For Her (Book 1)

By GraysonCreates

19.7K 910 181

Know where your loyalty lies, Malfoy... *************************************** Hogwarts doesn't have one Mal... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Second Year

Chapter 5

1.3K 63 28
By GraysonCreates

"Good afternoon class," Hooch called out as she walked past them. Y/n was happy to be in the first flying class, not that he really needed it because he had practised before but that didn't make this any less exciting unless you count the fact that there was Hermione who seemed to be stressed about this class, Y/n had seen her with a book about flying and tips on how to fly better which he found amusing.

"Good afternoon, Madam Hooch," The class replied in sync as they stood there.

"Good afternoon, good afternoon," She spun around to face the class with a smile on her face. "Welcome to your first flying lesson, well what are you waiting for?" She asked as she watched them. "Everyone, step up to the left side of their broomstick, come on now hurry up," The class one by one did as they were told. "Stick your right hand over the broom and say up,"

Y/n calmly opened his mouth as he watched the stick, "Up," The broom flew up and into his hand, followed only a second later by Harry which earned him and Potter a weird stare from Hermione. "Come on, Hermione," Y/n encourage the brunette next to him as she called out to the broom. "Straighten your back and focus, you want to tell the broom to come up, not ask it," Y/n placed a hand on her shoulder and used the other to guide her hand. "Deep breath and command it," He added as he watched her do just that, it took her another few more tries before the broom flew up and into her hands with a smile, Y/n let go of her before turning to Ron. "Ron, not like that or you're going to," Y/n didn't get to finish before the stick flew up and whacked Ron right on the forehead, causing him and a few other students to laugh.

"Oh, shut up the two of you," Ron smiled at Y/n and Harry as he rubbed his forehead.

"Now, once you've gotten ahold of your broom, I want you to mount it," Hooch spoke as she watched each child holding their broomstick before throwing one leg over it. "Grip it tight, you don't want to be sliding off the end."

"You okay?" Y/n asked as he watched the nervousness haunt Hermione's face, she simply nodded as she looked at the broomstick. "Don't worry, I'm right here so you don't have to worry about anything," Y/n reassured the girl with a smile.

"When I blow my whistle, I want each of you to kick off from the ground, hard," Hooch explained as she walked past them. "Keep your brooms steady, hover for a moment, then lean forward slightly and touch back down,"

"See, that's it," Y/n turned his attention back to Hermione. "You've got this,"

"On my whistle, 3...2..." Hooch blew into her whistle and before anyone could think, Neville had already lifted off the ground, not looking too steady. "Mister Longbottom," Hooch called as everyone watched him shake uneasily, before taking off. "Mister Longbottom, come down this instantly," Hooch demanded which caused Y/n to roll his eyes, everyone could see that Neville had no idea what he was doing so Y/n couldn't understand the point of telling him that.

Y/n's grip on his broom tightened as the thought of flying after the kid crossed his mind but a soft hand on his shoulders prevented him as Hermione watched the scene play out with fear in her eyes. Just then Y/n saw Neville headed straight for them while Madam Hooch dived out of the way, following her lead Y/n grabbed Hermione and jumped out of the way, making sure to cushion her fall before slowly getting up with her. "Thanks," She mumbled as they watched Neville fly past a statue and his rob got caught.

"Accio," Y/n spoke as his wand flew to his hand just as Neville's robe tore and he fell. Taking a deep breath, he drew an 'M' in the air before a blue light fired out of his wand.

Arresto Momentum

Everyone watched the blue light hit Neville before his fall slowed down and him gently hitting the ground. Y/n put his wand away as Hooch ran up to him. "Quick thinking, Mister Malfoy," Hooch spoke up as she studied the boy's write. "Oh no dear, that's a broken write, let's go see Madam Pomfry," Hooch helped the boy up before leading him away from the group. "Everyone is to keep their feet firmly on the ground as I take Mister Longbottom to the hospital wing, understand?" Hooch spoke as she walked past the class with Neville. "If I see a single broom in the air, the one riding it will find themself out of Hogwarts before they can say Quidditch." She warned them a final time before disappearing.

"Did you see his face?" Of course, Draco had to say something. "Maybe if the fat lump had given this a squeeze, he'd have remembered to fall on his fat arse," Draco laughed with Neville's Remembrall in his hand.

"Give it here, Malfoy," Harry spoke as he walked up behind Draco.

