Object Show Oneshots (Ships...

بواسطة TopBottom7

3.1K 78 137

Some ships, some AU's, some skits. I should not be making this cuz i have like, a million other books to be w... المزيد

An Elimination Disaster (OOAK AU)
ep 14 coming out
Indefinite Island involvement in this book
[Ep 15: All that's Gold does not Glitter] Part 2
[Ep 15: All that's Gold, does not Glitter] Part 3
Another Chance
Incorrect Quotes
Another Chance (Pt 2)
One Last Goodbye (CoinPin)
Closure from Disaster (OOAK AU)
Meeting the Gardener (Grander Gardens AU)
Incorrect Quotes submissions
TBD Troubles (OOAK AU)
Love's a messy affair (Silver Candle)
Toxic (BFB 22 AU)
Toxic Pt2: Scorched Scars
Toxic Pt.3: Poison
Alliance again? (OOAK AU)
Exit Interview Questions (One of Kind AU)
Free Smarts Co. (Grander Gardens AU)
Pesky Besties Pt 1(OOAK AU)

|Ep 15: All that is Gold does not Glitter|

369 6 10
بواسطة TopBottom7

(No, this is not actual ep 15 of iii. It's a concept idea. I had a concept for ep 14, but scrapped it due to the announcement of the actual ep 14. Anyways, enjoy.).

Balloon lay in Calm Down Cabana, passed out from exhaustion and heat. The Sun beat down on the island, causing every contestant to move at a snail's pace. Silver sunk into his large tub of ice, his face red and sweating. Nickel lay floating face down in the water, seemingly dead. Cabby was under a tree, a few of her files spawn across her table as she furiously wrote. (Seriously b####, how are you still taking notes in these death rays.).

Suddenly, a Horn sounded as all the contestants were teleported to a small make shift hut on the island. Ying Yang rolled on the wall, a crushed can of Dr Fizz in the Yang side's hand. Floory was at the centre of the room, a tub of ice cool water over him.

"Why are we here? It's hotter then inside the VOLCANO!!!!" Balloon yelled, kicking the tub to no avail. "Relax mates. Firstly, you just need to turn on the fans Mephone's left over there. "He beckoned to a set of fans along with freezers filled with ice cream, fruits and all sorts of refreshments. "If, your wondering where he is, he left a voice message at the Pic-Nix table.".

Cabby wheeled over to the blue table the hut seemed to have been built around. The others gathered around the oak table, it's ocean blue paint peeling off in the blistering heat. The tube at the table's centre flashed in a blue colour as Mephone's voice played in a very robotic fashion.

"Dear Contestants,

Today is a free day. No challenge for any of you. INSTEAD, the eliminated contestants who chose to stay will be competing to re-join. HOWEVER, elimination will still progress. Decide your votes soon, or someone will be automatically eliminated at randon,".

There was a screech sound as another message played.

"Random. Damn typos. How do I end the message again? I swear I have to write this do-".

Nothing but silence engulfed the wooden cavern. Several glances were thrown across the room. A few walked out, not saying a word.


The gloomy, murky waters surrounding the island bubbled, a small boat anchored on the slightly steep shoreline. Mephone stood on the dead grass, overlooking his list and making sure everything was ready. Lined up in front of him were Blueberry, Life Ring, Tea Kettle, Goo, Test Tube, Candle and Bot. 

"Uhm Mephone? What are we doing here?" Test Tube asked, curios but hesitant.

"Oh, well you three" he said, pointing at her, Bot and Candle, "might remember me mentioning another re-join..."

All faces lit up. Goo shook slightly with excitement. Bot extended their legs in rapid succession up and down. Blueberry rolled on the floor, letting out a depressing sigh. "If it's anything like last time then we'll be doing it all day!" he groaned, face down on the ground.

"Oh come one Blue! I'm sure it won't be that bad!" Life Ring said, lifting the squishy navy ball up from the ground.

"Yeah! Heck, maybe YOU might win the challenge!!!" Tea Kettle added, a small amount of steam blowing up from her spout.

"Easy for you guys to say. You two were so close last time, if not for Cabby." he said, his voice lacking any hope or joy.

"Anyways" Mephone began "the first challenge this time is a mining challenge. You'll need to polish those digging skills cuz those over there "he pointed at a pile of soil and rocks" is 4 bags filled with green sand. If you have a bag of green sand, you will move to the next part. But be careful! If you grab a bag of with dirt, you will AUTOMATICALLY FAIL!!".

"GEE GOLLY!!!" Test Tube yelled, fascinated by the pile. "The compositions of these minerals have to be extremely rare!!! This stuff isn't at all present on the island!!!". and

"Well get real adjusted to it with those shovels because your challenge starts NOW!!!".

There was a rush. Test Tube, Bot and Life Ring each sprinted and grabbed a shovel. Goo clung to Test Tube's arm and grabbed 2, Blueberry sticking to him. Tea Kettle moved past the others, grabbing the final one.  Bot launched Goo, who stuck to the rocks. The shovel he held melded through his jelly like body before shifting through a bit of course dirt. Blueberry rolled off the pile, his eyes dry, his expression droopy and unchanged. 


