Golden Nightingale (KinnPorsc...

Bởi ChelleofChaos

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Tired of the draining existence that was being the mafia head, Kinn Theerapanyakul wanted to unwind with a fr... Xem Thêm

Chapter 1: Songbird's Melody
Chapter 2: Caged Bird
Chapter 3: Two Worlds
Chapter 5: Elegant Ecstasy
Chapter 6: Nightfall
Chapter 7: Hushed Hurricane
Chapter 8: Tyrant's Treasure
Chapter 9: An Emperor's Nightingale Song

Chapter 4: Feather-like Kiss

593 42 4
Bởi ChelleofChaos

Nervous was the understatement of the century.

Downright petrified is how he felt as he stood there and allowed hands to roam freely against his body in order to hem the length of the trousers clad to his long legs, adjust the hem about his waist to secure said pants in place as his slim waist definitely had its downside, to the cuffs being adjusted around his wrists. He was used to being dressed and made up like a doll; being an ex-model in the fashion industry, it was customary to be shifted about and tailored to the designers delight.

Except now he was not going to be walking on the stretch of a catwalk that was familiar and comfortable, he would be walking on the arm of one of the most, if not themost influential individuals in the free world. He would be asinine to believe Kinn didn't have his hand in all the cookie jars. Tonight, was no exception; there was a soiree being held by the Theerapanyakun family at the Four Seasons Hotel and of course, Kinn was expected to attend and cater to the prestigious and luxurious crowd. Apo, being the boyfriend that had yet to make an appearance save for a couple of dinners with Tankhun and Kinn in the mansion's dining area. The guards were aware of him, respected his space as Kinn instructed them to be, and he was adjusting to more than just one instance with Kinn himself.

The man was tenacious to a fault.

He both admired and worried about that attribute. Would it make playing his role impossible if the other man had his own ideas or feedback to interject into Apo's character? It made sense. If they were both on an intimate level that Apo became the live-in beau, then he had to be receptive to anything Kinn was putting down. But dammit if it didn't make his heart pick up its pace when those shadowed, hooded eyes glanced over to him and gave him undivided attention when he spoke animatedly with Tankhun about his shows. He couldn't help it. He enjoyed speaking about his work but not in a bragging way, mostly just in a pride and reflection way; it was his nature to be chatty or excited over topics of conversation that worked for him.

Most of the time, the company that Apo kept were colleagues and co-workers who always boasted about themselves or their contribution to the project whereas Apo wanted to hype everyone and all contributors. According to the whispers behind his back, that made him too much of a people-pleaser and not an individual, he would only shrug off the words because they were meaningless to him. He would continue to give credit where credit was due. They normally ignored him and went about their conversation without including him again. So it was the oddest to not just have Tankhun's attention but also Kinn's. And Kinn's felt more penetrating in the gaze that leveled with him, nodded in the appropriate places to acknowledge he listened, and even chiming in occasionally. It really was surprising because the other man would be reading over a document, eating, or all three at the same time – it was admirable.

Was Kinn making a viable effort because he cared or because it was for the practice of their appearances as a couple? Either way, Apo would be lying to himself if he didn't enjoy the attention.

Then came the touches. Goodness if they didn't send shivers down his spine and developed goosebumps on his forearms that he was glad were covered most of the time with flowy, long sleeved blouses. He could control his facial expressions and his words, but his body tended to betray him and acted of its own accord. The physical reactions were difficult to hide except with loose fitted clothing.

The actions started small, almost unrecognizable to anyone except Apo who was not only on the receiving end of the gestures; but also, insanely observant to the gilded, golden cage he'd placed himself in. A brush of fingertips against his nape when he looked over the city scape and Kinn joined by his side after a long day. They had conversed, they had laughed at the vagueness in the older man's statement, and then just stood in silence.

"Why do you like looking at this view the most? The city is filled and riddled with filth, don't be fooled by the surface" Kinn had chided Apo for coming to loiter on the balcony of his suite after the third day since his arrival and indicated status as 'Kinn's boyfriend'.

Apo could only offer a secretive smile in return. How could he tell Kinn that he used to have dreams of living as a bird, free and soaring across the skies and venturing to places freely without the restraint of a world that wanted to mold him to their desire? He conformed as much as he could and even then, it was stifling. The view of the city and being above it was not a superiority complex, it was just the allure of freedom. He shook his head as he recalled pressing a soft, barely there kiss to Kinn's cheek as gratitude for the company and the advice before he padded away to head to his own suite lightly. The longer he stayed, the more time Apo had to observe Kinn's relaxed features, count the moles against the pallid skin that stood out and the silhouette of strength, power, and something else in Kinn he couldn't pinpoint. All in all, an attractive package. That was a dangerous concept to think about as the man would never look at him twice in a way that would be more than a necessity – a tool to be used – and Apo didn't want that either. He lived too much with that to want more of it.

