Descendants, Evan's Story

De Thegriffinpuff

508 21 0

In present-day Auradon, Ben, the benevolent teenage son of King Adam and Queen Belle, offers a chance of rede... Mais

Rotten to the core {Prologue}
Ride to Auradon
The Dorms and Museum.
Classes and the Marching band...
Under the Bleachers and a Plan
The Date
Family day is Ruined
The Magic Wand Heist
I believe {Epilogue}

More than just a Pretty face

32 2 0
De Thegriffinpuff

Evie's POV 

~time skip~

                 I was in Chemistry class. Sitting between Doug and Samuel, I was looking for my Magic Mirror in my purse since we had a test and I was going to cheat using it. I then heard Mr. Deley's Voice
                           "Looking for something?" He asked me I snapped my purse close as he showed me my Mirror he had hidden in one of his hands. I was left with my mouth ajar as I looked for words. "Thank you, Chad. It's gratifying to see someone still respects the honor code." He looked at me Smugly as I just send glares to him. "It will be my recommendation that you are expelled."
                           "Mr. Deley, I..." I began when Samuel to my right stood up.
                          "But that isn't fair." He said "Obviously she wasn't cheating since she didn't have that... whatever it is."
                         "It's called a magic..." I began again But Doug cut me off
                        "You are not helping stop," He whispered to me
                        "Maybe she needed another pencil." Samuel Continued
                          "Actually, I was..." I continued again but Doug again cut me off.
                            "Really. Don't help" He said a bit louder. 
                           "Please" Said Samuel. 
                          "Well if you can pass this test. I'll return your property and let the matter drop." Mr. Delay said as Char smirked smugly as he said it. I sent him dagger again.  Doug then pointed to My paper so I just focus on it. So slowly I began my Test. 


                After class I went to find Doug and Samuel who were sitting, Doug doing homework and Samuel reading a book. I quickly walked towards them and  placed my hands over Samuel with my test in front of his book so he could see my grade, I was smiling. 



                                                                                  date of examination

Evie                                                                     Name                                                                 

                            "For the first time it's like I'm more than just a pretty face" I said to Samuel.  He let a chuckled.
                            "A shocker huh?" He asked as I sat between them. 
                            "You were pretty great in there. " I told Him.
                            "So were you." Said Samuel smiling. 
                             "I bet I can get am "A" on the next test without the mirror" I said looking at my test. 
                            "Yeah, Well Maybe we can get together and we'll hang out with..." He began and I cut him off.
                            "yeah, lets get together." I said smiling 
                            "You know Evie." Doug said catching my attention "Evan will be proud of you" He said as I paused for a moment and smiled even more.
                            "There you are" I heard Mal's Voice "I've been looking for you literally everywhere"
                           "What's wrong?" I asked
                            "Ben just asked me out on..." Mal stops sighs, looks around and speaks. " A date"
                           "Nice" Doug said.
                           "We can Handle this," I said getting Up and Going to Mal. "Bye" I said to them
                            "Bye" Said Samuel smiling
                           "Bye" Said Doug who also walked away, to another table were I sat the back of Evan. 
                             "You are looking a little pale." I said "But I can fix that with some gloss and some blush"  I began to drag her away to fix her for her date. I glance at Samuel once more and He seemed giddier and then glanced at Doug and My brother before I left for my room with Mal. 

A/N: Both POV's in this Chapter occur on the same time. I know this story is Evan's POV just like the Movie is supposed to be Mal's POV but Like the movie I'll add moments that happen even when Evan isn't their. 

Evan's POV 

~time skip~


                I was In Mathematics class, I looked for a pencil on my bag. I When i was going through my Bag I hear a cough in front  of me. I looked up quickly and Mr. Grumpy was standing there with his arms crossed and his signature glare. 
                               "What are you searching for?" He asked with anger in his tone "Was it this?" He showed me a piece of paper. 'Crap' I thought. It was the one I did yesterday to help me in this test I was going to say something and Tamara who sat Behind me spot up "Zachary Handed me this saying it fell from you pocket. At least some people here get their grades the fair way. I might have to report the unnshoking news that one of the Villain Kids was caught cheating on a Test.
                                    "Sir sorry to Interrupt But, I pretty sure that piece of paper is not Evan's" Said Tamara " I can proudly say That I helped Him study last night. and That piece of paper might be In fact of Zachary's ownership" She said as everyone was glancing at her. 
                                        "So You think that the Villain Kid here did not try to cheat on this test?" Grumpy said he clearly didn't believed her. "And that you tutored him?"
                                      "Yes! I am certain he can at least get a good grade on this test." Tamara continued. "We all know Zachary has had it against Evan, and how convenient that he was the only one to see that event? Wouldn't everyone be paying attention to him to notice if he was cheating?" When she said that everyone began whispering she did have a point.
                                    "Are you seriously Doubting me?" Zachary said in a incredulous tone "Sir Villain Kids are know for lying. Who knows if Evan already casted a spell on Her to side with him! They have no regards for our rules I believe he should be expelled and sent back to the Isle. At least one less menace to worry about" He said more vivid. 
                                 "Mhm Zachary As much as I'd Like to agree. No one else saw that." Grumpy said. "If you pass this test, Ill personally apologize to you Evan and I'll drop the matter.  If not I'll report you to the headmistress." he said as Zachary frowned angrily.
                                    "but Sir! The evidence!" He began but Grumpy cut him off.  
                                  "Silence or I'll have to report you for misbehaving," He said and then looked at everyone "You CAN All return to your test!" He added and we all focused on our papers again. I glanced at Tamara and mouthed 'Thank You!' before returning to my paper. 

