34: Emancipation

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For a moment, they have forgotten the world.

For a moment, it was just the two of them.

When their lips parted, Som's face flushed, and Kali searched his gaze. Pulling away from his embrace, Som fixed himself and patted a speck of nonexistent dirt off his clothes. That kiss. That kiss, he swore, lasted more than just a minute. In fact, he could still feel it against his lips.

"Ah, I don't mean to interrupt..." Mica slowly came forward; he was blushing stupidly as well, unable to gaze at the couple directly. "...the boar is still alive."

Sure enough, there was the familiar growl. The pounding hoofs get louder and louder. They all turned to the source of the sound, and the boar had finally revealed itself. Som was amused that of all the places this beast would choose to land after that fall; it would be at this place too. Like it was meant to face them after all. On the contrary, it was better this way. This boar was almost half the size of Kali as a dragon. If there was anyone that could finish this creature, it should be the draconian themselves.

"Can you not turn into a dragon?" He whispered to the prince beside him, who didn't even look the least bit worried.

"I don't plan to," said Kali, and when he spread his palm, his sword materialized in his hand. "But I had no choice."

The way Kali looked at him made all the blood in Som's body go to his face. It took a lot of strength to avert his gaze, slowly scolding himself as to why he was flirting with the dragon prince when they were supposed to be destroying the beast right in front of them! But who could blame him for acting like a hopeless romantic teenager when this protagonist was so fucking charming?

Oh, yes...he forgot. This was a BL!

The boar looked at them and bellowed. Kali quickly told them to scatter, and they did, distracting the beast. It was indeed a mindless creature, but it was too strong, with around a thousand life points that only Ruang Rit's arrow was able to wound it. But Kali hasn't made any move yet as far as Som was concerned. He was too preoccupied with keeping Som safe, and even now, he was still following his every move.

For his part, the boar didn't really bother Kali at all. If he could, he would let Som be the one to kill it. Unbeknownst to him, it wasn't the issue of whether Som was too soft to kill another creature. It was more like the current Som in this body had no experience even killing a fly or a cockroach, for that matter. He was even scared of horror movies!

"Stop looking at me and finish that thing!" Som yelled in frustration, and the strigoi brothers snorted when the prince ended up scratching his head after receiving a berate.

The boar charged at them with a speed that was so incredible for its size and weight. Kla Han half-turned himself into a werecat, making Som and Mica's eyes widen when his upper clothing was torn at that moment. Who wouldn't look at a perfect, muscular frame, broad shoulders, and muscled chest? This was exactly the body Som was aiming for. He looked at Mica, who had his mouth open and almost handed him a napkin to wipe his drool. Geez, this guy was even more hopeless than Saanvi trying to be "friends" with Malee!

Kla Han rammed his body, embracing the boar by its neck, and despite its barbed fur stabbing every inch of Kla Han's flesh like knives, the werecat didn't budge at all. Surprised by his strength, the strigoi, and Som couldn't move from where they stood and was awestruck by the fight scene.

The boar pushed. Kla Han stood by his feet. Slowly, his feet skidded, and the boar was once more gaining the upper hand. "Holy shit," Som gasped and thought—how strong did Ilarion make this boar?!

"Idiot, are you there? Connect with me!"

Ilarion was able to find his signal really quickly and did not appreciate the way Som called him an idiot. "I'm here, douchebag! What's happening on your side?"

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