He supposed he should have anticipated how prompt Kinn was to dive into the role with him from how the elder went to catch his hand, lace their fingers together as they strolled to meals together and offer a serene smile that held no malice and Apo could almost believe was sincere. The light press of a palm against his lower back to guide him first into the elevator, Kinn seemed to enjoy crowding behind him and at first, Apo thought it was to use himself as a shield, it was actually to cover the younger's back instead. Did that make sense? Was this man living in constant fear of his life that he was programmed to behave a certain way? He supposed power came with a level of danger that made sense. Apo could see the worry lines that wrinkled an otherwise youthful face, the frown that played at thinner lips more often than not, and the curt, brisk manner that Kinn seemed to address everyone: including his family.

What a lonely lifestyle.

His eyes looked into his reflection with admiration at the look. It was simple black on black chic; the buttons that decorated the blouse were pure gold if the muttering of the tailor tucking it into his high waisted slacks was anything to go by. Then to the boots on his feet that accentuated his height and gave him a leaner look. Gucci branded and he felt like he was walking around with one million worth in baht. Which he probably was. That was a little nerve-wrecking. He never modeled anything of this grandeur either, just basic clothing lines and designs, this was the real deal and being fitted to his body. Instead of getting the normal scoff and gruff from being trim in certain areas and 'gangly' in others, the two men worked diligently to make sure everything fit perfectly.

All Apo had to do was literally stand there and do nothing. Not even lifting a finger.

"Khun Kinn, what do you think?"

Kinn? Apo hadn't even noticed when the other man entered into the room and gave a look over his shoulder to his boyfriend as the assistant to the tailor's hands nestled themselves promptly to his waist. Apo was used to the jerk and push and pull, but he swore he heard a growl escape the elder man's lips and the weight on his waist immediately disappeared.


"I came to check on how everything was going. You were taking too long, I thought they had kidnapped your."

"Practically I think," Apo shared a little playful smile as he heard the assistant squeak. It was apparent the other was new and doing his best yet it was different to work in a shop to working for someone like Kinn who controlled every aspect. He softened his expression though and chuckled, "How do I look?"

"It looks good. Black works for you."

"It seems to be the reoccurring theme," The actor remarked as most tended to dress him in muted colors like blacks, dark blues, or greys. He, himself, preferred a color contrast in his personal wardrobe but he knew right now it was not about him. For a month, he was supposed to follow anything and everything Kinn preferred. If the man wanted him to walk around like a widow waiting to grieve their deceased husband in black, then so be it. He would not object and looked back to the mirrored reflection.

He offered a smile as Kinn stepped forward to observe closer. Apo would watch carefully as the man pulled his hands from his pockets in order to hover and trace the outline of Apo's body. From his shoulders, down to the curve in his trim waist and hips, before Kinn settled his hands back into his pocket. Apo could see the hesitance to actually touch and although he appreciated it, it was not going to work in convincing the family that they were together. This event, according to Kinn, was a business associate's engagement party and it would also be an individual that Kinn was personally involved with. It was crucial to show both the father and the ex that Kinn had moved so far along to one another that they were only there for appearances.

Kinn, for all intents and purposes, was dutifully attracted and attached to Apo. That was what they had to display. So why was Kinn hesitating to touch him now? Had Apo given any hint that he was not partial to the touches?

Looking around to the two men who were in charge of getting him prepared, he cleared his throat and put on his authoritative tone. Kinn had chided him when he was speaking to the assistants in the morning on a casual level, or did his best to bond with the bodyguards outside of his suite that apparently warmed up to him by day two. He had that ability to just be eclectically charming; however, it only worked on those who bothered to get to know him. Then came the other man who told him that as a powerful man's boyfriend, he was only allowed to speak down to the staff not level with them. Apo snorted as if that was difficult for him, but it was important. Kinn wouldn't be dating anyone beneath his caliber.

They would be honest about Apo's profession if anyone asked. Anyone can pay for information and making it up would be too time-consuming. They did, however, have Arm fix up his background information so that his family was left out of the mix in case anyone looked for them. It really was scary how much reach Kinn had. By all reasons, Apo was Nattawin Wattanagitiphat, an international actor and model extraordinaire who had engagements globally and locally. His family are old blood money nobles that keep out of the public eye and he and Kinn met at a prestigious club for the elite. Now, Apo just had to play the part of high-class celebrity who was educated, well-rounded and still retained his level of wealth and reputation.

