I had not noticed that Zachary sat down next to me.
                                          "Yes?" I asked almost serious.
                                           "Wanted to ask if you were okay?" He said serious.
                                           "Since when do you care about me?" Asked with sassed.
                                             "Oh, damn are you so sass today?" HE asked raising his eyebrow.
                                            "Look, I have my own problems just don't" I said as I crossed my arms 
                                           "Evan. I tried being nice with you, but you a so difficult to get along." He said as he scoffed. "typical of a Villain Kid. Though I always believed we grew up in the incorrect side of the Barrier." He added which made me look at him surprised
                                            "Wait what do you-" Just as I was going to asked he handed me, the map of the area we were going for the coronation 
                                            "Second time I could take something from you" He said with a grin as I looked at him with eye wide I grabbed the map back.
                                             "That is how you found my cheat for the test?" I looked at him with a hint of fury
                                             "Please I've taken a few things a people haven't found out" He said as he laughed changed spot with his Girlfriend and his brother in law. I was stunned.  I sighed as I crossed my Arm. I looked outside the Limo's window.

~Time Skip~

             We were inside I looked up at the Balcony where Evie, Jay and Carlos were. I could noticed they all shared the same slightly guilty Look I had. I nod at them when they made eye contact with me. I tried to smile at her. I then Looked at Audrey, who was next with me, along with Chad, I noticed Doug near us. I glanced at him for a short while before quickly looking down as I frowned. I felt about everything that we were going to do. I took a deep breath and Glanced towards Mal who was standing Next to Belle and Beast. She makes eye contact with me, and I believe we could see each other's worries. Soon Ben walks into the building, and everyone bowed, obviously I mimic what the other's did to not be suspicious. 'Are we really doing it?' I asked my self. I made eye contact with Zachary, who had a serious face but I could see something in his eyes, saying go for it. I then glanced at front where Ben was standing face to face with Fairy Godmother. She took off the king's crown and placed it respectfully on Ben's head. Then the glass that the Magic wand was displayed in, was finally lifted. I slowly and discreetly into position. Ready to leave or defend Mal if anything got nasty. The Fairy Godmother takes the wand and then stands in front of Ben
                                                 "Do you solemnly swear to govern the people of Auradon with justice and Mercy as long as you shall reign." She asked Ben
                                             "I do solemnly swear." Ben answer
                                                 "Then it is my honour and my joy to bless our new king" Fairy Godmother announced, but as fast as it was done, everyone in the hall gasped and jumped in shocked when someone had snatched the wand from The Fairy Godmother, A light was emitted from the wand. I exchanged glance with Zachary. "Child, What are you Doing?!" Fairy Godmother asked with shock at the person who had snatched the wand, which was none other than, Jane her daughter,
                                             "If you won't make me beautiful, I'll do it myself! Bibbidi-Bobbidi-boo!" Jay shouted as she was losing control with the wand, 
                                            "Take Over!" Beast exclaimed to everyone. Zachary grabbed his Girlfriend Cindy and both of them went to the floor to take Cover. Chad cowered Hiding behind me. As Doug scared hugged me as to Protect me but at the same time and hide himself.  Mal had ran over to Jane and started to fight over the wand with her,
