Protecting Janet (ON HOLD)

By writersden_

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tbh, just read it pls. thank you ❤️ More

Promises Made 🩷


295 32 16
By writersden_

It was a warm, sunny Friday. Janet had been out shopping with Latoya & Mother Katherine at the mall. They went out to eat at a nice soul food spot and were now on their way back to their mothers home. It'd been two weeks since she left the house. She hated she had been gone so long, she craved Taraji in the worst way. But she knew had she tolerated anymore of Taraji's blow ups, she'd probably burn the house down. She didn't bother to contact Taraji heavily, just small texts to check in. She didn't want to call because calling meant she had to talk, and talking meant Taraji would try to convince her to come home.

The first three days were hell for Taraji. She couldn't eat, sleep, nor could she get out of bed. She cried, screamed, and even punched a hole in the wall that her uncle was now currently fixing. She knew if Janet saw it, she'd raise hell. She missed Janet like a child missing their mother. She didn't know how to function without her better half. She deeply regretted how she treated Janet, wishing she could go back and warn herself what would happen. She wanted to call Janet so bad but she knew her girlfriend probably wouldn't answer. She was lucky to get occasional check in texts from time to time so she kept it at that.

Today, Taraji was feeling much better. She'd cleaned the whole house, and even went for a jog. She visited her mother's grave with her sister, they cried and laughed while reminiscing together. Her sister talked her through her hard time of not being around her lover. She decided that today was the day she'd have a talk with Janet. She wanted her future wife back so bad. She was sitting on the couch in the living room staring at the contact.

"Ugh, what if she doesn't answer!?" She groaned to herself, thinking out loud.

"What if she says she doesn't want to come back? What if she hates me? Omg, what if she doesn't want to be with me anymore???" She sighed, shaking her head. She knew she was being ridiculous in this moment.

"She doesn't hate you T, get it together and just call her." She argued with herself. After taking several deep breaths, she pressed the call icon. The phone rang more than normal, which scared her. Before she decided to hang up, the sweet soft voice of her significant other came through.

"Hello?" Taraji was quiet, she didn't necessarily have a plan for if Janet answered.

"Umm.. I- Hi." Was all she could spit out. It was almost as if she was on the phone with her crush.

"Hi baby, are you okay?" Taraji smiled.

"You called me baby, so you don't hate me?" She asked softly.

"Hate you? Why would I hate you, honey?" The pet names were making T's heart leap for joy. Janet didn't hate her after all, she just worked herself up for nothing.

"Because of what I did and said to you. Baby, I'm so sorry, I really miss you and Eissa. Please come home so we can talk?" She asked cautiously. There was a brief moment of silence.

"I'll be there in an hour, I'm with mother and Toya right now. Is that okay?" Taraji let out a breath she didn't know she was holding.

"Yes! I- I mean... yes, yes that's okay." Janet chuckled, sweet music to her lovers ears.

"Alright, I'll see you in a bit baby. I love you."

"I love you more."

After ending the call, Taraji began to run around the living room table squealing like a child. She was so happy that she didn't let her bad thoughts get the best of her. She was happy that she'd gotten herself together and that her baby was coming back home. Well, so she hoped.


"So you're going back home?" Toya asked wistfully.

"Awe, don't be sad Toy, I'm ready to go back home. I love it here but I'm ready to get back to my own and my baby. I do miss her, Eissa does as well."

"Mmm, I guess so. I just liked having you around, like old times. I never get to see you that much so having you here just felt like we were kids again." Janet smiled warmly as she opened her arms for her baby sister to lean in.

"Awe, I've enjoyed my time here. I promise we will spend more time together. I love you Toy, very much." The sister's hugged for a moment.

"I'll keep Eissa for you tonight." Janet frowned.

"Not you stealing my son."

"As I should, because if I know you... I know that Taraji is going to weasel her head in between your legs. I do not need my darling nephew exposed to that." Janet threw her head back as she cackled loudly.

"Omg Toya!"

"Uh uh, and don't try to deny it either. It's been 2 weeks since you've had sex. Also, Eissa has been in bed with you every night so you can't help yourself. I know yall are going to fuck like bunnies so leave my nephew here. He'll be ready for pickup tomorrow, if yall have tapped out by then."

"You say it like he's a package." Janet snorted as she packed the remaining items she'd brought along with her.

