Shadow Monarch from Another W...

By amey78

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Park Jisoo, cousin of the former Weakest Hunter to the S-Ranked Hunter Sung Jin-Woo and also, one of the Shad... More

Chapter 1: Shadow Monarch
Chapter 2: The Rise of The Shadow Army
Chapter 3: I am no Hero or Villain
Chapter 4: Riot
Chapter 5: Bad Guy
Chapter 6: Shut Down
Chapter 7: Enemy of my Enemy is my Friend
Chapter 8: Fear VS Dead and Hope
Chapter 9: Crash of Monsters
Chapter 10: The Boy Who Cries for Help
Chapter 11: In the Dark, there's always Light
Chapter 12: Payback
Chapter 13: Arise
Happy Birthday Jisoo!!!
Chapter 14: I am Death, Straight Up
Chapter 15: Queen of the Dead
Chapter 16: The World's Savior
Chapter 17: Seoul
Chapter 18: Apprentices
Chapter 19: Big Bad Overlord
Chapter 20: Dark isn't all so Evil
Chapter 21: Return of Strongest Hunter
Chapter 22: Reunion
Chapter 23: Story of how I became a Monarch
Chapter 24: Double Dungeon
Chapter 25: Protector of the Weak
Chapter 26: The Visitor named Penelope
Information of the New Arcs
Chapter 27: Orphan Princess
Chapter 28: The New Family Member
Chapter 29: New Society
Chapter 30: Imperfection
Chapter 31: Beauty and the Beast
Chapter 32: The New Life
Chapter 33: Home Far Away
Chapter 34: Come Back Home
Questions And Anwers
Chapter 35: Sung Suho
Chapter 36: Venom Spiderwoman
Chapter 37: Just Between Amigos
Chapter 38: Earth-42
Chapter 39: Sinister Six Cartel
Chapter 40: Brooklyn's Heist Battle
Chapter 41: God Of Light And Symbiotes
Chapter 42: Spider Gang
Queen Of The Dead: Park Jisoo
Spiderwoman: Yesenia Gómez Luna
Chapter 43: Apology For Spidey
Side Story 2: Angelic Yet Fiery Aunt

Side Story 1: How the Holy Nation was destroyed By Jisoo

1.1K 53 11
By amey78

Author's pov

It was normal night in the Holy Nation of Laila, the nation was found by the Goddess Laila who in the citizens of the Holy Nation stated she was a kind and benevolent Goddess whom tried to save the world from wicked and evil Ancient Wizards who used forbidden and dark magic.

But actuality, Laila wasn't even a Goddess to begin with, she was selfish and wicked mage who became a Deity by sucking out the magic and lifespan of the born Mages and tried to destroy the world to create her 'perfect and beautiful' world in her own version.

The Ancient Wizards stopped her and destroyed her physical body but they couldn't kill her as they were cursed by her into misfortunes such as losing their love ones and dying by her curse or being killed by her wicked and prejudiced followers.

The Last Ancient Wizard that Laila and others been looking for, Penelope Eckhart disappeared from the world.

Lead them think that they can conquer the world and destroy everyone, like the pure blooded descendants of the Golden Dragon of Eorka or high level mage.

But they were so wrong about that.

"Ah...I wished I could've brought Igris, Beru, and Bellion but they're already assigned on helping the kids. Even Kamish and Tusk are taking care of Penelope...I guess we're going to have a conquest tonight" Jisoo soon said as being top of Kaisel as releasing her powerful Shadow Army.

Jisoo soon smirks as looking at capital of the Holy Nation of Laila while her eyes glow purple which the moon soon begin to changed from the white moon to a light purple moon.

"Arise, my army" Jisoo ordered which the Shadows shouted out a battle cry before charging towards the Holy Nation as the Shadow Dragons started firing at them with their dragon's breath, towards the buildings.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!! WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING?!?!?!" One of the followers screamed in horror and terror by seeing the menace of the Shadow Army brutally attacking each other of followers of Laila and leaving a gore scene.

They screamed more when they saw the Shadow Dragons, Shadow Ants and the Shadow Rulers attacking them from the skies as they were brutally stabbed, slashed and burned by them.

Kaisel soon takes Jisoo towards the temple of Laila which Jisoo soon jumped into a window and crashes into it as landing perfectly in the library.

Jisoo noticed the followers who were reading, were in stun while she remained calm and stoic before she stands up and spans her fingers.

Out of the blue, Jima and the Shadow Ants crashed through the windows and brutally killed the followers gorely.

Jisoo turns around and senses a strong, higher level of mana which she turns around and begins to walked to that direction as Shadows begin to invaded the temple.

"What the hell is going on?! Are the knights of Eorka invading us?! I thought the succession of between two princes were still ongoing! Did the The Queen and her crocky son betray us?!" The High Priest asked to the leader of the Holy Nation who wore a full white hooded and a mask.

It was the former mage and the Wicked Goddess who ruled the Nation of Laila.


"No, if that was those foolish and idiotic knights of Eorka Empire along with bastard dragon Prince, I would've sensed the demigod dragon's aura...this...magic and aura... isn't magic....It can't be the last Ancient Wizard...this is Death?" Laila said in some shocked as sensing the death and darkness from the invaders.

