The Enchantress² | N + E Mika...

By Kinky_BabyGirl14

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-Book 2- A Niklaus and Elijah Mikaelson love interest book. ... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1 - Return of the Heretic
Chapter 2 - Unanswered Questions
Chapter 3 - Of Witches, Secrets, and Family Ties
Chapter 4 - The Unseen Protector
Chapter 5 - Reunions and Confessions
Chapter 6 - Morning Surprises and Midnight Revelations
Chapter 7 - A Desperate Plan
Chapter 8 - Bound by Chains, Freed by Fury
Chapter 9 - Unintended Consequences
Chapter 10 - The Davina Problem
Chapter 11 - A Game of Memories
Chapter 12 - A Vengeful Reunion
Chapter 13 - Revelations and Complications
Chapter 14 - A House Divided
Chapter 15 - Gifts, Betrayals, and Threats
Chapter 16 - Between Dreams and Reality
Chapter 17 - A Miracle and a Tragedy
Chapter 18 - Protecting the Future
Chapter 19 - Reclaiming the Kingdom
Chapter 20 - A Heretic Unleashed
Please Read
Chapter 21 - A Night of Revelry and Mayhem
Chapter 22 - A Game of Truth and Consequences
Chapter 23 - A Dangerous Gamble
Chapter 25 - Making Choices
Chapter 26 - A Moment of Peace and a Desperate Plan
Chapter 27 - Thanksgiving Surprises
Chapter 28 - Unintended Consequences
Chapter 29 - Love, Loss, and the Power of Family
Chapter 30 - The Unwanted Alliances
Chapter 31 - Desperate Choices and the Unraveled Truth
Chapter 32 - The Sacrifice Play
Chapter 33 - Moving Forward with a Smile
Chapter 34 - Forever a Mikaelson
Chapter 35 - When the Past Comes Knocking
Chapter 36 - A Lethal Game of Secrets
Chapter 37 - Interventions and Confessions
Chapter 38 - Chains and Revelations
Chapter 39 - Magic, Miracles, and Mikaelsons
Chapter 40 - Deceit, Confrontations, and Magical Showdowns
Chapter 41 - The Unfinished Prophecy
Chapter 42 - Family Under Siege
Chapter 43 - The Mindscape Connection
Chapter 44 - The Resilience of Phoebe Mikaelson
Chapter 45 - The Society of Shadows and Saviors
Chapter 46 - Fighting for Control
Chapter 47 - The Beginning of the End
Chapter 48 - Happily Ever After?
Chapter 49 - In the Name of Love
Chapter 50 - Promises and Lullabies
Chapter 51 - A Message from the Grave
Chapter 52- A Family Scattered
Chapter 53 - Flames of Desperation
Chapter 54 - Back From the Dead
Bonus Chapter - Blades, Magic, and Mikaelson Shenanigans

Chapter 24 - Monsters Within

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By Kinky_BabyGirl14

I can hear the sound of leaves rustling in a gentle breeze and the distant howling of wolves. The moon shines brightly overhead, casting a pale light on the floor.

It's a full moon and from the howling there are wolves in theses woods which makes me roll my eyes. I start walking to the side when I see someone vamping through the woods just in front of me.

"What the fuck?" I mutter as I watch her stop in front of me.

She looks to be around my age and she has long dark hair but her aura is lighter than mine but she seems familiar to me.

I follow after her through the trees while I realize that i am not the only one following her.

I make out in front of her as she looks behind with a wide smile across her face, she is enjoying the chase and whatever the hell is happening.

"Phoebe!" I hear being shouted and the voice makes me freeze and it feels as though my heart has stopped. I spin round and see Damon chasing after the girl which is me.

Of course, these are my memories but why don't I remember this one.

"Damon!" I hear myself call back to as she smiles at him and vamps over to him so carefree in all her actions.

"I need to stop it." I mumble to myself as watch them but I couldn't figure out why I wanted to stop was happening.

I needed to understand why i felt like I needed to stop it so I stay where I am standing, watching with a feeling of helplessness.

"What the hell is happening?" Damon demands from past me while look at him with amusement.

"Isn't it obvious? I am having fun, big brother."

I feel a sense of recognition as I hear my past-self speak. I know this was a different version of me, one that was carefree and reckless. One free of years of torment that were to come for her. 

It was a version of me that I had been for over a century.

I am taken out my thoughts as hundreds of people swarm the woods around her and Damon as if being drawn to the past me, like a moth to a flame.

As I watch the scene unfold before me, I realize that these people weren't all vampires like I had assumed. There was wolves. Witches. Even some humans.

"Bea, What is this?" Damon asks past me, alarmed at the pure volume of people coming out of nowhere and surrounding them.

I watch as my past-self shrugs nonchalantly at Damon's question. Her carefree attitude makes me feel nostalgic for a time that wasn't even mine.

"It's just a little party I threw," past me says with a smirk. "I needed to blow off some steam, you know how it is."

Damon looks around at the gathering crowd with a mixture of concern and annoyance. "This is dangerous, Bea. You can't control all of these people."

"I don't need to control them," past me says with a laugh, "They all came here of their free will. Well, mostly."

It was clear that my past self was living in the moment, not thinking about the consequences of her actions.

I look between each person and I become very uneasy about this as none of the people look like they are here to party.

From that I knew that this was the beginning of the end for her. The moment when everything started to spiral out of control.

I take a deep breath, trying to ground myself as I witness my own downfall.

The crowd around her starts to move and become chaotic as if a spell had been lift from them.

Soon fights break out between everyone but none aiming to kill each other while past-me seems excited by it all.

I watch as my past-self jumps into the fray, throwing punches and kicks at anyone who came near her. She was fearless, wild and completely reckless. I can't help but admire her spirit, but I also know what's to come.

Soon every person in the crowd stops fighting each other and realizes that I am the reason they are here, turning their need to fight on past me which seems to worry Damon but only because of how many there was.

I watch the crowd converge on my past self as Damon tries to intervene, but he is quickly overpowered by the sheer number of people.

Past me sees this and it seems to upset her. I watch her but as I do i feel my magic coming alive in my vein, feeling it flow like molten lava through me but it wasn't be activating the magic.

I quickly look back at past me as she draws on the magic, she as she mutters something before releasing it in a powerful blast, knocking everyone back and creating a massive shockwave that shakes the entire ground.

I feel the heat from the blast and my heart races as I watch the destruction unfold in front of me. In that moment, I realize that my past-self had no control over her powers and exactly what memory this was.

It was the one where Damon had seen what I could do and handed me over to the New Orleans witches.

As the dust settles, I see that everyone is lying on the ground, most are dead while some vampires are still writhing in pain but death would soon find them.

I look over at Damon and see that he is untouched but as he removes his arms from around his head and looks around him, he realizes what has just happened and looks at past me with a mix of fear and horror.

I look back over and past-me, watching as she sways on her feet. She turns her head and i can see her purple glowing eyes that she doesn't know how to turn off.

It was a mistake for her to use so much power in one spell without thinking there would  consequences. I step forward but stop as past-me starts to fall to the ground from purely overwhelmed by the magic  in her but before she can, Damon vamps over to her and catches her.

I watch as Damon cradles past-me in his arms, her eyes still glowing purple as she looks up at him. I can see the fear and confusion in her eyes, and I know that she has no idea what is happening to her.

Damon looks up at me, his expression grave. "We need to get somewhere that can help you."

In that moment i knew that his intentions were pure but i will always wonder that if her knew what was about to happen to that young girl in his arms, would he have still handed her over to those witches? I shake my head, pushing the thought aside as past-me starts to stir in Damon's arms.

"I don't know what's happening to me," she says, her voice barely above a whisper.

