UNDENIABLE ~ ( Eli Moskowitz )

By gfylexi

14K 300 68

Arlo Miller and Eli have been best friends since second grade. They spent every minute they could by each oth... More



277 3 0
By gfylexi

*:・゚✧*:・゚ "Sing the damn song!" *:・゚✧*:・゚

   It was the first day back at the dojo since Miguel won the All-Valley Tournament. Arlo, Hawk and Miguel were riding electric scooters they had rented. Arlo stayed a bit behind the two boys for the whole ride to the dojo since she was too scared to go as fast as they were. Arlo turned the corner and saw Miguel and Hawk already off of their scooters waiting for her.

   "I never wanna ride one of those again." Arlo told the two as she parked her scooter next to theirs.

   "Good thing you won't have to." Hawk threw his arm around her shoulder as the three walked towards the Cobra Kai dojo.

   Miguel turned and looked at Hawk. "What do you mean?"

   "Yeah, what do you mean?" Arlo asked as well.

   "My mom's gonna give me her Sentra next week." Hawk smiled and nodded.

   "Oh shit!" Arlo shouted with a smile.

   Hawk continued talking about his plans for the car he was getting soon. "I think I'll put a blue racing stripe down the middle, hood to tail."

   Arlo and Miguel leaned around Hawk to look at each other and they both fought back laughter.

   "What?" Hawk looked at Arlo and then Miguel.

   "Nothing." Arlo shook her head and smiled.

   Miguel shook his head and smiled as well. "Subtle. I like it."

   Arlo laughed quietly again and leaned her head into Hawk as they turned the corner so they could clearly see the Cobra Kai dojo. There was a group of kids awkwardly standing outside of the doors to the dojo.

   "Looks like we got some new students." Miguel announced.

   "Fresh fish." Hawk slapped Miguel's chest with his arm that wasn't around Arlo and the three of them walked over to the group of new students.

   Arlo smiled and waved at one of the boys she recognized from school. "Hi Chris."

   "Hey Arlo." The boy smiled back at her.

   "Watch this." Hawk pulled Arlo closer to him as he walked over to group of new kids.

   Miguel shook his head and laughed. "Don't."

   Hawk ignored Miguel and walked up to Chris and the boy standing next to him. "Hey, mouth-breathers. Move it."

   "Sorry about that." A boy with curly hair quickly apologized and rushed out of the way.

   "I'll get the door." Chris smiled and pulled open the door for the three.

   Arlo smiled at Chris and the other boy. "Thanks."

   "So, you guys wanna be Cobra Kais, huh?" Hawk let go of Arlo and threw a fake punch at the group of kids who all flinched. "You got a long road ahead of you."

   Miguel and Hawk walked into the dojo and Arlo turned to Chris and the curly haired boy. "I'm sorry."

   "It's okay." Chris smiled and kept the door open for her as she walked inside the dojo.

   Arlo could hear the curly haired boy get mad at Chris for something before he walked in after her.

   Arlo sped up so she was standing next to Hawk and Miguel. Her jaw dropped as she looked around the dojo. One of the mirrors on the back wall was broken and glass was covering the floor in front of it. There was also a burn mark that trailed up the wall by the trashcan. 

   "What the hell happened here?" Miguel looked over at Aisha who was already in her gi.

   Aisha shrugged her shoulders. "Looks like Sensei threw a party."

   "Must've been pretty sick if fire got involved." Hawk smiled as he looked around and then down at Arlo who was scanning the room with her eyes.

   "One hell of a party." Arlo exhaled and looked at Hawk who smiled at her. "What?"

   "Nothing." He continued smiling as he walked over to where Miguel was standing.

   Arlo stood in her place with her eyebrows furrowed and Aisha walked over to her.

   "What was that about?" Aisha asked Arlo.

   "I don't know." Arlo looked at Hawk who was telling Miguel something. "We kissed the night after the tournament though."

   "What!" Aisha shouted causing a couple of people to look at her. She took a couple steps closer to Arlo and spoke quietly. "You and Hawk kissed?"

