Something Immortal

بواسطة lshijo14

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✧༺ABOUT THE STORY༻∞ Aster Fay was an avid reader of Darren Pike who passed away after a meteor hit the diner... المزيد

01: Revival
02: Diplomatic Mission
03: The Arcane Academy
04: The Early Bird Gets the Worm!
05: The Noblest of Race
06: What Just Happened?
07: The Druid and the Strigoi
08: The Missing Diplomat
09: The Worst Thing He Ever Heard
10: Inadequacy is Evergreen Part One
11: Inadequacy is Evergreen Part Two
12: Inadequacy is Evergreen Part Three
13: Inadequacy is Evergreen Part Four
14: Complicit
15: Bonded
16: The Other Side
17: This Person Got It Right!
18: Friendship and Alliance
19: Adventures at the Sage Lake Crossing Part One
20: Adventures at the Sage Lake Crossing Part Two
21: Adventures at the Sage Lake Crossing Part Three
22: Trick and Treachery Part One
23: Trick and Treachery Part Two
24: The Author and the Reader
25: Feelings
26: The House of Rosenkrantz Part One
27: The House of Rosenkrantz Part Two
28: The House of Rosenkrantz Part Three
29: The House of Rosenkrantz Part Four
30: The House of Rosenkrantz Part Five
31: Internal Affairs
32: The Festival of Giving
34: Emancipation
35: Sowing the Seed
36: The Undead Part One
37: The Undead Part Two
38: The Undead Part Three
39: Close to Home
40: Allegiance
41: Avarice Part One
42: Avarice Part Two
43: Avarice Part Three
44: Avarice Part Four
45: Avarice Part Five
46: Avarice Part Six
47: The House of Perova
48: Bloodline Part One
49: Bloodline Part Two
50: Bloodline Part Three
51: Bloodline Part Four
52: Bloodline Part Five
53: Bloodline Part Six
54: The Pool of Recollection Part One
55: The Pool of Recollection Part Two
56: The Pool of Recollection Part Three
57: The Pool of Recollection Part Four
58: The Pool of Recollection Part Five
59: Out of the Pan, Into the Fire
60: Madness Part One
61: Madness Part Two
62: Madness Part Three
63: Madness Part Four
64: Madness Part Five
65: Madness Part Six
66: The Falling Prophecy
67: Vision of Truth
68: The Twilight's Son
69: Destruction of Soul
70: Birth of Destiny
71: Savior of Return
72: The End of the Serpent
Thank You!
Kali-Som DigiArt

33: The Boar Hunting

190 31 17
بواسطة lshijo14

"I'm so proud of you!" Ilarion continued to tease as they headed back to the courtyard. "You fully embraced your character. Am I going to be an uncle soon?"

Som turned and acted like he wanted to punch him, and Ilarion put the book on his face to block him. "Irin's here."


"So? He's looking at her."

Ilarion's grin widened once more. "Oh, that's called jealousy, my friend."

Som rolled his eyes. "You're enjoying this, aren't you?"

"Of course! I'm a BL writer. This is my fantasy come to life."

"I don't think he's that in love with me," Som said with a sigh. "I think it's more like a...a deal."

"A deal?" Ilarion winced at this. Did Som forget that he was the writer? "What do you mean a deal?"

"Druids are known for their healing abilities and their rune magic."

Ilarion was still confused. "Kali doesn't need your healing. He can heal as fast as you can blink your eye. That makes him a formidable enemy."

Som shook his head. "No. I don't think he's..."

Ilarion watched him closely before exhaling loudly. "Fine. Do you want to test it?"

"Test what?"

"His feelings for you?"


"Just stick with me," Ilarion winked. "And don't say no."



They returned together, which was surprising given that Ilarion didn't want anyone seeing them together earlier. Som decided not to say anything and just leave everything to him. Unbeknownst to him, eyes were peering at them—including the Dragon Prince.