"We'll figure it out," Damon assures her, holding her close as he heads to the edge of the woods, away from the mass pile of bodies.

I make a move to go after them but stop when I hear something coming from the opposite direction. With a mixture confusion and curiosity, I head in that direction instead.

As I move through the woods, trying to reach the source of the sound, I hear it getting louder and louder. 

It's a woman's voice, and it sounds desperate, almost as if she's in trouble. I pick up my pace until I finally see her. I move to get a closer look at her and figure out why I was seeing this but as I do move closer, she disappears which shocks me and I look around to see where had gone.

A branch snaps behind me but before I could turn around, a body stands behind me whispers into my ear.

"Having fun?"

The voice makes me scowl as it is the reason, I now hate my own voice.

I spin round and she smirks at me as if she is winning this stupid game between us but I don't know what it is she wants from me.

"I was then I saw you." I reply with sarcastic smile. She scowls obviously not happy by reaction.

"As much as this walk down memory lane is doing work for my cause. I don't like being a pawn in another's game, especially, when we have someone on the line." She tells me which confuses me. 

I knew she meant Elijah but I didn't realize my feeling were hers as well.

"So, What? Here to help me?" I ask in disbelief.

"Believe it or not that is exactly why I am in the sketchy part of your memory." She says as she looks around as if waiting for someone to pop up and kill her.

She looks back me, "You need to get over this fucking pathetic excuse for a spell and rescue Elijah. Don't get lost in this hell hole or who knows if you will ever wake."

"This hell hole is my mind." I snap at her.

"And I say this as someone who lives in here. It sucks." she tells before starting to walk away.

"Where the hell are you going?" I shout after her while she shrugs in response.

Once she gets to the top of the embankment she stops and looks at me with a smirk, "You have five minutes to get the hell out of here before a very feral you comes barrelling out there," She points to swirling darkness to the side of me, "And she can kill visitors in here."

I stand there in shock as she disappears into thin air. The warning she gave me echoes in my mind, and I know I need to act fast. I turn to the swirling darkness beside me and feel a cold shiver run down my spine. 

This place is not safe, and I need to get out.

I close my eyes and breath out, focusing on my magic.

I can feel the energy pulsating through me as I visualize the exit. A bright light begins to form in my mind, and I focus on making it grow until it engulfs me. I step into the light, and for a moment, everything goes silent.

For once silence isn't a bad thing as it is quite peaceful but it doesn't last long before everything around me is changing again.

When I open my eyes, I find myself back in reality with my hands still chained and myself unable to get out.

The air feels thick and heavy, and I can sense a faint aroma of burning herbs.

I look up at the stupid doll and glare at it. I lift my one hand and it goes up in flames, burning up so that is no longer in control . 

I move my magic up my arm as I mutter the spell which causes the shackles on my wrist to melt away like hot wax. I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding and stand up, taking in the surroundings.

I am in a dimly lit room with stone walls and torches flickering on the wall. I look around for Elijah but he isn't here but there is still thousands of meters of property that he could be in. 

A thought I sigh at.

Gia is keeping an eye on the perimeter for wolves, while Marcel is at the door of Rousseau's listening in on Cami and Finn's conversation.

Gia sees a couple walking through the Quarter hand in hand. She knew them, the woman had been in Marcel's apartment a few weeks back as she ranted on about Phoebe while the guy stood there watching her.

Delilah and Ezra, she remembers.

The better half of Phoebe's family.

Maybe Delilah could help her with her current problem with Phoebe.

Gia takes one more look around her surroundings before vamping off towards the couple as they reach the door of Rousseau's.

"Sorry to bother you but are you, Delilah?" Gia asks the woman.

The man steps in front of her, putting himself between the two of them, "That depends, Who are you?" He asks her.

"Oh right. Hi. I am Gia. A friend of Marcel's" Gia says which makes Ezra narrow his eyes at her, "That doesn't bode well for you."

"I heard from Hayley that you are friends with Phoebe and I was hoping you could help me with a problem that I am having."

Delilah shifts her weight from one foot to the other, studying Gia with cautious eyes. "What kind of problem?" she asks, her voice soft but firm. Behind her, Ezra crosses his arms over his chest, his expression sceptical.

Gia takes a step closer, lowering her voice so that only Delilah and Ezra could hear her.

"I was helping Marcel and Hayley out with rescuing Phoebe from the cells beneath the compound when we got into a bit of a fight. Long story short, I punched her."

Delilah's eyes widen in surprise while Ezra scoffs, "You punched Phoebe?"

Gia nods, "Yeah, I know it wasn't the best idea but she was being difficult and I lost my temper. I was hoping you could help me out and tell me how to smooth things over with her so that she doesn't kill me."

Delilah and Ezra share a look before Delilah smiles at Gia, "Let us buy you a drink."

Ezra opens the door to Rousseau's and Delilah walks inside while Gia looks at the him and the doorway with hesitancy.

"Are you coming or not?" Ezra asks her.

"I can't go in there. Vampires aren't exactly welcomed in the Quarter at the moment." Gia reminds me.

"Don't worry about it. You are with me. No wolves go up against me." Ezra tries reassuring her before gesturing inside.

Gia walks in and Ezra follows after her.

"Can I offer you some serious advice before Delilah gives you her help?" Ezra asks her.

"Of course," Gia replies, "Anything would be appreciated."

"Act less and think more."

"What?" Gia says, stopping and looks taken back.

"If you want to be on the winning side and not with Phoebe's hand ripping out your heart than you need to think about your actions before you act upon them."

Gia nods her head in understanding. She knew Ezra was right. If she wanted to survive in this world where supernatural beings existed, she needed to be more cautious. She had acted impulsively and had put herself in danger.

Delilah waves the two of them over as the bartender pours three drinks in front of her.

Ezra and Gia take a seat on opposite sides of Delilah as she pass a glass to each of them.

Vincent/Finn walks over to the bar to get another drink for Cami when he sees the three of them and immediately recognizing Ezra and Delilah.

Obviously, his wolves weren't doing a good enough job if these two were still living in the Quarter.

Unknown to Finn but Kelsey had been giving them important updates about what was happening such as the whole Mikaelson family rising from the dead including pictures of what bodies they were currently in as a distraction for whenever they asked about Phoebe, unable to tell them truth.

Finn moves over to stand next to Ezra as Delilah talks to Gia.

"I am sure that I banned your kind from the Quarter." Finn says which makes Ezra look over at him with raised brows.

"Since there are only three of my kind, I highly doubt that." Ezra tells him.

From the look on Finn's face, it is obvious that he didn't know that Ezra was a hybrid.

"You banned vampires which means those two," Ezra gestures over to Delilah and Gia with his head, "But they are under my protection and I don't see anyone who will stop me. Fuck off, Finn."

As Finn and Ezra speak, Delilah and Gia speak about Phoebe. Gia can tell that Delilah is weighing her options, considering whether or not she can trust her.

"I don't fully understand how you got yourself into this situation in the first place." Delilah says finally, breaking the silence. "So, What exactly happened?"

Gia takes a sip of her drink before recounting the events of the past few days. Delilah listens intently, occasionally nodding or asking a question. When Gia finishes, Delilah leans back in her chair and thinks for a moment.

"You saying that Kelsey knew all of this the whole time?" Delilah asks.

"According to Marcel and Hayley, It was her and Hayley's plan in the first place that they roped Klaus into." Gia explains with a shrug.

Delilah takes a deep breath and takes her glass of scotch in hand before setting it back down without taking a sip, "It seems I need to have some words with my friends."

I walk through the stupid tunnels, I come across a group of wolves who all seem to be attacking a single person. 

