Hiccstrid oneshots

By lilleybeths

12.4K 134 45

Hiccup and Astrid officially started dating! Most of these oneshots are going to be set after rtte/httyd 2 :)... More

Before you start reading
A day in the life of a chief
Jealousy -part 1
Jealousy -part 2
Jealousy -part 3
The Great and Almighty Plan
Cherry pie
Uncle Toothless


1.6K 16 7
By lilleybeths

 How I think it went on the night Hiccup became chief and Stoick died. Set a few hours after httyd 2. :')

-Disclaimer I do not own the drawing above creds. to the artist<3

Hiccup was just sitting in his dad's chair not saying a word blankly staring ahead. He had finally realized that Stoick was dead, he was the chief of Berk now. Even though Valka and Astrid had tried to cheer him up, nothing helped. He looked miserable, ''Dear you really should get some fresh air. It will make you at least feel a tiny bit better,'' Valka suggested. ''Mom really thank you so much, but at the moment I really don't care,'' he sighed.

Suddenly Astrid walked in, ''Hiccup Haddock if you don't get your butt outside in five seconds, I will personally kill you,'' she grinned. ''Astrid, Mom, please just leave me alone. I don't feel like talking to anyone,'' he started to get sad and walked outside, jumped on Toothless and he was gone.

''Should I go after him Valka?'' Astrid asked. ''No dear, he really needs some alone time, he'll come back when he feels a bit better,'' she smiled at her before also walking outside. But Astrid had a gut feeling Hiccup wouldn't return for the night, he cried barely and if he did he stayed away for at least a day.

After eating dinner in the great hall, Astrid thought that Hiccup had had enough 'alone time'. She desperately needed him as much as he needed her. After grabbing her axe, she hopped onto Stormfly and flew off. ''I hope nothing's wrong with him girl, you know he is,'' she shivered. It got pretty dark when they arrived at Itchy Armpit, Astrid really disliked to name but she didn't care about it at this moment. 

''Hiccuuup, Hiccup? Are you here, I've already searched a dozen of islands so you better be here!'' After about 15 minutes she saw him sitting on the edge, hugging his legs. ''Oh gods, finally I was really worried about you Hiccup,'' she started to cry. Astrid really didn't like crying, but everything had also been rough and overwhelming today.''Astrid please I've told you alrea-,'' she broke him off with a gentle kiss, he was confused at first but kissed her back a second later.

''I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have snapped at you milady,'' he hugged her. ''Shhh, it's okay babe everything's alright!'' she kissed his cheek. ''We really should head back, your mom seemed really worried. And I don't want you to fall asleep while riding Toothless,'' she laughed. ''Playing dirty now, huh?'' He tickled her belly and she had to beg him for mercy. 

''Okay let's go home, Now!'' Astrid commanded. ''Alright alright m'lady calm down,'' he laughed. Hiccup grabbed his sketchbook, put it away, and grabbed Astrid by her hand. ''I really needed you, Astrid, thanks for everything,'' he passionately kissed her on the lips. After finally breaking apart, the two of them were panting like crazy.

''Enough, Hiccup, enough,'' she grimaced. ''Let's go back, really come on you slug!''  

(A/n) This was my first attempt at writing an original oneshot! I hope you'll like it<3 Don't forget to vote, comment and give me some ideas! :) Have a nice day, night, or whatever time you reading this!

-Hannah out

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