"Leave us...please."

"Excuse me, Khun Nattawin?"

Apo opened his mouth again, heard the snort of amusement from Kinn behind him and he narrowed his eyes. His hands went to his hips as he stood and spoke again to the tailor and his assistant, "Leave us. Now. The outfit is fine, and I no longer need you to fiddle with it."

They gathered to their feet to nod, grabbed their items, and bowed at the waist before heading out of the room to leave both Kinn and Apo alone.

Kinn watched them scurry, not in the scared tail between their legs sort of way, but it was close enough. He could tell this was new territory for Apo who was probably used to being at the same side as the help and the fact that the actor was doing his best was actually adorable. Kinn could tell that when Apo took to a role, he absorbed it and worked through the motions.

"That was adorable. Like a little kitten."

"What would you prefer Kinn? A kitten or a tiger? You seem to be pushing me back and forth on the swing."

Kinn held up his hands in defense, "Upset with me? I just got here. I only chuckled a little at your assertive voice."

Apo glared through the glass of the mirror and tilted his chin upward as he crossed his arms over one another. He didn't like to be teased when he was doing as much as he could. He often worked with a co-worker to get cues and Kinn was just snickering away like a fiend, it brought a near pout to his lips that Apo withheld, "Assertion isn't always yelling and degrading people."

"I've found that to not be true, Apo."

"Then you have no idea what control and power really is. It isn't to yell and shout until you're red and blue in the face," Apo retorted firmly as he turned around fully to take in Kinn's outfit. The man was dressed in all black as well save for the jacket. The jacket was white, ironically, and it just suited the handsome creature with the humor of a sadist and the looks of a Greek God sculpted from the purest of marble. He hopped off the stool easily and closed the distance between them as he stood a foot in apart from Kinn who only waited patiently.

"Do explain the logic."

The actor rolled his eyes casually as his hands lifted up and mimicked the hover that Kinn had done to him, inches away from the soft skin of those cheeks as he spoke, "Power comes from respect. You think these men would die for you for anything other than money? That creates problems the moment you put a value to your life." Apo allowed the heat from his palms to seep into Kinn's skin where he could see a light speckle of pink against the skin pleasantly and slid downward to the neck, across the broad shoulders and picked up a lint piece before bringing them in front of him. The tips of the younger's fingers would go down the expanse of the silk blouse, poke at the buttons and then drop his hands entirely to smile slowly, "Being kind is the only option."

"I can't afford the luxury to myself."

"Why not? You are kind to me."

"Yes, but you're different."

"Because I'm a contract?"

"Because you're..."

Apo could see that Kinn faltered to continue that train of thought. It was as if speaking the words was different to detaching as they were supposed to. Is that why Kinn didn't bother to touch him? Was the man getting affected as he was? Perhaps the actor was reading too much into the scene that was unfolded in front of him and trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill, but he couldn't stop driving forward and finishing Kinn's sentence, "Yours."

Kinn released a breath he had unconsciously been holding. The moment he had stepped through the room to walk over to check on the process, he was captivated by the mouthwatering visual that was Apo. The dips and curves of the expensive fabric woven and wrapping that form comfortably and it made his hands itch to nestle right at the height of the trim waist to hold, pull and dive his nose right at the base of those tresses to inhale the scent that he had yet been unable to identify, it wasn't okay.

He made a promise to Tankhun that he was not going to treat Apo like any tawdry affair that would end with them being a sweaty, hot mess in his bed, a taste of regret on his lips and tongue when those hazel hues looked at him with disgust and not be able to return to normality. Kinn had a tendency to overthink in situations when it came to possible relationships that lasted longer than a hole for his cock; it would be detrimental to assume that Apo wanted anything past the one month contract. Yet avoiding physical contact was impossible as well. He tried and could feel the tension in the long hands that he held as they walked, could read the minuet expression changes when Kinn nestled his nose against the nape while Apo read over a script of an upcoming event, and the recoil of the body to pull away.

Apo really was just doing his job. Kinn was being his difficult self as always. Why did he do that? It was why he decided to reign himself over and allow the others to come to him instead.

Now having the other's full attention on him now, he too, outlined the almond shaped eyes that held the pools of caramel melted atop vanilla ice cream bowls for eyes and he moved a hand to catch the other's chin and found himself humming in approval when Apo moved with him, "You're mine."