Ilarion held on to his chest as one of the twins (Irin's siblings) tried to frighten Som, but it was his companion who ended up terrified, making him and the twins laugh in response.

"Patience...remember, you created them," whispered Som to the distressed Ilarion, who was now glaring at the twins.

Elunia, "Whose your weirdo friend, Som?"

Jiniel, "Yeah, whose he?"

Som rolled his eyes and also wondered why Irin would bring these rascals with her. "He's not a weirdo."

Before he could drive the twins away, their sister walked in with a big smile on her face waving her fingers at them. Just like her siblings, Irin was curious about Som's companion, especially since he belongs to a race that don't usually hang around their kind.

Irin, "Been a while, huh?"

Som smiled back. Awkwardly. "Coming home soon."

"Yup. Who's he?" She playfully tucked both her hands behind her, swaying her body like a kid, and they heard the twins giggle some more.

"This is..."

"Ilarion Krita," said the other with a bow. "I'm the messenger of the Shaman Niran."

Irin, "Irin Lerma Odessa, chief advisor to the Sai Empire. Are you friends of Som?"

"We're not—"

"We are," Ilarion elbowed Som beside him.

Irin switched her gaze from one person to another. "How long have you known each other?"

Som, "Why are you interrogating now?"

"Because you two seem really close. Feels like you've known each other for quite some time."

"Same feels," said another voice walking in with his hands behind his back.

Som's heart skipped a beat. Even without looking, he could tell it was Kali. His voice, his shadow, and even his smell left a mark on the hippocampus of his brain that it would be difficult to take it off. As their eyes met, Som could only wish he knew less than what he knew now.

"Your Imperial Highness," Ilarion made another bow but lower before putting an arm around Som. "We've known each other for quite a while. Since that mission in Sage Lake Crossing, we've decided to keep in touch."

Som froze. So did Kali. He swore he saw the muscles on his jaw clenched, and he did his best to move away, but Ilarion pulled him closer, and Kali's eyes turned colder. Meanwhile, Irin and the twins were very confused about the scene.

"Your Imperial Highness," Irin curtseyed along with the twins. "We've finally met."

Now, it was Som's turn to watch the prince look at Irin, whose beauty outshines everyone in the field. Yes, as much as he hated to admit it, the woman was indeed a beauty. Her slender figure and light brown complexion created an interesting mix that it was easy to understand why she was famous in The Valley.

Kali nod once. Briefly. "Sri's chief advisor."

"You know?" Irin was impressed.

"I heard."

When she giggled, it sounded more like she was flirting, and Som was annoyed again. He removed Ilarion's arm around him and attempted to walk away, but Kali was quick and grabbed hold of his arm.

"Can we talk?"

He narrowed his gaze. "Now you want to talk?"

Kali sighed as he detected the sarcasm in his tone. "I have my reason."

"Great, so do I." Som freed himself from his grasp and continued walking away. He was followed by the twins and Ilarion, whom the prince glared at, then Irin, who smiled back at the royal.


Som continued to grumble aloud as he walked, complaining about how Kali wanted to talk after snubbing him for a few days without any explanation for the sudden change in his attitude. As he did so, his feet were stomping on the ground like a spoiled child having a tantrum.

"Is he alright?" Irin was watching him worriedly and murmured beside Ilarion.

Ilarion turned to Irin, and even if he wasn't attracted to girls, he must admit that he did a great job creating her character. Although he did picture an actress in mind, this one was prettier. "He's fine. Just a little jealous—" Oops.

Irin's brows furrowed as he looked at him. "Jealous?" Even the twins looked, waiting for an answer. "Why would he be jealous? And to whom?"

Instead of listening to adults' "boring" conversation, the twins run towards Som, and each one of them holds a hand. He gazed down at the two menaces from each side and felt their warm tug that he managed to calm down.

"Som, stopped being an idiot for once," said Jiniel, which shocked him.

"The dude told us you're jealous," Elunia added before he could even inquire and pointed at Ilarion, who was now talking with Irin.