"No," Draco turned to face Potter with a smirk on his face. "I think I'll leave it somewhere for Longbottom to find," He joked as he played with the ball. "Maybe," Draco trailed off as he stood on the back of his broom, flying around the group. "On the roof," He laughed as he flew past everyone and into the sky. "What's wrong Potter, a bit beyond your reach?" He continued mocking Harry as he sat on his broom.

Harry shook his head as he got onto his broom. "Harry no, you heard what Madam Hooch said," Hermione warned him. "And besides, you don't even know how to fly," She added, something that Y/n agreed with, Draco has been flying for some time and Harry would be in a lot of trouble if he took him on in the sky yet Harry choice to ignore the girl as he flew off after Draco. "What an idiot," Hermione rolled her eyes.

"You can say that again," Y/n spoke up as he tightened his grip on his broom.

"Not you too," Hermione complained as she studied the boy next to her.

"I'm sorry Hermione but they are going to get themselves hurt if I don't do something," Y/n looked at the girl apologetically as he ran off from the group, jumping into the air as he swung his foot over the broom and took off flying.

"Boys..." She let out a sigh.

Just then the group watched Harry chasing Draco higher and higher until Draco decided to throw the Remembrall across the sky. Unfortunately, Draco had stopped much faster than Harry could and Harry had accidentally flown into the back of his broom, knocking Draco off the stick.

"Go!" Y/n yelled, motioning to the Remembrall as he pushed the nose of his broom down. Harry didn't waste any time as he took off after the glass ball while Y/n dived at an insane speed, easily grabbing Draco's arm before he hit the ground, carefully lowering his brother back to his feet as Harry landed next to him.

"I am so sorry Y/n,"

"Don't," Y/n cut Harry off as he watched Draco sitting on the grass. "Just forget about it," Y/n turned to face Potter as he motioned towards the group.

"Really, I could've died and you tell him to..."

"Shut it," Y/n yelled as he turned to Draco, pure rage in his eyes. "You could've gotten yourself killed, you could have killed Harry so don't for a second think I would be on your side, you were wreckless and idiotic, the mere fact that I saved you is more forgiveness than you deserve for that," Y/n fired at his brother before turning around and walking back to the class.

"Harry Potter," The two looked at Professor McGonagall. "Follow me," She spoke before turning and walking down the hall with Harry in step behind her.

"Y/n," Hermione called out as she hugged the boy, catching him off guard. "That was the stupidest thing you could have done, Thank goodness the two of you are safe." She spoke, clearly referring to him and Harry but they weren't completely sure Harry was safe.

"The new seeker, but first years never make the house's team," Ronald spoke with joy written over his face. "You must be the youngest Quidditch player in a..."

"Century, according to McGonagall," Harry explained to the two boys as they walked through the halls.

"Hey, well done Harry, Woods just told us," Fred spoke up as he placed a hand on Harry's shoulder.

"Fred and George are also on the team, beaters," Ron explained.

"Our job is to make sure that you don't get bloodied up too bad," George smiled as he looked at the boy who lived. "Can't make any promises, of course, rough game Quidditch,"

"Brutal," Fred jumped in, Y/n just walked with them with a smile on his face, he could see that they were making the new guy nervous, probably a tradition. "No one's died in years, someone will vanish occasionally but they'll turn up in a month or two," Fred spoke as the three parted ways with them.

"Oh, go on Harry," Ron spoke as they walked into the open field. "Quidditch is great, the best game there is," He continued bragging as Y/n felt someone next to him, looking to find a beaming Hermione once again. "And you'll be great too,"

"But I've never even played Quidditch," Harry complained as they came to a halt. "What if I make a fool of myself?"

"You won't make a full of yourself," Hermione spoke up, causing the two boys to turn to face her for the first time. "It's in your blood," She added as the two shared a confused look before the three of them followed her off.

She led the three boys towards the Trophy case before pointing at one of the badges. "Woah, Harry, you didn't tell me your father was a seeker too,"

"Obviously he didn't know," Y/n spoke as he studied all the badges in the case.

"It's spooky, I tell you," Ron spoke as the four of them walked up the stairs, the three Gryffindors on their way back to their Common room with Y/n just walking with them. "She knows more about your family than you do," Ron continued.

"Who doesn't?" Harry responded but their chat was cut short when the stairs began shifting. Y/n instantly balanced himself as he grabbed Hermione who was already next to him and placed a hand on Ron's back to stop him from falling. "What's happening?" Harry called out as they rotated.

"The staircases change, remember?" Hermione answered as she held onto Y/n for balance. They eventually stopped as their path led to a new door.

"Let's go this way," Harry suggested as he pointed at the door.

