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bakugoxfem!reader (y/n(she/her)) She was quiet, she was calm and she was collected. He was loud, he was defe... More



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Y/n trodded down the stairs, rubbing her eyes and yawning. "I'm so tired man it's not even funny." She mumbled, running her fingers through her hair to make herself look more decent.

She slowly descended from the stair case and headed towards the front door. She grabbed the house keys from where it's hanging and unlocked the door, slowly opening it to reveal her best friend.

"Took you long enough fat head," she commented with a tiny smile, stepping aside to allow him in. She closed the door behind him and locked the door once again. She hung the keys back up and turned to kaito, who was taking off his shoes.

"Well my bad, I was tryna get here as fast as I could but," he replied, putting his shoes on the rack and grabbing the slippers he left here since he's at her house quite often. "I got the goods."

He smiled and walked towards the living room with y/n following shortly behind. "That's crazy man, I got us snacks though. But I'm kinda hungry for like real food so go cook us something yeah?"

She patted his shoulder as she made her way to sit down on the couch, sinking into the cushions and looking up at him. "Or you can order us something. I don't mind."

Kaito frowned and shook his head, "when I need you to eat you don't but when I come over I'm the one to cook for you." He sighed and sat down next to her.

"I don't like eating in school, you know that. I'll order us something then, put something on the tv please." She groaned as she stood up again, making her way to the staircase.

She went up to her bedroom once again, glancing at the 3 other doors in the passage. The one directly opposite hers was her brothers, the one at the end of the hall was her parents and the third was just a bathroom.

She sighed and stepped inside her room to collect her phone. She took her phone off charge and went into a food delivery app. It took a while to load and she sighed, looking up and out of the window across from her.

Bakugo was standing by his door, facing her but on his phone as well. It was obvious he was upset too, making him angrily stuff his phone in his pocket and look up.

The two made eye contact and y/n quickly looked away, becoming shy and nervous. She took another glance and he was still staring, so she quickly made her way out of her room.

"Why is his stare so intense? He needs to shove a chill pill up his ass nevermind just taking it." She grumbled as she trodded down the stairs again. "Okay kaito, McDonald's or what?"

"McDonald's, get us McFlurrys too I'll send the money to pay for my meal later." He called, eyes on the tv as he was still trying to choose something to watch. "Can I see what's in the packet or is it for later?"

"You can see but don't eat anything." She said, scrolling through the options on the delivery app, already knowing his order but still deciding her own. "It's for if we get the munchies."

"Ohh I see." He grinned, grabbing the packet and taking a look inside. "YOU GOT MY FAVORITE POCKY???"

Y/n stood by the counter that separates the kitchen from the living room and watched kaito snatch the box of pocky out of the bag and look at it with stars in his eyes. "Yeah, I figured you'd crave it while we were smoking so I got it for you."

"You little adorable shithead, thank you so much." He said dramatically, fighting off the urge to open it right now and eat it all. "I didn't think you'd remember but I'm glad you did not gonna lie."

"That's dumb, obviously I remember." She said, ordering their McDonald's and putting in the payment.

She placed her phone on the counter and headed over to the couch again, sitting down and leaning her elbows on her knees. She looked at kaito as he put the pocky back in the packet then grabbed the remote again.

"I can't find something decent to watch- and we're NOT watching Wild Child or Business Proposal again." He said, giving her a sharp look and returning his eyes to the tv screen. "Pick something else, and more interesting."

"Well I told YOU to pick, put on Fast and Furious then." Rolling her eyes she sat back on the couch.

Kaito nodded and quickly put on the movie, leaning back against the couch comfortably and immediately becoming indulged by it.

Y/n wasnt as interested. She was thinking more about the food arriving and how long kaito will actually be staying here, because if he had to stay over then that means she has to forfeit her room for a night.

Not her favourite situation but she didn't like sleeping in her brothers room either, it felt disrespectful but also really shouldn't. He's not dead or anything.

She sighed as she thought about him. She missed him quite allot. She leaned her head back on the couch, downwardly staring at the screen but not actually paying attention.

She closed her eyes thinking she could catch a few minutes of sleep while kaito was distracted and not bothering her.

As her eyes closed she felt the exhaustion catch up to her. The feeling of finally being able to close your eyes after being so tired was so satisfying and relieving.

"Are you deadass going to sleep right now?" Kaito said, looking at her with a blank expression but that's also saying 'are you serious right now?'. "I literally just got here bro?"

She opened her eyes and glared at him, "yeah and I literally saw you at school an hour and a half ago. I also see you practically everyday, stop acting as if you aren't attached to my hip at this point." She rolled her eyes and closed them once again.

