Falling for the unloveable

By lively2107

25.8K 396 47

Iris Moore, she kind but cold, caring but quiet. With an abusive father, two sisters to raise and a group of... More

First day
Game day
Movie night
Dumpster dive
Losing the bet
Ballroom dancing
Fun with Bailey
Goodbyes, first words and eyes of the past
Threats and girlfriends
Night excursion
Family dinner
Family discussions
Truths and fights
'The real me'
Fair fight and a girls night
An errand for a friend
Accepting help
Being selfish
Family BBQ
Dish race/near faintings
Block him
Not so brave anymore
Zoo on a wednesday
Nightly affairs/babysitting
Babysitting/girls like us
Pre party antics
Party time
I love you
Rehash the past/catfight
On the road
Art 2
Run! (x2)
Birthday cake
Halloween treat
Clinging before he leaves
Home at last
Past induced panic
Finding peace
Old habits
Losing the kids too
Dangerous driving
Finding her
How her sister sees it
It all comes out
Healing friendships
Tattoos and visitings parents
Date night
Biggest supporters
Boat party
Tainted image
Missing you
Beach day
Authors note

Shot of lemonade

831 11 0
By lively2107

Iris POV:

"Can I sleep at Katy's tonight? Her mom said it was fine" Ava appears out of nowhere asking the question before I even have time to register her existence.
"If you want to then yes, I can walk you to her car" she groans rolling her eyes before stomping off in the direction of the parking lot.
"Don't embarrass me" she warns and I roll my eyes, she's almost as dramatic as Mal.

"I won't I just want to talk to her mom" I explain while following close behind her. It's easy to get lost in the crowds so I'm keeping her close.
"Fine come on" she speeds up heading toward a silver car that I recognise from the times I've dropped Ava off at Katy's or seen Katy being dropped off at our house.

"Hey Mrs Koza" I bend down to speak through the rolled down window.
"Hi Iris dear"
"Are you sure it's okay for Ava to sleep over?" She nods, her grey hair showcased in her tight bun hairstyle. "Of course she's a delight to have" Mrs Koza smiles warmly at me while I nod.

"Okay you have my number so text or call if there's any problems" after hearing her agreement i step away from the expensive vehicle and wave at Ava through the window as they drive away. My sister returns the gesture quickly and secretively to save herself the embarrassment of her best friend catching her but she does it never the less, which is all that matters to me.

Once I know Ava is safely gone I search for her twin, she's impossible to spot amongst the masses of students scurrying out of the bleachers so I opt to call her instead of just searching blindly. She answers her phone on the second ring and we agree to meet at the front doors of the school. I'm at the spot first but soon spot her blonde hair pulled up into a ponytail, swaying side to side, above the crowd.

"You ready to head home?" She nods, head dropped down as she fidgets with her fingers.
"What's wrong" my tone is sharp and concerned as her anxiousness becomes apparent.
"What? Nothing-"
"Then why are you all red and shy?" I step toward her my eyebrows furrowing as I look at her face.
"BecauseIhadmyfirstkiss" she spits out words that are unintelligible from how fast she says them.

"Okay I'm gonna need you to repeat that at a normal pace because that all came out as gibberish" she sighs biting her bottom lip.
"I...had...my first kiss" oh wow. I was not prepared for that my god I thought I had a few more years before this started.

"Don't freak out it was just a kiss" I press a hand to my heart looking at my little sister who is all grown up now. Where did the time go? I swear she was begging me to read her a bed time story only yesterday and now she's kissing? I think I might have a heart attack.

"But you're only a baby" I whisper out watching as she rolls her eyes, she certainly didn't do that when she was a younger.
"I'm 15"
"Yes, a child. Wait how old is this guy or girl? Because I will kick their ass to jail if they are unreasonably older, that's a promise" she shakes her head frantically as I squint my eyes. 

"He is the same age as me, he's in my year" that's a good job because I'd have no problem teaching him a lesson otherwise.
"Good. When can I meet him?" Her eyes widen.
"What? Never! he's not even my boyfriend"
"Well if he's a good kid it won't stay like that for long besides I'll meet him eventually so why not sooner rather than later?" She groans looking up to the sky.

"Fine but you have to promise not to embarrass or threaten him" she points at me warningly.
"Oh I'm threatening him alright, he needs to know that I stand for no bullshit" Gracie huffs pouting at me.
"You'll scare him off"
"I'm not that bad" even if I was at least we will know if he really cares for Gracie because if he does there's no way I could scare him off easily.

