The Alpha's (Un)Lucky Mate (B...

By ILoveTaz

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Alina Busigรณ is the epitome of bad luck, nothing good ever comes out of being around her. Nikolai Petrov is... More

Guide to the Story World


255 21 11
By ILoveTaz


There's a certain anxiety to be had when you know something bad is going to happen soon. A bubbling in your stomach, excessive sweating, your mind racing with thoughts, heart pounding at every horrible outcome it conjures — I could feel it all happening to me at this very moment.

We decided to meet my father on neutral grounds, but still stay close enough to the pack so that in the case anything were to go wrong, help was not too far away. So, I sat on a bench in the park that I took Juno to weeks before with Jaxson as Lev and Nikolai watched from a distance and I'm not sure how many other wolves waited in the edge of the woods.

It really was a beautiful morning, one that was wasted on an occasion like this. It was one of those days in the fall where the weather struck a nice balance of shining sun and cool fall breeze without one overpowering the other. The park wasn't especially busy, but there were enough bystanders around in case something happened.

Jaxson hadn't spoken a word since confirming that he told our father where to meet us. Tora, that sly cat, also had yet to make an appearance, though I was partially grateful for that. With the atmosphere already tense, I don't want to imagine how his mouth would make it worse.

My eyes locked onto Nikolai, who seemed to become alert at the sight of a man walking into the park. He wasn't dressed outstandingly, or like the hunter that I had seen before when I saved Lev. Instead, he wore a white Polo shirt with dark blue jeans. A golden watch on one arm and chains around his neck, the man had a few tattoos along his thick arms and he was heading our way.

"Dad!" Jaxson stood up, calling out to the man as I froze.


He looked nothing like my father, or at least not the one I remember. My memory of my father was hazy but I remember that he didn't have a beard, he definitely didn't have any tattoos, he was always clean shaven, curly hair kept short. He was also thin with practically no muscles to speak of, but the man in front of me was built like a professional bodybuilder.

I stood up as well, turning to face Nikolai's direction. Maybe it was the look on my face that exposed my wavering resolve but he spoke quietly to Lev before starting to walk in my direction, though Lev quickly stopped him.


I shut my eyes. His voice didn't change in the least, and neither did the use of the nickname that I slowly grew to resent in his absence. Gathering my wits, I turned to face my father.

His face broke out into a grin, arms reaching forward to pull me into an embrace, "Alina!"

I quickly backed away, "I don't really feel comfortable with you touching me, sorry." Dad's face crumpled at my words as he cleared his throat.

"Right. I'm sorry. Camila called me, she's been looking for you everywhere." He offered the information as if it was supposed to mean anything to me and I scoffed at his words.

"I'm not going back." I bristled at the mention of my mother and my dad sighed.

"Is it because of the wolves? We can take care of that-"

"There's nothing to take care of." I glared at him, "I'm with my mate because I want to be, not because I was forced to."

That's right. Ever since I met them, save for the rocky beginning we had, the Lev and Nikolai have been nothing but caring and accepting towards me. Hell, I even tore up Nikolai's room in a fury but he still didn't flee in fear.

He gets me.

He's probably the only one in the world that can accept me for who, and maybe even what, I am.

He raised an eyebrow, "From what I've heard from Jaxson, no you're not. The school gave you a ridiculous ultimatum without the knowledge of any of your family." He holds up a finger. "That's strike one, and then I hear that this monster chased you around the campus and injured you?"

I opened my mouth to protest, "That's not how-"

"You don't even feel the mating bond, so you have no obligations towards this man or his pack!" My father's voice carried as he spoke over me. "And even then, there are safe ways to sever a mating bond-"

"I like Nikolai!" The words came out louder than I meant, my face heating up extremely. "Maybe I can't feel the bond, but doesn't that validate the way that I feel even more?"

Silence met my confession, and as I looked at my father, his face hardened. "I don't approve."

"That's fine. It's not your relationship, and it's not like you had much say in my life anyways."

He ignored my harsh words, "So, you won't come home and you've decided to stick with that. . . beast?"

"Don't call him that." I hissed the words back at him, "I'm going to stay in the pack house with Nikolai from now on and yes, we're together."