In the need for blood and over the bullies in this damn town, I vamp forward and grab a wolf near the back and drain him dry before dropping the body to the ground before moving on the next.

After draining three wolves it seems my presence is known by the other wolves. The other wolves turn to me, growling and snarling, but I stand my ground, my eyes glowing.

I watch as one wolf takes a step forward but before he gets close his one leg snaps backwards as I use my magic. Another wolf takes this chance to attack me, but I grab his leg and snap it backwards too before dropping him to the ground and smashing my heel into his back, breaking his spine.

"Is there a reason you idiots are attacking one of our own?" I ask them as I look at the others standing there.

"Mind your business, witch!" One of the wolves bark at me and I raise my brows.

"Believe me I really want to and I will once one of you show me in the direction where I can find Elijah Mikaelson."

I tell them and the wolf in front of me barks a laugh at me but no one says a word while the wolf who they seemed to be attacking is staring at me intrigued.

"Death not incentive enough? Okay try this." I raise my hand and all the wolves look at me unsure until a collective cracking sound is heard. When they look down at their moonlight rings, they notice that the stone in them are no longer functional with a crack in it.

The wolves take a step back, panicking which makes me roll my eyes as none were going to be of any help. I wave my hand and send the lot of them into the walls, knocking them out while leaving the wolf who they were attacking standing.

"You good?" I ask him but he raises his sword to me while I look between it and him with a raised brow.

"I have played enough games today so I am going to by straight with you. I have no fight with you but if you don't put that sword away, I will melt it and that would be a shame since it is quite a nice one." I tell him and he puts the sword back in its cover.

"Ansel" He introduces and I look him over as that name was familiar to me but I shrug it off.

"Phoebe" I introduce as well with a nod.

"You want to find a Mikaelson?" Ansel asks and I raise a brow as I cross my arms.

"Yes." I tell him as he nods in understanding.

"Why?" he asks as I make a move to leave.

"Why what?" I ask him as I turn to face him again.

"What is your connection to the Mikaelsons?" he asks me and I narrow my eyes at him.

"None of your business. But since you seem to be working against that bitch Esther, I will tell you that the Mikaelsons are like my family." I tell him, giving him a plain smile.

"Family?" he asks me as his eyes widen.

"Did I stutter?" I tell him as I take a step forward but he doesn't move.

"No, I was just surprised is all. What did you say was your last name?" He asks and I look at him sceptically.

"I didn't ." I say before giving him a two-finger wave and leaving him there to continue my search for Elijah.

I finally reach the lycée where I find Elijah bound in the exact same way I had been. I look over the unconscious Elijah and sigh.

I walk over and kiss him on the cheek before whispering into his ear.

"I am going to kill her, I promise. Know that I am coming for you."

I flick my fingers and set a light the stupid doll preventing me from breaking the chains. 

Once it is just a small pile of ash on the ground, I rip the chains out the wall and hold Elijah as he falls.

I gently put him on the floor as I try to wake him but he doesn't.

"Come on, my love." I mutter but stop my trying to wake him when I see the dried blood around his neck and remember what Esther had done to me.

"Okay so it gonna take more than some simple spell or a shake to wake you." I mutter as I stand up again.

I reach done, pulling Elijah's body up to mine so his head rests on my shoulder and I use my strength and magic to keep him up and close to me.

I slowly walk out of the lycée with him in my arms when I hear yelling coming from the cove where I had left Ansel with the unconscious wolves.

I walk over with Elijah to see Klaus and Ansel mid argument.

Klaus has Ansel's arm in his hand as he looks at the crescent moon tattoo on it while Ansel looks at Klaus with curiosity.

"And, if what you say is real, you are nothing to me. For all I care, you can crawl back to hell." Klaus says with his tone full of a range of emotions.

"Am I interrupting something?" I ask and Klaus spins around to face me while Ansel looks hurt by what Klaus had just said.

"How did you get out?" he demands from me.

"Some friends thought I would be more able to find Elijah." I say as he vamps to me.

He hooks his finger under my chin and lifts it as he notices the dry blood down my neck from where Esther had sliced me up.

"What happened?"

"Fuck off. What now you care? Where was this caring every time I screamed your name to come save me for the last week?!" I question him, shoving him back and away from me.

"Phoebe......" He growls out, obviously not liking my answer.

"Don't fucking growl at me!" I warn him, giving him a glare which he returns.

"Fuck it. I had a run in with your mother. Happy?!" I fold, needing to get Elijah home before Esther and Finn come back here to discover the prison break.

"That my mother went after you?! The woman I love, the mother of my children?! Ecstatic!" Klaus says with raised voice as he throws his hands in the air.

Luckily as soon as I heard the word mother come out his mouth, I did a spell so that unless on top of us no one could hear what we were saying. I look over at Ansel and something in his eyes tells me that he knows more than he should. 

My eyes leave him and go back to Klaus who staring at me, fuming.

"Just help me get Elijah home so I can wake him and I can fix what you let break while you held me in that cage! " I request.

Klaus huffs at me before reaching over and grabbing Elijah from my arms, throwing him over his shoulder before vamping away with him.

I glance one last time at Ansel and give him a nod which he returns before vamping after Klaus.

As I get back, Klaus already has Elijah in his own bed as he tries to reach him. I vamp upstairs and find Klaus standing over Elijah with a hand on his head and the other on his chest while blood drips out his nose and down his face.

I vamp forward and rip Klaus off Elijah, breaking the connection that Klaus was trying to force.

"What the actually fuck are you trying to do?!" I question in disbelief as I move past him and over to Elijah.

Klaus pants in an attempt to catch his breath, obviously startled by me ripping him away. He stand straight up again as he wipes the blood from his nose.

"I'm trying to enter Elijah's thoughts to wake him but Esther's locked me out." Klaus explains to me which makes me roll my eyes at him as I look Elijah over.

"You Mikaelsons' have a knack of underestimating each other." I point out.

I notice a flower petal shaped wound on his neck and look at Klaus, "What is this?"

Klaus frowns at my question and moves next to me to examine the wound carefully.

"I haven't seen this since I was a child. Mikael would return home from battle more blindly temperamental than usual, and our mother would use the petals of a rare merlock orchid to put him to sleep. She would mend his mind with a spell, and then wake him with the roots of the same plant." Klaus explains to me as I look at him, waiting for some sort of real information.

Klaus look at me hopeful while I narrow my eyes at the look.

"If she has access to it now, then maybe it also grows in the Bayou. You stay here with the wolves and mind the fort." Klaus instructs.

I snort at his instructions, "In your fucking dreams do you think that I am going to follow what you say after what you did. I think killing your mother is simpler way of ending these needless games she has us playing." I growl at him.

"Stay clear of her, Phoebe. I mean it. She already got to you once. I can't focus on finding this fucking flower if all I can think about is that you might be in danger!" Klaus shouts at me with a serious and demanding tone.

I look into his eyes as he glares at me before shrugging, "Fine. I won't go after her. I give you, my word. But only one condition." I tell him in a tone that tells him there is no room for no negotiation.

"What?" He grits out.

"Fill a couple vials with your blood for me and I won't leave Elijah's side." I tell him.

"Why do you want my blood?" He ask, his eyes full of suspicion.

"That's my business, not yours. So, Yes, or No?"

Klaus looks at me for a moment, considering my proposition. I can see the gears turning in his head as he tries to figure out why I want it and risks of giving me his blood. Finally, he nods once in agreement.

"Fine." He mutters and I give him a satisfied smile, "Perfect." I respond before waving my hand and five medium vials appear on the table next to him.

I offer him the blade from up my sleeve and he takes it, slicing into his palm. Blood drips into the vials, filling them to the brim. 