"But, you're wrong. It's not going to happen that fast." Janet kissed her sister on the cheeks just before heading out of the guest room. Latoya walked her sister out to the car and helped her with her things.

"I bet you the new Gucci bag you won't last an hour talking before you tackle her." Janet turned around shocked.

"Wowwwww! You really think I'm going to cave that fast????" Latoya nodded with her arms folded. Janet scoffed as she held out her hand to shake on it.

"Alright then, bet." Latoya shrugged casually after the shake, she just knew she'd win the bet.

"Hey, all jokes aside, I really do wish yall the best. I like her, and I like you with her, you're much more happier now. Go easy on her, okay?" Janet sighed.

"I will, and thank you. I'll let you know what happens, I love you!!"

Taking a drive that was only 20 minutes felt like hours for Janet. She went over everything she had planned to say to her lover before any sexual activities arrived. She knew she had to be strong for the moment and that bag. Finally arriving home, she sat in the car for a minute.

"Okay, here goes nothing." Before she could even make it to the door, it was swung open. A very ecstatic Taraji ran out. She nearly knocked the icon over in excitement.

"Oh baby, I've missed you so much!" The girlfriend squealed as she peppered her lovers face with short kisses. Janet chuckled while pulling away a bit.

"I've missed you too honey, let's go in." Hand in hand the couple walked into their home. Making their way to the living room, on the table sat two cups of warm tea. There was a short silence as the two sat on opposite ends of the couch with their warm drink in hand. Setting her cup down, Janet waited for her significant other to begin.

"Well, umm... I just want to first apologize. I am so sorry for everything I've done and said. I take full responsibility, you did not deserve any of that. I am so grateful for you, especially in that moment. You make me so happy and I promise to never disrespect you like that again." She exhaled, still bouncing her leg anxiously.

"I forgive you baby."

"Okay, so I promised Tasha that I'd go see a therapist to help me grieve properly. I will start off going alone, but..." She stopped.

"But what?"

"But... I'd like it if maybe you could come with me? It doesn't have to be every session, maybe like one or two?" Janet smiled softly.

"I'd like that, I'm proud of you baby."

"Thank you, that means a lot to me. Oh yeah, I got you something." Reaching on the side of the sofa, she picked up a medium-sized, pink and white polka dot bag that said, "Thinking of You!" on the front. She handed it to her love and waited patiently for her to open it. As Janet took out the tissue papers and placed them on the table, two boxes, one small, one rectangular, greeted her. She took the small one out and opened it. Inside were a pair of beautiful, baby blue diamond earrings. She reached for the other box and in that one was the necklace to match.

"Oh honey... I love it!" She spoke softly.

"I'm glad you love it, it's just to say sorry and that I love you. I got it after I got myself together." Janet leaned over to place a gentle kiss on her loves cheek. Putting the gift away, Janet put all her attention back on the woman beside her.

"Also, why are you so far away from me?"

"Because if I get any closer to you, I will end up sitting on your face. I need to say some things before that happens." Taraji chuckled while nodding in agreement.

"I also bet Latoya the newest Gucci bag that I could last in this conversation before we fuck so there's that."

"I- Janet what the hell!"

"What?! I really want that bag!" Janet whined, her girlfriend shook her head with a grin.

"Okay! I'm very proud of you for getting it together and checking into therapy. Thank you for my gifts, I really love them. I love you so much, I couldn't wait to come back home to you. Eissa also misses you too, he kept asking for you everyday."

"Where is he by the way?"

"Still at Toyas, she knew we'd more than likely jump each other's bones so she forced me to let him stay another night...or two." Janet whispered as she bit her lip.

"Understandable." Silence fell upon the two briefly. Janet stood up, making her way closer to her girlfriend. She straddled her lap and stared into her eyes.

"I know someone who's missed you the most though..." Janet whispered as she began to mess with the buttons on Taraji's blouse. She began tickling the neck of her partner with light, sweet kisses.

"And w-who might t-that be?" She asked breathlessly.

Janet remained silent as she stood up. She began to slowly strip off every piece of clothing she had on. Standing in all her glory, she propped one leg up on the couch. Maintaining eye contact, her left hand traveled down her breasts, abs, and into her secret place. She dipped her fingers into her sacred spot, releasing a sinful moan. She slowly pulled her fingers out, watching as they glistened under the lights.

"She's getting tired of waiting on you, honey."



hope yall enjoyed this! love yall, byeeee 🩷🥳

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