Anti-God among Heroes (Male C...

By GOD911

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This is the sequel to the Chaos War(Male Chaos King reader X high school dxd) After the events of Chaos War... More

The Entrance Exam
The first Day
Knowing her.
Friend Or Foe
The Sleeper Of R'lyeh
A Normal Day
Say "Hi" To The Devil/ Sports Festival
Sports festival Pt. 2
Sports Festival pt. 3
Sports Festival pt. 4
Sports Festival pt.5
Sports festival pt.6
Meeting with the Doctor/Sports Festival pt.7
Strange Tales: Moon Knight
Strange Tales: Man-Thing
Strange Tales: Hellstrom and Magik
Strange Tales: Ghost Rider
Sports Festival (Final)
CHAOS (Bonus Chapter)
A Date?
Hero's Names/Meeting the Black Goat???
Cosmic Encounters, The Superflow and the Sword's Seizure
He Who Sleeps But Shall Awaken
The Start of chaos
The Chaos War- PROLOGUE
The Chaos War- Part 1
Chaos War-2

Knowing a little about Him

104 5 1
By GOD911



Shub: So, what do you say?

Y/N's initial shock gives way to a mixture of surprise and confusion. He regards Shub-Niggurath with a puzzled expression.

Y/N: Shub-Niggurath, since when has the idea of marriage come to your mind? We have only just met like seconds ago. How is it that you propose such a profound commitment?!

Shub: Amatsu-Mikaboshi, amidst the tumultuous dance of chaos, a spark of connection ignited within me the moment our paths crossed. Love knows no boundaries of time or convention. It transcends the fleeting moments we perceive, and in its essence, it can bind us together beyond the limits of cosmic existence.

Y/N: But I just met you!

Shub: Take your time, Chaos King. Together, we can create a realm where the union of our cosmic powers is bound by the eternal flame of love. Our very existence will be a testament to the harmonious dance of chaos and affection.

Y/N: Shub-Niggurath, You failed to listen. I don't want anything. I want Nothingness.

Shub: Nothingness? A longing for release from the ceaseless tumult of existence? Explain, Chaos King. What has brought you to this profound realization?

Y/N: It is my very nature, Shub-Niggurath. The very fabric of existence appears as a grand illusion, a cosmic game of Maya. It is this realization that weighs upon my being. I seek nothingness because the perpetual cycle of creation and destruction seems like an endless charade.

Shub: Your yearning for nothingness speaks of a weariness born from aeons of existence. But remember, within the vast expanse of emptiness lies the potential for new beginnings, for the creation of meaning and purpose beyond the illusory game.

Y/N: Perhaps you are right. The allure of nothingness, of shedding the illusions of existence, is captivating. And yet, I must tread carefully. I must discern whether it is truly nothingness I seek or a deeper understanding of the cosmic illusion. But All I know is that Maya.....Is My True Enemy....

Shub: So what you say, is it a yes or a no?

Y/N: *sigh* Not yet.

Shub: I can wait~...

Y/N: Well then. I shall create a portal that will transport us directly to the hotel where you shall stay.

As Y/N extends his hands, the air around him begins to ripple and warp, forming a swirling vortex of cosmic energy. The portal takes shape, a gateway pulsating with otherworldly power.

Shub-Niggurath approaches the portal, a mix of excitement and reverence evident in her movements.

Shub: Amatsu-Mikaboshi, I place my trust in your cosmic mastery. Also call me Chiyo.

Y/N: Okay, but first....*clears throat* Change yourself. You're going to scare everyone with "that" look.

Chiyo, sensing the need for a more human connection, decides to assume a human form. With a gentle transformation, she takes on the appearance of an elegant woman, her eyes carrying an otherworldly spark.

Chiyo: There you go.

Y/N extends his hand towards Chiyo. Together, they step into the pulsating portal, the threshold between realities. The portal engulfs them, transporting them through a kaleidoscope of cosmic colors and dimensions. Moments later, they emerge from the other side, standing in front of the grand entrance of the hotel.

As they enter the hotel, the portal behind them closes with a gentle ripple, leaving no trace of its existence.

After sometime, both of them reached Y/N's room, where they saw Scarlett sleeping on the bed.

Chiyo: Who is she?

Y/N: A trusted companion....*sigh* Hey, Scarlett wake up!

As Y/N shouts, Scarlett awakens and catches sight of Shub-Niggurath, her eyes widen with alarm and she swiftly pulls out her sword, assuming a defensive stance.

Scarlett: YOU!

Scarlett said as she pointed out her sword at her.

Scarlett: Master! What is this Great Old One doing here?

Chiyo: Wait do I know you...? Oh yes! Red-Glowing eyes, Scarlet hair, Red sword....You are Scarlett! You're.....still alive...? How is it possible? I thought you were long gone, defeated in our past encounters.

