Cardigan | Turner Hayes

By ethanlandry01

3.4K 75 48

•You drew stars around my scars• Lilith Wilson, daughter of Slade Wilson was sent on a mission with three of... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 8 (Pt. 2)
Authors note: please read!
Chapter 9

Chapter 4

275 5 5
By ethanlandry01

The group were in the library looking through Alan Wayne's files. Duela was riding a scooter around while Harper and Lilith were sitting the chairs at one of the tables. Turner was standing, looking at the papers in front of him.

Cullen came in with a cake and set it down. "Liberated this from the teachers' lounge." The teens looked at it. "Congratulations Cathy." Turner said reading the cake.

Cullen sighed. "Yeah, I'm sorry. I couldn't find one that said: good luck trying to solve Bruce Wayne's murder by investigating the alleged killing of his great-great-grandfather. Slice anyone? Slice? No, alright." Cullen said and grabbed the knife of the table and started cutting a piece.

Harper looked at him. "Uh, you do realize the Talon almost killed you with that thing, right?" Harper said. Cullen looked at her. "Yeah, now I'm repurposing it for good, so..." Harper muttered an okay.

"I've been through this hundreds year old police report a thousand times and there's nothing in here that even remotely suggests Alan Wanye could've been murdered. All it does is confirm what the newspapers already reported. 'The renowned architect died by accidental drowning upon falling into a sewer following a sudden bout of dementia.'" Turner explained.

"Beep beep! Coming through." Duela said as she passed them by.

"You find anything interesting?" Turner asked Harper. "Maybe. Maybe it's nothing. See those marks on Alan Wayne's body? It's weird right?" She said as he sat down next to her.

"Yeah, they mentioned those cuts in the report but they said it had nothing to do with the cause of death." Turner said.

Cullen looked over their shoulders. "Yeah, I'm not a medical examiner but I'm pretty sure falling down a sewer doesn't cause marks like that."

Turner looked at him. "But these marks don't prove anything and if Alan Wayne's death was an accident, it means he wasn't killed by the Court of Owls. Which means this can't help us solve my dads murder or clear our names, so this is all a dead end."

Harper looked at him. "You seem tired." Harper said and he looked at her and raised his eyebrows. "I am tired. I'm tired of living in a stupid belfry. I'm tired of showering in a dirty locker room. I'm tired of worrying bout whether I'm gonna end up dead or in prison. And I'm tired of losing everybody that ever game a damn about me."

"And I'm tired of your constant bitching." Duela said rolling passed. "Duela!" Lilith shouted out at the girl. "I just want to go home. I want my life back." He said.

"I found something." Duela said walking over to them with a book in hand. "Hold on to your asses, guys because this is going to change the game. Yes, ladies and gentlemen. Bat brat was a member of the never get laid brigade." Duela jokingly said putting the book down and they all busted out laughing.

Lilith walked over and leaned over Turner to see. She leaned to whisper in his ear. He leaned into her face as she spoke. "They might be having a laugh but I think it's sexy."

"No, no, let me see that." Cullen said picking up the book, knocked the cake and the knife fell on the floor.

Lilith crouched down to grab it. She took it out of the floor, she looked up to see Turners face close to hers. She handed it to him, brushing their fingers against each others. His eyes fell from her eyes, to her lips, to his hand, to the floor.

"Guys." He said and everyone looked over at the marking in the floor.

The next day the group plus Steph and Carrie were there. They made a plan for Cullen to go to GCPD.

Lilith got up from her chair and went over by Stephanie. "Can I talk to you for a sec?" She asked and the girl nodded and Lilith led them upstairs.

One they got upstairs Lilith turned to the girl. "How's Brody doing?" She asked. Stephanie looked surprised that she wanted to talk about Brody.

"Uh, he was shaken up a little bit but he's good." She said and Lilith nodded. "That's good." Lilith said. Stephanie analyzed her face. "He was asking about you at the Gala." She said.

Lilith snapped her eyes at her. "Please tell me you didn't tell him about the stabby stabby situation." Stephanie quickly shook her head. "No, no, no. I just told him you were doing okay, I mean for being stuck here and a innocent fugitive." She said and Lilith laughed.

