Love me, will ya?

By krystof_288

1K 30 3

Everyone in their group knows that Jeremy wants to bring Aelita into their world so she can be with them, and... More

A good night from me I suppose?
Temporary roommates
Friendships are hard
Clothing parade
Lyoko once more
Hard day and a lovely night
The Hermitage
Gift status: acquired
Sealing the gap
Fine, I love you, okay?
Yumi's horror evening
Small surprise
Christmas tree
Traumatizing past
Hole in the wall
Learning [18+]
Odd one out
Christmas 1/2
Christmas 2/2
A message


33 1 0
By krystof_288

Jeremie was going to die. He knew it. Seeing Aelita, in his bed, asleep, and holding onto him, made him blush like crazy, his heartbeat going off the charts. 

He knew that there was a cure for this; become Aelita's partner. That way he wouldn't have the reason to be nervous about anything regarding her. But that was still in the stars, as Aelita didn't yet know everything about the world she lived in now.

He must live through this until the girl fully adapts to the life she is in, and only after that he may try asking her out...or maybe not.

"J-Jeremie?" He suddenly heard. Turning around, he saw Aelita, looking at him, her eyes barely open.

"Yes?" "Why aren't you asleep?" She said, her voice quiet and raspy.

"I was thinking about some stuff," Jeremie said, making her nod, and lay back down. She was back in slumber faster than he could blink, letting out soft breaths. He watched her sleep, which was not okay in its own way.

He carefully slid from under her, trying to not wake her up. It was the weekend, so she didn't need to get up so early. He decided to give her a silent sleep, so he decided to walk to Ulrich's and Odd's room, knowing they are bound to be awake at this hour.

Jeremie walked to their room, and knocked once, only to hear laughs from inside the room. He opened the door, seeing Ulrich and Odd playing chess on the floor.

"Eh...morning?" Jeremie said after he closed the door.

"Oh, hey Jeremie, something happened?" Odd asked.

"No, just couldn't sleep." He didn't dare to say that Aelita slept another night in his room, it would be the end for him, especially after yesterday.

"Oh, well, we are trying to play chess, but Kiwi seems to play it for me," Odd said, pointing at the dog, who was sitting on the board, and looking at Ulrich, presumably waiting who will look away sooner.

Jeremie sat down, bringing his knees together to his chest. He didn't have any other reason to be here, only to not play on his computer which would wake up Aelita.

"Boy, after XANA's gone, we have much more free time." Odd said. "And now...I kinda got used to it."

"Yeah, like you had used to asking every girl out," Jeremie said. "Till you ran out of choices."

"Yeah about that." Odd scratched the back of his head, and looked at Ulrich and Kiwi. "I...I've got to tell you something."

"Hm?" Jeremie listened.

"I...asked Aelita out."

Jeremie looked at him...and literally began laughing.

"That..." He said, pausing because of the laughs. " a good joke!" 


Jeremie stopped laughing and adjusted his glasses while looking at Odd. He didn't know if what Odd said was true or not.

"What?" Jeremie asked, hoping it was a joke. 

Even if he would say something else, he was fully aware that he wasn't being so secretive about his liking towards Aelita, especially to his friends. And Odd knew that.

"I...just...tried." "So you are taking her out???" Jeremie asked, angry.

"Nononono! She rejected me!" Odd quickly defended himself. 

"Really?" "Yeah, I think she likes someone," Odd said, making Jeremie slightly worry.

Would Aelita even like him? 

He spent all these months imagining Aelita being out of Lyoko, being with him, talking, laughing...but not once he thought that she would like him just as he does.

"But it's good that she won't go after someone like me, she deserves a lot better. With her looks, knowledge, and all that." Odd continued, as Jeremie snapped out of his thoughts. "And don't be jealous."

"I'm not." Jeremie lied.

"You are, but don't. It won't be anyone else other than you." Odd said, giving Jeremie slight confidence.

"W-Would she?" "Yeah, of course." Odd said.


Jeremie came back to his room after being forced to come with Odd and Ulrich to early breakfast, where Odd ate possibly half of the storage already. He slowly closed the door, as Aelita was still asleep. 

He couldn't resist himself and just stared at her. Her pink hair sprawled everywhere, and her clothes were all wrinkled from all the moving, but she had a beautiful smile on her face.

Jeremie thought of something while he was grabbing his clothes from the closet. And that thing was if he should ask Aelita out. Hearing that Odd tried it, but was rejected, gave an indication that Aelita knew some stuff about dating and all. So...even if he would be rejected...he will go for it tonight.

He walked out of the room, clothes under his arm, and walked into the shower room, where no one was. 

Right, Odd is walking Kiwi and Ulrich is probably with him. He thought since probably no one else was awake on the whole campus. He quickly brushed his teeth and showered, giving himself a long shower.

Soon after he was done, he returned to his room, seeing Aelita was still asleep. He put away his pajamas, packed his things in case they would go somewhere, and sat down on his chair.

Odd was right...there's too much free time. Jeremie thought. We all learned how to live a quick life, and not be able to cherish anything.

He looked at his bed, and right at Aelita. Something inside made him stand up from his chair, walk to the bed, and lay down on it, right next to Aelita.

Jeremie put one arm around Aelita, hoping it won't wake her up. It didn't, however, Aelita must've felt the touch since she snuggled right into Jeremie's chest, and let out a relieving sigh, as if she was dreaming.

Okay...she...smells like roses. Jeremie thought as he had pink hair on his face since Aelita's hair was all over the bed. Well, the girl was all over the bed, and now also on Jeremie.

He had no way to escape now from her embrace.

And he didn't want to.

"Mmmm." The girl let out, hugging Jeremie, who now was acting as a plushie to her.

Jeremie leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss on Aelita's forehead. He hoped she wouldn't wake up and find this gesture awkward or misinterpret it. It was his way of expressing his affection for her without any pressure or expectations. After all, it wasn't like a normal kiss.

However, after some time, Aelita began to stir, letting go of Jeremie but staying in Jeremie's embrace. Slowly, she opened her eyes, which started to adjust to the sunlight in the room.

"Good morning," Jeremie whispered, his voice soft.

Aelita stretched and yawned, still wrapped in Jeremie's embrace. "Morning. Why are you up so early?"

Jeremie put on a sheepish smile. "You were too, but you fell asleep again."

Aelita looked up at him with concern. "Oh, was something bothering you?"

Yes, holding the love for you from you is hard. "No, just...I also just wanted to let you sleep." Jeremie said.

Aelita smiled, putting her hands around Jeremie. "Well then thank you for that."

"No problem." 

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