Neighborhood ➳ h.s. au

By roseisaloser

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When Ann moves to a new neighborhood filled with filthy rich residents, her life turns upside down as the cha... More



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By roseisaloser

Ann slowly walked into the loud house, and her eyes searched for Harry in the crowd of sweaty, drunk bodies. She pushed her way through, her eyes landing on Niall. He smiled and started to walk towards her, but she walked away. All she was focused on was Harry. Niall caught her arm, and spun her around to face him. His eyes were bloodshot, and there was a smirk on his face.

"You look like you could use a drink," he said before holding up a shot of vodka. She gulped it down immediately and his eyes widened. "Want another?"

Ann shook her head and walked away then. She was so confused. Harry was everything she ever wanted, needed, and she felt as if he was her sun on a cloudy day. Niall was just a slight glimpse of light through a mist of fog. She felt her hands moisten and she dodged a small glass as it flew across the room and crashed against the wall.

Whenever Ann saw Mickayla, she grabbed her arm and turned her around. Mickayla smiled at her instantly. "Hey Ann!" She engulfed her in a hug, but Ann pulled away.

"Have you seen Harry?" Ann asked, her eyes boring into Mickayla's.

Mickayla downed the rest of her beer and burped before pointing toward the hallway. "I'm pretty sure he went into his room."

Ann nodded, and glanced at the hallway. She was scared. Scared that maybe he wouldn't feel the same way. Scared that she would just ruin things between the both of them. Scared that he was with Marie. Scared that he would do anything and everything to avoid the sight of her.

Mickayla passed her two shots and Ann gulped them down. Anything to make her less terrified. Mickayla smiled and took Ann's hands, Ann's head spinning. Mickayla threw her head back and laughed, but Ann couldn't stop looking over at Harry's door. She pulled away from her grasp and hugged her before walking towards the hallway, her heart pounding as she approached his door. She reached a shaking hand towards his doorknob and turned it slowly, tears coming to her eyes as she swung the door open.

Harry's room was everything she had never imagined. His walls were a deep red, and the computer that he was usually on was right next to the window. He had t-shirts and boxers scattered along the floor, and the nightstand was covered in Funyun and Cheeto's wrappers. His bedspread was pitch black, and his sheets were maroon.

Harry was lying on his bed, his arm slung over his eyes as his veins were popping out. He was clutching a stress ball, and Ann let out a small giggle. He peeked out from under his arm and grinned slightly before Ann shut the door. She was twiddling her thumbs nervously and she walked up to him, her mouth becoming dry. Her head was spinning, and all she could do was stare at his lips, and then his eyes.

Harry sat up, his hair messy, and his chest uncovered along with his abdomen. Her breath shook and she sat at the foot of his bed, her legs shaking as she swung them slowly. He scooted next to her and grinned at her, his fingers moving his hair out of his face. His eyes were so kind and opening, and Ann wanted nothing more than to grab his face and kiss him, to let that one kiss do all the talking.

"You okay?" He asked, his head tilted to the side.

"Yeah," Ann blurted a little too loud. "I just have a lot on my mind." Her mind was buzzing, and Harry smiled.

He rested his hand on hers. He was sober, she was drunk. Why was it always this way? "Wanna talk about it?"

Ann opened her mouth. She did. She really did. But how could she start? Oh hey, I think I'm falling in love with you, can I kiss you sometime? She shook her head at herself.

"There's this thing I've been wanting to tell you, and it's really hard for me, so, I just," she let out a deep breath. "Why aren't you out at the party? It's in your house."

Harry chuckled. "I'm tired of parties." His hand squeezed hers lightly. "Go on."

She looked away from his hopeful eyes. "I just feel as if these fee-"

The door then swung open, and a guy with light hair and dark eyes burst in before puking all over the wood floor, Harry yelling out a curse, his hand leaving hers as he stood up. He pushed the guy out of his room and clutched his hair in his fists.

"I'm sorry, Ann." He looked back at her and grinned sadly. "Can this wait?"

"Yeah, of course," she replied before standing up and walking out, making sure to avoid the vomit on the ground. She hurried down the stairs, tears streaming down her face. She was stupid, so so stupid. How could she ever think that she would be able to ever tell her feelings towards Harry to Harry? She couldn't. She wouldn't.

She made her way through the sweaty bodies and gasped in the fresh air outside in the cool night. The wind made her hair flail behind her and she looked up at the stars, her only friends.

"Ann?" Niall called out behind her, clearly drunk. His footsteps behind her were sloppy, but she didn't turn around. He stood in front of her, a cheesy smile spread across his face. "You okay?" His smile fell, and he suddenly looked worried.

Ann shook her head. "I'm in love with someone and I can't even fucking tell them." Niall's eyes widened. "Whenever I talk to him, it's as if I can finally breathe after being in a smoky room for far too long." Her eyes trailed up to his and he was grinning like an idiot.

"I know exactly how you feel." He embraced her in a tight hug, and Ann's eyes widened. "I've felt that way for a while."

Ann felt her heart rate quicken. No. Oh no. Niall thought she was talking about him.

She pulled away from his embrace and let her eyes trail over his face. "Niall.."

He got the hint from her voice and backed away slowly, his fingers running through his hair. "Oh."

"Niall, wait, I'm sor-"

"It's fine." He hiccuped and shrugged. "I just thought that maybe you had felt the same way I did. I guess I was wrong, huh?" Ann didn't answer. She didn't know what to say. He stuffed his hands in his pockets and took a step back. "I should get going back to the party." He grinned slightly and waved to her as he walked back to the door.

Ann walked away as well, her shoulders slumping as she got to the front door. She didn't know what to do, or even what to say, and it was driving her insane. She wanted to cry, scream, fall, just to get rid of the emotions inside of her.

She walked inside the house and ignored Jewel as she asked her the questions she always did; how was the party? Did you see Harry? Did you have a nice time? She just walked up the stairs and slammed the door behind her, her head pounding. She walked over to her window and leaned on her desk, her eyes glued on the boy next door cleaning up puke off of the floor.

She held her hand up to the window, her mind spinning as she whispered three words that she wish she could somehow say to his face;

"I love you."

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