"Sassy woman."

Y/n groaned and grabbed a cushion, putting it over her face to try and drown the sound of his voice. It wasn't like she didn't want him there, she enjoyed his company, but goddamn was it hard to not enjoy it too much.

Having known him since 3rd grade gave her opportunity to get to know him very well. Not only that but he never left her side, which was something genuine and heart felt for the girl. She knows allot of girls crush on him, and she feels bad that she does too.

Dropping the pillow, she stared at the ceiling. The smell of his cologne and his scent wafted through the air. It was driving her mad to say the least. She wanted to be as far away from him as possible but also as close to him as possible.

It was frustrating and honestly, mind fucking.

"When's the food getting here?" He asked, becoming hungry as well. He glanced at the girl beside him and noticed how she was staring at the ceiling, completely in her own world.

He leaned closer to her face, noticing how she didn't shift away as well. He squinted his eyes and poked her cheek, no response. He poked it again and she snapped out of it, turning her head to look at him.

Her eyes widened when she noticed how close they were, one move and they would kiss. "Are you crazy?! Back the fuck up bro?!" She shoved him and got off the couch in frustration.

Kaito snickered, "sorry." She groaned and went to sit on one of the chairs by the kitchen counter.

She sat down and rubbed her forehead in irritation. Her face was burning to the point where her entire body felt hot as well. She can't sell herself out like this, he makes this so impossible.

The doorbell rang and that was her indication that the food was here. She let out a sigh of relief and walked to the front door. She grabbed the keys off the hook and unlocked the door.

She stepped outside and saw the delivery man standing with his bike, looking at the house to make sure it's the right one.

Except it wasn't, he was next door.

Y/n let out her millionth sigh for the day and pinched the bridge between her eyes. Just as she began to hope no one would answer the door, it opens to reveal the explosive blond.

"The hell are you doing here?" He exclaimed, utterly confused as to why a McDonald's delivery driver was at his front gate. "I didn't order no goddamn McDonald's! That shit tastes ass."

"Yeah as I bet you have a good idea what ass tastes like." Y/n said quietly to herself, "sorry it's for me. I must've typed in my address wrong, sorry about that." She called over the wall that separates the properties.

"How the hell do you forget your own address?" Bakugo commented, looking at her face and analysing every feature. "Don't let it happen again, otherwise I'm taking your food and eating it."

"I thought you said it tastes like ass?" Y/n said, leaning on her elbows in the wall, raising an eyebrow with a small smile.

"It does! But just to be spiteful, to teach you a lesson!" He retaliated, feeling a bit embarrassed.

Y/n snickered and turned to the delivery guy again, some money in her hand as his tip. "Sorry about that, don't worry about him it's not your fault."

She smiled at him and took the food, placing it on the wall beside her, "well I don't have to be taught any lessons Bakugo, I'm well educated and it was an honest mistake.." she shrugged.

"Don't call me Bakugo, I don't even know who you are!" He was lying, he knew who she was.

"Yeah sure. Enjoy the rest of your evening bakugo, I'll see you around. Probably at the convenience store." She smiled and picked up her food, turning around and heading back inside.

"Tch, annoying." Bakugo muttered before heading inside his house as well. He shut the door and angrily made his way inside again. Intending to go to his room but his mother called for him.

"Katsuki?! Who was it?!" His mother called out from the kitchen, preparing dinner. Bakugo entered the kitchen and leaned against the wall.

"Stop yelling woman?! It was just a delivery guy who got the wrong house. Tch, the idiot neighbor forgot her own address, how dumb can you be?"

His mother wacked him on the head with a wooden spoon, "don't yell at me! And don't call the neighbors idiots either! Who were you talking to outside then huh?"

"The neighbor! That girl that lives in the house next door?!"

"Ohhh y/n? She's a lovely girl. Very sweet, mature and incredibly smart. I believe she has a very good quirk as well" Mitsuki complimented y/n with a big smile on her face. "I haven't seen her or her mother in so long..."

"Tch as if I care. And my quirk is probably better than hers." Bakugo rolled his eyes and folded his arms across his chest.

"Stop being condescending! I think you'd get along with her nicely." She said, grabbing some spices from the cabinet above her and throwing it in the pot of food on the stove.

"HA! as if, I don't have time to get along with anyone, I have school to focus on."

She sighed, "katsuki, I get that school and hero work is important to you but you need a social life in order to have balance. That girl, y/n, she barely socialises as well. I think it'd be good for you to make friends with her, especially right now."

Bakugo stared at his mother as she looked at him as well with her one hand leaning on the counter and the other on her hip with a wooden spoon in hand. "Tch, I'll think about it. But it doesn't mean I'll hang out with her!"