"And if I drag you back home?" My dad spoke with a low voice that made me pause.

"What?" My eyes flickered to Jaxson who seemed as surprised as I was by the blatant threat.

"You heard me. You are a child Alina! One that grew up as far away from supernaturals as possible so what would you know about any of this?" He ranted, reaching forward to grab my wrist.

"If you touch me I swear I'll scream." I warned, though that did nothing to deter him. As his hand latched onto my wrist I opened my mouth to let out a gut wrenching scream. My father tugged harshly on my arm, pulling me to him. His other hand clamped down on my mouth as he hoisted me up attempting to carry me out of view of the people in the park and further away from the wolves.

I jerked my body, struggling against his hold and reaching up to claw at any vulnerable spot I could get my hands on. I could hear Jaxson trying to reason with our father, a firm grip on my wrist attempting to pull me away from him.

"Jaxson-" My fathers voice got suspiciously quiet as he spoke to my brother so low that I couldn't understand them even when I strained my ears to listen. My brothers grip eventually slipped and was replaced by an even stronger grasp.

"Let her go." From the way Nikolai gritted the words out I could tell he was struggling to keep his cool. No doubt he was trying to hold Taras at bay from tearing into my dad at this very moment.

I flinched as my fathers grip around me tightened even more, I felt like I was losing air or was it something else? I could feel my fathers chest rumble as he responded to Nikolai but despite our close proximity none of his words reached me. The world around me blurred as I began to feel my hold on my emotions spiral.

A loud thundering resounded above us, dark clouds filled the sky as far as the eye could see in an instant. They flicked with an intense lightning that threatened to indiscriminately strike down anyone foolish enough to be caught in their rampage.

A pressure filled my chest making it more difficult to breathe. Still, I reached for Nikolai, my fingers grazing his arm before my father wrenched me away. Nikolai quickly let go of me, careful so that the wrist he held wasn't broken.

The pressure in my chest lessened as my hearing came back. All of a sudden I was overwhelmed with the sounds of a blaring siren that rang throughout the park. "Alina, try to calm down okay? Take deep breaths baby." My fathers voice spoke soothingly but I could sense panic in it.

Why is he telling me to calm down? Am I doing this?

A few drops of water fell on my face. I blinked in shock as the drops fell slowly at first before turning into a drizzle. It gradually built up until we were all being pummeled not only by the sudden torrential downpour but also the roaring wind that accompanied it. Screaming voices reached me through the chaos but they flickered in and out like a dying flame.

My fathers grip on me loosened as a bolt of lightning almost struck him down. I slipped from his grasp, falling to the ground in a heap. As my body crashed onto the grass I felt as though I was sinking into the ground. My limbs were so heavy to the point that I couldn't move. The soft soil gave way under my weight as though I was going to fall through the crust of the Earth. The world around me went dark as I shut my eyes, feeling the rain on my face.

I couldn't hear anything anymore, and I was numb to the fact. Why was I so tired all of a sudden? I just wanted to be back home at the pack house. Cuddled up with Nikolai with only the sound of his steady heartbeat and the light rain outside the window.

Yeah, that sounds perfect. I should tell him when I get the time, everything I've been meaning to say. How embarrassing is it for him to find out that I like him when I'm fighting with my dad?

I miss him.

I want to see him now but I can't open my eyes. I just want to stay like this and rest for a little while.

I'll wake up soon and tell him.


"Wake up. Alina, wake up!" Jaxson shook me hard as I groaned. "I'm so sleepy, Lucky." I didn't move and Jaxson didn't let up on the shaking either as he sighed.

"I know you are, but they said if we didn't get started on time then we wouldn't be able to eat dinner." At those words my eyes opened and I sat up. Between sleep and food, my growling stomach told me that the latter was the better option. It was clear as day that this facility wasn't lacking in funds, so why was it that we seemed to go hungry so many days?

"Glad to see that that woke you up, Ms. Piggy." Another voice chimed in. My eyes lit up, "Crystal!" I sprang up, pausing as the world around me began to spin before sitting right back down. Maybe I shouldn't move so suddenly when I'm starving.

