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By bigbahongaloos

16.6K 743 564

Tommy had just recently moved homes. The one he left was one full of memories. Not good ones, but not necessa... More

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219 11 24
By bigbahongaloos

TW// cussing, hospital, police, nightmare, malnourishment, IVs
I think that's all?

3rd person POV

Wilbur woke up, but not like he usually does. No, today, he woke up shaking and sweating, nearly panicking. And he didn't really even know why. He had a weird dream. It was just flashes of different images, but it bothered him.

There were flashes of a bridge, flashes of being grabbed and held, and flashes of Phil. Phil giving Wilbur a drink, and then Wilbur passing out from it. Apparently he did that to all of his victims. Wilbur saw himself waking up scared, not knowing where he was. He saw himself trying to get away from Phil and Techno, and then slipping.

That's when he woke up.

The dream didn't make any sense. What was with the bridge, was his main question.

He got out of bed and went over to his bag, grabbing a change of clothes that was just a solid colored T, white sweat pants, and a black hoodie with a bear and a brown, fuzzy hood.

(You CANNOT convince me that Wilbur wouldn't wear this and not SLAY in it, you CANT. I do NOT care what you say, my mind WILL NOT change.
This is a cannon event, I saw it happen!)

Wilbur waited to leave the bedroom for another hour and a half, and it was three in the afternoon before he heard movement in the house, and even then, he hesitated.

Once he grew a pair and decided that he couldn't stay in the room forever, he stood up from the desk chair and quietly walked over, opening the door and walking out into the hall.

He looked around a corner, seeing Quackity and Charlie.

"Uhm, good morning." Wilbur greeted, stepping into the kitchen where the two stood, not making eye contact. "Good morning! Did you sleep alright?" Quackity asked. "Fine, thank you." "Would you like some breakfast? There's not too many options, but we have cereal, eggs, toast..." Quackity offered. "No, I'm not hungry, but thank you."

Wilbur looked around a bit.

"Where's- oh, what's his name? Where's..." Wilbur thought for a moment, "Schlatt? Yeah. Where's Schlatt?" He asked.

Give him a break, it's a strange name.

Quackity and Charlie glanced at each other for a moment.

"He's at work. Feel bad for him, we got home around four in the morning and he has to leave for work at eight." Quackity said. "Oh...what's does he do?" Wilbur replied, just trying so hard to make a decent conversation.

"Well, right now he's just doing part time at a grocery store until he can go back to his other job, because there was a bit of an accident and the building is being repaired, so. But there, he does computers and shit." Quackity said. "Oh, interesting." Wilbur nodded awkwardly.

Wilbur remembered Tommy saying something about his friend Tubbo's work having an accident and that he couldn't go back because the building was being repaired.

"Where did you get your hoodie? It's nice." Charlie asked. "Oh, uhm, I'm pretty sure my da- or, that...that guy Phil...got it for me. I think it's from SHEIN." Wilbur replied, having to correct himself.

And then it was quiet.

Nobody spoke.


Tommy awoke to bright, white lights reflecting off of white tiles. He squinted, sitting up on his elbows, looking around.

He saw himself to be in a hospital room.

Tubbo was in a chair next to the window, asleep, and Ranboo was nowhere to be found.

Tommy wanted to know where Michael was. He needed to know if he was alright. He hoped he was, because how else would he have been rescued if Michael wasn't ok?

He sat up more, causing his bones to crack. He looked, seeing a few IVs in his right arm. In the light, he could see how frail he was just from looking down. He was malnourished and dehydrated; starved three feet into his grave.

Tommy put his legs over the bed and contemplated trying to stand. He hadn't walked in over a month.

"Tommy! You're awake!" He heard Tubbo gasp from behind him, "What are you doing? Lay back down, my god, you're a twig, you'll snap if you try to stand right now." He said, coming around the bed and pushing Tommy's legs back up the bed.

"Sorry..." Tommy resituated himself back where he was before, covering his legs with the thin hospital blanket. "No, don't be, it's fine. ...So how are you feeling?" Tubbo asked. "Tried, hungry, thirsty, tired, the light is hurting my eyes, and, you guessed it, tired."

"Yeah, I should probably go tell a doctor you're awake and get you something to eat. Hold on, I'll be right back." Tubbo said, jogging out of the room.

Tommy sat still, in silence for a minute or two until the door opened again and Tubbo walked in holding a little plastic cup of green jell-o and a white, plastic spoon.

"Well, a doctor will be here in a minute...and they gave me this for you to eat? They said you shouldn't eat solid food for a bit until you're- like- ok again? But they said you could have as much jelly if you want, so, yay!" Tubbo said, handing Tommy the cup.

"Are you kidding? Green? Who likes the green kind?" Tommy scoffed, opening the cup, sighing, "Well, I guess it's better than nothing."

Tubbo and Tommy continued to talk while Tommy nibbled on his jell-o, until a doctor came in.

"Hi, don't mind me, I'm just going to check your vitals and such! Please, don't let me stop your conversation." She said, walking over to a computer and typing and doing her doctor shit. "Alright, thank you." Tommy smiled, going back to Tubbo.

"So...where's Ranboo?" He asked. "He went to go get Michael, they should be back soon." Tubbo replied.

"Alright," The doctor said, "I'm all done here, and I think there's going to be a couple of police that come in here and ask you some questions later." "Ok, thanks." Tommy replied.

She began to walk off, but Tommy stopped her.

