Friendly Neighbors GokuxReade...

De Caramel_Wolf_27

38.1K 1.5K 282

This was supposed to be a One-Shots book, but with my inability to keep focused on one thing or plan, it's be... Mais

11 (🍋🍋)
🍋18+ optional chapter 🍋
Goku Appreciation Chapter
18+ optional chapter 🍋🍋
50 (🍓🍋)
61 (mild mention of lemon)
72 🌸lemon/fluff/family moments🌸
78 💪
79 💪
80 💪
81 💪
82 💪
83 📸📷
84 💪
85 💪
87 💪
88 💪
89 💪
90 💪
🌤️Filler:The True Start of Formed Feelings🌤️
🌤️Filler: Bulma's Cruise Party🌤️
🌤️ Filler: The Buu Saga🌤️
🌤️Filler: Drunk🌤️
🌤️Filler: Adventures 🍋🌤️
91 💪 (100th chapter)
92 💪
Appreciation Chapter Again
93 💪


432 22 6
De Caramel_Wolf_27

As you busily prepared a lavish feast for the returning trainees, a melodious hum escaped your lips, harmonizing with the music that filled the air. Your tail gracefully swayed in rhythm, a testament to your unwavering focus on the culinary masterpiece unfolding before you.

Unbeknownst to you, Turles stealthily approached from behind, his sinewy arms enveloping your waist with a gentle strength. His chest pressed against your back, creating a comforting warmth that seeped into your very being. In a tender display of affection, his tail lovingly entwined with yours, creating an intimate connection.

Startled, you glanced up at Turles, a question lingering in your eyes, but a smile of recognition quickly replaced it. The sight of him filled your heart with joy and anticipation. However, as he began to affectionately nuzzle against you, a blush crept onto your cheeks, painting them a rosy hue.

Relishing in the tender moment, you reciprocate Turles' affectionate nuzzle, savoring the connection between you. However, a small pang of responsibility tugs at your heart, urging you to return to your culinary duties.

"I thought you were training with the others," you gently remind him, your voice laced with curiosity.

Turles sighs, his warm breath tickling your skin as he rests his chin on your shoulder, momentarily lost in the comfort of your presence. "They'll manage without me for a moment. Goku and Vegeta have got the little ones covered. It's quite a bustling gathering," he grumbles, his voice tinged with a hint of frustration.

You offer a soft hum in response, torn between the desire to indulge in his affection and the need to complete the meal. As Turles begins to pepper your neck with tender kisses, your hands instinctively pause in their culinary dance, momentarily forgetting the task at hand.

Determined to complete your cooking, you valiantly resist Turles' attempts to distract you with his amorous advances. With a focused determination, you continue to chop, stir, and season, skillfully maneuvering around his playful interruptions.

For a brief moment, it seems as though you have the upper hand, successfully evading his advances and maintaining your progress in the kitchen. However, a low growl escapes Turles' lips, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he decides to up the ante.

Without warning, he swiftly lifts you up, effortlessly carrying you away from the bustling kitchen. Your laughter mingles with surprise as he playfully tosses you onto the inviting embrace of the living room couch, leaving you sprawled on your back.

Before you can fully comprehend the situation, Turles pounces upon you, his lips showering you with a cascade of affectionate kisses. Each touch, each caress, threatens to unravel your focus, making it increasingly difficult to resist his charming distractions.

Lost in the intoxicating embrace of Turles' passionate kisses, you find yourself succumbing to the depths of desire. His lips press against yours with a fervor that ignites a fire within, while his hands explore the contours of your body, leaving a trail of electric sensations in their wake. The synchronized sway of your entwined tails serves as a gentle reminder of the connection you share.

Yet, amidst the fervent exchange, a faint scent of burning food wafts through the air, jolting you back to reality. The primal desires that had begun to resurface within Turles are momentarily overshadowed by the pressing need to salvage the meal you had been diligently preparing.