"Oh yes you are I think that's one of the only things me and Ava can agree on" she chuckles to herself. "You won't be laughing when I meet this guy of yours" I tease with a smile.
"Oh god I already feel bad for him" I chuckle turning back toward the field.
"You should. Now let's go, we've got to see Mal and Kim, in case they need a lift home" Gracie nods, hooking her arm through mine as we head toward my friends.


"I can take Kim home" Malcolm graciously offers as we approach the parking lot.
"Are you sure? I thought you wanted to go to the party" he shakes his head at my question, glancing down at the smiling girl in his arms.
"She's more important" he smiles softly down at her and I can't help but smile myself.
"Okay but I think her mom might kill her if she sees her like this so it might be best if they both went to your house or my house" Kim's mom is old fashioned and strict whereas Malcolm and Mal's parents are never home and I don't really have parents. So our houses are the best option.

"They can go to my house, I'll move the party somewhere else" I nod unlocking my car so Gracie can get inside.
"Are you coming with us?" I turn to Aidan who is buckling Mal into one of my backseats.
"I just want to make sure she's okay" he admits.
"Of course" he climbs in beside Mal while I get into the drivers seat, Malcolm will drive himself and Kim home.

"Did you stay up all night again?" Gracie tentatively whispers to me, wary of the passengers occupying the backseats.
"I'm okay" I assure her by avoiding the question because I know she worries, a lot.
"That's not what I asked Iris" I huff keeping my gaze trained on the roads in front of me.
"Yes but I'm fine I had a nap this morning and I've got a detention to prove it" she rolls her eyes but a smile teases her lips.

"It's not healthy" she scolds me.
"It rarely happens" I defend my lack of sleep even though it's lies, if I see my dad drink i can rarely sleep for more than two hours. My brain just goes on defensive mode and I know that if I'm asleep I can't protect the girls. One time I slept the whole night and he broke down Ava's door but passed out in the doorway, thank god. He didn't touch her but my mind is constantly panicking because he was so close.

Soon enough I pull onto my driveway and Gracie drops the subject of sleep much to my relief.
"I've got her" Aidan announces as he wraps her arm over his shoulder and carries her limp body.
"Do you want to go inside and I'll be there in a minute?" Gracie nods taking my key and as she lets herself inside I catch up to Aidan and Mal.

"Iris! Iris are you there" she slurs and mumbles at the same time while making grabby hand gestures in my direction. "I'm here Mal" she smiles eyes still screwed shut.
"I love you Iris but he stinks" she raises her hand to point at Aidan before dropping it back down again, hitting him on the head as a result.
"I love you too babe and he does stink, all footballers stink" I smirk up at Aidan who's jaw drops.

"Hey what are you ganging up on me for?"
"Shush smelly man" I barely contain my laugh as Mal shoves Aidans face away from her with the palm of her hand. The distance she puts between them causes her to wobble and fall against me.
"Woah there! come on we are home now" adjusting my grip on her so she's fully supported I let Aidan hold the door open for us both.

"Mmm you smell nice" she takes a long sniff of my neck, smacking her lips together before Aidan takes her again so he can carry her upstairs. I follow behind the pair.

"I'll wait outside" Aidan mutters before exiting the room and shutting the door behind him.
"Are you gonna help me here?" She doesn't respond instead she flops backwards onto her bed.
"I guess not then" I mumble to myself as I search for something to change her into. Once I've found some pyjamas I sit her up, slide them on her before tucking her under the covers and laying her on her side just in case she gets sick. With a kiss pressed to her forehead I leave the room and quietly shut the door behind me.

"You can say goodnight if you want but she's basically passed out" I inform Aidan who debates for a moment, eyes flicking from her door to the floor before he ultimately decides against seeing her.
"No I don't want to disturb her" I nod in understanding before making my way to the bedroom I presume Kim is in because it's the only room with light flooding out from beneath the door.

"I'm going to help Kim I'll be back in a minute" Aidan simply nods as I walk past him and inside the guest room just beside Mal's room.
"Hey-" I stop in my tracks staring at the pair of crazies that are wrapped up in covers like burritos while they hop around the room, trying to hit each other with pillows. I don't interfere until Malcolm falls backwards onto the bed and Kim follows suit, landing on top of Malcolm. They break into a giggling fit while I inch toward them, a pair of pyjamas I got from Mal's room in hand, for Kim.

