It started at the willow tree

By Big_S_da_CHOPPA

19 0 0

Escaping a hard job (a horrible life as a mercenary) was only the first step for 10 year old Avery. Joining t... More

1. The ruins
2. Well, sh*t
4. Moving?
5. Change of pace
6. Not the brightest
7. To learn or not to learn

3. What did you do?

2 0 0
By Big_S_da_CHOPPA

"Listen kid, this might get ugly- so just uh just uh, I don't know!"
His sudden fearful outburst comes to an abrupt stop as yet, another man in a cowboy hat starts approaching us this hat decorated with a metal s on the front. Just what?! What's about to happen?!? Oh no why is he so scared? Are we in danger??!
"Howdy partnerrrr!"
His lips curve into the biggest smile he can muster and the result is; least to say, pitiful. The man with the s on his hat is giving off a very aggravated energy.
"Howdy partner? Howdy partner! Don't howdy partner me! Just what on earth did you get yourself into?! You called me down here all the way from Japan!"
Wow he has a weird voice. Is it auto tune? I wonder if he would ever consider a career in the music industry. Actually he could even survive in the entertainment industry to with looks like that! Very unique! The dreads go crazy... my thoughts trail off when I realise we've been staring each other down. Oh shit, was I staring at him? No that's so akwardddd. A sudden scream (more like high pitched squeal) leaves his... lips? Mask? Wow... that was very threatening. Faster than I can move he charges at me and for fear of getting hit I close my eyes. His arms wrap around me and I'm engulfed into the biggest hug ever. The other cowboy leans in and joins the hug too. I return the hug like second nature not bothering to fight back...It's a good hug. The one with the metal s on his hat inhales and exhales. Lots of air breathing around here. "Avery?"
As if a switch was flipped my head Is suddenly reeling with pain. My hands fly to my head and my fingers grip into my hair. The world around me suddenly seems too bright and I slam my eyes shut. Even with them closed I see flashes of color and voices that match the two in front of me. Pain is spreading through me now and my claws are out from the accidental flexing of my muscles. I feel my hands get pulled away from my head but I'm focused on the things I'm seeing.
It's her

"Slow down!! I can't climb that high!!"
I screamed in hopes of getting the worlds fastest tree climber to slow down. Needless to say, It did not work. She lets out a loud giggle "don't talk like that! I know you can!"
My face burns a bright red and I felt my heart tighten. How is she so nice? Why am I getting flustered when Shes my best friend!? I start climbing again with a new found speed from her encouragement (and my embarrassment.) When I finally reached the top of the ginormous black willow tree after a great struggle, I find Betzy's beautiful brown eyes meeting mine. " what did I tell ya?? You think you're weaker than you actually are Ave! I just wish you could see how wrong that is!"
I go quiet as my face reddens.
"I uh... thank-thank-you."
I move to sit on the branch next to her and we take in the surroundings. The willow trees dangling leaves blow gently in the wind and the setting sun illuminates her in the most angelic way possible. How is she so pretty?
"Pretty ain't it?"
She ask and I jump in shock.
Is my shameful response. She laughs and I feel my heart squeeze again.
"The sky? The ruins? The trees? The fields? Where's your head at ave?"
I take a moment to think of how to respond. My eyes meet hers and I shamelessly admire her face for a second
"It's more than pretty Betzy. It's angelic..."
I watch as her ears redden and she looks away quickly. Oh no! What came over me??! I totally freaked her out! An awkward silence ensues until she breaks it.
"Hey... Ave?"
"Yea Betz?"
"I think I like you."
My heart drops; face the reddest it's ever been and my head snaps towards her. The action was too quick and I fell from the tree hitting branch after branch.

"Pass me the strawberry sauce!"
Betzy says excitedly.
"Yes ma'am"
I hand her the strawberry sauce but our fingers graze each others making her a giggling blushing mess and me just a blushing mess.
"Ya know ave? We've been together for about a month now, you don't gotta be so scared! It's not like I'm gonna bite! Unless~"
WHACK! the sound of the chocolate sauce bottle meeting her face makes her go quiet.... Her attempts to hold back her laughter make me fail miserably at pretending to be mad and I can't help but join her.
"What are you two love birds doin in here?!" Snipe says as he enters the ice cream covered kitchen and we're full on laughing now deciding to team up on him by bombarding him with sprinkles and cherries.

