Kingdom Hearts Dimensions III...

Bởi Zazzy109

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The Hallway is in danger. All the games that are connected to the Game Dimension, are liable to get attacked... Xem Thêm

Prolong: Trouble In The Games
Chapter 1 The Blocky World
Chapter 2 The Legend Of The Floating Island Of The Void
Chapter 3 Infected
Chapter 4 The Legend Of Minecraft
Chapter 5 Mobs
Chapter 6 Portals
Chapter 7 The Nether
Chapter 8 The Dark Figure
Chapter 9 Wither Skeletons
Chapter 10 Blaze Rods
Chapter 11 The Gateway To The End
Chapter 12 The Ender Dragon
Chapter 13 The Heartless Dragon (Last Chapter of The Minecraft Game)
Chapter 14 (Second Game) Pizzeria
Chapter 15 Where Fantasy and Fun Comes to Life
Chapter 16 Horrible Brother
Chapter 17 It's All Just Gold
Chapter 18 1987
Chapter 19 Pizza
Chapter 20 The Ringleader
Chapter 21 A Bite
Chapter 22 1993
Chapter 23 A Heart Breaking Reunion
Chapter 24 Friendly, Misunderstood Spirits
Chapter 25 2023
Chapter 26 The Second Night
Chapter 28 The Hearttrap
Chapter 29 Scrap Metal
Chapter 30 Nowhere To Run
Chapter 32 Cassidy's Rage
Chapter 33 Save Them
Chapter 34: The Old Man
Chapter 35: The Quest
Chapter 36: The Holder Cannot Die

Chapter 27 The Springtrap

18 9 3
Bởi Zazzy109

"A-Are you sure?!" Hayner yelled, arching his eyebrow. He came closer to the monitor. "I mean, it does look like the Spring-Bonnie animatronic he showed us..."

Sora looked over at Michael. He knew it was him, but what could they have done? "Michael, what do we do?" He asked.

Michael shook his head. "I don't know. I wasn't expecting to see father here. And I definitely wasn't expecting to see him as... this..."

Michael then looked at Gabriel. "Gabriel...?"

"Yes....?" Gabriel was looking at the monitor, then he looked at Michael.

Michael was about to say something, but then he heard Roxas speak with urgency. "M-Michael?! It's moving!"

Michael quickly looked back at the screen.

"Quickly, turn the camera!" Sora yelled, and he pressed one of the buttons. Michael was about to swat Sora's hand away from the panel, but then he saw the animatronic walking toward the camera on the camera Sora went to.

Cam 5.

"Where's it going?" Hayner asked.

"I don't know," Michael said. "I don't even know what to do..." He said. He turned to Gabriel again. "Gabriel, what exactly went on with Cassidy and him? Was remnant on the animatronic? Or did Cassidy do something?" Michael asked the spirit.

"I'm not sure Michael... I'm not sure," Gabriel said shaking his head. "But if this really is Afton... I don't think there's a lot he can do at the moment..."

Then they heard the sound of banging, sounding like something was inside an aluminum vent. Everyone got alarmed at that.

"Where is it?!" Sora tried to press all the cameras, trying to find Afton.

"Wait! I think saw him!" Roxas yelled and took over the camera.

"You idiots! You left the camera he was on!" Hayner yelled.

Michael was getting a little stressed out, seeing everyone fight over the cameras. He was about to push everyone aside, but when he looked up, then to his right, he saw another set of dials. And, another screen. He got up and started to press those. He pressed one and saw that it was inside a vent.

"Wait? Why did the monitor turn off?" Sora said, blinking.

It turned out that only one out of the two monitors can be turned on at a time.

Michael turned to the vent cam, number 13.

And once he did, he saw a glimpse of the Spring-Bonnie inside the vent.

"I found it!" Michael yelled.

Sora and the rest quickly looked up toward where Michael was at. "You did?!" Roxas yelled.

Michael quickly noticed a button, titled "Seal Vent"

He went to press it, but he was too late.

The animatronic disappeared from the vent.