   "Yeah." Arlo fought the blush that was creeping onto her cheeks as she thought back to it. 

   "You need to tell me everything later." Aisha smiled and Arlo nodded back in response.

   Arlo and Aisha walked over to where Hawk and Miguel were standing. Arlo opened her backpack and she was about to take out her gi to change when Johnny came out of his office.

   "Quiet!" Johnny shouted and walked over to the group of new students by the door. "The dojo is closed to new students today."

   "We just wanted to sign up after we saw the tournament." Chris replied to the older man. 

   "Do I need to say it again? Get out!" Johnny stared at Chris and then the curly haired boy.

   "Yes, sir... Sensei." The curly haired boy looked around at all of the kids around him. "Come on, let's go."

   Arlo waved to Chris who sent her back a small wave before leaving the dojo.

   "Come back tomorrow." Johnny shouted at the kids who were walking out of the doors. "And bring your checkbooks."

   Johnny told his students to fall in. Arlo zipped up her backpack, which still had her gi in it, and threw it in the corner of the room next to her shoes. Everyone got into rows. Miguel, Hawk, Arlo, and Aisha stood at the front of their rows like they normally did.

   "Must've been a rager, Sensei." Hawk said with a smile on his face.

   "Yeah, were you celebrating all weekend?" Miguel added in with a smile also on his face.

   "Celebrating what?" Arlo furrowed her eyebrows at the older blonde man while he spoke. "That my students are a bunch of pussies?"

   Hawk turned and looked at Arlo who looked at him as well. They both shared a confused expression before they looked back at their Sensei.

   "Diaz, Hawk, up front." Johnny shouted and they both did what they were told. Johnny walked behind Hawk as he spoke. "Hawk. Did you attack your opponent when his back was turned?"

   "Yes, Sensei." Hawk's answer sounded more like a question and he looked at Arlo who was still watching Johnny with her eyebrows pinched together in confusion.

   "Diaz." Johnny was walking around Miguel and stood in front of him while he spoke. "Did you purposely attack your opponent's injury?" 

   "Yes, Sensei." Miguel's voice was loud and confident.

   "You think that makes you badass?" Johnny asked and Hawk and Miguel looked at each other and then back at him, neither saying a word. "What's the matter, too tough of a question? Maybe you need some help. Miss Miller!"

   "Yes, sensei." Arlo watched Johnny as he paced in front of her.

   "Two cobras in the jungle. One kills the strongest lion, the other kills a crippled monkey." Johnny paused for a moment before asking his question. "Which cobra do you want to be?"

   Arlo took a deep breath. She knew the point of his question and how it related to Hawk and Miguel. "The one that kills the lion, Sensei."

   "And why is that?" Johnny turned around and looked directly at Arlo.

   "Because it killed the stronger animal." Arlo held eye contact with Johnny as she answered him.

   "Correct!" Johnny shouted and looked back at Hawk and Miguel. "Cobra Kai is about being badass. And the baddest badass is the one who beats his opponent when he's at his strongest. Not when his back is turned!" He stopped in front of Hawk. "Not when he's injured!" He stopped in front of Miguel. "Is that understood?"

   Everyone in the class replied, "Yes, Sensei."

   "That means no more cheating. No more fighting dirty." Arlo watched as Miguel and Hawk's jaws clenched and then she followed Johnny with her eyes as he paced in front of his students to make sure everyone heard him. "From here on out, those are pussy moves, and you don't wanna be pussies, do you?"

   Everyone in the class replied, "No, Sensei."

   "Good. That's why I had you wear your white belts. We're starting over." Arlo looked around at everyone who had their gis on and sure enough, they all had white belts on. Johnny turned and looked at Hawk and Miguel before speaking again. "Diaz, Hawk, 50 push-ups on your knuckles. Miss Miller, warm them up."

   "Yes, Sensei." Arlo walked towards the front and mouthed, 'sorry" to Hawk and Miguel as they got down to do their push-ups. "Fighting positions! Jab punch. Ready?"

   "Hiyah!" Arlo shouted and threw a punch.

   "Hiyah!" Everyone else did the same.