"I am yours. And if you don't touch me or act like a stranger, they'll figure out we're a fraud before we even say hello," Apo retorted lightly as the curl of those fingers to his chin did nothing but accelerate his heart that drummed against his chest. His hands curled into fists before deciding to ignore his mind screaming at him to behave and nestled his palms flat against Kinn's chest. The few days they tiptoed around one another, treading their lines in the sand without crossing them, and respected the boundaries as Apo had requested some time ago. Now, this was their first appearance together, an important one; he was not going to let Kinn blow his performance. He smiled teasingly, "Afraid to kiss me?"

"What did you say?"

"I said. Are you – Kinn Theerapanyakun – afraid to kiss me?"

Kinn's fingers tightened against Apo's chin as he held it as he could tell that Apo saw through his façade of keeping things leisure. Having the ability and freedom of being able to capture a beautiful feline in his grasp without the claws attacking him or the teeth baring down in a bite; he noticed the way they were warming up to one another. He missed when the other went back to his suite after they shared dinner, he noticed the wrinkle in the younger's nose over eating something spicy and made a note to never have it given to him again. He felt a swell of pride when Apo bounced off the walls at getting coconut ice cream for dessert one evening, they sat on the balcony and spoke about childhoods that differed significantly. Kinn knew he could not keep his eyes away – Tankhun could tell too and continued to give him wary, cautionary glares. Apo just had a way of reeling in all the fish in the sea and still letting them flop on the boat without a care in the world to their mortifying deaths.

They agreed to the touches, they agreed to discuss non-negotiables, they didn't talk about kissing. That was a new step for him too. He never kissed anyone. It was in his rule book of dating and casual sex; kissing meant placing emotions and that never happened. Was he going to throw out his rules for an actor with doe-like eyes and the plushest lips that screamed at him to pepper with kisses and smother that mouth with his tongue? Sucking the living soul from Apo was a dream he had gone to bed with more than once and here the other was, goading him on, he gulped, "I don't kiss."

"Impossible. You don't kiss? Are you saving yourself for someone special?"

Kinn's other arm went to loop around that waist finally to press their fronts together, his forehead pressed to Apo's and only let their breaths mingle together, "Would you be mad at me if I said yes?"

"No, of course not. I wouldn't want to force you to do something you didn't want to Kinn."

That statement floored him. No one, in his entire life, took his feelings into consideration. Not once. Not even his brothers that were the closest to him. A kiss really was not a big deal. He had fucked more men than he could count, in various positions and in different places dependent on his mood; and they were always just catering to his needs. He never catered to his. Yet the emotional attachment was lacking significantly and left all those encounters as shallow reminders of the scar that Tawan left in his heart. It was what he pulled away from kisses, especially bestowing them. The closest he had done was a sniff kiss to the top of Apo's head or the back of his neck, that was it. Now here Apo was, proving once again that outsiders to the business tended to live naively, and still the most freeing.

"You mean that?"

"I do. I thought you were dawdling because you thought I didn't want you to do it," Apo started and pushed the fabric of Kinn's blouse back into place where he unconsciously rumpled it in anticipation of a kiss that never came. It all made sense to him, and he would never impose himself or his thoughts on others. Even men like Kinn had boundaries and he just made presumptions. His eyes looked over to the watch that came undone on Kinn's wrist and jerked his chin up and away from the softened hold. He clicked the item back into place, gave the palm a squeeze and smiled, "We'll pretend. Have you ever done that?"

"I don't think so."

Apo leaned forward and ignored Kinn's inhalation as he also inhaled the aroma of musk, whiskey and just smoke that despite not being a cigarette smoker, he found himself delighted in. He pressed a soft kiss at the corner near Kinn's lips without making full contact and anyone walking in on them or past them would get the illusion they had kissed. Popping back, the actor would smile, "You try."

"Are you sure it's deceiving?"

Turning so they were side by side, now in front of the full-length mirror, Apo tugged Kinn's hands so the other followed close to him and tilted his face ever so slightly to expose the corner of his lips, "Try it and look for yourself in the mirror."

Kinn licked his lips that suddenly felt dried and could see there was a lot of trust that the other was blindly giving him too. The least he could do was to turn back on his persistence as he leaned over to press his lips for the first time to the soft, baby-like skin of the actor's cheek and looked over to his reflection. They did appear to be lip-locked and he felt the pressure in his chest alleviate and he leaned back with a bright smile, "That works for sure."

"You look very handsome. I'm sorry I made you wait for so long as I got sorted. Are we ready?"