Summoning a burst of determination, you manage to extricate yourself from Turles' passionate grasp, his disappointed whine echoing through the room like a child denied recess. A giggle escapes your lips, a mixture of amusement and affection, as you playfully scold him for distracting you from your culinary duties.

After successfully rescuing the food and ensuring it is safely covered for the arrival of the others, you find yourself unable to resist the allure of Turles' pouting expression. Your tail sways playfully, mirroring the amusement dancing in your eyes.

"I think someone's a little wound up, Turles," you tease, unable to contain a mischievous grin. His glare only serves to intensify the playful banter between you.

However, before you can fully comprehend his intentions, Turles swiftly lifts you over his shoulder, your protests falling on deaf ears. With a mix of surprise and anticipation, you find yourself being carried upstairs to his room, the sound of your laughter filling the air.

As Turles enters his room, he gently tosses you onto the plush surface of his large bed, causing you to land on your stomach. His tail sways with a hint of annoyance, contrasting with the playful atmosphere that surrounds you both.

You gaze up at Turles, your tail swaying in the air with a playful energy. As he growls with desire, moving to continue the intimate connection you had started earlier, a spark of anticipation ignites within you.

However, amidst the escalating passion, Turles suddenly pauses, his intense gaze softening as he looks down at you. His tail fluffs up gently, a sign of his own internal conflict. Instead of proceeding further, he leans down to pepper your lips with tender kisses, his actions filled with a mixture of affection and concern.

"I see now," he murmurs, his voice laced with realization. "You're actually in heat. I forgot that it tends to happen with you."

Confusion flickers across your face as you try to comprehend his words. Before you can voice your thoughts, Turles gently pulls you into his lap, cradling you with a mixture of tenderness and protectiveness.

You let out a soft whine, your primal desires clouding your thoughts as you continue to engage in intimate moments with Turles. Affectionate kisses are exchanged between you, fueling the fire of desire that burns within.

Turles, however, exercises restraint, holding himself back despite his own longing. His hands move in soothing circles on your lower back, attempting to calm the storm of passion that rages within you both.

Deep down, Turles knows the consequences of giving in to your desires completely. He understands the importance of self-control and the potential complications that may arise from indulging in the heat of the moment.

As the sound of the others returning grows closer, Turles reluctantly sets you back down on his bed, his gaze filled with a mix of longing and responsibility. "Stay here," he instructs, his voice gentle yet firm.

You pout, nodding softly, and obediently lay down as Turles disappears from the room, closing the door behind him. Left alone, you find yourself yearning for his return, your body still aflame with desire.

Downstairs, Turles maintains a calm demeanor as he joins the others, his gaze primarily focused on Goku and Vegeta. "We've got a problem," he announces, his voice carrying a hint of concern and urgency.

Both Goku and the others, including Goten, Gohan, and Trunks, turn their attention to Turles with a mix of concern and confusion. Their worry for you is evident, even before Turles reveals the reason for his urgency.

"What's wrong?" Goku asks, his voice filled with genuine concern as he looks to Turles for answers. Turles crosses his arms, his expression serious. "She's in heat."

The statement leaves Goku and the others perplexed, struggling to grasp the significance of the situation. However, Vegeta's face pales as he quickly comprehends the urgency and potential complications that come with a Saiyan in heat.

"I don't understand," Goku interjects, rubbing the back of his head in confusion. "What's wrong with her being hot?"

Vegeta's patience wears thin as he turns to Goku, his glare piercing. "She's in heat, you idiot! Dammit, of all things to forget, this is the worst one..!" Vegeta tries to maintain his composure, his scowl directed at Turles. "Where is she now?"

Turles responds calmly, his arms still crossed. "She's obediently staying in my room, waiting for my return. I haven't done anything to her... other than make out, of course."

The gravity of the situation settles upon the group, their concern for you growing. The urgency to address the matter and find a solution becomes paramount, as they contemplate the best course of action.