Scarlett: Thanks to Oblivion, I was granted a second chance.

Chiyo: Oblivion... the embodiment of nothingness. It was Oblivion who bestowed upon you this second chance?

Scarlett nodded.

Y/N: Okay Scarlett, lower your blade. She's not an enemy.

Scarlett: I'm sorry, master. But I don't trust this goat so easily like you do.

Y/N: Chiyo knows the consequences of betraying me.

Scarlett took her time to think and soon lowered her blade.

Scarlett: Master, the wounds of our past clashes still linger. But if you trust her, I shall withhold my blade... for now.

Scarlett said the last sentence while glaring at Chiyo.

Chiyo: Anyways...

Chiyo said as she hugged Y/N's arm.

Scarlett: HEY! What are you doing?!

Chiyo: what do you mean?

Scarlett: Don't get close him, you black goat!

Chiyo: ~Someone's jealous....

Scarlett: *blush* I-I am not!

Y/N: *facepalming* Oh, the complexities of emotions and cosmic connections. This journey never fails to surprise me.

Chiyo let go of Y/N's arm and walks over to the nearby bed and gracefully reclines upon it, her body sinking into the plush cushions.

Y/N: Okay, you both stay here, meanwhile I'll talk to Strange about this...this...*sigh*.

Chiyo nods, her eyes conveying her appreciation for Y/N's understanding. She adjusts herself on the bed, finding comfort in its embrace. With that, Y/N leaves the room, gently closing the door behind him.

Chiyo: Hey Scarlett, may we speak for a moment? I can sense the weight of a troubled past upon you. If you feel comfortable, please share your thoughts with me. I am here to listen and understand.

Scarlett: You already know.

Chiyo: *sigh* Look I was never interested in the war. I deeply apologize for the destruction caused by the Great Old Ones. Because, you see, Yog-Sothoth's word is absolute. It is the law that binds us, the ancient decree that we, the Great Old Ones, are compelled to follow.

Scarlett  eyes widen with a mixture of understanding and sympathy, her gaze fixed on Chiyo.

Scarlett: So, you were unable to resist the call of Yog-Sothoth's will...

Chiyo nodded.

Chiyo: Yes, dear. I was bound by the cosmic chains of Yog-Sothoth's power. His will guided our actions, and despite our own desires, we were unable to break free from its grasp.

A heavy silence settles in the room as the weight of their shared history hangs heavily between them.

Scarlett: Is this why you need Mikaboshi? To break free from the chains that bind you to Yog-Sothoth's will?

Chiyo: Yes. But, It is not only liberation that I seek but also a deeper connection, a bond that transcends our cosmic existence. I want to propose marriage to Mikaboshi, to bind our love in a sacred union.

Scarlett was surprised.

Scarlett: Wait! What?!

Chiyo: What? You oppose our union?

Scarlett: I.....cannot let you proceed with this. You cannot marry my Master.

Chiyo: And Why is that?

Scarlett: Well...because....*embrassed*

Chiyo: *sigh* I know why you said it.

Scarlett: Wait, you know?!

Chiyo: *smug face* Heh...

After a brief moment of silence, Chiyo spoke.

Chiyo: I know........He won't take it.

Scarlett: Huh?

Chiyo: Don't you see? Mikaboshi is a Complex being. His aim is Pure Nothingness and chaos.

Scarlett: So, why did you brought the proposal?

Chiyo: A little hope. But I won't mind forming an alliance with him.

Scarlett:*sigh*  I always wondered.....what's up with the "Nothingness" Goal?

As Chiyo and Scarlett engage in their discussion, the presence of Oblivion, the embodiment of nothingness, subtly enters the room. Oblivion observes the conversation, his inscrutable gaze fixed upon Chiyo and Scarlett. His presence casts an eerie stillness over the room, drawing the attention of both of them.

Oblivion: Hello, there.

Chiyo: Oblivion...

Oblivion: Shub-Niggurath.

Scarlett: Master, what are you doing here?

Oblivion: Observing, like I always do. I see you are discussing about Mikaboshi. While OUR nature is rooted in nothingness, it is not synonymous with evil. The pursuit of nothingness can be seen as a liberation from the illusions that bind us, a return to the pure essence of existence.

Chiyo's eyes widen with surprise, as she considers Oblivion's words from a different perspective. Scarlett, too, listens intently, sensing a change in the air.

Chiyo: Are you suggesting that Amatsu-Mikaboshi's desire for nothingness is not inherently destructive or malevolent?

Oblivion: Mikaboshi seeks the dissolution of all illusions, the stripping away of false constructs that bind us. His path to nothingness is a quest to understand the true nature of existence and release the cosmic energies trapped within.

Oblivion said while Scarlett's brows furrow, a mix of intrigue and confusion on her face.