Michael quickly sat back down in his chair, to get back on the main monitor.

"What happened?" Sora asked. "I saw a glimpse of something on that other camera you were on," He said.

"Yeah," Roxas said. "Where did it go? I don't understand this camera system..." He said.

Michael tried his best to understand it. He tried to quickly study it, right after he scanned the other cameras multiple times. He couldn't find the animatronic. "I don't know where it is..." He said. "But if he left from cam 5, then entered into that vent... that would mean..."

"Guys... You might want to look up..." They heard Gabriel say.

Michael blinked, and they all collectively looked up slowly.

There was a giant 7 ft tall, worn down, animatronic rabbit with a broken ear, and overall, damaged, outside the glass window.

"Oh no..." Roxas said.

The animatronic stared at them, barely moving. It was the old Spring-Bonnie animatronic. But it was certainly in very bad shape.

Michael froze. Was this his father? Or was this just an animatronic?

The robotic rabbit started to glitch a little, its jaw opened a little bit, but then it closed. Its head turned to its right. Then, it turned and started to walk. When they all looked to their left, they could see that the animatronic was heading to the open doorway.

They felt vulnerable. The other times, they had something to defend themselves, but now they didn't.

The animatronic stood at the other end of the doorway, then leaned, peaking inside.

"What should we do?" Sora asked.

Then, the rabbit stepped inside. He stood at the doorway. It walked very unstable. Then the robot mumbled something.

"Helllppp Meeeee....." It said. It sounded like it said help me. But its words sounded muffled. Sora and his friends saw that Michael was about to stand up, but then the robot started to make an ear-arching sound as it placed its hand on its face. It pulled the top of the animatronic's upper jaw, and the bottom jaw away from each other, while glitching, and vibrating. The sound of it sounded like weird possessed garbles, as there was a glimpse of a skull inside the animatronic's jaw for a moment.

"W-What the hell was that?!" Hayner yelled out. Everyone was covering their ears from the sound that was coming from the animatronic bunny.

The animatronic then looked at them. The jaw seemed loose now. "Help... Me..." It said more clearly.

Then, he walked a little closer.

Michael looked at Sora and his other friends "Stay behind me..." Michael got up and started to walk slowly forward toward the robot.

"What? Michael don't!" Sora whispered.

But Michael knew what he was doing. Hopefully.

The animatronic looked at him as Michael got closer.

"Who are you?" Michael asked.

The animatronic glitched. "I... I am..."

The animatronic stopped talking. He looked down at himself. "I am... William Afton..." It said. "But something is wrong..." It said after. "This is not me... I shouldn't be here. I shouldn't be here at all,"

Michael just stared at the robot. "William... Afton..." He repeated what the Spring-Bonnie animatronic said. "You... I... F-Father..." Michael said, his voice getting a little shaky.

The animatronic blinked. "Father?" It asked. Then, its eyes squinted. It blinked, then it stepped a little closer. Michael slightly backed away. The robot noticed, then stood up straight. "Michael...?" It said.

It looked into Michael's eyes. "Michael? My... son?" He asked. "You... are alive..." William said, his voice sounded in disbelief. "You look like an old man now," It said after.

Michael knew exactly why William was in disbelief that he was alive. And it made him furious.

"You hurt me. You hurt Elizabeth. You were the reason she attacked me!" Michael yelled.

William looked away. "She didn't attack you. That was something else," William said.

"W-What? What do you mean? That was her! You programmed that animatronic called Baby to hurt people! Her soul was in there! She tried to kill me because of her rage for you!" Michael snapped.

William quickly looked back at Michael. "That was not her son. I sent you down there because I didn't want to face what I created. You got attacked by an accumulated mass of souls, that somehow got made into a lifeform. It wasn't Elizabeth. All of those souls that got extracted from the Funtimes... became a solid mass,"

Michael blinked. His eyes went wide. "W-What?" He asked. His mind raced back to what happened over 30 years ago back in Circus Baby's Party and Rental. He remembered foggy memories of that mass of wires that he saw.