Once he's done, I take the vials and tuck them into my pocket.

"Now, go find that flower. And be careful." I tell him with a smirk.

Klaus glares at me, "Give me a moment I just gave you a shit ton of my blood."

I roll my eyes at him and pull my hair out the way, making my neck visible.

"Feed." I instruct.

Klaus's eyes widen in surprise at my offer but doesn't question it as he vamps over and grabs me. His one arm wrapped around my waist while the other on the side of my face to keep me in place as he sinks his teeth into my neck.

My head tilts back involuntarily as Klaus's fangs sink deeper into my skin. The sensation is both painful and pleasurable, and I can feel my body responding to his touch.

As Klaus feeds on my neck, I can sense his emotions spiral out of control. His body presses harder against mine, and his grip tightens like he's afraid to let go.

I push him back knowing he wouldn't let go unless I was the one to do it.

Klaus pulls away, licking the blood from his lips as he stares at me intensely.

 I can see the hunger in his eyes, but there's something else there too. Something that I can't quite decipher but I am not sure I want to right now.

"Thank you." He whispers, his voice husky with desire.

I simply nod before he vamps out the room and I move over to Elijah's face.

"I pulled one of your tricks." I say to him, "I promised that I wouldn't go after her or leave you but that doesn't mean I can't get others to do my bidding for me."

Elijah's muscles tense as if he is pain which flares my anger again, "And I am going to do it by giving her a taste of her own medicine. By going after those she loves."

I pull my phone out and phone Kelsey, if she wanted my forgiveness for her betrayal than she is going to have to prove she is worth forgiving.

"Come to Elijah's room." is all I say to her when she answers before ending the call and looking back at Elijah.

Kelsey is in the room with me not even a minute later. Kelsey's eyes widen as she sees Elijah's state, "What happened?" She asks.

"What happened is that I was been kept captive in that cell instead of protecting those I love." I say before turning to face her, "Although what you did was a shitty thing to do, on some level I understand why you did it," I take a breath, "I need help with a matter and your going to help me with it."

"Okay...." She agrees, not evening questioning what it is I wanted.

"Great," I pull out one of the vials of Klaus's blood, "I have a few vials of blood like this one that I want you to use as a bargaining chip with Marcel. Tell him he gets this one up front and another four once the deal is done." I tell her.

I hand her the vial and she looks at it for a moment before looking back at me, "A bargaining chip for what?" She questions.

"I want him and the rest of our family's help to bring Finn back to the compound. Preferably alive." I state as she nods her head slowly not entirely sure of my plan.

"It's time for a real family reunion." I add with a smirk.

Kelsey nods her heads as she goes to leave but she pauses in the doorway and turns back to me, "Oh yeah. Hayley called just now."

I look over at her with interest as she speaks again, "She said Oliver didn't make it."

"Shit!" I mutter under my breath as I run my fingers through my hair.

"What time is it?" I ask as I snap my head back to Kelsey to which she shrugged, "Just past three in the morning."

"Okay than there is still time. Go to Hayley first and share the plan with her after the funeral."

"Funeral?" Kelsey questions.

"Yeah. We need her to know that even if her pack is falling apart that we are always here for her." I explain.

"Then there is some other people you need to call." Kelsey points out before vamping off while rolling my eyes but I know she is right.

I pull my phone out quickly and phone someone I hadn't talked to in over three months.

"Oh, so you do know how a phone works." Delilah says as she answers her call.

"I know that I should have spoken to you sooner but I have been dealing with things in my own way." I tell her.

"Oh, I know all about how you were dealing with things. Turning off your humanity! Seriously! When has that gotten anyone anywhere but in trouble with hatred for those who love them and are trying to turn it on." She rants and I sigh.

"I get it, okay! My humanity is back. Kinda?" I shake my head as I try get back to the subject I called about.

"There has been a death in Hayley's pack and with all the cuckolds being too scared and unloyal, I don't think anyone will show."

Delilah cuts me off, "So you want me to go on behalf of our family to show her and whatever pack is left that we are someone that they can trust and depend on?" She finishes for me.

"Something like that." I wince.

"Yeah, I will go but I want you to promise that you will tell be what the hell is going on. No bullshit."

"No bullshit." I respond.

"Great!" Delilah cheerily ends the call as I shake my head at her.

I look over at Elijah and just because Esther locked Klaus out doesn't mean I wouldn't to be able to get a backdoor in to help Elijah out.

I climb into the bed with him before climbing over him, straddling his waist. I pull open his button-up shirt so that his bare chest is visibly and place one hand on it, over his heart, as I place my other on his head. 

I close my eyes and try pushing into his mind but force wasn't getting me anyway.

I sigh in frustration as I look at him and a thought come to me.

If force isn't working maybe I need to take another strategy, a softer tone.

I lean forward and connect our lips as I shut my eyes and focus getting into his mind. 

As I make it inside, my head is thrown back as I gasp for breath. I look around and find myself in another fucking forest.

"Fan-fucking-tastic." I mutter as I look around.

Delilah and Ezra arrive to where Hayley is, at the same time Kelsey had finally figure it out.

"What are you doing here?" Delilah asks Kelsey as they walk together towards where Jackson and Hayley are standing over Oliver's dead body.

"Earning forgiveness." Kelsey says with a shrug.

As they make it to the lake, Oliver's body is already burning in a boat on it.

"This is bull, Hayley! Crescent tradition says you have a funeral at dawn, and no one is here!" Jackson shouts which seems to stun Hayley into silence.

"That loyalty..." He stops himself, unable to finish his sentence, "...Loyalty's gone."

Jackson goes to walk off but Delilah, Ezra and Kelsey appear next to them which stops him.

"If they can't stay loyal to you when things are rough than they aren't the people you want in your pack." Ezra tells him.

"What are you three doing here?" Hayley asks, taken back by the presence of the three of them.

"We are your family and we are here for you." Delilah says,

"Even if you are trying to replace us with grumpies like him." Kelsey adds as she looks at Jackson.

"We aren't grumpy." Jackson says, offended.

"Oh sure, you aren't grumpy until someone says something you don't want to hear then you are the king of the world." Kelsey says, sarcastically.

"Do you ever talk without sarcasm?" Jackson asks.

"No. It's my natural instinct." Kelsey says, as if it was the most obvious answer in the world.

"It's annoying." Jackson says.

"You know what else is annoying?" Kelsey asks.

"What?" Jackson asks.

"You." Kelsey says.

"Okay, that's enough." Ezra says, finally, tired of their bickering.

Kelsey rolls her eyes before looking back Hayley, "Phoebe sends her love and would be here if she could but Elijah is in rough shape."

The five of them watch Oliver burn following the Crescent tradition .

Once the fire had died out a little, they all looked between each other.

"I need a minute with Jackson." Hayley says which the three of agree and walk off, leaving them to talk and Delilah takes the opportunity to talk to Kelsey.

"I spoke to a vampire girl today who had lots to tell me on Phoebe and everything that you have been not telling me." Delilah says.

"Gia should have kept her mouth shut. I told you everything that I could without putting you in danger." Kelsey says.

"In danger from who?!" Delilah shrieks, having and enough of being on the outside of this situation.

"It's not mine to say. You will have to ask Phoebe." Kelsey says while giving her a look that she wasn't going to speak more on this topic.

Hayley joins them and Kelsey gives her a grin, "Phoebe needs help on an issue and I am hoping you can help me, help her."

"What's up?" Hayley asks confused.

Kelsey quickly explains the task that Phoebe had sent her out on, to take down Finn and bring him to her at the compound.