"That's good. I hope when we dissolve this mess and go back to normal I can hangout with him. I really miss him." Lilith said. "And the sex." She said. "And I miss the sex with him and just anyone in general. No one here is hot enough to sleep with, except Cullen and Duela but they don't need to know. Once I'm free I'm gonna have a one night stand." Lilith said and they busted out laughing.

"Cullen's almost there." We turned around to see Turner standing at the top of the stairs. Lilith's face turned slightly redder at the mention of him. Stephanie looked at Lilith with a smile and walked over to him and down the stairs.

They teenagers just stared at each other. "Need something baby bat?" Lilith said and Turner looked at her for a few more seconds and walked back down the stairs.

Lilith sighed once she knew he was gone, hoping he didn't hear they're conversation.

The group was huddled around the table. Lilith was in between Cullen and Duela. Turner came up with a plan. Harper looked at him. "You want to break into that lawyers house?" She asked him. "Yeah, think you can give me a crash course in lock picking?"

"Ooh, look at you, thinking like a criminal." Duela said. "It's so cute." Lilith added. "What do you think you're going to find?" Cullen asked him.

"Maybe nothing. Maybe something that'll point us toward the Court and why they wanted him dead. Anyway, gotta follow all leads." Turner said turning around.

"I'm coming with you." Stephanie said, looking at him. "I've gotten you in enough trouble already. Maybe see what you can find out about our mystery knife—where it came from?"

"I can stay and do that." Stephanie said turning back around. Harper stared at Stephanie and back at Turner. "In that case, I'm team breaking and entering. Easier for me to pick the lock than teach you how." Harper said and they both walked away.

"I'll help you with that knife. Where do we start?" Culled asked. "By asking an expert in the sharp and pointy." Duela said holding up the knife looking at Lilith.

"Daddy used swords. Know anything about knives?" Duela asked her. Lilith looked at the girl and let out a laugh. "Slade only taught me the basics. Swords, guns, hand to hand combat, and other things. Not about knives." She said.

"So deathstroke taught you everything but knives?" Duela asked and she nodded. "Yep. When I was old enough to pick up a sword, Slade taught me everything he knew which didn't include small knives."

She nodded. "Looks like we have to turn to the books." Cullen said. They started walking to the library. Lilith jumped on his shoulder and he gave her a piggyback ride.

They search for a while and went over to the table and Duela held a book his her hands and threw it on the table. "Another yearbook?" Cullen asked.

"Hmm. Guess you could say that. A yearbook for serial killers. Superlative include: best strangling technique, most limbs hacked off, and that's not all." Duela said opening the book.

"Let me see. Oh, Felix Harmon." She said turning the book towards them. "He was a famous knife thrower in Haly's Circus in the early 1900s. You know where they—they spin the women upside down and then they throw knives blindfolded and try not to hit her." She started explaining.

"Well, Felix was the best. Never stabbed a woman, not once. Well, at least not durning work hours. You see, Felix was also known as the Butcher of Gotham, a serial killer who terrorized the gaslit streets of Gotham by dismembering his victims bit by bit, right down to cutting out their little pink tongues. Guess you could say his weapon of choice allowed him to mix business with pleasure."

"Gross." Lilith whispered.

"Those look exactly like the knives the Talon used." Cullen said pointing at the picture. "Yes, thank you." Duela said while she clapped.

"See I knew I'd seen this knife before and then I remembered where. My dad told me about this book. Pretty sure he just wanted me to read the parts about him but uh, I was always drawn to dear old Felix."

"So what happen to dear old Felix?" Stephanie questioned. Duela looked at her. "Oh, caught and executed in the city square. Always did love an audience." She said turning the page.

"Okay, so, how did the Talon get ahold of knives belonging to a serial killer who's been dead for almost 100 years?" Cullen asked.

Stephanie went on her computer. "This says Felix Harmon had a daughter. Hmm. She must be part Galapagos turtle beside she is still alive." She said and everyone huddled around her. "Goes by Eunice Monroe now." Stephanie said.

"Wait. She changed Harmon but stuck with Eunice?" Lilith asked and they all laughed. "Yep. Currently resides at the Robinson Park Nursing Home."

Duela sat down next to Stephanie. "Well, I wonder if the old biddy knows how daddy's cutlery made it into the hands of the Talon." She said looking at the computer.