                 When class finished we Handed our exams. Grumpy dismissed the class except me Tamara and Zachary. He began Grading my test. I had my hands in my pocket and my fingers were crossed. I looked at Zachary crossing his arms as Grumpy went to another page of my exam. Tamara seemed calm as he did. Grumpy did some angry grunts as he graded my test. He did that until he stopped and Glanced at my test. He took a deep breath before speaking.  
                                      "Congratulations Evan. You passed" He said seriously. I smiled and glanced at Zachary who frowned "I owe you an Apology" He said as he handed me my test. I smiled as I saw my grade. Tamara smiled and hugged me 


                                                                                date of examination

                                       "I knew you could do it Evan!" Tamara said Hugging me.
                                           "What!? But sir!" Zachary began
                                            "that's enough!" Grumpy said "If you don't want me to report you for falsely accusing a classmate. I suggest that you don't continue this matter. Now you can all leave." He said as the three of us walked out when we were far off from the classroom Zachary Turned to me 
                                         "You might Have fool Mr. Grumpy But I am on to you Villain kid. SO i suggest watch you back" He said as he walked away from us. I looked at Tamara and smiled at her. 
                                          "Look, Tamara I want to thank you for helping me back there." I said smiling "i'll forever owe you one. But I am wondering.. Why did you helped. You knew it was mine."
                                        "Look Evan, Despite your background, I can see you truly mean good. So I wanted to save you from being in trouble. " She said as she began walking away. I smiled I felt happy I had a friend at Auradon and she got my back. I looked at My paper and Began walking away.

            After  a while I went outside to sit down and admire my grade as I walked I noticed My sister smiling wide as she spoke with Doug and I think his name was Samuel. I smiled and went to a table by my own. I pulled out a notebook from my red bag and Began reading my notes for Chemistry class. I was still Happy about my grade even if it wasn't a "B+" I still had a great grade. I continued reading until I felt someone behind me
                                           "Is this seat taken?" A voice I recognized as Doug asked me. I looked up to lock eyes with the cutie himself. I smiled
                                          "Uh, Yes, uh by you" I said smiling Now I was the one nervous. 
                                        "You know, you were right." He said softly.
                                        "Uh, about what?" I asked 
                                         "About your sister being more than a pretty face." Doug said as I remembered what i had asked him "She just passed a exam without cheating."
                                        "Wow! I have to thank you Doug!" I said grateful "Huh today is the day of good news. first in class, and now with my sister." I added "Oh I passed my own test" I showed him my Mathematics test. 
                                        "That's amazing. I imagine Uncle Grumpy didn't make it easy?" Doug asked me. I chuckled.
                                         "Not even close. if you knew. Almost got reported of cheating but thanks to Tamara, I was given a chance to do the test and I passed. And the best part Zachary who tried to frame me with my own cheating paper, almost got in trouble " I said
                                            "Wow" He replied as we both chuckled. "Almost similar to what happened to Evie."
                                             "What do you mean?" I asked 
                                               "Chad told Mr. Deley that she was cheating with her magic mirror and Mr. Deley said he was going to report her of cheating. Thankfully Samuel had her back and convinced him to give Evie a Chance. and well She passed." Doug said, I shows him that I was relief but on the inside i was furious with Chad the Jerk.  I was so In my thought that Doug Himself brought me out of it. "So Evan do you need help with your upcoming Chemistry test?"
                                           "Huh, oh, uh, yes. I would greatly appreciate it, I am having trouble with that class and maybe a bit of tutoring will help me." I said softly
                                             "Oh, well, uh, would you like to hang, sometime and we, could uh, study" Doug began now being nervous again, 'Why is he so goddamn cute' I thought.
                                          "Of course Doug." I said smiling.
                                            "And maybe we could go out today and just hang out. if you want?" He asked and now I was blushing wildly.
                                          "Oh, uh, y-yeah of course" I got up instantly grabbing my things 
                                          "Everything alright?" He asked innocently and confused.
                                             "Y-yeah I just remembered I had to do something quick, But I'll meet you again here right?" I asked him 
                                             "Oh, uh, yeah sure" He said smiling I nod and quickly left and in good time as  well, because mmy face was no flustered 'did he just asked me out? omg omg omg omg' I need Evie to help me' I thought as I quickly left. 

