Apocalyptic Love

By Kwriter20202

38.8K 954 91

Infected. They plagued the city, the people and nowhere was safe. How do you live in a world where every brea... More

A Broadcast
Time to go
A New Start
Making Enemies
Just Jump
No Time To Die
I'm Scared Too
A Protector
I miss you
Dont leave me
Those we lost
Ghost's from the past
Losing battle
Talk to me
Don't do this
Fight for what we want
Moments like this
Hidden behind a mask
Watch it burn
How long is forever
War - Part One
War - Part Two
The End

Settling in

979 31 2
By Kwriter20202

Andrew came back to give us a grand tour of the school, two of his men armed and walking next to him as we walked behind. The school had three separate buildings surrounding a huge playground in the middle of the land, the fence surrounding it covered by thick metal plates. The field was covered by scattered tents and cars, most of them pointing towards a larger gate at the back of the field. That was smart, an easy exit was always safe.

"Most of the people on watch camp in the tents, makes it easier for switching shifts" Our guide gestured to the field "That building is where the rest of our people sleep". The three-story building was the biggest out of the three, it was in fairly good condition considering the rest of the places that were left.

"How many people do you have?" My mouth was open wide when I noticed children playing around the tents, Carter the mirror of my expression.

"Fifty-two" Andrew smiled proudly as he took in his surroundings "We built this place up from the moment the world went to shit, my buddy here" He pointed to the skinny, brunette on his right "was the headteacher, most the families here had children go to the school. My daughter included".

"And you haven't been over run?" Carters dry voice croaked from beside me.

"We had a close call a few weeks ago, about a hundred dead heads came our way. Luckily the road to this place is narrow. We hooked a speaker to a car and managed to lead them to a dumpsite about fifteen miles north" I looked to Carter, the two of us were speechless again.

"The next building is where we store everything. Guns, food and medicine, only limited people are allowed access for obvious reasons" We both nodded "Last is the gymnasium, we managed to get a generator running outback, so we have a limited supply of hot water" My smile grew wider as the thought of a hot shower crossed my mind "That's most people's reactions" Andrew laughed. "You both go ahead, there's a locker with lost and found clothing next to the showers. When you guys have cleaned up we can set you up with a place to sleep".

"Thankyou" I smiled to the man before pulling Carters hand towards the huge building in front of us. My feet moved faster than I expected as I my excitement grew, but Carter managed to catch me before I landed on my ass, laughing as he shook his head.

"This place, something's off. Its too good to be true" He stopped just outside the doors of the changing rooms; I understood his hesitations. Hell, I had my own, but until we saw it with our own eyes there was no point in not taking what was handed to us.

"And if it is we will find it, but for now enjoy it" My hands rummaged through the lost and found before turning back to him, throwing a bright green shirt at his face "I think you will look great in green" I laughed holding my stomach as his face almost matched the colour of the shirt.

"Hell no" The boy aimed it back before searching for himself "If one of us finishes first, we wait for the other. Can't risk splitting up" he spoke already halfway through the door.

"Wanna share a shower? Save the planet?" I laughed but his face blushed red before he shook his head and entered the washroom.

The moment the hot water scorched my body I moaned in relief, this was heaven. I stood under the pouring steam, scrubbing the buildup of dirt staining my skin until the water finally ran clear, my hair was matted to my scalp as I scrubbed shampoo through the locks.

I sat on one of the gym benches pulling a comb through the thickness of my hair, the plastic almost breaking as I tugged the strands. The moment I was finished a three-tap knock sounded at the door, the same the group used to signal. Carter was quicker than I expected as he walked through the door after I shouted I was decent; I was wrapped in an oversized towel from my chest down and decided that was decent enough.

The moment he saw me his eyes lingered for a short second before turning around harshly, I put my hand across my mouth to stifle the small laugh "You said you were decent" The boy spoke still staring at the wall. Carter's once greasy hair was now shinning clean under the dim lights, fresh dark jeans hugging his muscled legs and a black tee which was slightly baggy on him.

"I am, I'm wrapped in a towel" he was a statue as if he was waiting for my permission "Carter, you've heard me piss behind a tree for god's sake" I rolled my eyes when he still stayed rooted to the spot "You can turn around".

Carter obliged slowly running around but his eyes stayed glued to my face; he was respectful, there was no denying that. I shook my head before grabbing clothes and entering the stalls to get dressed.

"So you think this place is the real deal" I heard the creaking of the metal benches as he sat down and spoke.

"I hope so" I smiled while pulling a pair of blue jeans up my thighs "Andrew seemed genuine, as genuine as can be now days" The only shirt I found was an oversized t-shirt, it hung off my right shoulder, revealing the red scarring where the bullet caught me at the farm.

"We shouldn't trust them" Carter replied, his eyes were like a magnet to my own as he watched me walk over and sit next to him.

"I'm not saying trust them" My boots were pulled back on as I looked towards him "I'm saying we stay, see if it's all as he says it is and if it's not we leave" the brunette nodded before leaning back and crossing his arms across his chest "Come on" I ushered him as I re-attached my backpack, Carter followed slightly behind me and once we were outside he joined my side protectively.

The two guards were still stood outside, deep in conversation until they noticed us. Andrew was gone but these two looked friendly enough, the man I remembered as the headteacher spoke first "Welcome back. I'm Montgomery, Andy told us to show you guys to a room".

We followed the two to the building we were held, except this time we both weren't tied to chairs. We made it to the top floor; the place looked relatively empty compared to the outside.

"This one is yours, it's not much but there's a mattress and down the hall is the toilets" I followed Carter into the classroom, the tables and chairs were piled at the far end of the room. A double mattress set at the other side with a few pillows and blankets neatly placed on top. Light was covering the huge room through the large windows covering the wall, giving us a view of the whole camp.

"Thanks Monty" I winked towards the jittery man.

"It's Montgomery" The man corrected me, and I heard Carter snicker from the corner where he was setting down our bags.

"That's what I said" All he did was let a small, awkward laugh before leaving the two of us alone.

My body flopped on top of the mattress, sinking into the comfort as I stretched my body across the bed. Carter watched from the corner of his eye, smirking before leaning against the wall and crossing his arms against his chest. I pushed up on my elbows to see him fully "You should try, it's comfy".

I knew he was still adjusting to having people around him, but he was slowly opening himself up and I couldn't have been prouder.

I made some space and patted the side next to me. Carter hesitated for a moment, but he joined me. Sinking into the bed next to me and letting a small sigh of relief as he relinquished in the comfort. His hands brushed against mine as we laid side by side, our eyes locked on the ceiling where paper stars trailed the roof.

Turning my body, I laid on my side and gazed at him. Maybe if I stared at him long enough I would finally know what the boy was thinking. His face was straight, he was dead silent, but he felt my gaze and twisted to look at me. A hand reached over to push a curly lock of hair resting across my face and behind my ear, his caramel eyes never leaving mine.

"You should get some sleep Katie" He broke the silence first "Ill keep watch" For once I didn't argue, I closed my eyes feeling safe around his stare still on me. I felt comfortable around the boy; it had just been us for weeks now and even though I barely knew anything about him, I knew what kind of man he was. And what he could be if he finally let himself open up.


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