"Yes. Let's go," Apo's perked up as he always was excited to get the show on the road and as about to hop away, only to feel a hand on his wrist to tug him back and into a one-armed hug by the elder man who pressed his mouth and face to his neck to mumble 'thanks' and the actor hummed, "We've got this."


The venue was elaborately decorated with pictures of the new couple who were currently in deep conversation with Kinn's father, Korn Theerapanyakun, the bride's godfather as it was explained to Apo; and the groom, was Kinn's ex. One of them at least. The one to help Kinn on the road to 'gay discovery' according to the source himself. Talk about complicated nonsense. Apo got a headache trying to recall the details and the facets, biggest takeaway was to just be polite to Korn and ignorance was bliss with the engaged couple.

He stayed seated at the table assigned to Kinn and his plus one, leg crossed over the other as he waited for the other to return to drink his drink. Kinn was adamant about not eating or drinking anything that wasn't personally handed to him by the man. He took it as one of those doting boyfriend gestures of being fed in public and by all standards; they looked like that couple. His hand rarely left Kinn's, only spared to shake with another he was introduced to before returning dutifully into his fake beau's in a satisfied hum.

Not even allowed his phone as most devices were left at the door for the protection and privacy of all of the guests, Apo would just drink in the view of the venue and how gorgeous it was. Clearly spared no expense on the extravagance and he pondered how strongly Kinn protested in sponsoring his ex's engagement. Apo's impression of Korn was that the man did as he pleased without much regard to anyone else and he could see why Tankhun and Kinn were very deranged in their own way. Everyone was definitely someone with a name and label attached to them: politicians, corporate executives, and celebrities. None that knew him, but he certainly knew them. Including foreigners. He let out a low whistle to himself, "Absolutely amazing how one family can know so many..."

"And somehow some still trickle in here under the radar, like a lotus flower that blooms under the mud, and only pop up looking radiant when we least expect it in these waters."

"Sounds poetic but I'm not interested," Apo knew a come-on when he heard it, and he was genuinely uninterested. No one seemed up to par with Kinn despite being introduced to a plethora of industry giants. They looked like ants to Kinn.

A click of a tongue, the shift of a seat, Apo had no choice but to turn around to acknowledge the newcomer with a polite smile on his features that was through trained years of practice, "Yes?"

"I am Vegas. I assume my cousin hasn't felt the need to bring me up in your conversations."

"If you assume I know who your cousin is then please educate me."

Snorting, Vegas leaned his elbow on the table and placed his chin atop the open palm with a smirk, "I can see why Kinn likes you. You have a sharp tongue behind the pretty face and soft-spoken words. I can tell there's more to you than meets the eye. Color me intrigued."

"And color me, again, not interested."

Laughing, Vegas scooched the seat, Kinn's seat, closer to the other man's as he nestled a hand on the back of the seat and leaned over to stare fully into the face that turned away from him to look forward and reveled in the discomfort displayed, "I didn't ask if you were interested for me to be. You are gorgeous. Kinn always brings the most pathetic of dates to these events. Fragile, pale, feminine looking things...and here you are. Looking the complete opposite. Delicious." The man's fingertips brushed against the shoulder blades that they reached to smirk at the flinch and visible push of the chair to get away from the shared space. Vegas' hand curled into the chair's back with a glare, "You don't know who I am do you."

"Kinn's cousin..."

"Head of the Minor Family."

"You are literally speaking alien to me."

"Ha! Kinn hasn't told you about who we are? That is RICH!" Vegas released the back of the man's chair in order to laugh roughly, hand to his face as if Apo had just spilled the funniest joke in all of existence, "A mafia head's boyfriend and he doesn't even know he's dating a gangster. That is hilariously pathetic. For both him and you."

"I know who he is, I said I didn't know who YOU were," Apo quickly responded and that prompted Vegas to stop his obnoxious, boisterous mocking. Inwardly, Apo was screaming even more at how idiotic he couldn't put two and two together. Kinn, being the head of a mafia made a ton of sense logically and his head was spinning from trying to catch up. His life was in literal danger every time he stepped out and around with the elder man who held onto his waist with the softest of caresses to the area or the littlest of nuzzles. Two different sides of a coin that was minted, branded, and flashed with Kinn's face. He was screwed. But he would be damned if he let himself be bullied by this guy who just showed up, "Minor means of minor importance too I suppose..."

"Why you imp!"

"Imp indicates I'm short and even seated...I can tell I'm taller than you."