Mistuki smiled and stepped towards her son, "atleast you'll think about it. Now, go freshen up for dinner. Go!" She patted his cheek then shoved him out of the kitchen, earning a string of profanities to leave bakugos mouth.

Meanwhile, y/n and kaito were enjoying their food. Minimal talking and y/n decided to pay attention to the movie this time. It didn't grasp her attention as much, partial reason being she was thinking about the conversation with katsuki she had outside.

"So who were you talking to outside? I heard shouting and was gonna come out but you came back inside before I could." Kaito said, looking at her as he swallowed his food.

She shrugged and stared at the screen, "my neighbor. The delivery man got the wrong house and my neighbor is kind of trippy. But it's cool though his voice is just naturally loud."

Kaito nodded and finished up his burger, taking a sip of his drink before putting all the trash in the bag the food came in. "When you're done how bout we smoke huh? It's dark out and I think it's the perfect time."

Y/n looked at him and the smile on his face, "yeah we can. On the roof still right? Or are you still scared you'll fall off?" She snickered as the smile was quickly wiped off his face.

"Shut up, your roof isn't exactly flat and me falling off is very likely." He frowned and looked at the tv again, stretching his arm behind her and resting it on the back of the couch."

"Yeah sure. Or maybe, you're just a pussy." She snickered and looked at him with an annoying smile on her face. "Scaredy cat kaitooo."

He rolled his eyes and pushed her further away from him. "Shut up bro, you're scared of whales."

"My fear is more rational than yours." She took her last bite of her food and took a sip of her drink before swallowing. "I'm done. Grab the snacks and let's go pussy kaito."

Kaito made a 'tch' sound but followed her orders nonetheless. Y/n cleaned up a bit and threw the trash in the bin before heading up the stairs. "Faster kaito we don't have all night!"

"Technically we do but-"

"Shut up!" She yelled as she opened her brothers bedroom door, stepping inside and turning the light on. "Just get in here bro."

She opened the window while kaito was still making his way into the room. He finally came in and found y/n already climbing out of the window onto the roof outside of her brothers window. "Ai don't be so hasty wait for me!"

"Be faster then punk." She smiled at him and began scooching over to where they sat the last time they smoked on the roof.

Kaito followed behind quickly and slowly scooted next to her. "You have a lighter?"

She nodded and pulled it out of her pocket, handing it to him and taking her phone out of the other one. "It's only like 7:30-ish but it feels like it's midnight."

She went into her camera app and took a picture of the sky, the stars showing through faintly, and took a picture of kaito next. She snickered and put her phone down.

Kaito lit the joint and took the first puff, inhaling slowly and breathing out the smoke. "Yeah, it does. Atleast we can see the stars tonight."

Y/n nodded and took the joint as kaito handed it to her. They say in silence as they passed it back and forth, both feeling it very slowly coming on.

Y/n glanced down into the Bakugos front lawn to see bakugo outside taking out the trash. She snickered as she watched him stomp towards the trash can and kick it.

Bakugo stood outside for a few minutes. It was a bit cold but his body radiated enough him to keep him warm for a bit. He looked at the sky and analysed the stars.

He heard y/ns little snicker and turned around confused, he didn't see her on the other side of the wall so he became a bit more confused. "Am I tweakin? Why can I hear her?"

Y/n giggled again and he looked up. He squinted his eyes and saw her sitting on the roof staring down at him. She had a smile on her face and he saw her take a puff of the joint. She passed it back to kaito and waved at katsuki.

"Hey loud mouth, what you doing outside?" She called, forgetting kaito sitting next to her.

"None of your business! What are you doing up there?! Are you smoking?!" He yelled, stepping closer and standing near the wall, closer to where she was. "That's fucking dangerous get off there!"

"Well it's none of your business either. And I'm fine just go inside and go to sleep." She waved her hand dismissively and took the joint from kaito. "Are we smoking this finished or what?" She asked him.

"Depends. You feeling it or wanna do more?" He asked, his eyes hanging low and hair hanging over his eyes. Y/n liked kaito, but she liked how he looked when he was high even more.

"2 more then we kill it." She took another puff and passed it back. She looked down at katsuki again as she blew out the smoke. "Why you still standing there? Get inside bro."

"Don't tell me what to do! Tch." He looked away then looked back up at her. He thought about what his mom said again, maybe he could hang out with her. Only once. "Whatever extra, just don't make a noise."

"Alright, good night neighbor." She replied, a teasing smile on her face as she watched his contort with irritation.

"Whatever!" He called out as he made his way back inside his home. Y/n snickered and turned to kaito, who was staring at her and holding the joint to pass it to her.

