A Court Of Moondust And Shado...

By chrisshp5

46.9K 1.5K 165

'Don't you know that we bleed the same?' Azriel x oc °•▪︎♤▪︎•° Rayna, haunted by her past, found refugee in... More

Author's note
Soldier, poet, leader
She's back
I am someone else
See you once more
hard work
the letter
Baking mess
Just a visit
The Mortal Queens
Hidden truths
Desperate moves
Apart from you
The bargain
Something new
Inner Circle

50 lives

2.1K 77 1
By chrisshp5


'Are we free now?' A small voice asked.

Behind the door there was a big room. Inside fifty of all types of fae where waiting. From small children to old in years females and males without wings. They were all looking at Rayna and Killian, hoping desperately that their nightmare was over. A new life, they were promised by the two and their crew.

Rayna's expression softened visibly as she knelt in front of the little child who had asked the question. He didn't look older than five, clinging to his wingless mother.

'You are safe. No one will hurt you here.' She raised her voice as she spoke, making sure everyone in the room could hear her.

She lifted herself from the ground and looked at the relieved faces, some even crying. Their hell was over. They were all survivors who where not welcomed into their homes, stuck in a living nightmare. So they prayed for someone, anyone, any God or Saint who was listening to save them. Looking up at Rayna and Killian they realized maybe Saints and Gods were real.

'Listen everyone! It doesn't matter who you were, what you did or what has been done to you. No one will judge, we don't judge. For those with pointy ears or wings or anything that could give you away as fae, Killian here will glamour you.' She paused as the ones in question formed a line in front of the Captain. 'There is another ship coming with fresh clothes, coins, food and false identities. The most important rule is never to let the mortals find out what you are. You will be shown to our safe points in the human realm and you will be informed on how to contact us in case of anything. Now breath, please, and let your life begin.' She finished her speech.

People begun to move around, speaking and planning. Rayna took in a deep breath. If a war was coming than everything she had just told them where just lies, lies of safety and the promise of a second chance. If the war was to arrive how could she tell these people and all of the others she and the crew had brought here that they just exchanged one hell for another. She frowned. How did her best option become having faith in the High Lord of the Night Court?

'For someone who has no desire to be a leader you would make a pretty great one.' Killian whispered so only she could hear, bringing her back from her dark thoughts.

She roller her shoulders back, grounding herself. She shot him a glare. Rayna didn't want to lead or be seen, she wanted to disappear.

'Don't give me that look. It's true.' He put his hands on her shoulders, stopping her from avoiding him. 'You made this possible, Ray. You are the mastermind behind the whole system.'

She avoided his eyes.

'We are, we did this, all of us.' She replied.

Before he could object or say anything more another man entered the room, handing Rayna a piece of paper. She unfolded it with a frown, reading the name on it.

'It's his third attempt. He tried it with a nine year old girl, one of ours, trying to keep her down and all.' He explained.

Killian felt like he was about to throw up while Rayna's veins filled with unpredictable rage. Maybe human men and males were not that different. She was going to make him suffer.

'He needs to be put down, threats don't seem to work.' Killian spat out.

Rayna threw the paper at the Captain who caught it with ease. She took her black coat and pulled the hood up her head, leaving only her mouth visible.

'He is mine.'

And with that she was gone.


A week later Nesta was reading from the comfort of her favorite armchair when a knock at the door took her attention away from the very intriguing chapter she had just gotten to. She slowly stood up, her heart staring to beat faster for it was the middle of the night. Who could be there at that hour?

'It's me. Is Elain asleep?' A familiar voice called from behind the front door.

She didn't think twice before throwing it open.

'Yes. It's kinda late to-Oh!' Nesta stopped mid sentence when Rayna stepped into the light.

Her skin clothes and hair where all covered in a red liquid she could only guess was blood by the stink of it. In her right hand was a letter. Rayna handed it to Nesta before leaning her weight on the closest wall.

'When did you say the fae would come to check if the answer is here?' She asked, groaning in pain as she tried to take a step forward.

'Tomorrow.' Nesta answered, panic clear in her voice.

She helped her friend get up the stairs and to her room, both of them quiet not to wake up Elain. Nesta helped her get rid of her clothes and step into the bathtub.

'The letter is from one of the Queens, but not for the fae.' Rayna spoke after a while, her voice hoarse.

She closed her eyes and leaned backwards in the water, which was already turning red, resting her head on the edge of the tub. Nesta knelt on the cold floor in her long night dress. Her steel eyes were watching Rayna with urgency. If her friend wasn't in the state she was, the Archeron would have yelled at her demanding answers.

'I don't know which one she is but she knows.' Rayna admitted, keeping her tone calm.

Nesta froze, she couldn't breath. Slowly she opened the ripped letter. The words were stained by blood but still readable.

You can end this, child made by the darkest of nights.
Strike down.


She shook her head, refusing to hear the rest of Nesta's words.

'It doesn't matter. None of it matters. The High Lord of Night Court will fix it.' She dug her nails into her own shoulders, leaving marks. 'The Queen got the wrong person. I am no one. I am no one compared to the High Lord and your sister who now has power from all the courts.'

Nesta nodded, but said nothing more. Instead she took the soap and started washing Rayna's hair with gentle hands.

'The letter will work. The meeting will work.' She said, her voice firm.

Both of them calmed down, contempt to believe her reassuring words. Denial was in fact a very comfortable to be in.

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