           As I walked towards the dorms I saw Chad talking a turn on a hallway with a Dead end. I quickly remembered what Doug told me about and went thru that same hall way and tried to catch up to him. He must have know someone was following him because he turned and Saw me with an angered expression walking towards him. It angered me more when he saw me he just laughed as if he wasn't scared of me.
                                               "Oh you think it's funny CHAD" I said angrily.
                                               "I think You are funny." He said
                                                "You know who I am right?" I said still angry
                                                 "No!" He said smugly "But i dont care. I dont care about you Villain Kids."
                                               "I'll make you care Chad" I replied with even more anger "I am The brother of the girl you just tried to report as a cheater, the girl you manipulated to do your homework, and the girl who was into you." I said growing even angrier. 
                                                 "Oh you mean you are the brother of Evie?" He asked and laughed "That sucker, she was easy to manipulate to do my home work. Once she learned I was son of Cinderella and Charming and Who wouldn't be smitten by me" He said acting like he was all that "She spilled that she used the Mirror and that she wasn't smart so I used that against her and made her think we would hang, and then reported her to Deley when she finished my homework. Easy as Apples." He said, which i was now engulfed in rage. "She was Just a gold-digger." at that i snapped. I may have been shorted than him but i found strength  when i grabbed him by his jacket and pinned him to the wall.
                                               "Listen to me you asshat." His smug face disappeared as he now showed fear. "If you ever Call my sister things like that, I wont hesitate to break your nose and make you less Charming got it" I growled at him as he just nodded quickly. I let him go and he ran off as a Scardy girl. I sighed and then Made my way again to my sister and Mal's room. 
                                           "Evie! Congrats!" I said as She and Mal turned and saw me 
                                           "Thank you Evan! and Also Thank you for always having my back and believing in me" She said and quickly hugged me.
                                          "You are welcome Sis!" i closed the door. "But I didn't come here to just congratulate you." I said  growing nervous.
                                        "Why did you need me?" She asked I took a deep breath
                                        "I have a kind of date..." I said as She and Mal looked at me confused. Well more like Mal was confused, Evie was excited. 
                                         "OMg who is the luck girl!" She said excited.
                                         "Honestly... it's not a girl.... its a boy" I said even more nervous.
                                              "Oh who is he" She asked and sounded supportive which made me smile. 
                                              "Doug." I said in a low voice.
                                              "Oh my did you just said Doug?" Mal asked
                                              "Yes I did" I said and Evie hugged me once again "And I came to you because I wanted help from a fashion girl like you" I added
                                               "Well you came to the right person but you just have to wait because Mal has her own Date with Ben and I just have to apply blush to her." Evie said
                                               "All right." I said as I sat in Evie's bed. Evie continue applying more blush to Mal. She rocked a glittery purple dress and a black leather jacket.
                                               "Okay. Easy on the blush." Mal said "I don't wan to scare him away... Not that I could."
                                               "Please. My mom taught me to apply blush before I could talk" Evie said
                                               "And you are right. Most frustrating thing I had to witness" I said chucking. 
                                                 "Always Use upward strokes" Evie continue with a smile. 
                                                 "My mom was never really big on make-up tips." said Mal "I never had a sister"
                                                  "Oh then you are not missing much." I said joking more "Sisters are annying" When i finished Evie playfully slapped my shoulder as I laughed more
                                                  "well now you do. We're gonna need all the family we can get if we don't pull this off." Evie said still smiling. 
                                                  "yeah Mother isn't a barrel of laughs when she doesn't get her way." I finished for Evie.
                                                  "Just ask snow white" Evie continued. 
                                                  "Are you both afraid of her" Mal asked us.
                                                  "Sometimes" Evie asked. I didn't spoke  "Are you afraid of yours?"
                                                 "I just really want her to be proud of me. She gets so angry with me when I disappoint her," Mal said  reflecting on her life. "And... yeah she's my mom, so I know she loves me in her own way." she trailed of
                                                  "Moving on, come and see" Evie said Holding her hand, both getting up from Mal's bed.
                                                  "Are we done?" Asked Mal.
                                                  "Yes" Evie said going to the mirror near by. Mal looked a her reflection and lets out a laugh as she admires her self "I know " Evie said standing behind her. both laughing
                                                "I look..." Mal began.
                                                "Say it." Said Evie.
                                               "Not hideous" Said Mal.
                                                 "Not Even close." I said from my spot. and Mal laughed as she then finished up with a smile 'Auradon has changed us for good' I though. Mal kept  admiring herself as a Knock was heard on the door. Mal went to open it and behind the door was Ben. He was looking at her before saying
                                                  "For the first time, I understand the difference between pretty and beautiful."  Mal lets out a smile  as I cringed and stood next to my sister. " I hope you like Bikes." He added before she walked to him grabbing one of the Helmet and then left. 

                  I walked to the door to close it I was smiling as My sister began talking 
                                           "Well, now that she is going to her date. It time for your fixer Upper." She said I tried to close the door and Just then Tamara appeared. 
                                          "I was told You have a date. I think it time we get you a new wardrove." She said  As Evie agreed. The both linked hands with mine and dragged me away. 



A/N: Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I wanted to do something where I showed that Evie and Evan had a similar problem with a test and they each get defended showing that, they are both similar to each other yet they each are different. 

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