It wasn't magic at all, not even the powerful Ancient Magic of the Ancient Wizards.

It was Death and Darkness itself.

"Your Holiness!!!!" The High Priest shouted as Laila was suddenly hit by blast of purple flame that broke her mask.

The High Priest grabbed her as Laila looks over to her attacker with her light blue eye as her hood fell down as revealing light pink hair.

"For being powerful Goddess, you're... Extremely weak and pathetic mage"

Jisoo mocked Laila with her sarcastic smirk as Laila looks at her in furious for being insulted.

Especially remaining her of her past as ordinary and normal human mage.

"You! You treacherous wrench!!!" Laila screamed at her in rage which Jisoo smirks more as looking at the mage prisoners who were kids, teenagers and adults.

"Wow, for a benevolent and kind-hearted so called Goddess, you're truly a hypocrite. Huh, I guess you don't believe in God after all...No wonder why he left you and your people"

Jisoo coldly and sarcastic mocked Laila with her vicious smirk that made Laila more furious along with the High Priest.

"You! You heathen! Die for your sin-" Before the High Priest could unleash his attack, he was suddenly ripped apart by Tanks who slashes him with his claws.

Laila was stunned by that as she stepped back before feeling the menacingly aura from Jisoo who looks at her with those glowing purple eyes.

"You! You're necromancer?!"-Laila

"Necromancer? I'm beyond that...Why you asking questions while knowing you're going to die?" Jisoo said darkly which Laila tried to shoot her with a magical blast but Jisoo just destroyed it with her slap that shocked more Laila.

'How she can do that?! No one can that! Not even those pathetic Ancient Wizards! I must use her! I could brainwashed her and turn her into my tool! Yes, then I could-' Laila was cut off when Jisoo high spinning kicks her across her face that throws her to another side of the room.

"Hey! Stop daydreaming, aish, for being some sucking magic and lifespan mage, you really are terrible on combat. No wonder why you have your goons doing all the dirty work for you" Jisoo sarcastic said to her as Laila stood up as touching her lips where she had blood coming out along with the bruise.

" GODDAMN BITCH!!! HOW DARE YOU HARM THIS BODY'S BEAUTY! YOU DON'T KNOW HOW LONG I TOOK TO POSSESSES A BEAUTIFUL BODY LIKE THIS!!!!" Laila screamed at her which Jisoo looks at her jadedly despite the shockwaves crashing to the walls and cracking.


'Wow, she's a narcissist and vulgar spoiled brat' Jisoo thought as seeing Laila transforming Ivonne's body into huge and monstrous white serpent with golden tattoos.

"Wow, I guess the snake resembles your envy and your shitty personality"-Jisoo

"SHUT YOUR GODDAMN TRAP, YOU HUMAN BITCH!!!! WHO THE HELL YOU THINK YOU ARE TO DARE SPEAK TO ME LIKE THAT?!?!!!!!!!" Laila roars and launching towards Jisoo as unleashing her fangs.

"Human? Who said I was human?" Jisoo smirked as she soon transformed into her Monarch form and dashes towards Laila before giving her the uppercut.

She roars in pain before crashing down over the ground before she looks at her with her snake blue eyes as reflected Jisoo's Monarch appearance.

Jisoo unleashed shadowy and purple aura around her along with terrifying and menacingly death's presence that made Laila trembled in pure fear by realizing what Jisoo was.

"You're a human necromancer... you're..."-Laila

"Death" Jisoo replied with that menacing and cold tone that made Laila horrified.

"And I don't mean it metaphorically, or rhetorically, or poetically, or theoretically, or any other fancy way. I'm Death, straight up" Jisoo coldly spoke that made Laila shrieks in pure fear by realizing the one who attacked her nation and her followers wasn't some necromancer.

It was Death herself.

"Please! Don't kill me!!! I will do anything you want! I give you the mages as sacrifices!" She screamed which Jisoo looks at her coldly and apathetic with a emotionless stare.

"Nah, what I want...for you to go to hell" Jisoo ruthlessly and mercilessly attacks her as Laila shrieks in horror and pain while Mages prisoners covered the eyes of their young ones, even the Shadows did covered them from seeing the gore and dreadful scene.

Jisoo stood top of the serpent as Laila's soul was destroyed along with her powers before the serpent soon transformed back to Ivonne's child body.

"For being a Goddess, she was quite pathetic like the coward she is"

Jisoo said as going back to her human form with gleeful smirk on her face along with some blood.

"My Queen" her three Shadow Knights, Lancelot, Percival and Gawain soon appeared with a napkin.

"Thanks" Jisoo said before she cleans her face as she starts healing up Ivonne's body and using her more of her powers to get Ivonne's normal and simple clothing than the ones who Laila wore.

"My Queen, what about the mages?" The shadows asked which Jisoo looks back at them who were flinched since they thought she was the Death Goddess and Queen of the Underworld.

"Open a portal to send them to Eorka's Rabbit Guild where that Paranoid Sus Mage is...I am doing him a simple favor despite I don't like him" Jisoo said as walking away.