   Practice was over and everyone was either stretching or changing out of their gis. Arlo was sitting by herself while she stretched her back. She had her headphones in and her eyes closed. Someone put their hands on her shoulders which caused her to quickly open her eyes and look up. When she saw it was Hawk, she let out a sigh of relief, stopped her music, and put her headphones in her backpack which was next to her.

   "You scared the shit out of me." Arlo laughed as Hawk sat down next to her.

   "Sorry." He smiled and tried to mimic the stretch she was doing before wincing. "I've been trying to do this stretch for months and I still can't get it."

   "You need to practice your flexibility." Arlo nodded as she leaned down to stretch her back again.

   Hawk rubbed his lower back and shook his head. "You already told me that."

   "Yeah it helps." Arlo nodded before switching over to a pose that almost looked like the splits and she leaned to one side.

   Hawk narrowed his eyes at her. "I still don't know what you meant by that."

   "Being more flexible helps with kicking." Arlo leaned to the other side and looked up at Hawk.

   "Oh." Hawk nodded his head, but his eyebrows were furrowed together. "That makes sense."

   "What did you think I meant?" Arlo questioned as she sat back up and grabbed her shoes to put them on.

   Hawk was about to say something, but Miguel ran over to them. "Are you guys ready?"

   "Almost, I just need to tie my other shoe." Arlo grabbed her other converse and tied it tightly before pulling her hair into a ponytail.

   "Come one we need to watch that movie and I already told everyone they could come over." Hawk stood up from his spot on the mat.

   Arlo grabbed her backpack from the floor as she stood up and looked at Hawk. "Everyone?"

   "Yeah, I told them to come over in like an hour." Hawk grabbed Arlo's hand and they walked towards the exit of the dojo hand in hand.

   When Miguel, Hawk and Arlo were outside, Arlo noticed Aisha standing by a fancy white car. Her face immediately fell when she saw Sam in the driver's seat. 

   "Looks like someone took a wrong turn on the way to the country club." Arlo stared at Sam who made eye contact with her and then looked back at Aisha.

   Hawk and Miguel turned to see what Arlo was talking about.

   "What the hell is she doing here?" Hawk asked and looked over at Miguel.

   "I don't know, I still haven't talked to her at all." Miguel shook his head and looked over at Arlo. "Do you know why she's here?" 

   "No idea." Arlo shook her head and clenched her fist that wasn't holding Hawk's hand.

   Aisha walked back over to them as Sam drove out of the parking lot and smiled at her friends. Her smile fell when she saw Hawk and Arlo staring at her with the same pissed off look. "What's wrong?"

   "What was Sam doing here?" Arlo asked with bitterness in her voice.

   "Oh!" Aisha smiled slightly. "She wanted to know if I wanted to go to the beach club with her."

   Arlo nodded her head. "Alright."

   "Can we go watch the movie now?" Miguel asked, obviously not wanting to talk about Sam anymore.

   "Yeah, let's go." Arlo nodded as they all walked towards Aisha's car.

   The teens were almost to Aisha's car when Arlo let go of Hawk's hand and started running towards the black Volkswagen.

   "I call shotgun!" Arlo shouted as she ran causing Hawk to laugh.

   "I don't think either of us wanted it that badly!" Miguel shouted back and then turned to look at Aisha. "No offence."

   "None taken." Aisha laughed and shook her head. 

   Hawk, Aisha and Miguel made it to the car a few seconds later and Arlo was standing with her hand on the passenger side door handle. Aisha clicked the button on her keys to unlock the car and Arlo opened the door quickly. Miguel sat behind Arlo and Hawk sat behind Aisha.

   "Can I pick the music?" Arlo asked as everyone else in the car buckled their seatbelt.

   "Sure." Aisha nodded her head and connected Arlo's phone to bluetooth.

   Miguel groaned in the backseat causing Arlo and Aisha to turn and look at him.

   "What?" Arlo asked the boy sitting behind her.

   "Last time you picked the music it was awful." Miguel shook his head.

   "Whatever, Diaz. Last time you played music for everyone you chose Imagine Dragons." Arlo rolled her eyes dramatically as she turned back in her seat. 

