Too young to be this Wild (li...

By TrayceeStewart

40.1K 1K 693

How would the linked universe be if wild was younger and started guarding princess Zelda at age 8 and was in... More

Meeting the wild child
Meeting the gang
Introductions are something
First bath in 100 years
We found people!
Whats a Lynel?
Definitely a wild sick day
Awwwwww Legend <3
Let me out!!!
They still worry
Big brother instincts
Slow down what now?
Sidon is my wild childs Bestie
Your how old?
"Turn that frown" "upside down!"
It is my pleasure
Thank Hylia... oh thank Hylia
You Let A Eleven Year Old Cook?
Oh -- I Killed Him!
For How Many Days?
What do you know?
Ummm you didn't kniw?
Sidon, Sidon, And Sidon?
Massage From The Sky
You Will Be Known As "Champion"
Wakey Wakey Eggs And Bakey
Wandering Curiosity Crew! What Mask?
You Dont Need To Be Punished
Catch You Guys Later... Right?
Why him!?
Papa and Momma
Halloween special 

I can tell because I care

1K 28 10
By TrayceeStewart

Wilds POV
Almost all of The chain has not left my side since the incident. Twilight almost never leaves my side, Time is right there when I try to do anything like when I'm cooking or when I'm going to help collect fire wood in the woods, Warriors and Four haven't let me pick up a sword since, Legend has tried to be sneaky with staying 5 steps behind me all the time, and Wind and Hyrule are always checking me for injuries! So in all I feel crowded... the only one who hasn't been all over me is Sky which is surprising since he's the most touchy feelsy type of person in the chain.

Well we are about a hour or two away from Ordon Village when Time calls for a break. I instantly run and sit beside Sky and let out a relieved sigh when Twilight looks over at me then goes over to talk to Time. Sky turns his head sleepily towards me. "What's wrong Kiddo?" Sky asks as he tries to sit up a little straighter but slumps a bit seconds later. "Umm... well... I love all the people here, but they have been crowding me since the in- inc-" I try and sound out the word "incident?" Sky offers as he pats my head. I nod and scoot a little closer. "Yeah Incident it's kinda of too much with them being like that." I say as I feel cheeks burn from embarrassment.

Sky then wraps his arm around my shoulders and pulls me to his chest. "I know it sucks when people are over you like that, but it does mean something very important." He says as he looks down at me. "What... does it mean?" I ask and Sky chuckles, he then grabs my hand and places it on his chest. He then tells me to leave it there as he puts his hand on my chest. "It means that they care about you, like a lot more then you know. The others just have a different way of showing it then me." Sky explains and he looks down at his hand on my chest. "your hand on my chest means your close to my heart and that shows I love and care about you, but because I care about you I worry a lot too" Sky says smiling. I nod along surprised. "If I were to get really hurt how would you feel?" He suddenly asks.

"Well I... would feel sad." I say and look up at him and he nods. "So did I." He says as he leans on to the tree a bit more. After a few minutes I speak up. "Umm Sky?" "Hmm" sky tiredly hums with his eyes closed. "I- I've Traveled with others but they didn't care for me." I say as Sky opens his eyes "why didn't they care?" He asks "well... they turned out to be Yiga people." I say looking down at my feet. "Who are the Yiga people, are they mean?" I nod and continue "they try to kill me and Zelda so they can revive calamity Gannon and tricked me into traveling with them." I say pushing farther into Sky's chest. "Hmm well that's no good, there will be people that come and go in your life Wild, and you need to make sure and understand that so that you can figure out the bad ones." Sky says as he rubs circles on my back. I nod into his chest and Sky starts to hum, my eyes start to droop and my breath evens out as I fall into a comfortable slumber.

Sky's POV

I look over to see Wild sleeping against me, I would love to fall asleep next to him but the break is almost over and it would put me in a bad mood to sleep for one minute and get up. I continue to hum and rub Wilds back as he falls into a deeper sleep. I can see Twilight run up to check on us and I quickly put a finger to my lips to shush him. "Is he ok? Is he feeling fatigued?" Twilight quickly asks and I chuckle at him. "No no he's just fine, just tired from the events of yesterday, and probably you guys being all over him." I say and Twilight looks guilty. "It's ok that's why we talked, he was confused on why you all were and I explained it to him." I say smiling at him.