"Once you're done doing whatever this is you can get changed into these Kim" I place the clothes onto a pillow and for a second I think they are both too busy giggling to be listening but then Malcolm gathers himself and moves toward the door, stepping outside to give us some privacy.

"Alright bedtime" she pouts at me, fluttering her eyelashes but they have no effect on me at the minute. "Come on" begrudgingly she rolls over, causing the blanket that was previously wrapped around her to unravel. She's in a better state that Mal so Kim is able to get changed herself and climb in the bed that I remade while she changed. "Goodnight munchkin" I tuck her under the covers and kiss her forehead while her eyes flutter shut.

"You can say goodnight if you want but she's falling asleep quickly" Malcolm shakes his head, walking down the stairs with me and Aidan following him.

"So are you both going to the party now?"
"Oh yeah we've got to celebrate that win!" Malcolm cheers making me chuckle as he pulls me under his arm with a bright smile.
"Do you want me to drop you off there?" I peer up at him. "If you don't mind that would be great" I shake my head, dismissing him.

"Of course not, come on" I lead them out of the door heading in the direction of my house.
"Are you not coming out with us tonight?"
"No I'm staying with Gracie tonight"
"Oh yeah how are the girls I haven't seen them much recently" Malcolm jumps into the passenger seat while Aidan goes to the backseat of my car, again.

"They are good, Ava's got a typical teenage attitude but Gracie still seems to like me" he chuckles staring to press buttons on my radio.
"Ava takes after you then" i roll my eyes although it's true, she does, more so than Gracie.
"Let's hope not" I couldn't think of anything worse than one of the girls turning out like me.
"Well I, for one, think that the world could do with a few more iris' " my heart strings squeeze tightly at his words, he's so very wrong but the words still warm a piece of my heart.

"Thanks sunshine"
"Anytime bestie" a real smile carves itself onto my face as I look over at him. He returns the gesture with an unyielding, bright smile as he turns up some music, winks in my direction and starts to dance like a mad man.
"Come Aidan I know you want to join in!" He calls out to the boy in the back who I observe as amused. "You're crazy"
"And you're boring" I listen to them bickering, which is all they seem to do, until he finally relents and joins in on singing.

They yell the lyrics of some random songs all the way until I park outside an unfamiliar house that Aidan was directing me to. The whole house is flooded with high schoolers; drinking, dancing and even some making out. It wasn't difficult to tell which house was holding the underage drinking party.

"Are you coming inside for a bit?" Aidan asks as he jumps out of the car.
"Oh come on, one drink to celebrate out victory!" Malcolm interrupts me.
"I can't, I'm driving"
"Fine one shot of lemonade and then you can go home" he all but demands as I shake my head.
"I really can't"
"I'm not taking no as answer come on" he yanks my door open and before I have chance to stop him he's lifted me out of my seat and is carrying me toward the packed house.

"Put me down sunshine!" I slap his back which is all I have access to as I'm slung over his shoulder. He ignores me and continues to walk inside the sea of drunkards. When I realise that I'm not going to get down and that everyone is staring at us I cover my face and accept defeat. But he's dead when I'm back on my two feet.

"Is that Moore over your shoulder?" I'd recognise that voice anywhere..Elias.
"It is, pour her a lemonade shot will you?" Slapping his back another 5 times I smile when he flinches and finally puts me down.
"Ow! Damn you have a strong slap" he frowns rubbing the spot I hit while I glare at him.
"Don't pick me up!" I yell frustratedly as my arms fall against my chest, crossed.

"I'm sorry" he pouts coming toward me and pulling me into a bear hug. I roll my eyes, feeling my anger dissipate as his arms tighten around me. "It's fine but I do need to get home so pass me that lemonade" he beams pulling away from me to grab my drink along with his own that actually contains alcohol.

"Come on boys" people start to gather around the table, that I'm stood right in front of, with a shot of their own. Most of them are apart of the football team but there's some other people dotted around as well. I scour the room looking for familiar faces and I do manage to spot Jake  just opposite me, Elias on the other hand is nowhere to be seen.