                                            "Careful, Mal!" Belle exclaimed to Mal as She succeeded on getting the wand. She pants and Glanced at me and then at the others at the balcony. I got loose from Doug's hug as I walked to her, the other got down from the Balcony and ran towards us to be by her side.
                                             "Mal, Give me the wand." Ben asked her as She pointed the wand at him. I was close to her not glancing at anyone but Ben.
                                            "Stand Back" She ordered,
                                            "It's Okay." Ben calmly assured her,
                                            "Ben  she said Stand Back" I exclaimed.
                                             "I told you so!" Audrey said stepping forwards as Mal pointed the wand at her, making Audrey jump back. Evie, Jay and Carlos made it towards Mal and I.
                                              "Let's go!" Carlos shouted.
                                             "Revenge time." Jay mumbled,
                                                "You really want to do this?" Ben questioned us,
                                                   "We have no choice, Ben! Our parents..." Mal started to explain but Ben interrupts, 
                                                "Your parents made their choice. Now you make yours." Ben says, I look at Ben and then I glance at Zachary, Who was now all serious and shook his head. Then my eyes landed on Doug's sacred expression. before i looked back at Mal
                                             "I think I want to be good." Mal says as she must've been thinking about what he said, 
                                                 "You are good" Ben reassure her
                                                 "How do you know that?" Mal quizzed,
                                                "Because.... Because I'm listening to my heart." Ben says placing his hand over his heart.
                                               "I want to listen to my heart too. And my heart is telling me that we are not out parents" Mal declared looking back at us. I noticed Zachary sighed, and walked away from the hall, but I was the only one to notice. But Mall caught my attention again "I mean, stealing things doesn't make you happy. Tourney and victory pizza with the team makes you happy." Mal chuckled at Jay who smiled wide.
                                         "Yeah!" A boy from the crowed yells as we Laughed.
                                           "And You, scratching dude's belly makes you happy. Who would had thought." Mal says to Carlos who sheepishly smiles, I pat Carlos Back. "Evie, You don't have to play dumb to get a guy. You are so smart." Mal said smiling to My sister as I side Hugged her with a huge smile. "Evan... You always been there for anyone, you never cared what You mother said to you, What makes you happy is being with us, music and ..." She said as she glances at Doug and then quickly at me "You just need to discover your self you are not a disappointment." I smile and I could feel I had tears In my eyes.  "And I don't want to take over the world with evil, It doesn't make me happy. I want to go to school and be with Ben. Because Ben makes me Really happy. Us being friends makes me really happy. Not destroying things, I choose good guys." Mal said as she held fist out smiling at us.
                                          "I choose good, too" Jay spoke walking towards Mal holding his fist out. 
                                         "I choose Good" Evie spoke and she joined.
                                           "I go where ever Evie goes" I said smiling joining in. 
                                            "So, just to be clear, We don't have to be worried about how mad our parents will be? Because they are going to be really, really mad." Carlos said slightly making the situation lighter, as we all chuckled.
                                        "Your parents can't reach you here." Ben assured
                                           "Okay, then. Good" Carlos replies holding his fist out. 
                                           "Come on." Mal says to Ben who walks over and Joins us. 