That imbecile! He thought. Ilarion just wouldn't shut his mouth. "I'm not jealous! Why would I be jealous? There's no reason for me to be jealous—" he stopped when he realized that he now sounded defensive.

Jiniel, "Yeah, you're jealous."


Elunia, "That's what a jealous person would say."

"Is it illegal in this world to throw children into the lake?"


Grateful that they had now reached the courtyard, he was also cursed in introducing Irin and the twins to Marko, Mica, Saanvi, and even Malee, who was also surprised to know that Som had gotten close with Ilarion. They were all left wondering about their relationship, but neither one would dare ask questions, especially when the first competition was announced.

The boar hunt.

"We're joining!" Mica eagerly pulled Som, and Marko pulled Ilarion.

Malee pulled Saanvi, who was still scowling, but the female erinyes managed to pacify her.

"I don't want to join!" Som complained. He had a feeling about what kind of game this was and how big this so-called "boar" was.

"It's going to be fun," Mica urged and winked at Ilarion, "right?"

Som sneered and leaned toward Ilarion to whisper, "Any idea how fun this boar is?"

"Shut up," the other man whispered back.

Phet was the announcer, and he stepped into the upper box while the guests behind him watched. "Hunters, gather around."

"They called us hunters, but I think we'll end up hunted instead," Som muttered.

Marko heard him, "Don't be so negative, Som. Look at the bright side; the person who wins will get a golden apple."

Som stared. "As in gold—gold?"

"Yes, what else kind of gold are you thinking about?"

They were all silenced when a red-clad warrior went back from the box, walking side by side with Kali, Kla Han, and Rattanon. Som thought they were the "coolest" group of characters he had ever seen in his life, better than the ones in the anime. On the other hand, he would get to see Ruang Rit in action for the first time. Despite his rather sharp appearance, the moment he smiled, the stiffness faded, and what was left there was a childlike expression. It was hard to believe this person was capable of killing anyone from a mile away.

"Aren't you the messenger of my beloved Niran?" Ruang Rit said when he noticed Ilarion beside Som and the strigoi brothers.

Beloved Niran? Som rolled his eyes. Oh, he's gay too. Sounds fantastic!

"Yes...that's me," Ilarion introduced himself awkwardly and also wondered what the hell he was doing in the group. He knew a few magic, but he couldn't be called an expert. Plus, most of his duties involved running errands for the Shaman Niran.

"Won't your master be worried about you joining in the hunt?"

"I don't think he minds," Ilarion looked behind him, and sure enough, the shaman was sitting in one of the boxes wearing a blunt expression. There was also the situation with the Dragon Prince, who was now giving him a glare. That kind of glare would make someone run away from here because the other was on the verge of slitting his throat.

However, Kali had no intention of doing that. Not yet, at least. He stood beside Som, much to the other's chagrin, and there was silence in between.

"Stay close to me," he murmured beside him.

Som turned to his side slightly. "I can protect myself, thank you."

"I know," the prince said, and that stunned him. "I'm sorry."

As another silence fell through, Som thought about what he had said. It was just a simple phrase, and he could tell there was more to it than an apology. Perhaps, if time permits, Kali would explain more. And he wanted to ask more until he felt him hooking his pinky to his pinky. This made Som looked at the man standing beside him. Kali looked back with his eyes gleaming. Sometimes, it was hard to believe that those isosceles slits were even coined as the "serpent's gaze", and in legends, people would say how dangerous it was to trust a dragon. But that wasn't what Som felt whenever he was with Kali. Whenever he was around—he felt safe.

Som spread his hand and wrapped his fingers around Kali's hand. The prince smiled at this gesture.

"This doesn't absolve you of your sin," Som reminded him.

Kali didn't seem to mind. In fact, he quickly understood that this part meant that he was already forgiven. Strange, but between them, words were not needed. And so, he held that hand, and he swore to hold it for as long as he could. "Whatever you say, bunny. Whatever you say."