Vegeta exchanges a knowing look with Gohan, silently conveying their understanding of the situation. He takes Goten and Trunks to the den, ensuring they are away from the adult conversation and the complexities of the matter at hand.

Once they are alone, Vegeta turns to Goku, his expression stern. "You are not permitted to engage in any intimate activities with her until her heat subsides. Do you understand? Anything beyond clothing removal is strictly forbidden for the entire week."

Goku pouts, still struggling to comprehend the gravity of the situation. "I don't understand. We do stuff all the time, and you've never stopped it. Why is it a problem now?"

Before Vegeta can respond, Turles interjects, his voice filled with a mix of frustration and explanation. "As of right now, she's extremely fertile. You've never grown up around Saiyan women, and considering her Saiyan form was locked away for a while, you've never experienced it either."

Turles sighs, his tail flicking in annoyance. "During her heat, she'll be highly submissive and likely clingy to whoever she's with among the three of us. If any of us give in to her desires, well..." He trails off, leaving the implications hanging in the air.

The seriousness of the situation weighs heavily upon the group, as they grapple with the challenges and potential consequences that lie ahead.

Vegeta's words carry a sense of urgency and caution, emphasizing the need for self-control around you. He specifically addresses Goku, knowing his tendency to act on his desires without considering the consequences.

"Control your urges, Goku. Y/N will likely take care of your desires and her own if you're not careful. From now on, sleep in separate beds, and for the love of Kami, resist showering with her," Vegeta instructs, his tone firm and unwavering.

Goku crosses his arms, pouting in annoyance. "So we can't do anything with her until it's gone? But what if I really want to?"

Turles looks towards the ceiling, a hint of exasperation in his voice. "Then either take care of your urges yourself or be prepared to become a father again."

The weight of the potential consequences hits Goku, his eyes widening in realization. Vegeta huffs, his frustration evident. "As of right now, to her, the three of us are all fair game."

Goku's confusion deepens. "But you're with Bulma, right?"

Vegeta's response is swift and confident. "Yes, but I'm still a pureblood Saiyan like you two, even though I'm superior." He then turns to Turles, seeking confirmation. "She's clinging to you right now, isn't she?"

Turles grunts in response, acknowledging the truth of Vegeta's statement. While he doesn't have a true problem with your clinginess, he understands the importance of not taking advantage of your vulnerable state.

As the days drag on, the men find themselves locked in a constant battle of self-control, resisting your uncontrollable advances. Each of them does their best to avoid giving in to their desires, knowing the potential consequences that could arise.

For Goku and Turles, the struggle is particularly challenging. Their previous romantic involvement with you makes it harder to resist the intimate connection they once shared. The longing for physical intimacy tests their resolve, but they remain steadfast in their commitment to not give in.

To keep you occupied and distracted, the men assign you various household chores and tasks. Your submissive state makes it easier for them to direct your energy towards productive activities, although it remains a constant struggle for all involved.

Vegeta, despite his strong resistance, finds himself particularly affected when he is alone with you. Your random hugs and displays of affection chip away at his resolve, making it difficult for him to maintain his composure.

Recognizing the need for additional support, Bulma is brought in to assist. She understands the challenges you are facing and provides you with basic necessities to help you stay calm. A snuggly blanket and a personal body pillow offer comfort and a sense of security, allowing you to find solace in their embrace.

Together, the group does their best to navigate through this challenging time, supporting each other and finding ways to alleviate the intensity of your heat.

Bulma decides to stay by your side, ensuring that you don't accidentally find yourself in a compromising situation with the men. As she sits outside with Vegeta, a soft laugh escapes her lips, hidden behind her hand. She can't help but smile at the shy scowl on Vegeta's face.

"Vegeta, I don't care if you want to be intimate with Y/N," Bulma says, her voice filled with understanding. "Yeah, we have a kid and everything, but we're not actually together like everyone thinks. It's fine if you want to explore. Hell, Turles should be doing the same to avoid getting caught up in this, but you're both so stubborn."

