Anakin's Fortress - Book II (...

By KenobiReads

12.3K 503 269

A Darth Vader Romance Kat I am no one. A shadow. Insignificant. Or at least, that's what I was taught to be... More

Author's Note
Prologue - Kat
Prologue - Anakin
One - Riposte
Two - Acquiescence
Three - Climacteric
Four - Exigency
Five - Botheration
Six - Umbrage
Seven - Mercurial
Eight - Inconcievable
Nine - Commiserative
Ten - Salutiferous
Eleven - Magnanimity
Twelve - Elucidate
Thirteen - Outrรฉ
Fourteen - Disported
Fifteen - Adumbrate
Seventeen - Perspicacious
Eighteen - Credence
Nineteen - Sangfroid
Twenty - Recherchรฉ
Twenty-one - Quagmire
Twenty-two - Impetuous
Twenty-three - Antipathy
Twenty-four - Intransigent
Twenty-five - Contretemps
Twenty-six - Dissonance
Twenty-seven - Incipient
Twenty-eight - Raconteur
Twenty-nine - Futurity
Thirty - Duplicity
Thirty-one - Ignoble
Thirty-two - Karma
Thirty-three - Deification
Thirty-four - Diatribe
Thirty-five - Imprecation
Thirty-six - Accolade
Thirty-seven - Nascency
Thirty-eight - Promethean
Thirty-nine - Contrive
Forty - Senescence
Forty-one - Bulwark
Forty-two - Discombobulate
Forty-three - Thralldom
Forty-four - Elysian
Forty-five - Nonpareil
Forty-six - Oneiric
Forty-seven - Rigmarole
Forty-eight - Desideration
Forty-nine - Vicissitude
Fifty - Harangue
Fifty-one - Dunkirk
Fifty-two - Prerogative

Sixteen - Aplomb

260 10 10
By KenobiReads

I never underestimate my opponent, but I never underestimate my strengths, either.
Year 11



"Are they gone?" Leia asks. "All of them?"

With a bit of effort, I straighten and take her in. She's cautiously relieved. Yeah, if I'd been taken on two separate occasions, I think I'd be happy too.

"So it appears. Someone will search for survivors." Thankfully it's not my job. My datapad pings and, honestly, I almost ignore it. What more could possibly happen today?

It's telling me the upper hangar is opening. I swear to the gods, if he's injured and expects me to fix him up, I'm tossing him off the castle.

"Anakin is landing," I announce. I send the all-clear to Letty and the Dominion.

When the lift opens, we turn to see him step off, and one glance at his posture and stance tells me he's pissed. He's also dripping wet—I bet his cape weighs a ton. He lets out a growl and removes his helmet, throwing it hard across the room and knocking things off the wall. I grip Leia's wrist and move her behind me before the mask even leaves his hand.

"What the fuck was that?!" he roars.

I step forward, meeting his yellow eyes that follow my every move. They're almost crazed, and dark circles shadow them.

Placing my hands on each side of his face, I force him to slow. "Anakin." Once his eyes focus on mine, I press my forehead to his. "Leia and I are safe, Anakin," I whisper for only him to hear. "You are fucking incredible, my love."

A shiver rolls through him, then he wraps his arms around my waist, tugs me flat against him, and presses his lips firmly to mine.

I should be uncomfortable with the two viewing, but between the heat his lips created within me and the fact that the kiss was firm but soft, telling me he had control of himself, I'm far from it.

He pulls back too soon and returns his forehead to mine for another moment. "Thank you, Kitten." I nod lightly and he pulls away to look at his daughter. My knees feel weak when I see his blue eyes shining.

"Princess," he says softly. "I'm really sorry about this." His face is contorted into regret and what I think might be fear.

She shakes her head and runs to him, wrapping her arms around his waist, and it takes everything in me not to let tears form.

"I only wish you'd killed them sooner," she mumbles before pulling away.

Anakin looks pained by her words, but his face corrects as he looks at Thrawn.

"My lord," Thrawn greets with a small bow of his head. "If you wish to reschedule our appointment, I would understand."