The next day they were sitting together and Turner was pacing around the room, explaining everything he found out for the lawyers son.

"Their entire argument is that my dad was gonna cut me out of his will, which, apparently, is why I hired you guys to kill him but if we can get our hands on that will, it'll prove he didn't cut me out."

"Then there's no motive. Their case against us starts to fall apart." Cullen stated. "There must be a copy of it somewhere." Stephanie said.

Turner crossed his arms. "There's only the original and apparently my dad took that with him." He said. "Well, what would he do with it?" Stephanie asked.
"I don't know but I do know someone who might."

Stephanie's face lit up a little. "Cressida."

"She was my dad's attaché." Turner said. "What makes you think she's not gonna call the cops?" Cullen asked him.

"She's the closest thing to family I have left. When I was 12, my dad was away on business and um, I thought it would be a good idea to take his favorite vintage car for a joyride. It wasn't. Banged it up pretty good and I knew I'd be dead meat but when my dad got home, instead of telling him what really happened, Cressida took the blame. I'll never forget that. She's always looked out for me."

Lilith smiled at the story.

"Still, it's a risk." Harper said and we all looked at her. "I know, which is why I'm going alone." He said and we looked back at him.

Turner looked at Stephanie. "Are we any closer to figuring out how the Talon ended up with knives belonging to a long-dead serial killer?"

Carrie came in. "That is what I'm going to ask Felix Harmon's daughter. Nursing home visiting hours start in about 15 minutes."

"And I'm going with her." Duela said coming in next to her. She wore a blond wig and a school uniform, acting all cheerful.

"Nice wig." Harper said.

"Looking hot." Lilith said at the same time.

Everyone looked at Duela weirdly except for Lilith. "What? You know, Eunice and I happen to have a lot in common, okay? Both daughters of serial killers. I'm sure we're gonna have a lot to talk about." Duela said.

Carrie looked at her. "I'll be doing all the talking."

"Then why aren't I going. Slade is literally more like him that the Joker." Lilith spoke up. Duela looked at her. "You need to keep your cute ass here to heal. You literally got stabbed not that long ago."

"Besides, it's less suspicious when two people go rather than a small group." Carrie said and Lilith nodded and they left.

Cullen and Lilith were sitting in the chairs at the table. She had her legs on top of his while he drew in his sketch book. She had her head on his shoulder, watching him draw.

Stephanie had the knife in her hand, walking around the room thinking. "Here's what I don't get." Stephanie started and Cullen stopped drawing looking up at her.

"All of the Talon's victims had sudden bouts of dementia or insanity with no prior history just before they died. So either being attacked by the Talon is so scary that it literally drives you wackadoo-"

"I'm not going to lie he is a big ol' pile of scary." Cullen said. "Or the Talon's knives are laced with some kind of toxin, a hallucinogenic, maybe. None of the cuts were deep enough to kill but maybe he dipped them in something that made his victims lose their minds."

"But being attacked by him didn't drive me crazy and I haven't been hallucinating." Lilith said. Stephanie looked at her. "Maybe it's just the knives and not the swords."

"I buy it." Cullen started. "It-my dads an alcoholic. When he drank, he just became a different person. I mean, he wasn't great to begin with but add alcohol and he was screaming and smashing everything but when he sobered up it's—"

"All apologetic, promises it'll never happens again, buys you stuff to make up for it." Stephanie said. Lilith looked at them with sympathy in her eyes.

"You know, we should check if the autopsies showed any strange chemicals or drugs in their systems." Stephanie quickly changed the subject and walked away.

Cullen looked at Lilith and she gave him a sad smile.

Later that night everyone was gathered in the belfry.
"No, I'm telling you, she had that crazy old woman strength." Duela said throwing her sweater on the chair. "That's not a thing." Cullen argued. "Oh, it's a thing."

"This can't be a coincidence. Eunice Monroe associated with the Court of Owls?" Stephane asked. "Mm-hmm. She was off her rocker, man. She kept insisting that her dearly departed daddy was still sending her little presents." Duela explained.

"So, the court is having someone bring her trinkets to make her think her dad is still alive?" Harper asked. "Why would they do that?" Cullen also asked.

Carrie was holding a book. "I don't know why but I think I know who." She said and Stephanie looked in the book. "Cressida Clarke."

