Descendants, Evan's Story

By Thegriffinpuff

577 22 0

In present-day Auradon, Ben, the benevolent teenage son of King Adam and Queen Belle, offers a chance of rede... More

Rotten to the core {Prologue}
Ride to Auradon
Classes and the Marching band...
Under the Bleachers and a Plan
More than just a Pretty face
The Date
Family day is Ruined
The Magic Wand Heist
I believe {Epilogue}

The Dorms and Museum.

53 2 0
By Thegriffinpuff

Evan's POV

                            "Oh thanks...." Doug said as I began to walk to follow my friends. "Evan Wait!" I stopped on my tracks and turn to face him. "Uh, I was told that since you are an uneven number of students, you won't be with your friends." 
                            "Oh... then where would I'd be?" I asked him tilting my head.
                             "You were going to room with Zach but... he uh, talked to get his roommate change... now My roommate and You are my Roommate." He said 
                            "Great" I said "I did get the feeling that  Zachary did not want to see my face." I said with a small. "Alright uh, Doug. Where is our room" He looked at me nervous, before leading me to his room. Well our room. 'At least I wasn't going to share a room with Zach. He give vibes he hates me. ' I thought.  As I followed Doug. I looked at him as we walked and he was taller by a few inches which made me chuckle to myself but Undoubtedly he heard me. He kept walking and didn't face me to see why was I laughing. He was kind of cute when he was nervous. Once we Had Reached the door of our room and Looked at it before Doug opened the door. 
                          "Well, uh, this is our room" He said nervous. 'He still is nervous. For the son of Dopey he sure seem kind of Bashful' I thought.

                            "That's y-your side" He said pointing to the empty side of the room. I smiled He looked at Doug's side of the room and saw how it looked. 'If Jay saw this room he would say this place seems nerdy' I thought. I glanced at a few things around and my eyes fell on the instrument He played when we arrived to Auradon. I noticed his closet open and notice his outfits. Really Really nerdy to the max. I placed my bag on my bed and smiled 
                           "This place looks nice." I said  as I layed on the bed "Oh my! It's comfy!"
                          "Don't you have bed at the Isle?" Doug asked curiously.
                            "We do.. yes but It's not this comfy. Beside, My mother doesn't allow me to have a Bed so I used to sleep on the cold solid dirty floor." I said snuggling the pillow. "And she Cares about how I look" I said muffled due to having my face buried to the pillow. I slowly felt myself falling to a deep sleep. This bed felt warm and comfy and......

Someones's POV

            As Mal and Evie entered our room, our eyes were filled with a pretty pink looking room. Evie was so in love the room. Shlooked around the room totally enjoying the room. 
                                 "This is so Amazi-" Evie  started but Mal spoke
                                  "Gross" She said
                                   "Yeah Amazingly-gross" Evie said faking a disgust face. 
                                   "I'll need sunscreen." Said Mal "E windows." Evie moved to close the curtains to the Windows close to her, while Mal did it to the side.

         They Both we settling into their rooms. Carlos found a videogame in their room and he was playing it. 
                                   "Whoa! Whoa! ah, Ah Whoa!" Carlos cheered in excitement. Not long after both Evie and Mal entered the room, Mal impressed by their room. 
                                    "Jay, What are you doing?" Mal asked. 
                                    "It's called stealing" Jay said smirking.
                                      "Okay? What's the point?" She asked him. 
                                    "Well, Mal it's like buying whatever I want, except it's free." Jay replies with a grin, he did enjoy stealing way too much. 
                                   "Okay. So you could do that, or you could leave all of this here and pick it up when we take over the world." Mal sopke
                                  "You sound just like your mom" Said Evie.
                                   "Thank you!" She said. 
                                  "You do it your way, I'll do it mine" Jay shrugged to Mal. 
                                  "Die suckers!" Yelled Carlos "Jay, come check this thing out. Man, It's awesome."  Carlos called, and Jay just walked over and played the game, and he did seemed to very be into it like Carlos
                                  "Guys! Do I have to remind you what we're all here for?" Mal asked us with impatience.
                                   "Fairy Godmother... Blah blah blah, Magic Wand... Blah blah blah" Jay shrugged off Mal. 
                                   "This is our chance to prove ourselves to our parents. To prove that we are evil and vicious and cruel. Yeah?" Mal said to everyone who instantly took in her words.
                                 "Yeah" Everyone, excluding Mal, said in unison. 
                                    "Where is Evan?" Evie asked frowning.
                                  "Evie mirror me." Mal called out to her, as she just walked to the table and sat down with Mal. Jay and Carlos walking towards her.
                                    "Mirror Mirror on the.... my Hand, where is fairy godmother's wand... stand?" Evie asked trying to rhyme, 
                                 "There it is!" Mal exclaimed.  "Zoom out"
                                 "Magic mirror, not too close. Closer, Closer, Closer." Evie ordered the mirror as it continued zooming in.
                                 "Can I go Back to my game? I'm On level 3" Said Carlos
                                 "Stop! it's in a Museum! Do we know where that is?" Mal questioned, Carlos typed into the laptop.
                                 "2.3 miles from here" Carlos Replied to Mal's Question.
                                 "Where is Evan?" Evie asked the mirror and It show him sleeping his face burried on the pillow.
                                  "Great, He got here and he already forgot about the Mission." growled Jay. Evie rolled her eyes at Him.
                                "Come on." Mal spoke as everyone rushed out of the room "Carlos!" Mal called him when they left.
                              "Coming! He replied sheepishly and he ran to catch up with the others. 