Vegeta crosses his arms, his expression guarded. "You know nothing, woman. Y/N is... different. Kakarot was right about her, and he's the one who gets to actually be with her. By the time her heat subsides, she'll be apologetic and ashamed of herself for even realizing that her hormones were high."

Bulma listens attentively, her hand gently rubbing Vegeta's back in a comforting gesture. "It's not easy housing a rare Saiyan, huh?" she remarks, her voice filled with empathy.

Vegeta's scowl softens slightly, a mix of frustration and vulnerability in his eyes. "No, it's not. But I'll protect her, even from herself."

Bulma nods, her support unwavering. "I know you will, Vegeta. Just remember, it's okay to let yourself explore and find comfort too. Y/N needs you, and you deserve happiness as well."

The two of them sit in companionable silence, finding solace in each other's presence as they navigate the complexities of your situation together.

The last two days of your heat prove to be the most challenging for everyone involved. The intensity of your scent becomes overwhelming, drawing Goku irresistibly towards your room. Despite Bulma and Vegeta's efforts to intervene, Goku's primal instincts overpower his self-control.

Bulma and Vegeta work together to physically remove Goku from your room, while Turles opens your window to allow your scent to dissipate and mingle with the outside world. However, even Turles finds himself struggling to resist your allure as you gaze up at him, your hazy state making it difficult for you to fully comprehend the consequences of your actions. Your tail wraps around his wrist, silently pleading for his company.

Turles feels a pang of pain in his heart as he witnesses the longing in your eyes, but he knows that giving in would only complicate matters further. With great effort, he manages to retreat and close your door, leaving you alone.

"Damn, and I thought fighting a brood of Mud goblin demon rats was tough," Turles mutters to himself, his mind drifting to memories of his space adventures. The challenges he faced in the past pale in comparison to the internal struggle he is currently enduring.

The group continues to navigate through the difficult final days of your heat, each guy doing their best to support you while also maintaining their own self-control.

Once your heat finally subsides, you prioritize taking a thorough and refreshing shower. Vegeta's words ring true, and you feel a deep sense of remorse and shame for compromising the men's intellect with your hormonally charged urges.

Goku and Turles, however, show no signs of shame or resentment. They both embrace you warmly, nuzzling against you as they accept your apology with their own adorable displays of forgiveness. Caught between them, your face flushes with embarrassment as you lock eyes with Vegeta, who stands across the room, his annoyance evident.

After Goku and Turles release you, you quickly make your way over to Vegeta, determined to apologize to him as well. You wrap your arms around him in a warm and sincere hug, seeking his forgiveness. To the surprise of Goku and Turles, Vegeta gives in and hugs you back affectionately, his glare directed at the men over your shoulder, daring them to say something.

Amused by the situation, Goku suggests that a good meal and a movie would be the perfect way to celebrate surviving the challenging past week. You can't help but laugh, nodding in agreement as you feel a sense of relief and lightheartedness wash over you.


The next few nights go by without anymore problems.

As you close up the cafe, a sense of unease washes over you as you feel a weak yet powerful energy approaching. Your instincts kick in, and you prepare yourself for a potential confrontation with a robber or intruder.

With caution, you make your way towards the source of the energy, ready to defend yourself and the cafe. As you swiftly turn on the backroom light, your intention to strike the intruder with a frying pan freezes in mid-action.

To your shock and disbelief, you find yourself staring into the eyes of an older man, visibly weak and injured. However, what truly catches your attention is the scar on his left cheek. It is a clear indication that this man is not Goku, despite the worn-down armor he wears.

Your heart races as you realize that this is another full-blooded Saiyan, another doppelganger of Goku. The implications of his presence leave you with a mix of curiosity, concern, and uncertainty.

How did he even manage to get here? Was he looking for you?

And just why is there another Goku lookalike roaming the streets?!

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