He looked back at William. His anger felt even more intense. Michael grabbed the phone that was on his desk and chucked it at William.

It slammed into the chest of the animatronic, and William got sent back by a few feet.

"Michael!" William yelled.

"Don't "Michael" me! You were/are the worst father ever! You caused your entire family suffering! You made having the name 'Afton' feels like a burden! Because of that, I had to change my name numerous amount of times to distance myself away from this curseded name!" Michael yelled, with full anger in his eyes.

"Ha, You should have been grateful," William said. "My business brought in a lot of money! What son would pass off the excitement of having their father as an animatronic inventor?"

Michael slammed his fist down on the desk, and it scared his friends behind him a little. "How dare you change everything to that?! You damn well know I'm not going off about that you bloody bastard! You killed people! You wanted their souls to possess robots! Why?! Why would you do such a thing!" Michael yelled. "You caused your business to run down because of all of this! They always tried to come back, but you left such a horrible trail of death, bad luck always took your franchise over!"

"Yeah? Well let's not forget who started the closures," William said with a cold tone to his voice.

"W-What?" Michael said.

"Oh, you don't remember? Typical. 1983....Does that year ring a bell? The year you shoved Evan, your little brother, into the mouth of Fredbear," William spoke angrily. Then, he shook his head. "I killed children before that date... And I was fine. The business was fine. But then you just had to decide to be a horrible older brother. That incident caused the restaurant to shut down. It was since after that day... Everything started to go wrong. It was all your fault."

At first, Michael was confused, but then he felt a pang of guilt wash over him. The guilt of killing his brother. It tried to forget it for those 30 years. He nearly did, but now, the entire memory of it, came crashing into his mind. He remembered how he shoved Evan into the animatronic bear's mouth, then with Sora, Roxas, and Hayner pleading at him to take Evan back out. But then... it was too late. The sight of seeing his younger brother lifeless in the mouth of Fredbear kept showing up in his mind.

Michael then felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked, then saw that it was Sora. "Don't listen to him, Michael. It was an accident. It always was."

Michael blinked, he started to tear up a little. "Y-Yeah..."

"Who is this?" William said, now fully realizing that there were multiple people in the room with Michael. He came closer and looked at Sora, who was looking at him with an angry expression. He noticed Roxas and Hayner.

"What? These are the blokes who were with you back in 83... How are they with you, and why do they still look young, while you look like an old man?" William asked.

Michael haven't even heard what William had said, because his anger was flooding into his thoughts. He had wanted his father dead. But now he realized that he isn't.

It's time for that to end.

"Sora? Roxas? Hayner? And... Gabriel?" But then he noticed Gabriel had disappeared.

"We need to... kill him,"

"A-Are you sure?" Hayner asked.

"We need to get rid of him," Michael said. "Summon those weapons of yours,"

"Michael... it's never too good to fight with anger. That's how you fall to the darkness," Sora warned.

"I don't care at this point!" Michael snapped. "Besides, it's not me fighting him. I need you all to beat him with those weapons,"

Sora sighed, then summed his keyblade, and aimed it at Afton.

Roxas then summed his two keyblades and also aimed them at Afton. Then, Hayner took out his bow and arrow.

Afton noticed that they all had those weapons pointed at him. "Those... You all used these... on me years ago..." Afton took out his knife. "You all can't defeat me now...."

"We'll see about that," Sora said. Sora ran up to Afton and slammed his keyblade into Afton. The animatronic got affected a little bit. Afton rose his hands, grabbed Sora, and threw him down to the ground when Sora tried to hit him a second time. But he was too focused on Sora to notice that Roxas ran up to him, and slammed his two keyblades into him multiple times. Afton got flung back and slammed into the wall.

Hayner used that chance to shoot Afton with the exploding arrows. "AHHH!" Afton yelled as he got sent back in the explosion. He slammed into the camera monitor and hit one of the buttons.


Said a child's voice, coming from down the hall.

Then, Afton started to glitch. He stood up, then started to walk very robotic-like, out of the room. "What? Where's it going?!"

