For Her (Book 1)

By GraysonCreates

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Know where your loyalty lies, Malfoy... *************************************** Hogwarts doesn't have one Mal... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Second Year

Chapter 4

1.3K 70 9
By GraysonCreates

The first day of classes had begun and Y/n was the first one in and out of the Great Hall for breakfast, he felt it would be better to wander around the school and get a better sense of the layout. Right now he was on his way to the first class of the day, Transfiguration when he saw a familiar bushy-haired student walking not far from him. "Good Morning," Y/n called out as he caught up to Hermione, watching the girl get startled at his sudden appearance.

"Oh, hello there," Hermione squeaked as she looked at the taller boy next to her.

"Is everything alright?"

"Of course it is," Hermione quickly answered as she looked through her books for a specific one, smiling when she found it as she handed it to Y/n. "I believe this is yours,"

"Thank you," Y/n studied the cover of his book before looking at the books she was carrying. "Would you like some help with that?" He asked.

"No, thank you," Hermione glanced at her books for a moment. "I'm fine, what class are you off to?" She tried to get a view of his books as she spoke.

"Transfiguration with Professor..."

"Professor McGonagall, I am headed there as well," Hermione smiled as she interrupted the boy. "So, how was it being in Slytherin?"

"Extremely boring, had to listen to Draco brag about stuff the whole night," Y/n rolled his eyes as he shook his head, receiving a little laugh from the brunette. "I take it Gryffindor was better?" He watched as the girl's face faltered for a moment before a bright smile formed again.

"It was wonderful, everyone is so friendly," She explained as they reached their final destination. "Thank you," Hermione smiled at the boy as he stepped to the side and motioned for her to go first with him following behind.

"Good morning, Professor," Y/n greeted, to the confusion of Hermione. "Right there," Y/n gestured towards the cat that had been sitting on the table when they walked in. "This is transfiguration after all," Y/n whispered to her as he watched her slowly realize what he meant.

"Oh, my apologies," Hermione looked shocked as she turned to the cat. "Good morning, Professor McGonagall," She watched as the cat leapt off the table and shifted into the McGonagall.

"Well done, Mister Malfoy and to you as well Miss Granger," McGonagall complimented the students. "20 points to both of you," She watched the two students smile at her before Hermione moved to sit in the front row, pulling Y/n by his arm so that he was sitting next to her. "Oh and Mister Malfoy, I must say, it's not all the time that you hear the Sorting Hat ask a student to lower their Occlumency shields, impressive,"

"Thank you, professor," Y/n nervously chuckled as he looked at his books.

"What's that?" Hermione whispered as they watch McGonagall shift back into her cat form, sitting on her desk just before more students slowly walked into the class.

"It stops wizards or witches who practice Legimency from reading or getting into my mind," Y/n explained as he watched her face shift, he couldn't help but enjoy of expressive the girl was with her face.

"Why would you need to learn that?"

"I don't really know," Y/n shrugged his shoulders as he watched the tables soon fill up around them. "My mother just had me start practising from an early age, all sorts of magic really,"

"You are strange, Malfoy, very strange," She shook her head as she turned to face her book once more, continuing to write stuff down.

"Really, Granger? Coming from the girl who has read Hogwarts: A History, multiple times..." Y/n chuckled as he watched her roll her eyes, choosing to ignore him completely as she focused on her work.

Y/n sat there watching the class settle down, not a single student had been able to call out the teacher like them not that Hermione noticed because she was focused on what she was writing down, her dedication really intrigued the boy as he watched her. "What?" She swung her head towards the boy.


"Then stop staring, it's rude," She scolded him before looking around. "Where are Harry and Ron?" She asked as she shook her head. "They are going to cost Gryffindor so many points, I just know it..."

"Aren't you being a little harsh?" Y/n asked as he watched her face him again, glaring at him with a very annoyed expression. "My apologies continue," He held back his laughter as Hermione turned to face her book again but was interrupted when the door swung open.

Ron and Harry ran into the class, sounding out of breath as they looked around. "Woah, we made it..." Ron gasped as Y/n saw Hermione shake her head before turning to her work once again. "Can you imagine the look on old McGonagall's face if we were late?" Ron chuckled as he gave Harry a slight shoulder bump.

Unfortunately, their celebration was cut short when the cat resting on the table stood up and readied itself before jumping off the table and once again shifting into Professor McGonagall. She walked up towards the two boys, not looking too happy with them.

"That was bloody brilliant," Ron stood there, staring with wide eyes.

"Thank you for that assessment, Mister Weasley," Y/n couldn't help but chuckle at the sarcasm coming from their professor, a chuckle that earned him an elbow to the ribs from a certain brunette. "Perhaps it would be more useful if I were to transfigure Mister Potter and yourself into a pocket watch?" She spoke as the two boys just stood there. "That way, one of you might be on time," Y/n was biting his tongue at this point as Hermione took a moment to glare at him before trying to ignore him.