"I have delayed long enough, I think. I thank you for aiding Kat in this, Admiral. I'm afraid it was less a military objective than a personal one."

"I disagree, my lord. Saving a princess is rather official." There is something in his expression that tells me he knows exactly how personal this is.

Anakin nods lightly and returns his gaze to me. "Would you return her to her father, Kitten?"

"But," Leia starts to object. Anakin's eyes flash to her.

"This is no place for you, my princess."

Leia seems to soften, and I know I do.

"It also will not look right if I take you back myself," Anakin says and runs his hand through through his hair. None of us add that the whole thing doesn't look right, though we are likely all thinking it.



I motion for the admiral to follow me down the corridor to my office. Thanks to Zena, Butler arrives at the same time as me with dry clothes. I work my jaw the whole time I'm changing, trying to resist the curse that is sitting on my tongue. Deciding to forgo the suit altogether, I enter my office in my basic black trousers and a matching shirt to find Thrawn standing, staring out the window.

"I apologize for so much delay," I say as evenly as I can manage.

But I feel terrible because I could have been here sooner. I wanted Kitten to meet Thrawn, so I hung back. When I saw the message to return home immediately, I knew something had gone very wrong.

"It is quite alright, my lord. I found this entire experience to be rather exciting." I almost laugh, his neutral voice and expression so hard to read.

"Yeah?" I ask as I sit in my overpriced chair. "Which part was your favorite?" It is my attempt at a joke, but Thrawn of course takes it literally.

"Getting to know your betrothed, I think."

I let out a snort—there's no way Kitten told him anything of the sort. "I felt bad for asking her to entertain you. She believes she is awkward with people."

He raises an eyebrow and crosses an ankle over his knee. It's the most casual I've ever seen him. "Awkward is not a word I would use to describe Velez."

I give him a small smile. "Nor would I. I'll admit, there have been times when she's been rather disagreeable with people she's not sure are my ally."

Which I fucking love.

"She was honest. Honesty is a rare quality in our line of work." He pauses a moment. "She told me she didn't like me."

I explode into laughter, part of me shocked and the other part not surprised at all. While she might conceal her feelings to the point of appearing dismissive at times, and while she has a way of using words as armor, she can also throw them like daggers.

"For what?" He is clearly studying me—I don't blame him. His idea of me has probably crumbled many times this day.

"I believe my observations made her uncomfortable."

"I have no doubt," I say and lean back in my chair. They have made me uncomfortable since the day I met him, but I find I like this unusual man. Kat will too upon learning how efficient he is.

"She did not hesitate during any part of the day. Though she warned me that she is not military, she acted as a true leader and made difficult decisions without looking back. I saw two very different sides to Velez today." My pride for my Kitten only grows as time goes on. I'm looking forward to watching Annie's clips of the day, especially how she handled entertaining Thrawn.

"She underestimates herself. But she is the most loyal person I've ever known."

"To you?" And not to the Emperor?

"Yes." I can practically see his brain filing that away.

"And to the princess."

"You are telling me you haven't figured that out yet, Admiral?" There's no humor in my voice. This topic scares me the most.

"Not quite, I'm afraid. I thought I had, but you called Bail Organa her father."

He's fibbing. He is giving me the chance to say it. He wishes to analyze me, but I guess I don't mind. I need allies, and I need as much honesty as possible because there are too many things I have to hide. Another powerful person knowing who Leia is means another set of eyes on her, and Thrawn, at least, will not harm her. I don't know if he's a morally good guy, but that doesn't matter. I know what he wants, and it doesn't stand in my way.

"The senator is her adopted father, the man who has raised her. She will always see him as a parent." He nods, confirming he understands without words. I sense a seriousness in him, as if we are discussing a grave topic.

"How long have you known?" he asks in a low voice.

"In many ways, not long enough," I sigh. "Kat found out first. She waited to tell me until I was...more stable." He frowns, and I pause so he can put his thoughts into words.

"I will admit, I just met Miss Velez, so perhaps I am wrong, but that sounds out of character."

I nod and close my eyes. "It was. What else have you learned today?"