"So, she gave me a vial of blood that I am guessing is Klaus's as a way to get him to help but I don't really know the guy and you seem to have some sort of relationship with him, so can you help?" Kelsey finishes with.

"Sure. I don't mind taking down a Mikaelson today, especially that one. I will help with Marcel and the plan itself." Hayley agrees.

"We are in too." Delilah adds for her and Ezra.

Kelsey goes to disagree when Delilah speaks again, "You aren't keeping us in the dark any longer."

"Fine. Join. The more we have, the less likely we are to get killed." Kelsey says.

"Go to Marcel's apartment and I will meet you there. I need to pick up some help if we are going to do this." Hayley says to which Kelsey nods in understanding.

Klaus is wandering around the Bayou, looking for the merlock orchids to awaken Elijah as his mind rails off, wondering what Phoebe is up to. He knows her and she would never have given up so easily unless she has some sort of plan of her own.

He was a feeling she is going to try go into Elijah's mind herself but if he is wrong and returns now without the flower not only would further anger Phoebe but Elijah will be stuck in his current state.

As he trudges through the forest and can hear Ansel following him, knowing it's him as no one is stupid enough to follow him up here alone except him.

Getting tired of being followed, he vamps back and pins Ansel to the tree near him.

"Stop following me. I have no intention of taking Esther's bargain and any of her bullshit. Now, kindly piss off. I'm in a hurry to help my real family." Klaus growls at him before storming away from him but Ansel doesn't give up.

"You seek the merlock orchid." Ansel says which makes Klaus stop walking and reluctantly turns to him, looking at him suspiciously.

"How did you know that?" Klaus questions.

"I saw you carry Elijah home last night. Who do you think used to find the orchid for your mother to put Mikael to sleep? Without my help, you could search forever."

They stare each other down before Ansel breaks it and smiles a small smile at his son.

"My mother brought you back from the dead. My sense of strategy tells me that it wasn't to play a father-son game." Klaus grits out before turning away from Ansel again, storming off to continue his search.

"You can storm off in a fit of stubbornness if you like, but I suggest you do so toward the west." Ansel calls out to Klaus and he stops again, turning his head to look back at his father before grunting out and walking off in the direction that Ansel is gesturing in.

Klaus walks and Ansel continues to follow behind him even after being told to leave but they do so in silence.

"I met your girl, Phoebe." Ansel suddenly speaks up, making Klaus stop in his tracks and turn his head towards his father, his expression darkening.

"What did you say?" Klaus questions, his voice laced with anger.

"I met Phoebe in the coves in the cemetery. I have to say that she is definitely something. I was quite impressed with her. She's a fighter, just like you but she also has softer side that gives you balance." Ansel says, a hint of admiration in his voice, oblivious to the anger brewing in Klaus.

Klaus vamps back and grabs Ansel by his throat, his grip tight as he warns, "Don't speak of Phoebe or go near her again. You don't know her and you certainly don't know me."

Ansel struggles for air, but Klaus doesn't let go until he's sure that his father has heard his message loud and clear. Finally satisfied, he releases his grip and Ansel staggers back, coughing and gasping for breath.

"You know, I used to tell myself that my real father must have had no idea I existed. Otherwise, he'd never leave me to suffer under Mikael." Klaus says to him, trying to keep his emotions out his voice as he looks at Ansel.

Ansel takes a moment to catch his breath before responding. "I did know you existed, Klaus. I was forced to leave you and your mother to protect you both from Mikael's wrath. It wasn't an easy decision to make, but I had to ensure your safety."

Klaus scoffs, not believing his father so Ansel continues, "I've watched you from beyond for centuries. You've travelled all corners of the world, seen monuments erected, feasted on the blood of the history's most extraordinary men, but you've never found true peace."

Klaus's eyes darken as he listens to his father's words. "Peace is a luxury I cannot afford, " he replies, his voice cold and emotionless. "I am not like you. There can be no peace for me."

"See that's where you're wrong. Like I said, I have been watching and saw the times were you found peace even if it were for a moment . As you climbed the Himalayas, as you tended to your horses. Quiet days, as you painted."

"Stop." Klaus says becoming slightly overwhelmed but Ansel doesn't.

"I watched you find a bit of permanent peace as you fell in love with that strong headed young woman, Phoebe. She gave you a balance you never knew you needed. I watched you reach more as you felt your unborn daughter's kick--"

Klaus grabs him in a chokehold as he bears his teeth and hybrid eyes at Ansel, "I said, stop!" He demands.

"A millennium of observing, were your eyes closed as I slaughtered whole villages? Hurt the woman that you seem convinced is made for me? Fed my way through thousands of innocents? Because, let's face it, I have a tendency to play with my food. " Klaus grits out,

Ansel stares at him, silent, as Klaus steps closer so they are nearly nose-to-nose.

"Have I made you proud, Father?" Klaus questions before he shoves past Ansel and storms away hurt and heartbroken but not wanting Ansel to see it.

Phoebe moves through the forest in a speed but doesn't know where she is or where she is going but she wouldn't as this is Elijah's mind.

A little boy comes out of nowhere and runs straight into her, not looking where he was going as he was giggling, he kept looking behind him.

Phoebe stumbled back, surprised by the sudden collision. She looked down to see the little boy, no older than six, staring up at her with wide eyes.

"Are you alright?" Phoebe asked, concern etched on her face.

The little boy nods his head, his eyes shining with wonder. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bump into you," he says, his accent thick and genuine, "I was just playing with my brother but I think I lost him."

Phoebe looks into the little boys eyes and a smile crosses her face as she knew those eyes anywhere. 


Phoebe's heart skipped a beat as she realized that the little boy in front of her was actually a younger version of Klaus. She never knew what he had looked like when he was younger but he is cuter than she had thought.

"Why don't you stay here and I will go find him for you?" Phoebe offers him but he looks at her unsure.

"I don't want to get in trouble," Klaus says, his lower lip trembling. Phoebe kneels down to his height and places a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry, I'll make sure you don't get in trouble. I promise." 

Klaus nods his head slowly, a small smile forming on his face.

"Okay," he says, smiling up at her before pointing in the direction he last saw little Elijah.

Phoebe walks off and once she thought he couldn't see her, she started to vamp through the trees.

Phoebe eventually comes across a little boy standing in front of a older man but from what he is wearing, he doesn't belong here the same as me.

Young Elijah throws his axe at Adult Elijah and it struck him in the shoulder before taking off, running away.

Adult Elijah pulls the axe out, it being more an inconvenient than actually doing harm.

Adult Elijah vamps after Young Elijah, catching him and grabbing his head as he stands in front of him while his vampire-face comes out. But before he can feed on Young Elijah, Phoebe interrupts by ripping Adult Elijah off Young Elijah and throwing him into one of the trees.

"Be brave but run. Find your brother and go home where it is safe." Phoebe tells Young Elijah as Adult Elijah recovers.

Phoebe turns back to Adult Elijah and gives him a challenging smirk, "Pick on someone your own size."

The thing that Phoebe had forgotten is that she is in Elijah's mind which means that she might not have her magic in there and compressing her vampire abilities.

"You shouldn't have interfered," Elijah growls at her, his eyes turning red with hunger.

Adult Elijah vamps to Phoebe, who stays still for a moment before quickly dodging his attack and kicking him in the stomach. He stumbles back, but quickly recovers and charges at her again.

Phoebe ducks and rolls out of the way, but he grabs hold of her arm and throws her into another tree. She groans in pain as she stands again before looking at Adult Elijah in his eyes before vamping off in a different direction knowing that he would follow after her.

Once Phoebe thought they were far from both Young Elijah and Klaus, she came to a stop and turned to wait for Elijah as she knew that the only way to help Elijah is to show that this side of him is not bad or wrong.