                  Cheers erupted in the room, I smiled more and Laughed as I hugged My friends I finally stopped feeling like an Outcast. However, it didn't last long when a thunder-like sound was heard, I had almost fallen but Jay and Carlos prevented me from falling. Our eyes widen when we saw green smoke as if appeared in front of us and went away, to reveal Maleficent.
                                                "I'm Back!" She announced, as Everyone gasps.
                                              "How is this possible?" I said with surprise.
                                               "Go away, Mother." Mal Glared as Maleficent just laughs at her
                                                  "She's funny. Oh! I'm so... you two are very funny. here. Wand me. Chop, chop." She responded as Mal instead gives the wand to the Fairy Godmother. "No!"
                                                  "Bibbidi-boobbidi..." Fairy Godmother started, but before she could finish the spell, Maleficent froze everyone in Auradon, except us five. 
                                                "Boo!" She said with a wicked smile "Psych. Ooh. Ooh, in another time, in another time. Evil like me, don't you wanna be mean..." Maleficent said with amusement as she soon snatches the wand from the frozen Fairy Godmother.  "Ow! Oh. Oh, no . Someone needs to pluck their nose hairs." She cackled "Where shall we begin? I know. Why don't we start by getting rid of this?" She says as she waved the wand and Mal's ring that Ben gave her, latches away. "Perfect fit! Oh, excuse me. Pardon me. Excuse me. The horns, the horns! Aw... failing in love is weak... and ridiculous. It's not what you want." She spoke to Mal, I noticed a tear fall from her. I placed my hand on her shoulder 
                                                 "You don't know what she wants!" I yelled catching everyone who wasn't frozen off guard. Maleficent looked at me as if I had finally grown a pair of.... you know.
                                                 "Mom, Have you ever once asked me what I want? I am not you!" Mal told her, as I smiled.
                                                 "Oh, obviously. I've had years and years if practice being evil. You'll get there" She dismissed mal 
                                                 "No I won't. And I really wish that you had never gotten there yourself. Love is not weak or ridiculous. It's actually really Amazing." Mal spoke. 
                                                "I know one thing, young lady. You have no room for love in your life" Maleficent announced, pointing the wand at us. 
                                             "And Now I command, Wand to my hand!" Mal exclaimed, and when she exclaimed that the wand latches into her grasp and she smiled wide. " Ha! It worked!" 
                                             "I hardly think so. Frankly, this is tedious and very immature. Give me the wand. Give me the wand!" Maleficent yelled at Mal.
                                               "Hold on Mal. Maybe good is really more powerful than evil." Carlos suggested . 
                                             "Oh, please! You're killing me. Arf!" Maleficent exclaimed as she mocked a dog bark at Carlos, when suddenly Dude the dog was heard barking, he ran up to Maleficent and Jump at her. "Oh! Oh, the breath! The breath! Get off me!" She says putting Dude down, I went to Dude to make sure he was Okay, and just then Jay ran up to her and tries to take her staff only for it to not work, "Gaston should be jealous." She said and even felt jay's biceps, as she soon tapped her finger onto Jay's head, and He fell back "Enough! You all will regret this!" She announced as green smoke filled the air around her, and I slowly took steps back with Dude in my arms as We witness Maleficent turn into a dragon. She breathed fire at Jay and he got out of the way and escaped from He, but she kept getting  in front of Jay. I look at Mal and we shouted at him. I looked at Evie.
                                                "Evie Mirror me!" I shouted. She pulled her magic mirror and tossed it my way I caught it and took a deep breath 'I hope this works' "Magic mirror, show your bright light!" I shouted and it did worked as I casted the mirror glowed blinded Maleficent. 
                                               "E behind me" Mal yelled to Me and Evie and we go behind her as Jay and Carlos did the Same. I gave Dude back to Carlos.  Mal Aimed the wand at Maleficent as she stared at Mal with glowing eyes. 
                                              "Leave my friends alone! This is between you and me, mother" Mal exclaimed as Maleficent huffs, "The strength of evil is good as none, when stands before four hearts as one!" She chanted "The strength of evil is good as none, when stands before four hearts as one!" Mal's eyes glowed green as well as Maleficent's. Their usual staring contest. But this time, Auradon was at stake. I placed my Hand In Mal's shoulder showing my support. Mal didn't back away, Instead Maleficent blinked and roared as smoke appeared once again, and she disappeared. I noticed Fairy Godmother unfreeze.
                                                 "What happened?" I asked
                                                 "No idea." Mal replies looking confused,
                                               "Did you do it?" Evie asked Mal, and she shrugged.
                                               "I don't know." Mal replies.
                                                 "No, No, no, no. Your mother did. She shrank to the size of the love in her heart. That's why it's so itty-bitty." Fairy God mother explained, as we all looked down and saw a Tiny lizard who was Maleficent. 
                                                 "Is she going to be like that forever?" Mal questioned. 
                                                    "Well, forever is a long time. You learned to love. So, can she." Fairy Godmother informed us with a smile "I believe this..." She paused picking up the ring, and gave it to Mal, "Belongs to you. You five  have earned yourselves an "A" in goodness class." She added as I smiled and Hugged my friends and sister. "Bibbidi-Bobbidi-boo!" Fairy Godmother waved her wand and everyone unfroze. Ben roars as He claws at the air, Mal laughs as She walked over to Him. To the side I noticed my father fall to the floor as soon as Everyone was unfrozen. I went to him and helped him up and offered him my hand. and Helped him up. I looked Over at Cindy and She looked Upset and I hugged him 
                                                     "How could Zach just vanish like that" She said frowning. 
                                                    "Hey.. he must be around don't worry..." I said trying to cheer her up. I looked up and Saw Fairy Godmother Speaking with Jane and Mal walk to them and Apologize to Jane. I smiled at them I then glanced at Doug, He was staring at me. I send him one of my signature smiles as I broke the Hug with Cindy, and walked back to my friends. I threw my friends around them and smiled.
                                                       "well, let's get this party stared!" Jay cheers 
                                                     "Ohay, ohay, hey!" We all sung.