   Miguel sat up straighter in his seat. "Imagine dragons is good."

   "I don't think anyone is gonna agree with you man." Hawk laughed and patted Miguel on the shoulder.

   "I'll play a song we all know." Arlo scrolled through her liked songs and clicked on Tongue Tied by GROUPLOVE.

   Aisha smiled when she heard the song start. "Much better than Imagine Dragons."

   Arlo laughed and twisted the volume knob so the song played louder. Aisha had rolled the windows down and opened the sunroof, despite Miguel and Hawk complaining about their hair getting messed up. Arlo and Aisha sang the lyrics to the song, very loudly. At one point Arlo turned around and was singing into her hand like it was a Microphone.

   "OH, TAKE ME TO YOUR BESTFRIENDS HOUSE!" Arlo shouted into her hand and then held her 'microphone' out to Hawk who shook his head and smiled. "Come on Birdie! Sing the damn song!"

   Hawk smiled and started singing along to the song. Miguel was laughing and Arlo turned his attention to him which made him stop laughing.

   "I'm not singing!" Miguel shouted at Arlo and shook his head.

   "Sing the song Diaz!" Aisha shouted from the front seat as she drove.

   Miguel shook his head but Arlo turned around even more in her seat and held her 'microphone' closer to him. He got a small smile on his face and looked over at Hawk who was singing along to the lyrics loudly and off key.

   "DON'T TAKE ME TOUNGUE TIED!" Miguel shouted into the microphone and Arlo smiled and pulled the microphone away.

   "DON'T WAVE NO GOODBYE!" Everyone in the car was now shouting along to the song.

   Arlo held her arm out of the window and started making a wave motion against the wind as she shouted the song lyrics and danced in her seat. She looked in the side mirror of the car and saw Hawk staring at her with a wide smile on his face while he sang. Arlo turned her head back to the backseat and started shaking her head around while she sang.

   "OH, TAKE ME TO YOUR BESTFRIENDS HOUSE!" Everyone in the car shouted and Arlo pointed at Hawk for the next lyrics. "I LOVED YOU THEN, AND I LOVE YOU NOW!"

   An even wider smile spread on Hawk's face and Arlo held her hand out and he took it. For the rest of the song, she shook her and Hawk's hand around wildly as she sang. When the song was over, she let go of Hawk's hand and grabbed her phone to choose a new song. She clicked on See You Again by Tyler, The Creator. 

   "I love Tyler!" Aisha looked over at Arlo and smiled.

   "Same!" Arlo smiled and started singing along to the song.

   Arlo and Aisha were singing along to the song while they drove down the road until Miguel shouted so the two girls in the front could hear him. "We have to stop at a store to get some snacks for the movie."

   Arlo turned the volume down and turned to look at Miguel and Hawk. "Why didn't we just stop at the store by the dojo?"

   Miguel shook his head and looked at Hawk who stared at Arlo and shrugged his shoulders. "I forgot."

   Arlo shook her head and turned to Aisha. "Can we stop at that store over there?"

   "Yeah." Aisha nodded and got into another lane so she could turn.

   Arlo turned the volume of the song back up a little bit so she could finish listening to the rest of the song. As the song finished, Aisha pulled into a parking spot near the front of the store and turned the car off. Everyone got out of the car and started walking towards the entrance. Aisha and Arlo stayed a little bit behind Hawk and Miguel who were continuing their conversation they had in the car.

   "So?" Aisha nudged Arlo's shoulder and titled her head up towards Hawk. "What happened between you and him?"

   Arlo smiled and turned her head to Aisha. "I'll tell you in the store."

   When they were all in the store Arlo and Miguel each grabbed a basket. Arlo and Aisha started walking and Hawk and Miguel followed them. 

   "Hey." Aisha turned around and they both stopped. "Me and Arlo are gonna go get drinks and popcorn, you guys go get candy and whatever else you want."

   Both of the boys nodded their heads and quickly turned around to run towards the direction of the candy.

   "They act like children." Arlo laughed and shook her head as Aisha and her continued walking towards the drink aisle.