Adult Elijah finally catches up to her, his fangs still bared and his eyes still red. Phoebe holds out her hands in front of her as a sign of peace, hoping that it will calm him down.

"Elijah, listen to me," she says softly. "I understand that there is this side that your mother hid from you and opening this door might be too much and open wounds that should have healed. But it doesn't matter to me because I love you, every dark and twisted corner of your mind included. I trust you and know that you would never hurt me."

Adult Elijah watches her for a moment before vamping across the distance between then and grabs her head but Phoebe doesn't move or make an effort to fight him off, instead she just looks into his eyes as she knows that she must prove it to help him.

Adult Elijah without a second thought, grabs her hair which moves it off her shoulder before biting into her neck and starting to drink.

Back in reality as Adult Elijah starts to drain Phoebe in his mind, blood runs out her nose while desiccation is settling in on her legs.

Kelsey, Delilah and Ezra arrive at Marcel's apartment way before Hayley but they don't wait for instead they make their way inside. Marcel looks at the three of in surprise as he sits on his couch, facing the door.

"What brings you three across the river to me?" He asks and Kelsey grabs the vial of blood from her pocket and throws it to Marcel before going to pour herself some of his alcohol.

Marcel catches the vial and looks it over before looking back over at Kelsey, "What is this?" He asks, no longer in a joking mood.

"Klaus's blood." Kelsey says with a 'duh' tone.

"Why are you giving me this?" Marcel questions as he stands from his seat, wanting to know the price for this gift.

"I, and by I mean Phoebe, has a proposition for you and that is a show of goodwill." Kelsey tells him as she takes a sip from her drink.

Kelsey barely information approach was just taking too long so Delilah steps forward and takes negotiating from there.

"Phoebe wants Finn taken down and brought to the compound, she doesn't care how. That blood is the first vial of five that you will receive if you help us in doing so. And since werewolves have become a pain for your lot, I am assuming that you may be running low on such an item."

Marcel listens to Delilah's words carefully, weighing his options. He knows that taking down Finn will not be an easy feat, but the promise of Klaus's blood is too tempting to pass up, not to mention taking Finn down will provide Marcel immense joy. He nods his head, "I'll do it. Finn has been a thorn in my side for too long."

Marcel pauses and looks over at the trio, "Why is Phoebe enlisting our help and not taking him down herself?"

Kelsey stares into the bottom of her glass as the other three all look over at her.

"She is a bit preoccupied with Elijah." Kelsey puts vaguely as if they knew the risk she was taking, they would abandon their current mission to go save Phoebe instead.

"Another thing, why is Kol hanging around Davina today? I thought he was in the basement?"

This question stuns Kelsey, "What?" she murmurs.

To Kelsey's knowledge Kol is supposed to be in the basement where she left him last night after they spent the night talking away.

"One of Finn's wolves must have freed him." She says as she swallows.

"You sure it wasn't you? Your feelings for the reckless Mikaelson didn't get cloud your mind and you let him go?" Marcel pushes but the allegation angers Kelsey.

"I am in enough shit with Phoebe and letting him go with the information he has would only end in me with a stake in the heart from Phoebe. My emotions aren't an issue and I don't need you of all people questioning my loyalty." Kelsey states, angrily.

"Phoebe would never stake you, Kels. No matter what you have done or will do." Delilah says to try reassuring Kelsey but Kelsey shakes her head at it.

"Not with this. What he knows could bring down months of work and planning." Kelsey mutter

Hayley and Adrien join them as soon as Kelsey says, "Great, you are already talking." Hayley says before looking over at Marcel, "I am guessing you are in considering how he treated your vampires and you want in on the bloodbath."

Marcel nods, not saying anything as he thinks over what Kelsey said and it not making any sense.

"So, are we going to take down Finn or what?" Kelsey asks, eager to get started as she hasn't had blood on her hands in weeks.

"Well..." Adrien says as he clears his throat, making all look over at him, "It's not gonna be easy. He's surrounded by a pack of juiced-up wolves. He doesn't have a weakness."

"If we had Phoebe this would much easier." Hayley sighs.

"Well, we don't and I am sure between the six of us, we can do some serious damage and take him." Kelsey says with frustration in her voice.

"Actually, he does have a weakness." Marcel pipes up with as he pulls his phone out his pocket, while all of them look at him as he grins at them, "And, I have her on speed dial!"

Klaus and Ansel is across from each other as Ansel cuts the merlock orchids with his knife.

"I've always seen a blade to have a very different use." Klaus speaks as he watches Ansel cut.

"Mikael taught you to kill, Klaus, but you were born to create. Power lies in embracing your true nature." Ansel tells Klaus as he continues to cut the flowers. A smile breaks across Klaus's face as he slowly shakes his head at Ansel.

"You think I should accept my mother's offer? Sacrifice my vampirism? And then what? Become a florist?"

Ansel chuckles at Klaus's question, "You wouldn't be sacrificing anything. As a wolf, you'll be king to an entire species."

Klaus stays silent for a moment before laughing as he raises his hand to his mouth.

"So, I should become mortal? Elijah will follow if I do, mixed with whatever mother is doing to him in his head? While Phoebe stays immortal because she will never give up her power."

"I am sure if a strong enough case is made, Phoebe would follow after you and take your mother's offer." Ansel says as he stops cutting the flower.

Klaus chuckles again at Ansel, "If either I or Elijah ever agreed to our mother's offer than I suspect that she would kill her before our mother could utter an essence of a spell in our direction."

Ansel responds with a nod, saying nothing though.

"You said that have been watching over me and Phoebe. Tell me than, what have you seen?" Klaus asks.

Ansel looks up at Klaus with a serious expression on his face, "I have seen the both of you struggle with your love for each other. But-" Ansel pauses before continuing, "But I have also seen how effects she has had on you after you accepted that love. She has a calming effect on you, Klaus. I see it in the way you look at her, the way you speak to her. She has the power to anchor you to the present, to make you believe that there's more to this world than just blood and chaos. I mean your love for her runs so deep that you are willing to share her with Elijah."

Klaus nods thoughtfully at Ansel's words, silently agreeing with everything that he said. 

It was true, he loved Phoebe more than anything in this world, he felt as if she completes him as if she is a missing part of his soul that he had been missing. 

Like she is his soulmate.

"Phoebe is an extraordinary woman." Klaus pauses as a genuine yet small smile spreads across his face.

Ansel returns Klaus's smile with a nod, "She is indeed. And it's not just her beauty or power that makes her so. It's her heart, her spirit. Her ability to love so deeply and unconditionally, despite all the darkness that surrounds her."

Klaus's smile widens at Ansel's words and Ansel smiles back, watching the genuine happiness in his son's expression. "And she deserves the best, Klaus. You know that."

Klaus nods in agreement, "I know, and that's why I can't just accept my mother's offer. What could it offer me that I haven't already found in Phoebe?"

"You would find true peace. And you'll be a better father." Ansel answers and Klaus' smile drops as his expression morphs into anger but only for a moment before it returning to his resting face.

"I am no longer a father." Klaus states as he stands from his seat and starts to walk away but Ansel continues talking, "I know your child is still alive."

Klaus glares at his father suspiciously, in shock at his revelation but relieved that he does not know the whole truth.

Adult Elijah feeds and Phoebe does nothing to stop him but instead she closes her eyes. With her eyes closed and Adult Elijah's sole focus feeding on Phoebe, both don't notice Young Elijah sneaking up behind them with hatchet at the ready.

As Young Elijah lifts the hatchet, ready to strike, as he feels he must save the lady who is clearly in being attacked by the monster that she saved him from him earlier in the evening.

