
By izumomolover25

26.8K 470 135

With Ua in desperate need of help of the military that was sent by the government but soon betrayed the leade... More

Start of downfall
Additional Quad
Downfall pt2
Preparations,wedding,WW3 preparations (end of S1)
Ally nation
New head of the village
4 more additional to the Quad
Misguided operation
Reunited Quad pt 1
Reunited Quad pt 2
Tenyas death
Quirk Emp,Japan eviction, sad death
Next book
End is here

MV invaded

1K 26 7
By izumomolover25

It's been 2 months since the Allies joined forces especially Russia since it was a breaking news to the people of America and the village itself. Right now it's been a quiet night as almost everyone is asleep including Izuku and Momo. As the night progressed Izuku woke up to go get something to drink as he heard sounds as he hears his people's crying in pain and soon the alarm sounded which work up Momo and the kids as they look for Izuku who ran in to see them in a bit of panic.

Izuku: *stern* Momo we been invaded we need to get the kids out of here before they get here.

Momo: ok what are we gonna do personally once we do that?

Izuku: we are gonna see-

As Izuku froze as he closely listens to who was out there as he put a finger to his mouth as he bring them as they follow him to a wall where they can hide under the window. What they hear is hero's who is all in for Nezu were talking and saying that they are glad that they get to rape and kill. Izuku grew mad that his people was raped and killed and soon after those who worked for nezu walked away not caring who was in his home. Soon Izuku brought his family to a cellar which led ti the city hall as they made it Izuku came from the cellar as a gun was pointed at him as he saw that it was Skylar who did it but soon she lowered her weapon.

Skylar: sorry about that sir

As she helps him and his family up as Izuku see that some are wounded as some of the family is crying that they lost their family.

Izuku: where are the others?

Skylar: either fighting, saving or dead by now.

Soon there's a knock on the door and soon they checked to see and saw a few Marine and Army rangers at the door and they see that it's not their enemy.

Izuku: sure to be sure flash

Army ranger: thunder

Marine: thunder

As Izuku opens the door as they came in which kinda shocks Izuku as to why they eMate here but was happy to see that they are here.

Izuku: what brings you here I know I didn't send it reinforcements yet which reminds me Momo do it now before we lose more of our people.

As Momo nods and flipped a switch which got to the President as he saw it and soon sent the military to back up the village.

Army ranger: sir to why we are here we heard screaming and and the siren alarm so most of us came to aid you guys.

Izuku: thank God that you guys came.

Marine: sir just to let you know you lost half of the village when we showed up. 

Izuku: met anyone as they kill or attempted to kill my people?

Army ranger: yes sir they are our people as well considering that they are living in your village we are one as a untied front village or not.

Izuku: I appreciate you doing that for me and my people I will not forget that.

As they nodded so far after the rest of the Quad made it back to the city hall Izuku started talking.

Izuku: ok thanks to the Army and the Marines being here from different states which I still appreciated the help but right now Japan has started war with us I don't know who else other then South Korea secretly helping us turning on them we need to be careful with how they are doing things. My wife Momo has already alerted the President of the invasion which I'm sure he sent more reinforcements but now that this certain creature has come a long way of living and now he has to deal with me personally.

After he said that a few hours later as those who invaded the village were trying to finish off what nezu has ordered but soon they were met with bullets flying as the people of the village were sacred and saw that the military from the states came as they thanked them and ran off going back into their homes. Soon after a while those who invaded had surrendered rather quickly due to thinking that they were weak but boy they were wrong some got killed after they tried to get the beat of them as they were easily defeated and killed. The person who gave them the thought was Endeavor due to him having a big ego  he wanted to see the downfall of the Midoriya village and family as he wants them to die as he really doesn't give a fuck about Eri and Kota but soon just as he thought that it was easy to take over the village then the country but soon he was gonna meet death first to start the world war.

As he came out thinking life was easy he was shit with a bullet that didn't kill him as he laughed triumphantly thinking he was safe.


Izuku: oh no it wasn't meant to kill you.


As he saw Izuku comes out in his commander uniform as Endeavor smirked wickedly.

Endeavor; oh here to die early huh brag you should've thought twice before thinking your better then Japan itself.

Izuku: oh no I'm not the one who's dying today it's just that your the first person to be made an example of.

After he said that he smirked as Endeavor saw that he was surrounded by the military. He knew he had to fight his way out with his fire but the thing is he tried keyword tried using his fire quirk but he saw that his quirk was gone the moment he was shot with a bullet.

Izuku: what's wrong can't use your fire endeavor let me show what fire really looks like.

As he lid hisself on fire (mostly like how lui kang does in Mkx) and soon after he turns off his power and soon he snapped his finger as they put a bag over his head. Later he wakes up as he finds himself in a chair tied up with his behind him.

Izuku: oh good your up how's your sleep sleeping beauty now as you can see your in an abandoned building on the outskirts of the village.

As he got up and got behind him and signaled Skylar to start recording and have a thumbs up.

Izuku:My fellow Valhallas for the past week we have suffered from the hands of Japan for something that they refuse to take in. A few months ago I've been betrayed and thrown in prison for something I didn't commit due to a person's jealousy. So far the person who sent me to prison has refuse to take no for answer for 2 certain someone that k have that is my children time and time again I told them that I will not be a hero for them as I will be a hero for you. Today until this war that they have started will show you that I will answer the call so you all my fellow people can go back to living in peace for those of you who has lost your family I'm sorry for your lost and I will avenge your family for you I want you to know that this person that I have here who represents Japan will be the first person to die for them as one of their leaders.

Soon Izuku used his fire powers as it seems that he uses his arms as it transported to his hand as it started contacting Endeavor face as he screams in pain from the fire and soon his head exploded as his head brain  started to melt and came out after Izuku kicked the chair he was in. Soon the video ended as the people who saw it started to feel that they shouldn't give up on the village as they trust the military even more as they want revenge on what Japan did to their love ones and soon most joined the military on both the Marine side and Army to take care of their enemy.

In Japan

It's been 14 hours since Endeavor died and the village started to feel the revolutionary influence from their head village Izuku and so far Nezu has been pissed. Almost all of his officers are scared of what will happen.


Tenya: sir I highly suggest that we nuke one of the states so they can back down.

Nezu: I can do that but thing is if we attack that states again they can bomb all of us in one go since that damn boy is still alive like why the fuck Endeavor do one simple thing all I wanted was the damn country or that damn village to be invaded and now he started a damn war. If he wants one I'll give it to him.

All might: are you sure sir we can try and come to an understanding with them and just tel them to give us Eri and Kota and everything will be fine.

Nezu: you don't get it I've been denied time and time again I'm getting sick and tired of not having these damn 2 brats they need to learn how to be a fake hero and not a damn killer this brat here is showing them the wrong fucking way I tried being nice by invading by he doesn't get it.

Shoto: I know but don't worry we will show him what it's like to be a hero.

Nezu: thank you Shoto us breaking you out of prison is the best idea ever.

During the time when Nezu started being the person who thinks that they can rule the world with just villains he has completely lost his shit and released Shoto on the behalf Endeavor persuading him to do so.

After the video of Izuku killing all of the Ally nation came to help as Japan tried to invade both Russia and Great Britain along with China which failed miserably as they are also on war with Japan as well.

That's the end of this chapter

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