Stephanie quickly took out her phone and called Turner to warn him.

"Turner, you need to get out of there right now......Cressida is one of them. She's working with the Court of Owls.....Turner."

Carrie went to go get Turner.

They both got back safely. Tuner wanted to be alone, so they let him. She saw Stephanie go up by him. After a few minutes she came down and sat by Lilith.

"How's he doing?" She asked leaning her arm against the back of the couch. Stephanie shook her head. "Not good. I mean the one person that he's known his whole life, the one person he had left betrayed him. How would you feel if that happened?" She asked her.

"Look who your talking too. I've been betrayed so many times. By friends, family. The list goes on. I know what is worth my time and feelings and what's not." Lilith said.

Stephanie looked at her sadly. "You should go talk to him." She said and Lilith looked at her. "Why? He hates me." She said. "No, he doesn't."

Lilith raised her eyebrows at her. Stephanie sighed. "Okay, maybe he hates you most of the time." She said and Lilith nodded. "There you go."

They made eye contact for a minute. Lilith groaned and got up. "Fine, I'll talk to him. But if we end up killing each other, it's your fault." She said walking away.

Lilith walked up the stairs to see Turner staring at the wall, tears in his eyes. He looked at her out of the corner of his eyes. "Come here to laugh at me?" He asked.

She walked towards him and crouched down in front of him. She shook her head. "Nah, I've already done that too much." She said with a grin and put her hand on his knee playfully pushing it. She took in a deep breath before speaking again.

"Look, I've been through this a million of times. Friends, family. I'm here to tell you, you will forget about it." She said.

He looked down at her. "Have you?" He asked. She looked down for a moment. "I don't think about it 24/7." She said looking back at eyes.

"You got betrayed because love turned you blind."

Turner shook his head at her and stood up and walked away from her. She got up and stared at him. His put his hands on his face. "No." Was all he said.

She walked up to him. "Yes, listen to me." She said standing in front of him and grabbed his shoulder. "You trusted this woman because she knew your dad and help you guys out, you thought wrong. Nobody does anything for free, they always want something in return. She got Bruce's life in return."

He threw her hands off of him and started walking towards her. She backed up into a wall when their was no space in between them but she kept her ground. "Don't talk about my dad like that. Cressida was someone I looked up too. I loved her."

Lilith lightly scoffed and rolled her eyes. "It's always the ones you love who turn on you. But, of course, since you were blinded by the money, the girls, the Wayne name under you, you were to blind to see it. It's pathetic." She said pushing him backwards.

She could see the anger in his eyes. "Go on, you want to say something? Go ahead. Want to take your anger out? Hit me. I'm used to it. Take your best shot."

Something in his eyes changed. "You think I'd hit you?" He asked her.

"No....yes....maybe." She took a deep breathe and let it out. "Slade used too. My ex used too. I guess I just always assume that all the men in my life are going to hurt me one way or another. Except Cullen, he's different." Lilith explained.

"I'm sorry for making you think that of me but I would never do that." He said slowly walking back up to her. "And I'm sorry for getting you angry about Cressida, but it is the truth. I'm going to tell you something but you can never to anyone." Lilith said and he nodded.

"When I reached a certain age I was supposed to join the league of assassins. Slade joined, Rose joined. I was next in line for the Wilson family. One night I decided to tell Rose and I sneaked out and ran away with my boyfriend at the time because I didn't want to be an assassin." Lilith said and Turner looked at her.

"Anyways, we were driving and we almost made it out of Gotham but we got a flat tire. We got out to check it, we saw that it was an arrow. I looked and saw Slade and Rose. I told him to run and he did but Rose shot him in the back. She killed him because I tried to run. Let's just say Slade was not happy with me and that she was one of the first people to betray me. My own sister and I still joined but I got a deal, I'd go back when summoned because I'm under the age of eighteen. Talia was always a little bit better than Ra's."

She looked up at him. "I'm sorry. I know that doesn't do anything but I never would of thought of that. I guess not every family is built on love and trust."

She sadly smiled at him. "Yeah, but I never have to see them again so that's all that matters. Anyways I'm just gonna go. Sorry about Cressida." She said and left him without another word.


Hey guys, I just wanted to say
that Lilith is going to be apart of
the league but I made changes to
fit the story.

Anyways that's for reading!

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