Twilight nods "we are about to leave so should we wake him?" Twilight asks as he crouches in front of  Wild. "Hmmm" I hum tiredly and look up at Twilight. "No I'll carry him, I'll switch off if my arms get tired." I say as I lift him up into my arms and stand next to Twilight. He looks like he wants to protest but allows it. I then head to Time. "Hey how much longer till we make to the town" I say with a yawn. Time turns to answer but looks in my arms instead. "Umm-" I cut him off "he was sweepy" I say in a high pitched voice.

Time chuckles and relaxes his shoulders. "It will be about a hour and a half so if we leave now we will get there before sundown." He says and I nod. "Alright boss man let's get a move on." Time nods and we head out.

On our way Wild woke up and rubbed his eyes sleepily. "Hey sleepy head we are like 30 minutes from the town you want to walk or you want me to use my buff arms to carry you like a princess." Wild giggles and shakes his head. "I'm ok, may I'll carry you with my big buff arms next time." Wild says as I burst out laughing and Wild flexes.

It seems to startle Time and Twilight who were in front of us. "What's happening?" Asks Time. I look up at him as I wipe a tear away from my face. "It's nothing Wild just said something funny." Wild puffs out his chest proudly. Twilight and Time smile and ruffle Wilds hair which is now more wild, and continue walking.

When we were at the entrance to the gate a portal opened under Wild and took him through and a grown man with a black hood shot out from a portal above. "WILD!" Twilight screeches as he try's to go through the portal but it's too late, the Portal closed.

Wilds POV
When I hit the ground I'm really dizzy and I check my surroundings, it's my Hyrule but not? It doesn't feel like my Hyrule the air is off "Wild where are you we heard a thud" yells Hyrule? But it can't be everything is the same but different? I check my slate and see that my map is filled but this isn't my Hyrule. Hyrule comes out from the bushes and freezes. "Wild?" The look of shock and confusion confirms that this is not my Home. I take a step back as I look at him. "Y-You shrank?" I look at him confused and Hyrule takes a step forward. I take two steps back and pull out my sword. "S-S-Sta-Stay b-b-ba-ck" I stutter out as I grip my sword with shaking hands. Hyrule stops in his tracks and puts his hands up in the air, surrendering. "Hey it's ok, umm I don't know what's happening but I won't hurt you." He says looking to the side.

"WILD,HYRULE WHERE ARE YOU GUYS!" I flinch and take another step back from the loud voice in the distance. "WE ARE OVER HERE JUST GIVE US A SEC!" Hyrule yells in there direction then turns back to me. "Do you know what's happening?" He asks. I shake my head as tears begin to build up in my eyes. "Hey how about I take you to the others so we can figure all this out, how does that sound?" Hyrule asks and I look at him thinking about what to do. "I-" I swallow the spit collecting in my mouth. "O-O-k" I stutter out as I drop my sword but still keep it out. "Ok I'll lead the way" he says and I follow behind him.

On the way there we run into Legend and I hide behind a tree. "Hyrule where we're you and where's Wild?" He asks in a annoyed voice. Hyrule looks behind him and spots me behind a tree and waves for me to come out. I come out holding my sword in one hand and the other is holding on to the end of my tunic. Legend looks dumbfounded as he starts to speak. "Holy shi-" Hyrule shoves his hand over Legends mouth, I flinch at the moment. "Language Legend! He's just a kid!" Hyrule says " oh I couldn't tell." legend says then looks to me.

I inch back towards the tree. "Come on kid lets ask time for help" Legend says sticking a hand out for me to grab. I hesitate but put my sword away and grab his hand in a tight grip.

"Legend, Hyrule did you guys find Wild?" Twilight asks as they enter camp. I hide behind Legend and feel tears slip through my clenched eyelids. "Umm yeah but we had a problem." Hyrule says as Legend crouches in front of me. "Hey you need to breath kid, you will pass out at this point." Legend says as he tries to calm me down. I shake my head and curl into a ball, and hide my face. I feel like my heads going to explode, I told the others I would try not to use Mipha Grace but with how my head is feeling it looks like I will have to.

"W-d cn yo- h-e-ar me. Wi-d. LINK!" My head shoots up to meet sky's and I suddenly realize that I'm in his arms. I know it's not my Sky. I DEFINITELY know it's not my Sky but I bury my face into his chest and continue to sob. Sky freeze for a second before rubbing circles onto my back, just like my sky. He then whispers in my ear. "You need to breath come on in... and out... that's good keep going in... and out..." once my breathing was under control I look around and the rest of the chain is around me, but it's not my chain, I can tell, because I care.

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