The Shadow Knights nodded as they did what they were told.

Jisoo soon finds the mirror where Laila imprisoned Ivonne Eckhart's soul was.

"There you are" Jisoo using Ruler's Authority as taking out Ivonne's soul and placing her to her original body.

Ivonne soon gasps as she opens her light blue eyes before she sat up and she looks at her hands.

"My body.... I'm back...." She said with a strong emotion of relief that she wanted to cry.

"That annoying wannabe be Goddess is gone and she won't back" Ivonne turns around and seeing Jisoo walking towards her.

"Come on, I have to to get you home"-Jisoo

"Home? No! I don't have a home! They already forgot about me!" Ivonne shouted which Jisoo looks at her as Ivonne had tears on her eyes in sadness and anger.

"My...Father...Already picked up a girl who resembled me...I saw him calling her daughter and taking her home where my brothers Derrick and Reynold are! They're probably spoiling her, loving her and calling my dear sister! They don't need me anymore! They already have her as their new daughter!" Ivonne shouted at her with tears.

Jisoo soon inhaled before kneeing towards her and pulling her by the cheek that shocked Ivonne.

"Ow!!! That hurts!!!"-Ivonne

"Yeah and don't say that kind of nonsense like that. Seriously, it's making me sick" Jisoo said letting her ago which Ivonne rubs her check and looks at her.

"Seriously, spoiling her, loving her and calling her 'Dear Sister'? Ha, they should've thought of that before being assholes to her" Jisoo bitterly spoke which Ivonne looks at her in some shock.

"What do you mean?" Ivonne asked which Jisoo shows her what her 'lovely and caring family' been doing to Penelope.

"You just a low born peasant whom bewitched my father! I don't accept someone of dirty blood to be replacement of my one and only sister!"

"I don't want you call brother when you're just a commoner. You're not even a equal here, you're just some peasant who doesn't even deserves this kindness, lowlife"

"You're nothing than a replacement of Lady Ivonne! You're nothing than a replacement!"

"Please God... Don't let Ivonne come home...Gosh, I feel stupid for saying that. Those foolish brothers of her and those idiots are such a hypocrites and driving me insane, I don't understand how is she related to them. And please, make sure she's okay since living in the streets is rough and I hope she doesn't experience the same things I did when I was beggar...It will be very bad for her since she's too young and too innocent to know"

Ivonne was shocked as seeing the memories of Penelope and everything what her family and servants did to her.

Even one memory of her from the previous timeline.

"Please! Don't kill Ivonne! She's the daughter of the Duke Eckhart and he will be very heartbroken if she dies! Don't kill her!"-Penelope

"Ah, you're making feel sympathy for you since you're gorgeous. You're just a foolish and faulty pure heart girl on having sympathy on this idiotic girl who thinks you stole her place which you didn't! Hahahhaha! Hear that, you little brat! Your family still misses you while hurting your adoptive sister!!! Hahaha! Too bad, nobody will know about she die!!!"-Laila

"NOOOO!!!! IVONNE!!!!"-Penelope

Ivonne sat there in pure shock with tears falling down on her delicate and beautiful face in horror, sadness and sympathy.

Sympathy for Penelope.

"All this time...when I thought she was enjoying my life...she was actually the only one who prayed I was safe while everyone just abandoned me....I WAS KIDNAPPED FOR GOD'S SAKE AND ALL THEY DID WAS ABUSING MY SISTER?!? IDIOTS!!!" She screamed in anguish as crying while Jisoo stood there and looked at her.

'That's true, they could've continue searching her as Penelope could've met her as saving her from Laila but they didn't. The person who ignores the abuse is worst than the abuser or the kidnapper... Penelope never blames her if she hates her which it's understandable but it's those idiots' fault for being the shitheads they are' Jisoo thought.

Jisoo soon saw the paperwork and had the sign of the houses of who are allied with Marquess Ellen and the Queen.

Jisoo soon used Ruler's Authority to picked it and she send it to the Imperial Judge and the Emperor with a little threat of her to do what he needs to do.

"My Queens, what we should do with the prejudiced humans who hurt Princess Penelope?" Shadows soon asked her which Jisoo looks at them.

"Show them to know their place" Jisoo ordered which the Shadows nodded before disappearing and doing what she's told.

"Come on, Ivonne. You have things to say to your family and your servants" Jisoo soon said as opening the portal which Ivonne stood up as Jisoo lead her back home.

Few moments later

Jisoo stood on the buildings as hearing the screams and shouts of the arrogant nobles being dragged out of their houses and going to prison along with the shameless Queen and her son, the Second Prince and her father, Marquess Ellen.

Jisoo sighs by knowing her work was done.

"Well, I guess I should've go back home...What do I cook for the boys and Penelope....Hmmm...Ramen" Jisoo soon said before she turns around and walks into the portal as disappeared.

In the present

"And that's how I destroyed Holy Nation of Laila" Jisoo said to Midoriya, Todoroki, Bakugo and Penelope who were stunned by her words and how she executed Laila and her nation.

"Damn, Sensei... You're so cool"-Bakugo

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