"We got lost," Harry quickly tried to make an excuse for them, Ron simply nodding alongside the boy who lived.

"Then perhaps a map," McGonagall responded as she watched them. "I trust you don't need one to find your seats?" She turned and walked back to the front of the class while the two quickly hurried to sit down.

Y/n shook his head as he turned to his books once more and focused on the class for the rest of the period.

"I swear, those two are going to cost our house plenty of points," Hermione complained as she walked next to Y/n, who she allowed to carry her books this time.

"This is the second time you've mentioned that," Y/n knew he shouldn't but he enjoyed her reactions too much to not stir the pot.

"Because it is true," She continued. "Why couldn't you have been part of Gryffindor?" She asked the boy next to her, who simply responded by shrugging his shoulders. "This would have been so much simpler if you were,"

"Look who it is," Y/n chuckled as they rounded a corner to see Ron and Harry slowly walking down the passage, the two boys spun around after hearing a familiar voice.

"Oh, Y/n," Harry was the first to speak up as they stopped and waited for the two to catch up. "How are you?"

"Skip the small talk, Potter," Y/n exaggerated Harry's last name with a smile on his face. "Hermione over here is worried that Gryffindor might lose a lot of points if members of your house show up late," Y/n looked at the girl next to him who just stood there with her chin in the air as usual.

"Then that's her problem, isn't it," Ron grumbled as he walked away from them.

"Don't mind Ron," Harry quickly apologized to the two. "He just isn't too happy with your brother," Harry explained as he looked sorry for it. "I've tried talking to him but..."

"What are you standing here for?!" A voice called out from behind Y/n, a voice that made him roll his eyes. "Shouldn't you be in class?" Y/n turned around to come face-to-face with the taller blond-haired, blue-eyed Malfoy.

"And shouldn't you be anywhere else?" A small smirk formed as he spoke.

"Oh, because you are standing next to Hermione over here, you have confidence?" Cynthia teased her little brother as she smiled.

"Shut it," Y/n let out a sigh as he rolled his eyes. "What do you want, dear sister?"

"Just making sure that you aren't being too much of a bother to Hermione over here," Cynthia smiled at her brother as she pulled Hermione away from him, getting a small giggle from the girl.

"Do you think that little of me?" Y/n asked but regretted that question as soon as it left his lip, even more so when a sinister smile formed on Cynthia's face.


"Why do I even bother?" Y/n rolled his eyes once again as he turned back to Harry and shook his head. As he was about to walk off to his next class, he felt Cynthia grab him from behind with a giggle.

"Because you love me," She exclaimed with pride.

"I tolerate you, there is a difference..." Y/n responded as he heard her gasp, letting go of him long enough to give him a slap on the back of the head which caused the others to laugh at the two of them. "Now if you don't mind, I would much rather attend class."

"Yeah, yeah," Cynthia mumbled from behind him. "I'll see you later, you too Hermione," Cynthia said her goodbyes before disappearing down the passage.

"She seems like a handful," Harry joked as he watched Y/n take a deep breath before looking at him.

"You have no idea," Y/n responded as he watched the brunette walk next to him again before they were off to their next class, Potions.

Y/n and Hermione sat next to Harry and Ron as the two boys spoke with Ron saying a word or two every now and then while Hermione was once again reading a book on potions. Just then the group jumped when the doors flew open as the head of Slytherin walked into the room and marched to the front of the class. "There will be no foolish wand waving," His voice echoed throughout the class as he spoke. "Or silly incantations in this class," He continued as he faced everyone. "As such, I don't expect many of you to appreciate the subtle science and exact art that is potion-making," His eyes scanned over the entire room as he spoke, judging each student as he did. "However, for those select few..." Y/n watched as Snape glanced at Draco, no doubt already picking favourites. "Who possesses the predisposition, I can teach you how to bewitch the mind," Snap dramatically folded his cloak over his chest as he crossed his arms. "And insnare the senses, I can tell you how to bottle fame and brew glory," He continued to boast about potions as the class slowly became more and more interested in the subject. "Even put a stopper in death,"

Y/n found it amusing how Snape had listed all those possibilities without once mentioning how most of those couldn't be made by most fourth years let alone a class of first years. Y/n's amusement was soon cut short when he saw Snape's eyes fall on the boy near him.

"Then again, maybe some of you have come to Hogwarts in possession of abilities so formidable that you feel confident enough," He stared at Harry who seemed to be taking notes of everything the professor was saying, at the wrong time. "To not pay attention," Snape raised his voice only to still be ignored by Harry, Hermione had to shove him just to get him to look up from his notes. "Mister Potter," Snape began as he slowly stalked towards the boy. "Our new celebrity," Sarcasm oozed from the teacher as Ron and Hermione looked worried as their gaze shifted between Harry and Snape. "Tell me, what would I get if I added powdered root of Asphodel to an infusion of Wormwood?" Snape asked the boy and it didn't surprise Y/n when Hermione's hand shot up while Harry shook his head. "You don't know? Let's try again, where Mister Potter would you look if I asked you to find me a Bezoar?" Once again Hermione's hand shot up, looking even more desperate to answer the question which caused Y/n to have to bite his tongue to stop from laughing at her eagerness.