~Time Skip~

                   It was dark outside with firework blasting in the air, and music playing. 

{Set It Off}

Mal and Evie: Oh yeah, yeah (set it off)
Let's set it off (set it off)
Oh, yeah (set it off)
You can make it happen (set it off)

All: Oh-way, oh-way, hey!

Ben: Kings and Queens, it's our time to rise
Write the book, story of our lives
This is us taking back the night

All: (oh-way, oh-way)

Mal: Break the spell, we were born this way
Be yourself, forget the DNA
Everybody raise your hands and say

All: (oh-way, oh-way)

Evie: Sound the alarm, get on your feet
Let's set it off and rock this beat
Dance 'til your heart is wild and free

                        I was dancing along with Evie as She sung her part Samuel and Doug were also dancing along with us.

All: (ooh-oh-oh)

                     I switched spot with Evie and took front and center, where she was. 

Me: Feelin' the power, let it all out

                   Doug slide to right in front of me. He got up.

Like what you see in the mirror, shout
We got the keys, the kingdom's ours

                    We did a small salsa dance step as I had a smile smile. 

All: (ooh-oh-oh)
(Oh-way, oh-way, hey!)
Let's set it off, oh yeah
Start a chain reaction and never let it stop
Let's set it off, oh yeah
You can make it happen with everything you got
Let's set it off
Get ready, set it off (come on)
We got to set it off (on the right)
Get ready, set it off (to the left)
We got to set it off         

                      Jay and Carlos, walked up to a Jane who was sat down upset 

Jay and Carlos: It's time to set this thing off
Let's make it happen now
I'ma make my own future, ignore all the rumors
Show 'em how passion sounds
They all told me I should back down
Judgin' me 'cause of my background
Thinkin' 'bout changing my path now
Nah, I ain't goin' out like that now

                      Carlos then drags Jane to were the rest of us are dancing. As Audrey walked up to Jay. 

Audrey: Feelin' the power, let it all out
Like what you see in the mirror, shout

Ben: We got the keys, the kingdom's ours

All: (ooh-oh-oh)
(Oh-way, oh-way, hey!)
Let's set it off, oh yeah
Start a chain reaction and never let it stop
Let's set it off, oh yeah

                        I move away from Doug to an Upset Cindy. I smile at Her do a curtsie and drag her to the stage with the rest.

All: You can make it happen with everything you got
Let's set it off
Get ready, set it off (come on)
We got to set it off (on the right)
Get ready, set it off (to the left)
We got to set it off  

                            There was a dance interlude from the Dancing as Mal and Ben got off from the stage and went to the balcony. 

Mal: (ooh-oh-oh)
(Oh-way, oh-way, hey!)
Let's set it off, oh yeah
Start a chain reaction and never let it stop
Let's set it off, oh yeah
You can make it happen with everything you got
Let's set it off
Get ready, set it off (come on)
We got to set it off (on the right)
Get ready, set it off (to the left)
We got to set it off          

(Oh-way, oh-way, hey!)
Let's set it off, oh yeah
Start a chain reaction and never let it stop
Let's set it off, oh yeah
You can make it happen with everything you got
Let's set it off
Get ready, set it off (come on)
We got to set it off (on the right)
Get ready, set it off (to the left)
We got to set it off       


            As fireworks Ignited Again we all did curtsies to both Mal and Ben as We smiled wide at Them and continued the Party.

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