Why was his mouth escaping him? Apo was definitely trying to catch himself and tell himself to shut up. Kinn was a mafia man, Vegas was a mafia man, Apo was NOT a mafia man. He was a mafia man's man. That meant he was disposable at any given moment and that was supposed to make him quiver in his designer boots and tremble at the slightest hint of crazy in Vegas' eyes that he might be in trouble for his words. He knew that he would probably come to regret tangling up with this fellow yet allowing himself or Kinn to be demeaned was not in his cards. He knew Kinn didn't need Apo to defend him, it was the principle. Don't talk badly about his man.

He isn't your man Apo.'

Shut up brain.

A hand came with full intention and aim for his throat, Apo quickly lifted his arm to get the brunt of that vice grip around his forearm as he was jostled to his feet and they were creating a bit of a scene. His eyes wide as he looked down into the maddening ones of Vegas. How could he shake off the man without causing further disruption and embarrassment to Kinn? "Let me go."

"No, I will handle you myself. No one disrespects me and gets away with it!"

"And no one should disrespect Kinn either. Major and Minor, isn't there a glaring difference? Ah!" Apo felt Vegas' hold on him tightened enough that he was certain fingerprints would be left in their place and he could do nothing but allow it to save face. Eyes that looked on them would realize his compliance and not physically fighting back to defend himself, even getting the wide-eyed expression of disbelief and hurt. But his words were scathing and meant to rattle the rabid dog's cage as he could see Vegas frothing at the mouth.

Apparently, he hit a nerve unconsciously as he was pulled to Vegas' face level, the other seething as he spoke, "Pretty things are easily broken. If you think I have qualms to do it publicly, you're wrong."

Apo was about to jerk his hand back to himself, the strain on his wrist already starting to become sore and achy as he bit his lower lip in a mental debate. He had taken self-defense classes before and applied them during roles in shows and films that required them. His intake of Vegas was inferiority complex to Kinn and apparently himself now as he rejected his advances. He wasn't interested. Were all the men in this family not known to the word 'no'? He frowned at that concept. Technically, Kinn didn't take no for an answer or rather, didn't let Apo say no to getting involved in this charade to begin with. Thus the saga of not knowing the elder was mafia and in underhanded, shady, and more than likely, murderous business was not good for Apo's image. Still – Kinn had been kind to him, progressively anyway, and he was always one to give the benefit of the doubt – and he glared, "Let go, you're causing a scene."

"Vegas. If you don't release him, I won't hesitate to kill you."

Both Vegas and Apo turned to look at who was hovering and looming behind Apo. Kinn. He had gone to the restroom, detoured to speak to his father about something or other which led to a drawn-out conversation about business that he preferred to ignore. Then of course there was his ex.

The man, Phichit, was standing next to the woman, Rutna, who was basically Kinn's sister by adoption of his father being her godfather and still had the audacity to look to him with those simpering eyes that were begging to be broken free of the engagement. It wasn't said in so many words, but Kinn knew why the man was marrying Rutna. It was for politics. Phichit was the son of a minister of defense that had ties to Kinn's family, they got involved when they were schoolmates and even went into college together; but Phichit told him there was no reason to continue if he wasn't sure he was completely 'gay'. There was also Tawan shortly after to mend his broken heart, only to shatter it with a different betrayal. The hypocritical nature of his relationships left him soured, bitter, and ironically found solace in a complete stranger with no past connection to him.

Apo – the actor that took on the role that was handed to him, already proved to be above the best with his giving nature and acceptance of Kinn's limits without mocking or teasing him, and just level-headed with him – there was no one else it seemed.

"Congratulations on your engagement Rutna," Kinn reached over to give her a firm hug as she laughed, very content and brightness shining in her eyes with excitement at the engagement. He peeked over to his father who was holding a glass of champagne before turning his attention to Phichit. A man he had been unable to get over, spent sleepless nights trying to understand what he had done wrong, only to take a year to get to the conclusion that he was not the problem. They were.

Offering a hand, Kinn nodded firmly, "You too Phichit. I look forward to watching you wait for Rutna down the aisle. You treat my sister with respect and love."


The hand that settled into Kinn's no longer stirred butterflies or gave him the youthful urge to pull that body towards him to touch, caress, and melt together in a pool of headiness. Instead, it gave him satisfaction to be able to face the other head on and lifted to show his indifference. A squeeze and chuckle, "She will look beautiful right Phichit?"

"...Yes...she will..."