"I don't know, Sir," Harry glanced at the girl next to him as he answered Snape.

"And what's the difference between Monkswood and Wolfsbane?" Snape continued and would you believe it if you were told that Hermione had her hand once more in the air, in fact, she hadn't even put it down at this point.

"I don't know, Sir," Harry repeated.

"Pity, clearly fame isn't everything is it, Mister Potter?" Snape spoke as Y/n could see the joy coming from his brothers as he turned to face the boy.

"Clearly Hermione knows, it would be a pity not to ask her," Harry fired back as kids laughed throughout the class.

"Silence," Snape spoke as the class quietened down before he marched over to the table where the four of them sat. "Put your hand down you silly girl," Snape snapped at Hermione as he walked past her.

"Pity you can't seem to be a proper teacher," Y/n finally snapped as he stared at the Professor, the class went dead silent as Snape stopped midstep to turn to the boy.

"What was that?" Snap now turned his attention from Harry to Y/n.

"As a teacher I would assume your job was to encourage learning, not calling a student 'silly' or targetting a student that is here to learn," Y/n spoke calmly as Snape held a stern glare. "And for your information, Professor," Sarcasm dripped off each syllable. "Mixing Asphodel and Wormwood would give you a potion called Draught Of The Living Dead, a very powerful sleeping potion and you get a Bezoar from the stomach of a goat which will save you from most poisons," Y/n paused to take a calm breath as he held eye contact with his irritated Professor. "And nice try with the trick question because Monkswood and Wolfsbane are the same plants, also called Aconite," Y/n finished as the class fell so quiet that you could hear your own heart beating in your ears.

"Well..." Snape stood there, deep in thought as he spoke. "Why aren't you all copying this down?" He asked as he turned to walk back to his desk while students hurried to start writing. "And Gryffindors, note that five points will be taken from your house for your classmate's cheek," Snape looked at Harry before shifting his gaze towards Y/n. "And Mister Malfoy, I'll be seeing you in detention this afternoon,"

Y/n could feel Draco staring at him, probably found it amusing that he and Harry were in trouble but he wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of getting the attention he wanted so instead, Y/n focused on his notes.

"What were you thinking?" Hermione scolded the boy next to her as they walked into the Great Hall. "Challenging a Professor like that, you are lucky all you got was detention," She continued as they sat down near Harry and Ron.

"Well, he was being unfair." Y/n simply responded as he opened his book and began writing some stuff down.

"That is not a reason to talk to a teacher like that,"

"Actually, that is every reason to do it," Y/n interrupted the brunette as he looked at her. "He was misusing his authority, targeting Harry like that and then speaking to you like that, it was pathetic,"

"Thanks for that, Y/n," Harry spoke up, across from Hermione with a smile.

"No problem, Harry," Y/n returned his smile before looking at Hermione again. "See, at least he thanks me and then moves on," Y/n watched as Hermione rolled her eyes.

Before she could say anything else, there was a small explosion as everyone looked at Seamus sitting there with his face covered in soot with smoke coming out of his cup. Other kids laughed as Hermione just scrunched her eyebrows while waving the smoke away from her. Once again, before anything could be said there were the sounds of wings flapping as items started falling from above. "Mails here," Ron spoke as everyone looked up to see the owl's flying in with all sorts of wrapped stuff. One by one the students were catching things dropped by the owls towards them.

"Can I borrow this?" Harry asked Ron as he lifted up the newspaper that came with Ron's gift. Y/n watched the boy open the paper as he heard chirping above him and caught the gift as he saw it.

"Woah, Neville got a Remembrall," A student called out as Y/n looked up.

"I've read about those," Hermione spoke up.

Leaving Y/n with a simple thought 'Of course you have...'

"When the smoke turns red, it means you've forgotten something," Sounding confident as ever.

"The only problem is," Neville shrugged his shoulders as he looked at the glass ball that was filled with red. "I can't remember what I've forgotten." Y/n laughed at that statement, makes the orb seem kinda pointless at the end of the day.

"Hey, Ron," Harry nudged the Weasley next to him as he read the paper. "Somebody's broken into Gringotts, Listen...

Believed to be the work of dark wizards or witches, unknown.
Gringott's goblins, while acknowledging the breach, insist that nothing was taken.
The vault in question, number 7 1 3, had in fact been emptied earlier that very same day."

Y/n couldn't help but listen to what the two boys were talking about and by the looks of it, neither could Hermione, Y/n watched her eyebrows furrow once again as she stared at them.

"That's odd, that's the vault Hagrid and I went to," Harry explained to Ron as they sat there, Soon both of them noticed the puzzled look on Hermione's face as well but they chose to ignore it while Y/n found it amusing as always.


Y/n's already making waves, already standing out from the crowd...

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