She took it and took her last puff before giving it to him again. She was feeling it more now, and was definitely having the munchies. She turned to kaito again, noticing how he's still looking at her with this look.

"The fuck you staring at man? Pass the bag, I want some chips." She instructed, reaching her hand out to grab the bag but can't because it's on the other side of him.

He passed it to her without saying a word then killed the joint. He sat in silence while she opened a bag of chips and began eating, offering him some too but he declined.

"Are you and that guy friends?" He spoke up, glaring down at where katsuki stood before then turning to look at her.

"Nah, our moms are though. I've only spoken to him like, maybe 4 times." Y/n replied, staring at the sky and feeling a bit out of her head.

"You guys talk like you are friends though." He whispered. Y/n side eyed him while still chewing on her chips. Tf is he on about? Was her thoughts at the moment.

"Don't get jealous kaito, we're not friends." She answered. All she was met with was silence and she didn't mind. Her mind was in a different place and her eyes were seeing things that weren't there.

Crickets could be heard as time passed and the breeze got heavier. The two ate the snacks she bought and silently decided to have the mcflurries tomorrow or later.

Y/n began to feel a bit cold, considering she only had a t-shirt on and looked at kaito to see he was looking a bit tired. He always became tired when they smoked, it was honestly no fun.

Y/n looked down into the Bakugos lawn again and just stared. No thoughts clouded her mind and her eyes felt heavy. She thought she was hallucinating when she saw bakugo outside again with a black hoodie on this time.

She frowned in confusion but realised he's actually standing there when he turned to her and spoke. "Oi! Extra! Get down from there I need to talk to you!"

Y/n looked around as if to ask if he's actually talking to her and not someone else. "Um, alright give me a minute!" She replied.

She shook kaitos shoulder and pointed to the window, him understand immediately as to say they must go inside. He slowly scootched over to the window and carefully climbed back in.

Y/n followed right after and guided kaito out of her brothers room. "Are you sleeping here? Who am I kidding, just go to my room." She said as she closed the door behind her and locked it.

Kaito followed her orders and stopped by her door when he watched her go down the stairs to the front door. He sighed and watched her fumble with the keys to open the door, heading outside.

He shook his head and just went into her room, sitting on the bed and holding his head in his hands.

Y/n forgot to put on slippers so she went inside and came back out, quickly heading over to the wall. "Yeah? Why'd you call me down?"

Bakugo looked up from his phone and looked at her, noticing how she's holding her arms and shaking a bit. He rolled his eyes and leaned on the wall infront of her. "My mom wants to know if you and your mom will join us for dinner one night."

Y/n blinked her eyes a few times and rubbed it again, "I'm sorry, me and my mom?" He nodded and she looked away then back at him. "I don't know about my mom but, I'll be more than happy to join you for dinner!"

"Join my mom, I'm not asking you to dinner." He sneered, looking away but still side eyeing her as he watched her shiver.

"Yeah yeah, you can tell your mom I'd be happy to have dinner with her." Y/n smiled and rubbed her arms a bit. "When does she want to have dinner?"


"Alright I'll make sure I'm free then." She smiled at bakugo and crossed her right leg over her left, "is that all?"

"Yeah it is." He was contemplating giving her his hoodie but they don't know each other well enough to be doing things like that, so he thought against it. "Get inside its cold. And put warmer clothes on, you'll get sick."

Y/n snickered, "will do bakugo, goodnight" she waved to him and headed back inside the house. She locked the door behind her and took the slippers off.

She trodded up the stairs and walked over to her room. She opened it slightly to see kaito asleep on her bed. She sighed, he's so high maintenance, she thought.

She closed the door slightly and made her way over to her brothers room. She unlocked it again and went inside, first closing the window then walking over to his bed. She sat on the end of it and looked around the room.

She remembered his texts but she's too tired to answer and play games with him right now, so she'll do it tomorrow.

She grabbed the blanket on his gaming chair and got on the bed, draping the blanket over herself, placing her phone on the side table and closing her eyes to fall asleep.

Bakugo was back in his room, he sat at the chair of his desk and swung around a bit. He didn't get her number, which made him upset at himself.

But he had an opportunity to do so on Sunday. He said she'd be having dinner with his mom but he knew he was gonna be there too, he just didn't want to make himself look dumb.

He put his phone on charge then just decided to get into bed. He took off his hoodie and got under the sheets. He didn't go sleep immediately, he stayed awake staring at the ceiling before actually falling asleep.

Im making it my goal to write extra king chapters so that they're more enjoyable to read.

Hope you enjoyed, love you 🤲🏼

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