Kinn knew that the eyes of his father and Phichit's father lingered on the both of them to see how they reacted. They were also responsible for breaking up their relationship and while Kinn was willing to work for it and push past, leave the empire into Tankhun's hands and run away like wayward souls that were looking to the sea as their escape. It had been a dream to see the ocean his mother always gushed and spoke about in her bedtime stories to him. Phichit knew this dream as did Tawan and somehow, neither managed to stay long enough to bring him this happiness. They thought solely of themselves. He took a leaf from their book and did the same.

That wasn't right though, was it? The actor gave him a new perspective the past few days that was actually a week – how had time flown? Normally, relationships dragged and there was only so much small talk he could pretend to tolerate. Kinn was ruthless and brutal, ice-like exterior that only proved to be too much for his one-times who knew to come to him only for a ticket to the heavens of euphoria. That's it. He licked his lips as he thought about who the deviant really was if it wasn't him.

"Kinn, is that your new partner? You haven't introduced him to us yet!" Rutna commented with a pout on her lips as she wrapped both her arms around Phichit, nuzzled her face into the man's bicep and Kinn got a thrill at seeing his ex look notably uncomfortable. He felt bad for Rutna but seeing the other man miserable was savory. Yet, her question brought him out of his trip down memory lane and turned to look over to where she was motioning with her head. A frown came onto his face instantly. Not only was Vegas seated in his seat, but he was also leaning closer to his boyfriend. That irritated the hell out of him, and he knew his weapon was in a basket along with everyone else's, only guards allowed to carry as instructed by his father to limit the amount of bloodshed and he snarled.

"I'll kill him..." Kinn murmured as he was about to leave when he heard his father state something that kept his feet frozen a moment.

"Kinn – is this another repeat?"

Kinn steeled his features, blinked as he rolled his head to look over his shoulder and straight into his father's eyes. They stared head on, and he could see his father's olden expression melt now. It was a test to see if his anger was genuine or just a ploy of jealousy. Kinn was not an actor, he was overly temperamental; and restraint evident by his furrowed brows and vein throbbing on his forehead, "Pa."


Like a wild animal that was leashed and held back with a chain around his neck, it was unhooked and he was released. Kinn knew it was temporary and his father would have questions. He had been unable to introduce Apo properly due to being pulled in five different directions by people who knew him personally or for business; so he made sure to sit and eat with Apo, confirm the other's food wasn't laced with anything hazardous by sampling it himself before offering it with a nod of assurance. Kinn recalled the little cute perk of a brow, a hand that lifted to pat his hand in gratitude, and the happiest of wiggles in the seat when the food provided was to Apo's taste and he couldn't look away from the result. It was just endearing.

Bathroom duties, his father and the couple catching him, and then of course Vegas had to swoop in when he was pre-occupied. The bodyguards were instructed only to intervene on Kinn's behalf, not Apo's. He grumbled to himself. He should've indicated that the same level of protection was afforded to the actor as it was himself.

He stepped closer to the conversation when he heard Apo trying to defend him, Vegas deem it as a slight towards him (which it was) and decide to jerk Apo around. Kinn was not foolish. He had watched Apo meditate in the center of his suite when he came to pick him up for a stroll around the gardens to keep up the imagery of their relationship with the staff that reported like rats to his father, and more than once stretching fight positions. When inquired, Apo just told him he learned for a role and continued to use it in his life to stay limber and actively flexible; he was impressed at the experience that followed this presumably simple man.

"Are you openly declaring war against the minor family? Over this?" Vegas gave Apo's arm a shake and the actor just let out a wince as laughed out roughly. Clearly evident he was not caring about being out in a public venue and in front of many influential individuals, "This piece of nothing?!"

"You are the nothing if you think you're worth declaring war with Vegas," Kinn retaliated as he held open his hand as if demanding his toy be returned to him. As casually spoken, Kinn's other hand inside of his pocket was curled into a fist and always told to be the poised and composed one. Why was Vegas always the one allowed to be childish? At the hint of insubordination, his father squashed it out of him with punishment while Tankhun, Kimhan, Vegas, and Macau apparently had free reign to be obnoxious little shits. It was why Kinn took out his frustrations in the physical way: sex and murder. Right now, he was inclined to the latter option.

Apo looked between the two cousin, over Kinn's shoulder to Korn who did not seem interested in getting involved in the family squabble and that irked him.

His parents doted on him endlessly, loved him and always did their best to protect him. Yes, they were strict; but any sort of fight, he was always told to just meditate and kill them with kindness. Yet the few times he did get into scuffles, they would scold him before asking if he at least won them. Their support is what got him through the dark days and here was Kinn, having to fight with a wolf that yapped at a lion and the control evident in all of his body.