"Betzy. You need to go home. I don't want you getting hurt."
My voice comes out empty.
"How on earth can you expect me to just "go home"!? After everything we've been through together? After all these years?! Don't you dare tell me to go home." I can't meet her gaze so I stay in front of her trying my best not to break down right here and now.
"I know Betz... I know. But I've done enough. I've been endangering you for to long now. We both knew that this couldn't last for ever. I'm going back. After what happened to was all my fault!!"
It's getting harder to control my breathing and I feel tears pricking at my eyes.
"God Ave! Why do you have to be like this?!? It wasn't your fault!!! You always blame yourself!!! Just cause you were thrown into a life you didn't want and did what you had to do in order to survive; dosen't make you a monst-"
"BUT IT DOES!!! Everything that I've done, ave? I've been conscious for. I knew what I was doing was wrong and yet I still did it! How can you say it wasn't my fault when it was!? I hurt people- I killed people!! Of course you can always say I was taking orders but in reality if I was really a good person I would've killed myself before I could hurt anyone else...I'm leaving."
My feet begin to move forward blood rushing through my ears. I don't dare to look at her because I know, I just know the look on her face will be on of hate and fea- thwack! Her body slams into mine and I can feel her head placed snuggly on mine. Her arms and tail encircle me and this time I can't hold back the tears.
" Avery. You listen and you listen good , ya hear? You mean everything to me. Everything. Even if that's how you view yourself I will never see you that way. You are not a monster. You can tell me of the worst you've done and I won't care. Please don't leave... don't leave me like this. We are not done."
Her tears drip onto my head and I go to turn around.
"I love you Avery."
She says with a breaking voice.
"I love you too betzy. And I'm sorry, I'm so sorry I'm just so scared! What if you're next?! He can't even be a hero anymore!"
Guilt consumes me and I can't stand the thought of what they did to Jess. All because of me.
"Even if I am next I won't care as long as you're with me. Plus snipe is super strong and Jess is doing fine. And I'm pretty strong and you're pretty strong and and I uh really need you to be okay. You won't be okay if you go back."
Before I can think my lips crash into hers and just for a moment everything is perfect.
Until it's not.
The sound of a bullet makes me tackle ave to floor. I knew it! I knew they would be coming for her! God I should've left! After a few seconds I realize she was calling my name and I see her face ridden with fear. She's looking at me terrified eyes streaming with tears. I get up to stand but struggle and stay where I am right on top of her. The sound of a walkie-talkie going off in the distance and the voice of a man confirming the kill is enough for me to be filled with rage.
"Ave, Avery; please... stay with me please!!" Her crying doesn't stop and it kills me to see her in so much pain. I need to kill that man. I try to move again but end up collapsing onto my back. Huh? Why-what? What's happening? Avery jumps up and sits next to me practically on my legs. The walkie-talkie goes off again and the man says there's another girl. The man on the other line says she's not important and a portal opens up behind him which he steps through. I look back at Betzy who's above me and trying to speak to me but I can't seem to hear her. The sudden realization hits me. They didn't want to kill the others. They wanted to kill me. Betzy is trying to stop the bleeding while sobbing and screaming but I know it's pointless.
"Betz.... I-i love you.... Live for me."
The blood flooding my throat makes it hard for me to say everything I need to say.
I don't think she says anything back to me but then again I can't hear. This is gonna hurt her so bad.... I'm so sorry Betz.... I'm so fucking sorry.
I suddenly see a light and realize the stories of the white light were true. Wait. That's- that's Betz! She's glowing! Before I can fully understand what's happening I pass out. And there our bodies lie in the crumbling building by the willow tree.

Memory after memory flashes throughout my head. Everything is so loud and vivid that I can feel it. I can feel everything I'm seeing. This skull splitting feeling that's tearing me up. So many good memories ended by one horrible night. Betzy... oh god Betzy.... What did you do?

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