   "They do." Aisha laughed. "So, spill it. What happened with you and Hawk?"

   "Alright, this is going to be a long story." Arlo took a deep breath and Aisha simply nodded her head. "So at during the party at the Canyon I saw Moon and Hawk making out. It was like right before everything happened with Yasmine."

   Aisha's made an 'oh' face. "Is that why you looked like you were about to cry?"

   "Yeah." Arlo exhaled as they turned down the drink aisle. "But anyways, after that I kept drinking. When Sam showed up, I was pretty drunk, and Hawk literally carried me away from the party before I saw Miguel actually punch Sam." Arlo and Aisha filled the basket with different types of soda. "When we were in the car on the way back to his house, the song Sweet came on and I told him that I always think of him when I hear that song. I know it sounds corny, but I told him one time what the meaning behind the song was."

   "That's actually really cute." Aisha smiled as they walked towards the aisle that had popcorn.

   "It was so corny, but I guess it worked." Arlo shook her head and laughed before continuing her story. "So, after that he told me that he had wanted to kiss me for a while and we both said some other stuff, but we went inside before anything happened. And I was really drunk so I doubt he would've even tried to kiss me, which is good cause I wouldn't want my first time kissing him to be when I was wasted." 

   Aisha nodded as they both looked at the different options for popcorn.

   "Then at the tournament Moon kept shouting at him and he kept like staring up at her and I kind of got jealous. He already told me they weren't dating but, still." Arlo shrugged her shoulders as Aisha put a couple boxes of popcorn into the basket. "Anyways, after the tournament when we were at the restaurant I was kind of annoyed Moon was there. Partially because I was jealous but also cause she hasn't apologized to me for any of the stuff she did to me."

   Aisha frowned and looked at Arlo. "I didn't know that. I thought she apologized to everyone."

   "Yeah, well it's whatever." Arlo shrugged her shoulders as they walked towards the candy aisle to find Miguel and Hawk. "But after we were back at his house that night."

   "Wait, pause. His house?" Aisha asked Arlo.

   "I've been basically living there for almost a month." Arlo forgot that she still hadn't told anyone. "That's a story for another time."

   Aisha nodded her head. "It better be."

   "Okay, okay back to what I was saying." Arlo smiled as she thought about what happened a couple of nights ago. "We were back at his house after the celebration and his parents weren't home, so he asked me if I wanted to go somewhere. I said yes and he drove to the beach." Arlo looked over at Aisha's face which was curled up in confusion and she put her hand up in defense. "I know I thought the beach at night was a little weird as well. We went down by the water, and he set out a blanket and gave me a hoodie cause I was cold. After we were sitting there for a little bit, I decided to go for it, and I told him that I meant what I said in the car the night before. Which was literally my 'love confession' and he said he meant it as well. Next thing I knew, we were kissing."

   A big smile was spread across Aisha's face. "That is so cute."

   Arlo couldn't help but smile as well. "It was really corny."

   "Still cute." Aisha shrugged her shoulders and before they turned down the candy aisle she nudged Arlo's arm a little bit. "Have you guys talked about it since?"

   "No. I just don't know how to bring it up." Arlo stopped walking and shook her head. "It seems weird to just be like, 'so hey did you like kissing me and do you want to kiss me again?' You know?"

   Aisha laughed and shook her head. "I don't think that's how you should approach that conversation."

   Arlo sighed and turned down the aisle where Hawk and Miguel were piling bags of candy into their small basket. The two girls looked at each other and then at the two boys before they started laughing again.

   Miguel and Hawk looked up at Arlo and Aisha before simultaneously saying, "What?"


A/N: little chapter with some cute moments between my favorite friend group. The car scene was so fun to write. I was listening to tongue tied earlier and I just thought it would be cute to include that moment cause there weren't many moments in season one that included all the group and I want to have more this season. ALSOOOO sorry for the slower updates, school has been DRAINING

As always, thanks for reading! <3 AND THANK YOU GUYS FOR 3K VIEWS ON THIS STORY WTFFF???

Word Count: 3,907

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