He accepts the topic shift with ease. "You are very lucky to have her, and I do not mean as your security, or even as your ally. I mean as someone to help with Leia."

I frown. "What do you mean?" Leia will be an adult in a few years, it isn't like she needs a babysitter. She's probably more responsible than me sometimes.

"When we returned here, it would seem the princess could feel the dark side of the Force. Kat surprised me with her efficiency in handling it. She told her to ignore it, that it lies and offers no answers. She said it much more elegantly than me, but the girl was calmed by her. It was...unexpected from someone who does not touch the Force."

His words please me immensely. I should have told Leia more about what this place is, but I did not want her here any longer than necessary.

"It doesn't surprise me. Not only has she been around me for years, but she recently began studying the Force."

He cocks his head. "Fascinating. I wasn't confident it was something someone like me could fully understand."

"Probably not," I say with a light shrug. I'm tired, feeling drained, and wishing Kat was here to do half of the talking for me. She's so good at that. "I'm surprised you did not notice she is rather intelligent, though." If anyone could do it, it would be her.

He smiles a dry little grin and nods three times. "I did, but I'm afraid I do not have much to go off of. She does not use technical words like one often hears from an academic." This makes me want to laugh; I can't wait to tell her he said that. "But there was...something in the way she spoke that tells me it is a practiced speech pattern, as if she is reviewing her words in her mind before she says them."

"Until she gets angry," I say with a devious chuckle. I pop my feet up on the desk and put my hands behind my head, trailing my eyes to the ceiling.

"Her father created an algorithm that changed the way micro and nanotechnology are thought of and engineered. It's complicated, touchy, and can be dangerous. Dr. Velez's original goal appears to have been affordability. I've never asked Kat, but I think his life mission was to make medical technology that is free to everyone. What he did invent is all dirt cheap, but can be used for almost anything. Droids, cybernetics, flight systems, star maps." I wave my hand indicating he got the point.

"He named it the Angel Theorem, and it would lead the Separatists to force him into employment, where he developed more creations. He did not wish for a similar fate for his daughter, so he went to great lengths to prevent it. He had her convinced she could not attract attention from anyone, for anything. He did not teach her of his work, but neither did he let her out of his sight. As a result, she learned it from watching him."

Thrawn had not moved during my small speech, but here, he nods thoughtfully, his hand on his chin.

"I see. Understanding a complicated technology does not equate to genius," he says, and I hear the question underneath.

I smile lightly. "I suppose not. But she learned things as a child that many adults spend years never quite mastering."

"Alright. But she has no passion for it?"

"Not at all. I think she only taught herself to be closer to her father. The thing is, she understands all that scientific jargon, yes. But her genius is in her creativity, I think. Did she show you her command station?"

His eyebrows lift. "She did. It is intricate."

I nod. "She does not limit herself to what is the norm because she does not know the norm. She has lived here for almost two decades."

"She seems to have a level head, despite being removed from society."

"Wait until you see her thinking she's going to have to meet new people," I chuckle. "Do you know anything about cybernetics, Thrawn?"

"Not much, I'm afraid. I'm aware the technology here is rather advanced. I do not believe we're as far along, in the Ascendancy."

"I have as many alterations and devices inside me as I do organic material."

He smiles, a large grin that shows great amusement. "Ah," he drags out. "And when did you both learn she possessed knowledge of your technology?"

I like how he understands things without me explaining them. It makes things easier.

"About a year into her employment. She fixed me up after an injury. It was the day I learned she was more than just a clever girl. It also led me to discover just what was inside my body. Eventually I would discover that there was no one left to give me answers, and the Emperor claims to not understand the semantics."

He nods as if understanding, which I suppose he probably does.

"Incredible," he says almost to himself. "Did you ever discover what her father rejected?"

Ah, so they discussed parts of this. "Not officially. I believe he was asked to put a chip inside me, however. One that could control me, if need be. Kat found one in my brain, but it possessed no data. My guess? Palpatine discovered they tried to fool him, and killed him and his partner without realizing there was no one else to program it."

We are both quiet for a moment before his face goes hard, and I know he's readying to make his statement.