Young Elijah attack his Adult self with the hatchet but as the weapon is buried into Adult Elijah's back, he reaches back and hits the boy which sends him flying as Adult Elijah pulls his fangs from Phoebe and his attention back to Young Elijah which makes Phoebe shot her eyes open.

Adult Elijah goes to attack his younger self but Phoebe is quick and intercepts Adult Elijah vamping him against a nearby tree but he spins them, attacking her again while sinking his teeth back into her neck.

Phoebe looks over at Young Elijah and tells him, "Leave! Go!"

Young Elijah hesitates for a moment but with a quick flash of Phoebe's own vampire eyes, sending him running away.

Adult Elijah moves as if going to go after him but Phoebe wraps her arms around his head to keep him with her as she chants in a soft, low voice, "It's okay. I love you. I trust you."

Over and over.

She says it until Adult Elijah finally stops struggling and his body relaxes against hers. She knows that he's not fully himself, that whatever he has seen in here has affected him but she worried not of that in this moment or the fact that the bloodlust has taken over as she knows that he loves her and wouldn't hurt her intentionally.

Phoebe gently strokes his hair as she whispers calming words to him, feeling his body relax sightly and takes this moment to hold him tight and vamp them both from their spot towards a spot in the distance that is calling to her.

A red door appears to Phoebe in this distance and she pushed towards it while holding Elijah to her as he tries to get free but her grip so tight that she is drawing blood. She starts to become weak as she can feel the effects from him drinking her blood in here.

As they reach the door, she pushes him through it and off of her, standing there for but a moment to recover. 

As Elijah stands in the same white corridor that Phoebe knew, his eyes seem to become his own as he stares at Phoebe with an array of emotions on his face and in his eyes.

Phoebe goes to step through the door when a hand wraps around her arm, the perpetrator unknown to Phoebe but Elijah can see his face clearly and panic takes over his features as Phoebe is taken and vamped away from the door and Elijah, making him scream out, "Phoebe!"

Phoebe finds herself being taken deeper into the woods than she had ventured, still unsure of who has taken her.

As she spun round, her eyes widen as she comes face to face with an Elijah that she has not seen before.

This is not the sweet, brave little boy or the Elijah she knew. Even the one she had just encounter was different from the one baring his fangs and vampire eyes at her.

Everything about him, should makes her fear him but as she stares into his eyes all she can think of is how broken he is.

She knew what version of Elijah this was, the one after Esther had turned them when everything he knew and loved had been turned on its head or destroyed.

Phoebe shows him her vampire eyes and it takes him by surprise.

He staggers back, his face contorted with a mixture of shock and disbelief. Phoebe feels a pang of sadness at the sight of him.

Phoebe stands up straight and looks him over before offering him a small, hopeful smile.

"You are an amazement and no matter how much blood you may have or get on your hands, you will never be anything less than that. Because..." Phoebe pauses and takes a step towards the Viking Elijah, placing a hand on his chest, "Because you, Elijah, are a good man." she finishes.

Viking Elijah is conflicted and confused by Phoebe's words, his vampire eyes still showing.

Without a word,  Phoebe leaves him there to think over her words as she makes her way back over to her Elijah where she had left him.

Phoebe makes it back to the red door as quickly as she possibly could, just in time as Elijah is about to make his way back through the door to come rescue her but Phoebe stops him by tackling him back through the door.

The two land in a heap on the other side, Phoebe's body pressed closely against Elijah's. She can feel his heart pounding erratically in his chest and she knows that he is still reeling from the shock.

"What did he do?" Elijah questions with guilt dripping from every part of him and his question.

"He did nothing. He's just lost and broken," Phoebe replies, her voice soft and soothing.

"He is the monster that lives within me." Elijah looks away, his eyes downcast. "And I fear that he is who I really am."

"We all have monsters in us, Elijah. Yours has just been hidden from you for years and that will affect you as you adjust to him and everything you did. But I will be there for every moment of it because I love you and that means loving every part of you, good or bad," Phoebe says earnestly, her hand reaching up to cup his cheek.

Elijah's eyes flicker up to hers, and in that moment, Phoebe can feel his resolve crumbling. He leans forward, resting his head against hers as he takes her hand and interlacing their fingers.

They stand there without a word and unsure of what is happening outside this place, in reality.

The group of them separate to engage in the plan they have come up with. 

Hayley, Delilah and Ezra start on their plans to capture Finn with the help of Cami and some of the wolves while Marcel and Kelsey go off to deal with the other Mikaelson brother who is running around with the Davina.

Marcel and find them as they follow them to the church, to Davina's old room. Kelsey raises a hand to Marcel telling him to stay as she entered first.

Kelsey stands behind Kol as he faces Davina, looking at her sleeping form as he places her on the bed.

"Is this how you have actually been spending your time while you tell me that you were protecting me from your mother instead?" Kelsey asks, keep her voice low as not to wake Davina.

"I never lied to you, Kelsey. I was protecting you from my mother, but I also had to make sure Davina was safe. " Kol replies, turning to face Kelsey.

Kelsey steps closer to him, studying his face for a moment before speaking. "Do you have feelings for this girl?"

Kol goes to answer her as his eyes soften but Kelsey raises a hand, silencing him before he can even speak.

"It does not matter." Kelsey lets out a breath that she didn't not realise she was holding, "You should not have left the compound, Kol."

Kol takes a step towards her, his eyes locking onto hers but Kelsey backs away from him, holding her hands up in front of her.

"I had to leave. I couldn't stay there with everything that's happening." he says, his voice low and filled with an emotion Kelsey can't quite place.

Kelsey's eyebrows furrow as she studies Kol's face, trying to decipher the emotion that's clouding his features. She takes a step closer to him, raising a hand to cup his cheek, just like Phoebe did to Elijah earlier. 

Kol's eyes flicker up to meet hers, and in that moment, He could see the pain and conflict that flutter around in Kelsey's eyes.

He can feel her warm hand on his cheek and he leans into her touch, closing his eyes momentarily as he takes in her scent.

 For a moment, he forgets about everything else and just focuses on the feeling of her palm against his skin.

"Kol," Kelsey whispers, her voice barely above a breath.

He opens his eyes, his gaze searching hers. Kelsey's hand drops from his cheek as she steps back, breaking the connection between them. Kol feels a pang of disappointment shoot through him at the loss of her touch.

He goes to takes a step towards her when he feels the weight of the shackles on his wrist.

Kol glances down at the shackles, his jaw tightening at the sight of them. His eyes flicker back up to Kelsey's face and he sees that the two of them are no longer alone as Marcel stands beside her.

"You should have stayed in your cell." Marcel says to him as Kesleysteps back further, taking this moment to leave as she knows that Marcel will deliver him at the agreed upon place where the others will bring Finn.

Once out of sight of the two men, Kelsey presses her back against the wall and closes her eyes, taking a deep breath. She can still feel the electricity that coursed between her and Kol, the way his eyes bore into hers.

But she knows that she has to push those feelings aside for now. There are more important things at stake, like keeping Phoebe and the twins safe and stopping whatever plan Esther has in motion. 

Kelsey takes another breath and squares her shoulders, steeling herself for the next steps.

Klaus arrives home and races straight to Elijah's room will the poultice that Ansel gave him, tightly gripped in his hand. Klaus enters the room but stops to take in the scene before him.

Elijah is lying on the bed, his eyes closed with his shirt rip over allowing Klaus to see his chest rising and falling in a steady rhythm while Phoebe sits on top of him with her hand pressed against his bare chest and head with her head thrown back as her eyes glazed over.

Klaus steps forward and that's when he sees the trouble of the situation as blood drips from her eyes, nose and ears and drips down her face and neck.