"Hey, actually," He said, pausing to let her turn back, "Can I have another one of these?" He asked, holding up his then empty jell-o cup. "Yeah! We have Cherry, Orange, and Lime." She replied. "Can I have a Cherry one?" "Of course you can." She nodded, and then left towards the door again.

As she opened it, Ranboo was stood there with one hand holding Michael's and the other reaching for the handle.

"Oh! Sorry." The doctor chuckled, letting Ranboo in before leaving.

"Uncle Tommy!" Michael smiled, letting go of Ranboo's hand and going next to Tommy's bed. "Hey, buddy! You doing ok?" Tommy asked. "Me? You're asking me if I'm ok? I'm fine! Are you ok! You look like...a word that Bee and Boo won't let me say that starts with an s."

"Michael!" Tubbo scolded. "Well it's true!" Michael replied.

"Yes, it is very true," Tommy held in his laughter, "But, I'm gonna be fine, Michael." "That's good. ...How come they were so much meaner to you than me? I mean, I was only awake there for a few hours, but still."

"Well...I think they may have been upset with me for leaving the first time." Tommy said. Michael just nodded.

Just then, the door opened back up, and there stood that same doctor.

"I'm back with your jell-o, and I also got one for the little one." She said, holding up two jell-o cups. "Aw, sick! You get free jell-o here? I wish we got that at school!" Michael's mouth hung open in shock.

"Yes, and there's also a couple police here for you." She said to Tommy, who just nodded.

She walked in and two officers followed behind her. One being Sam, and the other was one that Tommy hadn't seen before, but he had black hair and red and black piercings.

The doctor handed the jell-o to Tommy (who gave one to Michael) and then left.

"Hello again, Tommy." Sam said. Tommy nodded, not making eye contact with anyone. "This is Officer Halo, but we call him Bad, even though he's probably the most innocent person we've ever met."

Tommy gave Bad a small wave, and looked over, seeing Ranboo giving Michael their phone and AirPods to distract him from the rest of the room.

"So," Sam began, "Where should we start? ...I guess just tell me what happened from your point of view." He said.

"Well, I guess you've already been told, but I stupidly went to go get Michael on my own instead of waiting for police. Then blah blah blah, Michael probably told you what we talked about when I got there (and also author doesn't wanna type it all again)." Tommy said. "He did." Sam confirmed.

"Great, so, yeah, there's not much to it. Phil was mad so he got Techno to lock me in the hall closet. After the first day I was ignored and shit, that night, Wilbur came and talked to me through the door so that was nice. Then like a week later I started pestering Phil because I was hungry so I was being an annoying shithead and pissed him off, he got aggressive but not physical, if that makes sense." Tommy said.

"Oh, yeah, and Wilbur and I, to make sure I didn't fucking die; he would slide bags of food and water under the door to me every night. And, of course, not much can fit under a door so that's why I look like a fucking Minecraft skeleton right now."

Bad had his lips sealed together like he was stopping himself from speaking.

"So yeah, that was really just routine. I get ignored all day, and then get my chatty time with Wilbur at night and a little food." Tommy said.

"When you say that Phil got aggressive, what did he do if he wasn't physical?" Sam asked. "Oh, he was just yelling at me. And I mean, I'd be yelling at myself, too, I was being a dumbass. Y'know, I was just yelling-talking to him from the closet, I didn't even know if he could hear me, and once he told me to shut up, I didn't of course, so he got even more mad and pulled me out of the closet and was just blah blah blah about how I need to do what I'm told and shut up when someone says to like he's my dad or something." Tommy rolled his eyes.

"And then Wilbur showed up and got mad at Phil for yelling at me and having me cornered in the floor while I cried, so they argued a bit, and then I went back in the closet." Tommy shrugged like it was nothing, "And then Wilbur fell asleep at the door and Phil got mad when he found him in the morning so they're argued again."

"Hm. So, just so you know, once you are recovered good, there going to be a court date for you and Wilbur to go speak against Phil and Techno. Wilbur and his family are unaware of this, but they will be receiving the information soon." Sam said.

A moment of silence passed.

"So...what did happen with Wilbur?" Tommy asked. "Well, he went home with his family; his brother and two dads; and I'm not sure how it's going, it was only early this morning when he actually got to go home. I can only assume he and his family passed out when they got there, probably about ten hours ago." Sam replied.

Tommy nodded, leaning back into the bed. He hadn't touched his jell-o.

It was quiet for just a few seconds.

"Well...I think we're done here. We just needed to see if your story matched Wilbur's." Sam said. Tommy furrowed his eyebrows. "What, so you didn't believe Wilbur?" He asked. "Oh! No, it's not that we didn't believe him, because we did, it's just protocol, we have to question the both of you."

"So...we both told you the same things, right?" Tommy asked. "Yeah, pretty much." Sam nodded. "Pretty much?" Sam exhaled. "Yes, you told the same story." He chuckled.

Tommy knew what Sam was saying two paragraphs ago. He just likes being a shithead.

"Alright, so we're gonna go now. You could probably go for some rest. So, whenever you are let out of here, give the station a call so we can know a good time to make that curt date." Sam said. "I will." Tommy replied.

Sam nodded, turned around with the other officer, and left.

As the door was closing, from down the hall, Tommy heard Sam speak.

"Good job, Bad! You didn't say 'language' once!" He said. "Be quiet, I'd get fired if I said that to the poor kid!"

Tommy snorted, shaking his head, and beginning to eat his jell-o.

Words: 2,180

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