Afton left the office, then looped around and walked along the hallway beyond the glass.

"Follow him!" Michael yelled. "Don't let him out of your sight!"

The rest nodded, and they chased after the animatronic rabbit.

Into one of the hallways. There was a mask of Foxy on the back wall. It had a light in one of the eyes, and it was flashing. Afton walked toward it, then it glitched a little. Then, it looked around. "Ugh... damn it... Why I couldn't control myself in that moment?"

He was about to turn around, but before he could have done so, he got blasted back by another exploding arrow. Pixaleted smoke blew all around Afton as he slammed into the wall, the Foxy mask fell on him.

Roxas then chanted a spell. "Thunder!" He yelled, and then a lightning strike clapped down on the animatronic.

Afton did react to it, but in the end, it looked like he wasn't even weakened. "Guys what do we do?!" Roxas yelled. "He's not even getting weak!"

Afton got up, then looked at them. "You kids are going to pay..." He said. He took out his knife again, but then Roxas chanted another Thunder.

"Come on, we gotta think about something! I can't use any high-end spells! I'm nearly out of magic!" Roxas yelled. He was right. He had no Ethers. No one did. Once they finished this world, they knew they had to go back to Twilight Town to restock.

"I'm almost out of magic too! I can barely use anything! I can only use low-end magic like Fira!" Sora yelled.

"And I'm almost out of arrows, we definitely need to get back Steve so I can get more," Hayner said, as he shot another at Afton. "And they're doing nothing! We are just wasting our materials!"

Sora clenched his keyblade. "This is the last spell I'm gonna try out-... FIRE!" Sora yelled. A fire blast shot from the keyblade and hit Afton.

"AHHHHH!" Afton yelled out.

They all gasped. Afton reacted to a lot of pain from that one.

"W-What?" Sora asked.

He looked at his friends. Roxas resummoned his weapons. "Fira it is then," He said.

Then "FIRE!" They both yelled. Three fire bursts ignited Afton. The serial killer was in pain. He was getting hurt by the fire. But it wasn't enough. He looked weak, but he wouldn't go down.

"He's still not hurt!? Oh, come on!"

Michael had seen what they were doing on the cameras. He looked down at the monitor, then pressed the audio lure. The animatronic glitched, then started to walk towards the sound, while it was flaming.

It walked past Sora and his friends.

"Where is it going?" Roxas asked.

"Meet me at cam 2!" Michael yelled.

Michael ran out of the office and ran down the hallway with the long glass, then into an archway that lead to a hallway with a Bonnie top part at the end of the hallway. Michael saw the ignited animatronic. "Alright... Springtrap... let's do this,"

"Sora, Roxas, Hayner, get out here and set him ablaze again!"

They ran out to him. "But Mike, we can't! We are nearly out of magic!" Sora yelled.

"Just a few more!" Michael said. Sora nodded, then blasted him with fire.

Michael saw Afton react to the burst of flames. "It doesn't like fire..." Michael said.

"But why?!" Roxas said.

Then, Afton seemed to have regained back his mind. The audio lures seem to make the animatronic walk toward them. Which means, the animatronic still works. Afton losses control of the robot when it happens.

Michael shoved Afton with all his strength, Afton had fallen to the ground.

Michael started to drag Afton by his legs. "Let me go, Michael!" Afton yelled. It was hard for Michael to drag a 900-pound animatronic.

"Michael, what are you doing?!" Sora yelled.

Michael dragged Afton to one of the hallways. There was a door there. Before he reached it, he yelled to Sora: "Sora, go the office and get that Jerry can that was on near the doorway!"

"Huh?!" Sora said.

"Just go and get it!"

Sora quickly ran to the office. "Where is it?" He said looking around the office. Then, he saw it on the floor. He quickly grabbed it, then ran back to the hallway he was in. It was a little heavy.

Once Sora reached, he saw Michael shoving Afton into the closet, then he shut the door.

"Michael, what are you doing? You really think that can keep him locked up?"

"The door is a metal it seems like. He can't escape," Michael said. "Give me the can," Michael said.