The courtyard seemed to have magically transformed itself into a stage, but Som had a feeling that they would take this "hunting" thing beyond the stage. Straight ahead was a cave, ten times bigger than any of them combined. A sinister aura was coming out of it, and as a druid, Som could feel it in his bones that he ended up squeezing Kali's hand.

"It's fine," the prince whispered back.

"Yeah? Easy for you to say!"

Within the cave came out a loud, deep, and guttural growl. A skulking shape emerged from the graying smoke of dust to join it. There it was, the biggest fucking boar Som and even Ilarion have seen in their lives!

Bright red eyes and a high stiffed neck, there were bristles rising like spears behind its back and tusks as huge as a log of a tree. Flames and lightning flashed from its nostrils to its snout. As Som had predicted, this wasn't the kind of boar to be hunted down by ordinary citizens because there was no way this thing could be prey.

The bull or whatever it was charged at what it could discern as the weakest of the group, and Kali and Som's hands, who were intertwined, separated for a moment. Som ran to protect Ilarion and quickly did a hand seal. He found rune magic more useful in both defending and attacking, summoning a shield that the gigantic boar staggered in its feet, and the ground quaked.

Sliding from across the floor was Saanvi, who, just like Kali, could summon her weapon in her hand. A spear with a silvery shaft was played by her hand with ease. She twirled it and struck the first blow. But the boar's skin was thicker, and each fur uncurled like metallic thorns. Disappearing and appearing were the strigoi brothers, but even with their retracted claws, they couldn't even wound the beast. Its tails were long and as thick as its tusks, and it thrashed across the air that Marko stumbled backward to avoid it.

Malee caught its attention up front, and her coal eyes blazed like dark acid, and the boar was momentarily hypnotized. Saanvi attempted to wound it once more, but her spear just wouldn't come through. When the boar finally released itself from the spell, shaking its head, it charged at Malee, and Saanvi swiftly ran towards her pulling her by the waistline and jumping out of the arena and into the cliff. Everyone held their breath; even the Shaman Niran stood up with his eyes wide as he saw he witnessed how his sister disappeared. But soon, Saanvi came up, and for the first time, Som saw her feathery colorful wings.

Both Kla Han and Rattanon stood watching until Kali gave them the order. Ruang Rit drew his arrow, which was made of some kind of bone. It was sharpened enough for the blade of the shaft to glimmer even in the light, and when he let go, this arrow had drawn the first blood.

"Rattanon..." Ruang Rit's teasing voice came in.

"I know, I know!" the basilisk stepped in front, and his draconian purplish eyes turned as deep as orange-red until blood came pouring from both of his cheeks.

It worked at first. The whole body of the boar froze, and from its feet to its hind legs had turned into a stone. But this wasn't some kind of ordinary boar, and it was driven by both savageness and devilish purpose that it suddenly doubled its size. Now it was standing before them like a tower.

"What the hell..." Mica gasped.

One wave of its tail sends Som and Ilarion flying into the corner. Ilarion was caught by Marko, and Kali caught Som, but the force was too much that they ended up crashing into the wall. Som turned around anxiously, knowing that Kali had taken the blow of that brunt.

"Kali..." he cupped both of his cheeks in his hand as the dragon prince groaned at the unexpected impact.

"I'm fine," Kali said, staring into his eyes.

There was no time to debate what to do next because the boar started stomping its feet, and the ground shook with him. Audiences were screaming and running in different directions, trying to get out of the collapsing arena. The cliff begins to give way, and Kali tells Som to stay (knowing full well the druid won't listen anyway); he must finish this, and hopefully, he could finish it without turning into his ancestral form.

Ruang Rit came down from the tree where he stood and tried to look for another spot to aim his arrow. But the boar's booming voice shook everyone to the core, and the ground finally gave way, tilting down to the mountainside, ten thousand feet deep. There was no way of telling how mangled a body could be once it hit the rocky shore.