Crystal was one of the few people at Chronos that treated Jaxon and I like humans. She helped where she could to make our stay at the facility better but if she was found out then she'd be fired promptly so it's not like she could do much for us.

"I thought you were off today?" I eyed the older woman warily as she laughed.

"That's just the excuse I gave you! Ta-da!" Crystal pushed two bags that she had been hiding behind her back towards Jaxson and I. "I wanted to be the first to say this but happy birthday!"

"Oh wow. . ." My vision got blurry, "I didn't even realize that today was. . ."

Jaxson seemed to be shocked as well, "Have we been in here for that long?"

Crystal's smile faltered, "Y-Yes. Time flies, right?"

"Did we get anything from mom and dad?" Jaxson asked, his eyes gleaming with a small light. I scoffed, placing the bag under my cot. I shifted, tugging at the comforter so that it was safely hidden away from view.

"Don't bother answering Crystal, he knows the answer. It's time for the experiments, right?" As I walked towards the door I ignored the scowl Jaxson shot me.

Crystal's lips pulled into a tight smile, "Well, something might still come for you guys. Alina's right though! We need to hurry over to the labs, Thomas can only cover for us being late for so long."

Everyday here was the same, but somehow different. We woke up early, and only sometimes were afforded the privilege of breakfast, before making our way to the labs. There we were poked and prodded in different ways before it was time for lunch. That was usually in the form of water and a plain sandwich and chips when Thomas or Crystal could sneak them in.

After that we were tested constantly, put through grueling trials to see what we could handle and what our powers could do when we were pushed past our limit. Same as with breakfast, dinner had to be earned depending on our results throughout the day. If the head honchos were satisfied, we ate. Though, they haven't been satisfied for a while now.

Everyday felt like a blur. We were never allowed to go outside, and we were so far underground I'm not sure I remember what the world above is like anymore. Thomas, one of the assistants, likes to tell us about the weather and current events as we get our blood drawn. It helps keep me distracted trying to picture the things he speaks about so I appreciate it but knowing that I'm stuck in this place, not missed by anyone leaves an emptiness in me.

As we reached the doors to the lab, I took a deep breath. For some reason, I had a bad feeling about today.

"Salutations, young ones." The main scientist, Antony, greeted us. Antony was a tall slender man that was slowly starting to bald and is very sensitive about the fact.

I shivered as his beady eyes trailed slowly over both Jaxson and I.

"Today we are going to do something different, Crystal please take Jaxson to the training room."

"What? No, I'm not leaving Alina here." Jaxson spoke up as I stood frozen in my spot. He wants to separate us?

"You're too much of a distraction. Besides, it's time that you two stopped coddling each other." Antony spoke before looking at Crystal.

"Why aren't you moving? I told you to take that boy to the training room." The harsh tone made Crystal flinch as she met my gaze with wide eyes. They seemed to be saying a million things but what stuck out the most to me was her silent apology.

"Come on Jaxson, let's go." She tugged on his arm as he turned towards her with a betrayed expression.

He shook his head, "This is bullshit! I said-"

"Jaxson just go!" I shouted the words, not wanting to look at his face. I wouldn't be able to take whatever look he was giving me but I didn't want them to use force on him, the guards were worse than the scientists.

I turned to face Antony, shrinking within myself as I heard the heavy door slam behind me.

"Good girl, now let's get started."



A desperate voice called out to me, stirring me from my deep slumber. My chest heaved, desperate to take in big gulps of air as I felt a pressure lift itself off of me.

"Nik?" The alpha stood over me, his brows creased with worry. I tried to call out to him but my voice was hoarse. I struggled to clear my throat as I sat up, hand pressed to my chest. I slowly became aware of my surroundings once I calmed down a little.

We were outside, and though the storm was gone, the dark clouds have not budged from their spot. My clothes were completely drenched in water and my curly hair was damp as well, sticking to me like a second skin.

"What happened?" I looked around but I couldn't see much. We were still in the park, there were branches and trees fallen over, scattered around as though something had torn through them. I glanced back to Nikolai who had a contemplative look on his face.