"I disagree with the Death Star."

I let out an audible exhale. "I'm aware. You believe your special TIE design will be a better investment."

"I believe the Death Star is a threat to my people."

"It's a threat to everyone. That's the point."

He cocks his head at me, and even though he is impossible to read, I get the impression of mischievous energy from him.

"We could make this more exciting," he says in his voice that shows no excitement.

"Make what exciting?"

"Deciding what to do with the battle station and my defenders."

I shake my head with a chuckle. The Death Star isn't our decision to make, but I figure he means a decision between us, getting us on the same page. I can back his defenders, if he proves them to be worth it. I can't back something unless it succeeds.

"I'm listening," I say with a gesture.

"Let Kat decide." I tilt my head, so he goes on. "We present her with unbiased data, we hear her thoughts, and we let her unknowingly decide what we do with the Death Star."

"Thrawn," I chuckle dryly. "She will tell us to destroy it today." Kitten will lose her shit.

"Then we destroy it today."

This makes me burst into laughter. Surely he is joking.

"The most strategic person in the galaxy wants to leave a critical decision up to a woman who has never seen battle?"

He raises an eyebrow, and I almost roll my eyes. "We have been to war, Thrawn. We've seen death all around us. That is not the same as ordering missiles to fire."

His other eyebrow raises, but he just stares at me.

"Come on, Admiral."

"The longer we wait, the closer it gets to finishing, and the more difficult disabling it will be. But I think you are not only underestimating Velez, you are assuming you know what she would say. You are looking at her as an inexperienced woman, and yet, her entire life has been influenced by war. By you. Perhaps you are not taking in that creativity you mentioned."

"Thrawn, she's going to panic."

He frowns and narrows his eyes. "Panic? I saw no indication she was panicking today. Not when it counted."

I want to continue arguing, as it is insane. But he's right about that, panic is not in her nature. I can count the number of times she's panicked on one hand.

He lets me think for a moment before speaking again. "Her choice need not be definite. But perhaps she can shine some light on the topics we are too close to."

"I guess that's a good point," I say, more to myself. "I'm just not sure she needs this burden. It will worry her."

"Miss Velez has remained loyally by your side. Is it possible you have not utilized her as the advisor she could be?"

If this is all a way to get me to see her as my advisor, it is dramatic. But he might have a point.

I sigh. "If I take advice from her and do things differently, it would be noticed by the Emperor. I'm predictable."

He smiles. Just... smiles.


"We are predictable to the people who know us."



As I fly back to Mustafar, I pull up the information I requested. One thick file on all the surveillance footage of Nur.

Call me curious, call it a feeling.

They attack Vader almost immediately, but in the commons area...something more interesting happens. Two Inquisitors appear to be fighting each other.

I roll it back and watch as they both look at their comms, then each other. A few seconds later, their heads snap in the same direction. They exchange some words—I have no audio—as they start to slowly circle each other.

The black Twi'lek lights his saber first, and, as always, I'm impressed. Lightsaber battles are a thing of destruction.

A third Inquisitor joins the fight, siding with the Twi'lek. I don't know her species; she's strikingly red and feminine. Their opponent is the only one I recognize: the Grand Inquisitor.

And then, a blade goes right through the Pau'an's chest. The Twi'lek drags the saber to the side, ripping his body open. I want to turn away...but I'm missing something.

The two survivors seem to argue for just a moment before turning and sprinting away.

I time-match other views and watch them rush to the hangar where the battle is. The red female shouts something and catches the Third Brother's attention, who spins around.

My heart quickens.

He seems to snarl something at them, then throws his saber. They retreat—just before the missiles launch. The cameras are out in an instant.

I rewatch it three times before I decide they were attempting to stop the others. And then I call the Dominion.


The search crew has a little more than an hour's head start from me, and I know I'll be of no help. But still, I land there before going planetside.

I mostly ignore the acknowledgments from the troops until I find the commander. He guides me to where they're currently digging and shows me the areas of the fortress they're draining the ocean out of.

The spot they're digging has heat signatures, and the man tells me it could be another hour. I recall that people buried lose oxygen and debate calling Anakin.