"Get out of there!" Saanvi yelled at them, but it was too late. They were all slipping, and suddenly everyone who could fly was pulling those who couldn't. Saanvi helped, too, after handing Malee back to his brother, who was waiting in a much safer zone.

Kali turned around and saw Som saving Ilarion, but he and the brothers were pushed further away by the falling ground. The boar's tusks hit the last remaining stone-bricked poll, and they all fell down together with the debris, but not before Som looked at Kali, and Kali looked back at him.

And for some unknown reason, they understood each other. Without hesitation nor fear, he pulled the strigoi brothers with him, and they jumped down to the cliff just in time as Kali jumped too, transforming himself into that infamous, enormous beast to catch Som and the strigoi brothers, letting them land behind his back.


So, this was Kali's ancestral form.

Som gazed down at the magnificent scale underneath him. They were now sitting behind his back, feeling the texture of his skin, tough and shiny scales as dark as the night. No wonder he was named Kali, the Black Dragon Prince. Every part of him was armor itself, and he was certainly gigantic.

Slowly, they landed on the safer ground near the falls, and immediately Kali's body tilted, and they were thrown to the soft meadow. Som raised his head to look at him once more, but despite the size, he was fast as the wind, and he hid behind the falls.

"He won't show himself," Rattanon came behind them, and Som wondered how in the world they managed to follow closely.

But should he still be surprised by the events in this world? Besides, Rattanon could turn into a dragon as well. Som looked at the waterfall where he was certain Kali had hidden himself.

"How long until he can turn back?" Mica asked curiously.

Kla Han, "A few hours," the werecat spoke.

Som stepped closer, his heart beating against his chest. It didn't matter what he looked like right now—he just wanted to see...

Rattanon repeated, "He won't show himself."

"I know!"

"He won't show himself to you," Som halted when he heard this. Rattanon continued, "He refused to speak to you for days because he saw your face when he killed that strigoi. He wouldn't have you scared of him..."

Som looked at the basilisk and finally understood why Kali had avoided him for days. Somehow, the reason behind it sends some form of relief. An affirmation. "I'm not afraid," he confessed.

Turning around, he stared at the waterfall, and he thought he saw a silhouette behind it. "Kali," he spoke softly. "Come out. I'm not afraid of you."

There was a growl. A sound he never heard before. It was slowly followed by a vibration. Rhythmically. Like footsteps, only much bigger. It was enough to make the ground tremor.

Then, out from the shadow, behind that water flow, they saw a claw, a huge one, and Som's mouth popped open, and his eyes widened. However, not in fear. But of sheer amazement.

Kali. The dragon stood thirty feet high or maybe more, most likely forty feet long from nose to tail, with enormous bat-like wings. But it was his eyes that caught Som's attention. Those sharp, intense glare that only softened in his sight. It made Som realize that this beast, frightening to behold, was Kali. His Kali.

Not showing an ounce of fear, Som stepped forward and stretched a hand to touch his snout. Kali lowered his head, allowing the other to roam his palms on his skin. Smiling, Som nuzzled his forehead against it.

"Come back to me," he muttered. "I know you can..."

It was like a magic spell, but as soon as he heard this, billowing purple and dark smoke twisted all over, glowing and sparkles flying, and, in an instant, the enormous beast shrunk back in size, and Som felt the familiar body in front of him, their foreheads still touching.

This sudden pulled back was witnessed by both Ruang Rit and Rattanon, who stood there gaping at the scene. Not only did Som pacify the raging dragon, who was known for his violent nature whenever he was in that form, but he also called back his physical form, a feat that couldn't be done by anyone. Not even Kyro himself.

For a moment, Som allowed himself the leisure to be this close to him and put his arms around Kali. The dragon prince stared at those crescent eyes, smiling pleasantly at him with a trust no one had ever shown him before.

Perhaps it was the atmosphere or the peace, but Som couldn't stop himself from saying, "You're mine."

Kali smiled back, "Always," and not waiting for the other, he crashed that lips against his, searing the moment with a soft yet deep lasting kiss.  

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