"Looking for me Moore?" A hot whisper teases my ear as a body presses into the back of me.
"Malcolm?" I decide to tease him, knowing exactly who that voice belongs to and it's not my sunshine. "Guess again" I'm spun around so my front meets his.
"Hey newbie" I say with a smirk, downing the small shot of lemonade as everyone around us tips their glasses up to their mouths.

"I didn't think you'd come although it didn't look like it was your choice" I shrug looking up into his brown eyes that glisten under the party lights.
"It wasn't and that reminds me, I need to go" stepping to the side I attempt to make a quick getaway but a body lightly brushes my shoulder as it keeps up with my strides.

"I'll walk you to your car" I hear him explain his movement but I don't stop to argue, continuing my way out of this hell hole. If I wasn't so stone cold sober I'd probably stay and have the time of my life but I do in fact have zero alcohol in my system so I'm ready to get as far away from here as humanly possible.

"You didn't have to you know"
"I wanted to besides I'd be a bad host if I didn't walk you back to your car" host. This is his house? "Oh so you do this for every girl that comes to one of your lame parties" I raise an eyebrow in a questioning manner.

"Two mistakes in that sentence. First off my party is not lame and secondly you are the only and I repeat only girl I walk to her car" I smile at his corrections mainly because he actually got annoyed by my comment which is amusing to see
"Nice to know although I assure you I'm not jealous of any girls you decide to walk to their car, we don't even know each other" my reminder  seems to hit something inside of him as he leans forward, so close we are only a breath away from kissing.

"I know that you go for a smoke when you want to avoid a conversation, I know that you pretend to listen to the teacher but more times than not you have your AirPods in and I know that if you gave me chance to take you on a date you wouldn't regret it" my mouth gapes open slightly as I stare at the boy who smiles proudly. How does he even know I do those things.

"I sit next to you every morning and at lunch, I've picked up on a few things" he shrugs and I'm even more confused as I'm 100% sure that I didn't say that out loud.

"You are crazy" I whisper, disbelief evident in all three words.
"I like to say I'm an observer but crazy works too" he brushes hand through his hair, an indescribable emotion swimming in his eyes.
"Either way I don't date" his lips pull down into a frown as I climb into my car.

"Why?" Starting my car I only glance at him once as I speak.
"All relationships end in heartbreak" I've been through a lot of things and survived but there's only so many times you can get back up after being knocked down and I'm using the last of the fight in me to keep going right now.

Elias doesn't respond as I shut my car door and begin to drive off, even as I'm disappearing out of sight I glance back and see he still hasn't moved. The worst part of all of this is that I can see myself genuinely liking him but after seeing my parents toxic relationship crumble and ruin an entire family, I've sworn off relationships altogether.

Besides I'd be a terrible girlfriend, I barely manage to keep my friends happy never mind a boyfriend.

I arrive at my house pretty quickly and quietly climb the stairs. The blaring tv in the living room allows me to sneak upstairs without being noticed by my father who occupies the room downstairs. When I softly close my door behind me and turn the lock, I notice Gracie curled up in my bed, blonde hair splayed all over my pillow.

"Finally! what took you so long?" She ponders, propping herself up on her elbows.
"I had to drop the guys off at party" I explain while kicking my shoes off and changing into some comfier clothes.
"What are we watching tonight?" I ask as I climb under the covers that she pulls back for me.

"How about 'The Office' ?" I nod, thats one of my favourite tv shows.
"Yes start it from the first season" Gracie does as I ask before getting comfortable, which consists of laying with her head on my chest so she can listen to my heartbeat. It's one of her more noticeable traits which helps her when she has panic attacks which tend to happen when our dad gets drunk.

"Do you think we will be safe tonight?" Her innocent eyes search mine as I muster up a reassuring smile. "You don't need to worry Gracie, you'll be safe" he has to go through me to get to her and I normally satisfy his twisted need to hurt.

"What about you?" I sigh looking away from her gaze. "I'll survive" truth is, my next breath is never assured when he's drunk but that won't give my sister piece of mind so it's not relevant. Gracie doesn't say anything else as she lets herself get lost in the sitcom playing. Whereas I find it harder to concentrate as my eyes constantly flicker to the door. She eventually nods off in my arms and that's when the shouting begins.

He bangs on the door, kicking and punching the wood with threats of killing me if he gets inside. I can do nothing else but cradle my sleeping sisters head to try and save her young ears from hearing the horrors being screamed outside of my door.

He never made it through the door tonight but tomorrow, I may not be so lucky.

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