"C'mon. C'mon..." Silver muttered, breathing deeply to calm himself. "How hard can it be? Just have to clear my head and think. I'm at the best place for that. Just relax....relax....relax.....just...".


"AAAAAAHHH!!!" he yelped, nearly tripping down to the lava below. "Wh...HUH!? WHO'S THERE!!? WHAT IS THAT!!?".

"Relax....it's just me." Ying said, looking confused at the over the top reaction. "What are you doing here? Isn't the heat getting to you?" he inquired, tilting his head.

"I I I....GET AWAY FROM ME YOU......YOU...!!!!" he screamed, holding the crystal and salt out like a cross as he backed away. 

Yin laughed slightly, finding Silver's reaction humorous. "Relax. Yang's taking the day off for today. Whatever he did to you, I promise I won't do." he stated, giving out a hand. After a strained amount of time for Silver, he finally sighed and sat down next to Yin, ignoring the hand.

"Anyways, what are doing here? It's super hot." Yin asked innocently, sitting next to Silver.

Silver took a deep breath before beginning "Well, if you must know, I'm trying to clear my head. Figure out my game strategy. And what better a place to do that then here.".

He scraped the clanger against the salt, causing a soft hum to echo through the cavernous depths of the volcano. "But....I just can't....THINK!!! GAH!!!" he yelled as he threw the items aside in frustration. "I've tried everything. I've controlled my breathing, I've  brought myself here. I've....I...I've...it just...I don't know what I'm missing!!!".

Yin listened attentively to Silver's rambles as he looked down at the lava, seeing the red and orange pops and flashes and feeling the intense pressure and heat on his skin. "Why did you come here?" he asked, wondering what could drive a person to a place like this. 

"Well obviously, to clear their thoughts and see everything clearer.." he spluttered, not seeing what the point of Yin's questions.

"But why?".

"Because I've learned so much here and I...I...I need my answers...".


Silver tried finding words for this. He wanted give an answer, any answer. Yet, he couldn't speak. his tongue felt numb. "What are you looking for exactly? What question are you trying to answer?" Yin asked again, picking up the shining salt, covered in dust and blowing it. "What's the reason?".

Silver looked at his hands. He looked at the lava. He looked and Yin Yang. 

Why was he doing this?

"I've learned so much here. I know you can too.".

"I......I don't know..." he replied quietly. His mind was racing, images, thoughts, memories of her. He wanted to scream, to hurl. To forget. "I don't know. Without her I'm......I'm nothing.".

"What do you mean?".

"She's the reason why I've been doing all this. With her I forgot I was on a show. I thought I'd be unstoppable. But then..." he trailed off as he remembered taking the cookie.

Silver jumped at the sound of a clang. His eyes grew wide as he felt calm and sedated. His mind slowed. He felt a sensation of calm and happiness like no other. One he'd thought he'd forgotten.

"I'm sorry. I really wanted to use this but I didn't know it affects you too." Yin apologized, putting the clanger and salt back down.



"Thanks. I....needed that." Silver said.


Test Tube and Tea Kettle ploughed through the rocks and dirt, kicking up dust everywhere. Goo squealed as his sticky, gooey skin was coveted in dust. He slid down the pile, steering clear of the tornado.

"Blueberry!!" he yelled, pushing his freind toward the pile. " Help!!! C'mon!!! We need to win!!!".

He sighed as he rolled, his shovel falling to the ground. "What's even the point? We're probably not gonna win." he exhaled with a tired expression, one of his eye's twitching. 

"C'mon Blue!!! You got so close last time. Just try! I'm sure you can do it!!!" Goo reasoned, wiggling around the pile with his shovel.

"Yeah, and how do you know you won't win? You have as much chance as any of us!!!" Bot added, helping Blue Berry sit up. "Here, we'll help you!".

Goo clung to Tea Kettle's knee, causing her to trip and fall down the hill. Bot frantically dug and kicked at the rocks and debris as Blue Berry looked up at the pile.

"HEY YOU BLUE FACED SLITHER!!! NOBODY MAKES MAMA TUMBLE!!!" TK yelled as she charged back the hill, shovel in her hand. 

Blue Berry gripped the shovel as the others bickered, dug and shovelled atop the pile. "Can I...do it?" he asked himself quietly as the screams as commotion grew quiet to him. It was him. It was all him. Maybe....just maybe.....

"C'MON BLUE!!!" Goo screamed as he slithered around TK and hacked at the stone.

"YOU CAN DO IT!!!"Bot's voiced echoed to him "WE-"

The sounds of chaos were returning. Blue Berry stood as he could see the carnage. Test Tube wasn't there. He gripped the shovel, a small, unnatural felling of hope lit up within him. 


"-IN YOU!!!".



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