Scarlett: If Master's goals are not inherently evil, then why does he embrace chaos and destruction as his path? What purpose does it serve?

Oblivion: Dear Scarlett, chaos and destruction, as unsettling as they may appear, hold a profound role within the cosmic balance. It is not inherently about evil or malice, but rather about the transformation and renewal that comes from the dismantling of old structures.

Both Chiyo and Scarlett were listening intently, thier expression a blend of curiosity and contemplation.

Chiyo: But chaos and destruction often lead to suffering and devastation. How can that be aligned with a path devoid of evil?

Oblivion: Indeed, chaos and destruction can bring temporary turmoil and pain, but they also carry the potential for growth and rebirth. Through the unraveling of established order, new possibilities emerge, and stagnant energies find release. Mikaboshi sees the transformative nature of chaos and destruction as a means to break free from limitations and reach a higher state of existence.

Scarlett: So, in embracing chaos and destruction, Master's seeks to break the shackles of stagnation and lead the cosmos towards a new phase of evolution?

Oblivion: Indeed. Mikaboshi's path, though seemingly harsh, aims to foster change and renewal. It is through chaos that new foundations are built, and through destruction that space is created for creation to flourish. It is a cycle intrinsic to the cosmic tapestry, guiding us towards unforeseen possibilities.

Shub-Niggurath and Scarlett's skepticism begins to fade, replaced by a glimmer of understanding.

Chiyo: I see. Mikaboshi's chosen path, while unconventional, serves a higher purpose within the cosmic balance. It is about harnessing the transformative power of chaos and destruction to shape a new future, free from stagnation.

Oblivion's form radiates a sense of approval, his voice a soft whisper.

Oblivion: Your perception is astute, Shub-Niggurath. By embracing the complexities of Amatsu-Mikaboshi's goals, we unlock the potential for profound change. It is through the interplay of seemingly opposing forces that the cosmos evolves and finds harmony.

With that, Oblivion's form gradually fades, his ethereal presence diminishing within the room.


Y/N and Dr. Strange find themselves engaged in an intense discussion, their minds focused on the recent developments that have unfolded within the cosmic tapestry.

Y/N: So, Now we have Black Goat.

Strange: That was unexpected to be honest.

Y/N: It was. Even for me.

Strange: So what you'll do now?

Y/N: I don't know....

As Dr. Strange and Y/N are engrossed in their discussion when an unexpected presence fills the room. Sise-Neg, who materializes before them, his presence commanding attention.

Sise-Neg: Dr. Strange! I bring dire news. The Mindless Ones have acquired the Iron Bounds Books and the keys required to summon Shuma-Gorath. They are converging upon this mortal plane to unleash untold chaos upon our world.

Dr. Strange and Y/N exchange a glance, Strange's expressions turned grim.

Strange: The Mindless Ones... Their ability to harness such power is a dire threat. If they succeed in summoning Shuma-Gorath, it could unleash devastation upon the realms.

Y/N: Atleast it isn't Yog-Sothoth.

Sise-Neg's his eyes widening in surprise as he recognizes the towering presence of Chaos King.

Sise-Neg: Wait, Chaos King... You? What brings you to this realm?

Y/N: I have decided to take a holiday from the cosmic chaos and partake in the unfolding events here. But since Shuma-Gorath seeks to bring about my demise, I have chosen to face it head-on.

Sise-Neg: And Plan?

Y/N: They can arrive at anytime. We must be prepared. *turns to strange* Did you do what I told you?

Strange: Yes. The Midnight Sons are finding and hunting down the demons hiding among the people. The Shuma-Gorath's control has gotten lose overtime.

Y/N: Sise-Neg, do you have any information on the whereabouts of the Mindless Ones? We need to locate them swiftly if we are to prevent the summoning of Shuma-Gorath.

Sise-Neg: I don't know where they are currently but, I have been tracking their movements since they obtained the Iron Bounds and the keys. The Mindless Ones are making their way on an ancient ley line nexus located at the outskirts of this city. It is there that they plan to perform the summoning ritual.

Strange: Then we should waste no time. We shall assemble our forces and converge upon the ley line nexus to stop the Mindless Ones before they complete the ritual.

Y/N: Agreed. Sise-Neg, continue to monitor their movements and relay any additional information. We must act swiftly if we are to prevent the unleashing of Shuma-Gorath's malevolent power upon this world. Strange, I'll assemble some of the soldiers at the ley line nexus and you also send some heroes to gaurd it too.

Both Sise-Neg and Strange nodded in response.

With their plan set in motion, Chaos King, Dr. Strange, and Sise-Neg prepare to face the impending threat together. The fate of the world hangs in the balance as they rally their forces and make their way towards the ley line nexus, determined to confront the Mindless Ones and prevent the cataclysmic summoning of Shuma-Gorath.


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