The Decision

By Valentine2085

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As covered in "When You Leave", which saw a series of events leading Anakin Skywalker to be framed for bombin... More

Prologue: The Decision
Chapter 2: The 501st
Chapter 3: Barracks
Chapter 5: Master Rancisis
Chapter 6: Ringo Vinda
Chapter 7: Unraveling
Chapter 8: What You See
Chapter 9: It's General...Skywalker
Chapter 10: Padme's Ruminations
Chapter 11: The Plan & Inoculation
Chapter 12: Vision

Chapter 4: Padme

133 2 0
By Valentine2085

After two days, and chaos already ensuing in the barracks of the 501st, in true Skywalker fashion, Rex sat in his office.

If he had hair he'd have pulled every single little strand out.

Somehow Anakin was kind of back to himself already, which unfortunately meant one thing...

Nonstop pranks.

And the fact general Mukan visited yesterday and they bonded over that, and Fives, it only created more chaos.

Out of all clone battalions, Cody had labelled his as the most chaotic.

Rightfully so.

Fives alone was beyond enough, though you add in Etain and Anakin will be disaster.

Yesterday there were multiple slug beetles released into the mess hall, courtesy of three certain individuals who require no naming, and where the beetles came from and how they were released no one knew.

To say the scene of the beetles just casually floating around while food was flying everywhere and food fights breaking out in the midst of it being pure chaos...ugh...

He could do without a day of chaos, yet the universe seems to have other ideas.

Soon Rex found that his Holo projector was beeping, so he answered.

The hologram form of senator Amidala appeared.

"Senator Amidala." He greeted a bit confused.

Truthfully he'd already figured out the relationship between her and Anakin, it was honestly obvious to most.

"Rex. Uh, is Anakin there?"

"Oh yes, please hold o-"

Anakin walked in at the perfect moment.

"Rex where is...Padme..." He hid behind his back instruments he was planning on using in the next prank.

Which involved Tarkin.

She turned to face him.

"Ani! Um, what are you doing?"

He smiled.

"Pfft, oh just spending some time with the boys."

She raised a brow in scepticism.

"Uh huh. Because I hear from Ahsoka about your chaotic escapades."

"Well Ahsoka sometimes exaggerates. For example; if she calls it 'chaotic', what she means to say is 'energetic'."

Padme nodded.

"Sure. Well I called to check in and it would appear that you're doing alright now."

"I guess."

"What is it?" She inquired.

Rex left, knowing this was between the two of them, closing the door behind him.

"I can't lie and say I am. I mean I'm better, but I still have a ways to go before being alright." He sighed.

Padme smiled sympathetically.

"It'll be okay love. Despite you leaving the order, the 'boys' as you call them, seem to be picking you back up."

"They're good like that somehow. I just hope some of the others in the order are okay."

Padme's smile vanished.

"Well, not Obi-Wan. From what Cody tells me, Obi-Wan just cried himself to sleep the last couple nights. Actually Cody doubts he's sleeping at all."

Anakin felt guilty for that.


But he couldn't stay.

Most of the council abandoned him, minus Obi-Wan, Plo Koon, Shaak Ti, Elizabeth Mareel, and shockingly Mace Windu.

The others, including master Yoda, had betrayed him.

Turned their backs on him at the time he so desperately needed them.

Padme frowned a bit.

"It's not your fault Ani, stop blaming yourself like I know you're doing."

"I...know. Admittedly I can't find it in myself to trust the council anymore, most of them anyway. Then most of the others in the order wanted me gone."

"That's just their jealousy shining through. Besides you made good friends, you don't need them." Padme replied.

Well true.

Ahsoka, Obi-Wan, and a few members of the council trusted him, they listened, and they believed him.

Barriss and Nahdar as well, given they were instrumental in his exoneration.

As was Galerha.

Master Luminara meanwhile, though not helping him directly, was vocal when she spoke out, saying he was innocent and that they were all blind fools if they didn't see it.

Evidently most of them didn't.

"I guess you're right."

Padme then had a look of realization, as she smiled.

"I have some news that may help cheer you up."

He looked at her in curiosity.

"That is?"

He waited.

"Well Ani...I'm pregnant. I found out yesterday. Twins."



He blinked, not expecting that.

"I...I'm going to be a father?"

She nodded excitedly.

"I...I can't believe it..."

"Are you happy Ani?"

"Happy? Padme I'm overjoyed! To think, I won't...actually...have to...hide us now..."

She picked up on his train of thought.

"We can worrying about repercussions from the Jedi council."

Anakin nodded as he placed around.

"Well there is the Senate but, what do I care about them really? Oh, also Tarkin, but I've got him covered."

"Ani." She began.

"Too much?"

"Little bit."


He shook his head.

What an oddly great turn of events...

"I can't believe it, I'll be a dad in, about seven to nine months."

He walked over, reaching out as if grasping both her hands in his. It was a hologram of her, but the gesture was appreciated.

"I love you." He said, looking into her eyes.

She smiled.

"I love you too."


Meanwhile in the Senate building, Palpatine stilled briefly in his chair.

He'd felt the two new forces of light growing within Amidala.


Ah, perfect then.

He smirked as he stared across the room.

This was earlier than he'd planned out for, but, it would do.

He preferred Skywalker still being in the order, but, he'd work with this, Sidious would adapt as he always does lately.

Soon enough, the Jedi would fall, the Republic would be morphed into the Empire...

And most importantly...

Skywalker would be his.


But first...

"Mas Amedda, contact Admiral Tarkin, tell him to come to my office." He said.

Mas Amedda obliged his lord.

"Right away sir."


To get rid of Wilhuff Tarkin.

The bain of his current existence, who was only ruining his plans for the future at this point.


Oh well...

Quite frankly he'd outlived his purpose.

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