           The four of them arrived at the Museum of Cultural History at the cover of night. Evie guided them inside with the Help of the magic mirror. When inside they saw thru the doors , security, A guy sitting on a chair as he watch the cameras. On the other side of the door they saw the one and only, spinning wheel, that Mal's mother had used back in the day. When the guy made it to turn Mal and the other hid. They all cautiously look back tp see they guard wasn't glancing to their direction, he was staring at the spinning wheel that read:


Maleficent's Spinning Wheel. 

          Jay and Carlos made fun of it because it did not look scary and instead looked "Dorky". Mal tried to cast a spell to make the security guard which didn't work. She then tried again and this second time the Guard Pricked a finger and fell asleep. After the guard fell asleep Mal Tried to open the door but couldn't since it was locked. Jay went back to get some speed to open it but Mal casted a spell again and Opened it causing Jay to fall. The four of them walk thru the museum. They walked for a short while until Evie pointed to a sign that read:

Gallery Of Villains.

       They all rushed upstairs since Evie told them that they were close. They kept going until they reached a room with statues of their parents. The four of them stared  at each of their Parent Statues.

                                   "Mommy?" Said Evie
                                 "Killer" mumbles Jay.
                                   "I will never forget Mother's Day Again." Carlos stammered.
                                 "Well, The wand's not here. Let's bounce. Let's go" Jay said as Evie and Carlos followed him out. Though Mal stayed staring at the Statue of her Mother. 'The Future of the free world rest on you shoulders. Don't Blow it.' Maleficent's Words came to Mal's Mind

{Evil Like Me}

Mal: Look at you, Look at me

I don't know who to be


Is it wrong, is it right?

Be a thief in the night


            Evie came over and poked her Head inside 
                                  "Mal, come on." She rushed Mal as She ran off Again. Mal just kept staring at Maleficent.  Suddenly the statue comes to life, as she let out her evil laugh, Mal Stared with shocked eyes.
                                   "Don't Be so Serious, Darling." Maleficent spoke laughing as she tied to calm herself laughing, Mal continue to stare with confusion and Shock.

Maleficent: I don't know who to be, mother
Is it wrong, is it right?
Be a thief in the night, mother
Tell me what to do
I was once like you, my child, slightly insecure
Argued with my mother too, thought I was mature
But I put my heart aside
And I used my head
Now I think it's time you learned
What dear old mamma said
Don't you wanna be evil like me?
Don't you wanna be mean?
Don't you wanna make mischief your daily routine?
Well, you can spend your life attending to the poor
But when you're evil doing less is doing more
Don't you wanna be ruthless and rotten and mad?
Don't you wanna be very, very good at being bad?
I have tried my whole life long
To do the worst I can
Clawed my way to victory
Built my master plan
Now the time has come, my dear
For you to take your place
Promise me you'll try to be
An absolute disgrace
Don't you wanna be evil like me?
Don't you wanna be cruel?
Don't you wanna be nasty and brutal and cool?
And when you grab that wand that's when your reign begins
Who wants an evil queen without a sack of sins?
Don't you wanna be heartless and hardened as stone?
Don't you wanna be finger licking evil to the bone?
This is not for us to ponder
This was preordained
You and I shall rule together
Freedom soon regain
Mistress of the universe, powerful and strong
Daughter, hear me
Help me, join me
Won't you sing along?

Both: Now we're gonna be evil, it's true
Never gonna think twice

Mal: And we're gonna be spiteful

Maleficent: Yes, spiteful
That's nice

In just an hour or two
Our future's safe and sure
This mother, daughter act is going out on tour
If you wanna be evil and awful and free
Then you should thank your lucky star
That you were born the girl you are
The daughter of an evilicious queen
Like me!

          As Maleficent Finished she reverted Back to A statue with a Laugh and the sound of lightning. A Familiar voice barges into the room.
                                 "Hey, I found the wand. Let's go!" Evie said Mal returned with the Gang to the Room where FG's Wand was It was floating in mid air surrounded by a barrier. Jay quickly went to retrieve it not listening to Mal. He accidentally triggered the Alarm and they all had to leave the room as Quick as Possible, not only the room but the museum. They didn't wanted to get caught.  The four of the Back tracked, but had to go a different way when they hair the voice of the security guard. When they reached the first floor Carlos, answered the phone and cleared out that it was a False alarm that there was supposedly a circuit malfunction. They ran outside, reaching the campus. Realizing they now had to go to school the next morning. Which made Mal and Jay argue with each other as they went back to their rooms. 

A/N: This I feel was a super short chapter. But I'm not sure. Hope you like it. And I wanted to Keep Evan out of this sequence. Stay tuned for next chapter. 

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