"Before the staircase moves again," Ron added as the four walked over to the new door, which Harry opened up without an issue.

Walking in they found themselves in a dark and dusty room with strange statues. "Does anyone else feel like we're not supposed to be here?" Ron asked as Y/n and Hermione looked at each other before shaking their heads.

"That's because we're not supposed to be here, it's the third floor," Hermione began as she looked at the ginger-haired kid.

"It's forbidden," Y/n finished as he studied the room in front of him. Just then the torch next to them lit up, flames burning brightly. "Let's just get out of here," Y/n suggested as he turned around and froze.

Hermione was the next to follow his lead. "It's Filtch's cat," She got the other two boys' attention as she spoke, both turning to face the red-eyed cat.

"Run," Ron spoke as the cat meowed, the four of them turned around and ran as fast as they could down the hallway as they tried to get as far from the cat as possible and yet every torch they ran past would cat a lit, giving away their position.

"Quick, let's hide through that door," Harry suggested as he tried to open it but failed. "It's locked," He complained.

"That's it, we're done for," Ron panicked.

Before Y/n could say or do anything, Hermione seemed to get irritated by the boys and pushed past Harry. "Move over," She ordered as she pulled her wand out.


The boys' watched as the lock released and the door opened up. "Get in," She ordered as she opened the door a slight bit more before walking in, followed one by one until Y/n closed the door behind him.

"Alohomora?" Ron questioned the girl even though Y/n didn't see why he thought he had the right to question her when she just saved their arses.

"Standard book of spells?" Hermione asked with a matter-of-fact tone.

"Chapter 7," Y/n responded as he watched the brunette shake her head at Ron. Just then they could hear sounds coming from outside the door.

"His gone," Hermione let out a sigh of relief.

"Probably thinks the door is locked,"

"It was locked," Hermione rolled her eyes as she responded to Ron.

"And for good reason," The three heard Harry speak before seeing what he was looking at. Y/n recognised it instantly from his books, after all, there aren't that many three-headed dogs just chilling in every building.

They watched as the dog's head slowly woke up as the four stared at it, Y/n instinctively moved in front of Hermione as he watched the dog, his arms coming up to move the other two boys more behind him as well. Y/n heard the three yell from behind him as the dog growled, feeling them run towards the door and fling it open before he felt someone grab the back of his robe and yank him out of the room as well, while the other two boys slammed the door shut, well they tried to but the dog was making it hard for them to close it so in an instant Y/n had his wand out.


He waved his wand through the air as a blue ball shot out of the tip before hitting the door, slamming it shut as the lock closed once again. The four then turned and ran off, trying to get out of the room as fast as possible and soon enough they stood on the landing platform to Gryffindors' common room with Hermione giving the painting their password. "What do they think they are doing, keeping a thing like that locked up in a school..." Ron complained as they stood there.

"You don't use your eyes do you?" Hermione fired back as she spun around to glare at the three of them. "Didn't you see what it was standing on?" She asked as they watched the painting slowly open.

"I wasn't looking at its feet, I was looking at its head..." Ron fired back as he glared at her as well. "Seeing as it had THREE," Ron yelled as he shook his head.

"It was standing on a trap door, which means it wasn't there by accident," Y/n decided to butt in with the answer Hermione was looking for. "It's guarding something,"

"Guarding something?" Harry looked puzzled as he shifted his gaze between the only two who seemed to understand each other.

"That's right," Hermione confirmed. "Now, if you three don't mind... I'm going to bed before any of you come up with another clever idea to get us killed, or worse..." She shivered at the thought before taking a deep breath. "Expelled..." She shook her head before turning towards the painting.

"Goodnight, Hermione," Y/n called out only to have her completely ignore him as she entered Gryffindor's common room.

"She needs to sort out her priorities," Ron shook his head.

"I mean she has a point," Y/n shivered at the thought of having to tell Lucius he was expelled over something like this, he would much rather be turned into a midnight snack for the dog.

"You two are weird," Ron looked at Y/n before walking into the Common room himself. "Anyway, goodnight," Ron called out as he disappeared.

"Yeah, see you tomorrow," Harry spoke before also walking in as the painting closed behind him, leaving the Slytherin standing there alone.

"Such a shame not being in the same house as friends, am I right?" The Fat Lady spoke as she looked at Y/n.

"It is, goodnight," Y/n offered a smile before walking off, returning to his Common room before lights out.


Y/n's using himself as a shield for people he just met? Strange isn't it, It's like on instinct or something?

What was your favourite part of this chapter?

What do you think of Y/n and Hermione so far?

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