Sora handed it to him.

After taking the can with gasoline inside, Michael opened the door to the closet and then stepped inside. He closed the door behind him.

"No! No!! What do you plan to do with that Jerry Can!?" Afton yelled.

Michael quickly opened it and splashed Afton with the gasoline. Then, he splashed some on the floor around him. He opened the door and quickly stepped back out. "Burn him. NOW!"

"But Michael, don't you think that's a little overki-"

"BURN HIM!" Michael yelled.

Sora aimed his keyblade at Afton. Afton was trying to get up, then saw the keyblade aimed at him through the door. "N-No! No don't do it!"

"FIRE!" Sora yelled.


The gasoline ignited in flames, covering Afton in the fire. Michael quickly shut the door and locked it. "AHHHH!" Afton continued to yell.

"Michael! Get me out!" Afton yelled. "Michael don't leave me here!" Afton tried banging on the locked door. "Open this door! MICHAEL!! OPEN THIS DAMN DOOR! MICHAEL?! MICHAEL!!!"

Michael picked up the Jerry can, and started to sprinkle some around the floor.

"What are you doing now?!" Roxas asked.

"This whole place is going to burn, I've had enough of Freddy Fazbear's,"

"But Michael, what about your job?!"

"There is no job if Afton is a part of it," Michael said. "It ends here and now..."

Michael sprinkled the gasoline all over the attraction, and in the office. Then, he walked outside. And also poured some in a line, to the outside.

Sora and the rest could just follow him around.

Afton just continued banging on the door. "MICHAEL LET ME OUT!" He yelled in pain.

Once Michael reached outside, he tossed the jerry can to the side. "Light the gasoline trail Sora or Roxas,"

Sora had more magic than Roxas, so he aimed his keyblade at the gasoline. "Fire!" He yelled once again.

A fire trail started. Going up towards the building. Then, it entered.

It was quiet for a moment, until-

Then there was a blast of heat, then the thunderous sound of the attraction exploding.

"Holy shit! Why was the explosion so big?!" Roxas yelled.

"Holy crap!" Roxas yelled.

The building was on fire. The roof was gone, and the walls were practically not standing anymore. Smoke was rising in the air.

Then, in the fire...

...Was Afton walking out. In a fiery blaze, that was all over the damaged Spring-Bonnie animatronic. "Don't tell me it isn't dead!?" Sora yelled.

The animatronic stumbled as it walked, then, it fell. It dropped to the ground with a thud.

Then, the eyes went blank.

Michael stood still for a moment. No one said anything. The fire was still going strong on both the building and the animatronic.

"It's over..." Michael finally spoke. "Father is... gone,"

Sora let out a sigh. "It really is over..."

"Are you sure it's... actually dead?" Hayner asked. He shot an arrow, which Afton got sent back, but it was lifeless.

Everyone sighed in relief. "Well... it's over. And... I don't know what to do," Michael said.

No one else knew what to do either.

"Do you all want a treat for this? We can eat back at that fast food place again," Michael said, "Not the healthiest of choices, but I've worked up an appetite for calories," Michael said then turned to them. "We need to go out of state to eat though, because they're going to want to track me down for this..." Michael said gesturing to the burning building.

"Wait a second..." Michael said. "You all are still here?"

At first, Sora was so confused about how Michael could even think about eating at this time. He knew he couldn't if he was in his shoes. But when he heard Michael mentioned that last part, it made him a little confused. Does that mean they're not done yet? The door hasn't shown up yet. Where is it?

Sora looked back at Roxas and Hayner. They all shugged when they saw Sora look at them.

But then something unsettling happened.

There was a dark mist swarming around Afton.

"Uhhh...." Roxas said.

Michael saw Roxas's expression, he looked behind him and gasped at what he saw.

The dark matter accumulated into an animatronic-like appearance that looked similar to the Spring-Bonnie animatronic. And it had a symbol on its chest that was familiar to Sora and his friends.

A Heartless symbol.

Sora and his friends resummoned their keybaldes. "We are not done yet guys," Sora said.

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