Then, all at once, the ground starts shaking. I'm backing up, hoping like hell it's not an angry Inquisitor.

The rubble bursts apart with a deafening crash. As I hit the ground—or wall, I don't know—with my arms wrapped around my head, I'm positive I'm about to get a terrible injury.

But the expected pain never comes, only the discomfort and small stabs of rubble beneath me. Blinking does no good, it's almost pitch black from all the dust. A mechanized cough comes from above me and I understand—a trooper shielded me.

"Are you—" my words come to a stop when I begin coughing myself. Too much rubble... dust...

I can tell it's settling but I still can't breathe. The feeling of suffocating begins to push minor panic to the surface. Suddenly, something attaches to my nose and mouth before expanding around my head and I'm about to scream when a woman's voice comes out behind me.

"It's okay, it's my mask. Come on," she says, and a hand grasps the crook of my elbow. I can see better, but I'm still coughing up whatever I inhaled. My lungs feel hot and scratchy and my eyes still burn.

The moment we're in clear air I start to claw at the mask. I do not like it on my face—I don't know how they do this.

Then it's gone, my vision replaced by the red-skinned woman. Her clothes are ripped and dirty, and she has a surprised expression on her face.

"Kat Velez?" Her raspy voice tells me she needed the mask too.

I nod. Here's to hoping I was correct.

"How's this for a first time here?" she asks.

"Probably a last, too," a rough voice says behind me. "I think we'll need a new fortress."

Wow, that is one fucking scary Twi'lek. He must be as tall as Anakin and has the sharpest facial features I've ever seen.

"Why are you here?" he asks when he's before me, staring down at me like I'm a bug.

"I saw security footage. It looked like you were planning to help him."

They exchange a glance. "We were. Does he live?"

"Yes. He doesn't know you do, yet."

"You came here on your own?" he asks.

"Yeah. And I need to get back." I hesitate. "You did not wish to fight him. Instead, you fought your brothers and sisters."

It is the red female that answers. "They speak of betraying him all the time. We figured it would come eventually."

"And why not you?"

"I don't really know," she says. I believe her. "A few years ago, I might have."

He nods with a solemn expression. "He's been different. The others saw it as weakness. Opportunity for them."

"We see it as a chance to be more. More than an Inquisitor."

"More than a Jedi," he adds. Oh—they were Jedi? "Don't get us wrong, Shadow. We're not good people."

Okay. Alrighty. They are...I don't know. It's like watching two beings act as one.

"Why do you say that? Do I look like a good person?"

"No," she says with a pained grin. "Not really. You look like a shadow. Shadows are neutral, believe it or not. They don't exist, not as sentients."

"She means you look like someone with little autonomy, who lives only to serve Vader."

"But that is what makes you as dangerous as the shadows." She steps closer. "Do not think we don't know why Lord Vader has been different. The Inquisitors do not miss much. His morals are shifting, which means despite your appearance, you hold better morals than we do."

Debatable. What they're not accounting for is I do live for Anakin. My morals will probably always reflect his.

The Twi'lek inches closer and puts a hand on my shoulder. "We could kill you, you know. It would break him, wouldn't it?"

I smile at him, soft and a little curious. "Because then you could defeat him?" A quick chuckle. "If you wanted Vader dead, you'd still be under that rubble." I shrug his hand away because I don't like it.

"You wish to intimidate me, or perhaps just see if it's possible. It is, but you don't. You likely already know that what I say to him upon my return will hold weight in his judgments of you two. But here's the thing: Lord Vader will always do what he wants."

I start walking toward the exit, three troopers following but hanging back as if knowing they stand no chance against these two. "If you want a ride, I suggest you hurry."

On the ship, I shift to glance at them again.

"How common is that knowledge?" Does the whole galaxy know Anakin is softening?

The red woman grins at me. "The Inquisitors are a private bunch." Were. "It was between us. Now, it's just us two. Are you going to kill us? Bury the secret, Shadow?"

Their taunting is getting old. "I am not foolish enough to overestimate my capabilities."

"Hmm. It sure would be fun to see you try."

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