"You passed out. I don't know what it was, but it was something almost like a tornado surrounded your body placing you in the eye of the storm. No one could get near you and everyone had to retreat." He said this softly, grabbing my face in his hands.

"Why are you here then?" I questioned as Nikolai laughed a little and pushed his hands into my cheeks until my lips were puckered.

"How could I leave? You made a path for me to get to you. The closer I got to you, the wind didn't seem to affect me." He leaned forward, pressing a kiss to my temple before giving me a kiss on both sides of my face as well.

I know I wanted to see him but for my powers to not affect him is insane.

"Alina," Nikolai whispered my name tenderly, "Can I kiss you?"

"Huh?!" My eyes widened at his words.

Am I still dreaming? This is real, right?

"Didn't you say you loved me?" He teased as my face grew hot, "T-That's definitely not what I said!"

"But you're getting there, right?" Nikolai leaned forward placing another light kiss on my cheek.

A chiding voice spoke, "Nikolai, this is not the time. Have some shame!"

I turned my head to see Lev glaring disapprovingly at his brother before smiling at me, "I'm glad you're okay Alina. Jaxson dragged your father away when the storm got worse, so I think we can say that we're in the clear for now."

My lips pulled into a frown, "Was anyone hurt?"

The two brothers glanced at each other for a moment before Lev spoke up again, "No, I'm pretty sure the majority of the storm was contained here. That's why we need to leave before people come to see the source of all of this."

"Right. Sorry, I still don't feel like I can move." I smiled sheepishly at Nikolai who let out a puff of air. "That's not an issue, just hold onto me, okay?" The alpha tenderly scooped me up with little effort. Resting against Nikolai's chest almost lulled me to sleep but I fought to stay conscious.

There was a lot to think about, and I didn't have time for dreaming. Nikolai moved quickly through the trees towards a car on a hidden path. Rather than place me in a seat and get in after me, he somehow managed to seat the two of us with me still on his lap. Not that I was complaining, his presence was comforting.

Lev drove the car and we rode in silence back towards the pack house. All of us seemed too preoccupied in our thoughts but Nikolai still kept a tight hold of me. His hand never stopped rubbing my back or giving me little reassuring squeezes here and there.

I could feel myself melt a little at his every touch. Was something wrong with me?

"Come on, let's go." Lev called to us as he turned the car off. I glanced up, we were back at the pack house. I didn't even notice that we were here. With some of my strength recovered, I shifted in Nikolai's lap in order to slide out of the door but his arm quickly looped around my waist.

"I'll carry you." His tone left no room for argument but I felt my face grow hot at the thought of him carrying me in front of everyone once again.

"N-No, I can walk by my-" Before the words fully left my mouth I was being carried out of the car. Maybe it was a stroke of luck, but for once there were no wolves walking about to see me carried like a lovely sack of potatoes to the pack house.

Nikolai took me straight to his room and cautiously laid me down in the bed. With what little strength I had left I readjusted myself comfortably, pausing once I heard the rustle of the sheets next to me. I turned to look as Nikolai, who had changed at some point, was getting comfortable himself before pulling my body closer to his.

There weren't any hidden intentions as he buried his face in my hair and took a deep breath. "I just want to hold you for right now." He pulled back a little to make eye contact with me, "It felt like I was going to lose you today."

His grip on me tightened slightly before loosening again. I tentatively placed a hand to his cheek and Nikolai closed his eyes, leaning into my touch. "I don't plan on going anywhere anytime soon, okay?"

The alphas lips quirked up into a smile, "Right, because you like me."

A laugh escaped me at his unexpected teasing, "Yep, I like you so so much. I like how sweet you are when you want to be, I like how you're always there for me, I love your face of course because you're so handsome!"

That got a laugh out of him and I chuckled along. As we settled down, I could feel my eyelids growing heavy again.

I don't want to sleep yet, I want-

"Get some rest, solnishko (little sun). I will be here until you wake up." Nikolai whispered the words to me as he caressed my face.

I have a slight nod, feeling emboldened. There was something I wanted before I feel asleep yet again. I turned slightly, quickly pressing my lips against his for a brief but oh so sweet moment. As I pulled away, I turned back around and nuzzled my face on his arm.

Now I would sleep.

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