Deciding to go that route as he had also started the conversation's trek badly from how he reacted with Vegas; Apo just snatched back his arm when the grip slackened from Vegas looking at Kinn dumbfoundedly and moved to stand closer to Kinn's side immediately. The arm that looped around his waist was secure, solid and the teether that Apo needed to speak, "If you have unresolved anger issues, I do suggest going to therapy or something instead of retaliating childishly, it's unbecoming of a minor head."

Kinn had to hold in his laughter as he felt relieved when Apo floated into the space beside him, his arm could not help but feel the weight comforting as he jerked his head, "I don't need my gun to do some serious damage, Vegas. I've held my tongue; I've held my fists. Do you see the ring on my hand or would you like a close up of it when I break your nose in?"

It was apparently the word that Vegas needed as he could see the seething boil of black eyes that were nearly gone in color, it pushed back his ire for the moment and he looked around to see that his father was glaring at him at a distance. That gaze promised the real punishment and he sneered, "Keep your whore Kinn, filth for filth—" his jaw snapped back as Vegas grabbed at his chin and stare with wide saucers for eyes.

Kinn shook his hand out with a growl, the knuckles bruised from the impact he made against Vegas' jaw and didn't want to risk cutting his skin on his cousin's teeth and the eyes he made were promising the cruelest of deaths, "You're lucky it's a day of celebration or the blood would seep into the bride's dress and I'd have no issues over it. Speak ill of my lover, I'll cut out your tongue and feed it to you."

That threat and the punch sunk home for Vegas as he turned in a scampered way, tail between his legs for real this time as he headed out and everyone looked over to Kinn with expression of concern.

Apo took the aura that Kinn was exuding, frowned and shouted to the room, "
Are you all suddenly involved in our business? Go back to your conversations!"

The sound definitely impacted and rattled as anyone could see the mystery man's vibe was no nonsense and went back to speaking to one another as if that whole thing that went down was a passing figment of imagination. Apo went to grab Kinn's hand to notice the injury, instantly forgetting his own as he tugged Kinn to sit back down at their table and no one dared intrude in their circle. He vaguely noticed the elder's dazed state as he complied to sit down and Apo waved to one of the guards, "Get me a medical kit."

"Khun Nattawin it's—"

"Did I stutter?" His voice took on a cold tone that mirrored Kinn's that the guard could only stand straighter, hairs on edge and ran to obey and go fetch the items.

Apo sighed out as he turned Kinn's wrist this way and that with a wrinkle of his nose, "You should've broken his nose if you were going to hurt yourself in the process Kinn."

"I know but he would've come bitching at me later..."

"Self-discipline is definitely appropriate for certain people...not that guy. I can't believe he's your cousin..."

"Me either. I also can't believe you."

The actor looked up with owlish-like eyes, "Huh? Why?"

"You're the one who said shouting and yelling does nothing. And here you were...shouting at a room full of important people to leave us alone," Kinn's eyes gaze definitely turned into a calmer expression as the guard returned with the kit, was shooed by a wave of his other hand and allowed himself to be treated. He carefully observed the knit of those brows in concentration as they applied cream, bandage to his knuckles and his other hand went to catch Apo's chin to pull his head up, "Apo."


"I'm sorry he spoke ill of you..."

"Nothing I haven't heard before Kinn..."

That brought a frown to Kinn's face as his thumb brushed against Apo's lower lip, then the top and back to the bottom in a mesmerized pattern, "I'm going to kiss you now."

"I...I won't stop you..."

The mafia head moved to pull Apo's chin to meet his face mid-way; a very public and open display of public affection. A first for Kinn and he couldn't say that he didn't feel sparks when he did so. The electric current that pressed into his heart and his mind definitely had him unraveling. Apo's lips were like pillows that he wanted to lay his head on after a long, cumbersome day, and the sigh that passed between them was hard to tell if it was his or the younger's. Either way, Kinn knew that a kiss had never felt like a fairytale come true in his life. All eyes on them and he couldn't find himself caring in the slightest.

For the actor, the adrenaline of literally everything culminated in this moment; and he took it in stride as he always did. Vegas dropping the bomb of the mafia, rough-housing with him, Kinn defending his honor and breaking his own façade in order to do so, and now was asking him permission to kiss him. How could he refuse?

The slight chap of Kinn's mouth from probably not consuming enough water felt perfect against his plush ones that opened further in a contented sigh, eyes fluttered closed and the room faded away. Were kisses always so good to the touch? Even acting and workshops paled in comparison to this moment and all he knew was that he wouldn't be able to shake off Kinn or this contract.


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