"Damn it, Phoebe!" Klaus says, stuffing the handkerchief into his pocket before rushing over to her side to pull her off of Elijah but stops as his hands touch her arms, thinking before pulling her off.

He moves his hands to her face, rubbing in small circles along her cheeks.

"What were you thinking? You could have killed yourself." He mutters to her and his eyes look down to the blood markings on her neck before looking down at Elijah and seeing that he has the same thing. 

Whatever his mother had done to Elijah, she had tried to do on Phoebe.

"What damage did she do in that beautiful head of yours?" He murmurs to her, before pulling the poultice out his pocket and smearing to onto Elijah's neck, on the flower marking.

"We were innocent once, Elijah." Klaus says quietly to Elijah which echoes into Elijah's dream state.

Phoebe and Elijah pull apart and look around as they search, they hear the words.

"I think he is trying to wake you, wake us." Phoebe says to Elijah.

"I can't not go back. Not like this, not with me being so out of control. " Elijah says as he takes a step back.

"This bloodlust was forced upon us by our parents, turning us from prey to predator." Klaus words echo through the hall and Phoebe looks up as Elijah seems lost.

Phoebe steps forward and grabs Elijah's shoulder, forcing him to look into her eyes that shine with determination.

"Listen to Klaus!" She demands.

Klaus appears behind Elijah and Phoebe looks at him as Klaus spots them and walks over while speaking, "We're the demons lurking in shadow. We are the savage villains in fairy tales taught to children."

Elijah spins round to face Klaus, shocked to see Klaus with them but Klaus does not let Elijah's expression stop him, "But, not for my children. Not for Hope. Not for Faith. In their stories, we are knights in shining armour. Without you by my side, I don't think I can survive my own love for my daughters. I need you. I need you, brother. The monster in me can only be challenged by the monster in you."

Elijah gazes at Klaus, contemplating his words. The memories of their savage past flood Elijah's mind, reminding him of the countless lives that they had destroyed. But Klaus's words also remind him of the hope for a better future, a future where they could redeem themselves.

Phoebe senses the hesitation in Elijah's expression and moves closer behind him, "Do not let that door and what is behind it, rule over your life. Embrace it. Let it become a part of you instead of letting it control you."

Elijah takes a deep breath and nods slowly, his mind made up. "You're right," he says, turning back to Klaus. "We can't change our past, but we can choose to be better now. For Hope, for Faith, and for ourselves. For all of us to become a real family."

And with his acceptance of both Phoebe and Klaus's help, Elijah wakes with a gasp, sitting straight up but reaches out to hold Phoebe as his movements causes her body to fall. Elijah places Phoebe gently next him.

Elijah looks over at Klaus and they both are shocked to see each other for a moment before Klaus smiles.

Both brothers attention is pulled over to Phoebe as she stirs before sitting up. 

Phoebe's eyes dart between Elijah and Klaus before she brings her hand up to her eyes to wipe away the blood. When she notices it is blood that she wiping away, she looks at it shocked than locking eyes with Elijah before getting off the bed and out of the room.

Elijah and Klaus exchange a concerned look and Klaus goes to follow after her while Elijah moves his feet off the bed, sitting up as his hands begins to shake. Elijah takes a deep breath to steady himself as he gets a flashback of chasing Phoebe through the red door, feeling nothing but the need for her blood.

Phoebe had told him that she would love him no matter what but he is now doubting that by the way she fled from the room, from him.

Klaus finds Phoebe in the bathroom, scrubbing the blood off her neck and face but no matter what he did the blood seemed to keeps pouring out.

"What? You want a thank you for helping me escape the whirlpool of my mind?!" Phoebe demands as her eyes flutter to next to her on the opposite side of the room of where Klaus is standing which confuses him.

Phoebe speaks again to the Enchantress who is haunting her but Klaus can't see her like Phoebe can.

"Well than you can jog on. You have been nothing but an annoyance and a burden to me!" Phoebe's voice is filled with frustration and anger, directed at the voice in her head. 

She reaches for a towel to wipe away the blood, but it continues to flow from her. Klaus moves closer to her, concern etched on his face. Phoebe slams the towel down and whips her in the direction, away from Klaus.

"Helping me?! If you want to help me, you can kindly fuck off!" Phoebe states.

"Phoebe, what's going on? What's wrong?" Klaus asks her which makes her jump in fright.

Phoebe turns to face Klaus, her eyes blazing with fury.

"What's wrong?! You want to know what's wrong?! It's the fact you stuck me in that fucking cell and opened wounds that I have spent years, decades, healing." she spits out. "You and Elijah, always so concerned about me, thinking you know what's best for me! But you have no idea what it's like to be me, to have the circus in your head that never shuts up, every Goddamn day!"

Klaus takes a step closer to Phoebe, reaching out to touch her arm. "Phoebe, I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt you. But we had to keep you safe, you know that."

Phoebe jerks her arm away from Klaus, her eyes pleading for him to leave her alone. She opens her mouth to speak, but no words come out. Klaus takes a step closer, his hand reaching out to touch her arm, but she recoils and backs up against the wall.

"Please, Klaus, just leave me alone." Phoebe whispers, her eyes filling with tears. 

Klaus hesitates for a moment but then nods and backs away, giving Phoebe some space. Phoebe slides down the wall and buries her head in her hands, trying to silence the voices in her head. 

But they only grow louder, echoing through her mind like a never-ending symphony of chaos and torment. 

She feels like she's suffocating and there's no escape from the pain, the memories that are haunting her.

Klaus watches her, his heart breaking at the sight of her pain and he starts to wonder if the method that he and Kelsey used to turn on Phoebe's humanity may have been the wrong way to go about it or at least to much for her.

Elijah stands on the balcony looking out over the city, his finger running against a welded knot on the railing from when the railing had broken and Phoebe had fallen from it.

"How do you feel?" Klaus asks him as he joins him on the balcony. Klaus's question pulls Elijah from his thinking and Elijah looks over at Klaus and gives him a slight nod.

"The worst has past. Though, I suspect the nightmares are far from over." Elijah says.

"Well, gather your strength. After the message I sent Mother tonight, I expect hell-fire to rain upon us imminently." Klaus tells him.Elijah nods in agreement and takes a deep breath before turning to Klaus.

"We need to make a move before she strikes."

Marcel appears in the doorway and speaks, "Well, actually, moves were made on your behalf while you were sleeping."

Elijah and Klaus turn to face Marcel, intrigue written on their faces. Marcel walks over to them with a letter in hand as his expression stoic. 

He hands over the letter to Klaus with a solemn nod as he says, "You're welcome."

Marcel leaves and the brother watch him go with confusion before Klaus unfolds the letter, opening it for both Elijah and himself to read.

To Klaus & Elijah,

I promised you, Klaus, that I would not meddle with your mother while you fetched the orchid. And I did keep my promise but I could not let this attack be.

So, I made a move with the help of Marcel and my family for our family.

There is a gift waiting for the both of you in the ballroom from all of us.

I am sure that you will appreciate the gesture.

I will be around the compound if needed but am having a meeting of my own so do not worry too much about me and enjoy your gift.

- Love, Phoebe

Klaus and Elijah turn to each other, a look of confusion on their faces and they walk in silence to the ballroom room, uncertainty tugging at their them.

They arrive in the ballroom, where Klaus and Elijah find both Finn and Kol, each wearing the enchanted manacles, which have them suspended from the balcony by their wrists. 

Klaus and Elijah share a look before looking back at their brothers with a very pleased look.


Elijah and Phoebe now have matching mental problems...Aww?

Everything about to get emotional and complicated.

Thanks for reading! Don't forget to vote and comment!

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