Home Sweet Girl

By SleepingBeau_

57.4K 1.9K 137

Will there ever be a home as sweet as she? Homelessness is all Maryanne knows. Yet, sheltered by her fairly o... More

Author's Note
Chapter | One
Chapter | Two
Chapter | Three
Chapter | Five
Chapter | Six
Chapter | Seven
Chapter | Eight
Chapter | Nine
Chapter | Ten
Chapter | Eleven
Chapter | Twelve
Chapter | Thirteen
Chapter | Fourteen
Chapter | Fifteen
Chapter | Sixteen
Chapter | Seventeen
Chapter | Eighteen
Chapter | Nineteen
Chapter | Twenty
Chapter | Twenty one
Chapter | Twenty two
Chapter | Twenty three
Chapter | Twenty four
Chapter | Twenty five
Chapter | Twenty six
Chapter | Twenty seven
Chapter | Twenty eight
Chapter | Twenty nine
Chapter | Thirty
Chapter | Thirty one
Chapter | Thirty two
Chapter | Thirty three
What is going on?
Chapter | Thirty four
Chapter | Thirty five
Chapter | Thirty six
Chapter | Thirty seven
Chapter | Thirty eight
Chapter | Thirty nine
Chapter | Forty
Chapter | Forty one
Chapter | Forty two

Chapter | Four

1.6K 51 0
By SleepingBeau_

Mary is uncomfortable and frightened by the firm grip Benjamin has on her wrist. She struggles to pull away, he proceeds to ask her again.

"I said what are you doing?" spit spewing out of his mouth.

The argument between Elaine and Mack comes to halt when the discrepancy catches their attention.

"Dad, you're hur-ting me," Mary's voice shakes as she tries to pull away. Elaine loosens the grip Benjamin has on his daughter.

"Let her go Benjamin!" she yells. Benjamin releases her.

"Why is it so hard for you to mind your own business?!" Benjamin states, but no one knows whom it's directed to. Mary holds her tongue and looks at her father blankly—eyes filling up with tears.

"Benji come on man," Mack places his hand on his shoulder then Benjamin pushes it off.

"Don't 'come on man' me!".

Suddenly, Mack's two body guards come into plain sight ready to tackle him. Mack puts his hands in front, signaling them to back down.

"See me when you've cooled off , Alright?" Mack says sternly. "Don't forget who you are talking to," he pokes Benjamin's chest with his index finger. He walks off. With the snap of a finger, his body guards follow suit.

Benjamin is sweating profusely, but ignores the feeling of it pouring down his face. Elaine and Mary stands there waiting for him to explain his hostile behavior. Regardless, she proceeds to question him.

"D-Dad, why are you being like this?". Mary clearly knew that there was something off about him.

Benjamin avoids looking at his daughter because he knows that one glance at her pitiful face will make him crumble.

"Not right now," he growls. This time Mary grows restless of his avoidant behavior.

"No! I'm tired of you controlling me!" She's standing higher on her feet.

"I'm your father, I do controll you!" Benjamin yell.

"You won't let me do anything! I can't go to school and when I try to help you, you won't let me," Maryanne sobs. She wait to hear from her father; silence was his choice of manner. It is evident that he doesn't acknowledge his daughter speaking her mind.

It was the last straw that rallied her into running off. Elaine wasn't quick enough to stop her and Benjamin didn't have to energy to chase after her. Both people yelled out for her.

Unfortunately, Mary hardened herself to ignore.

Elaine is filled with rage, glaring at Benjamin with the meanest of looks. If looks could kill, Benjamin would be dead already.

"Whats wrong with her?" he asks.

"Whats wrong with you Benjamin?! You need to go after her. Your only daughter poured her little heart out and all you can do is sit there like a dummy!" The words she spews from her mouth.

"Watch your-ahh!" he yelps in sudden pain. Elaine furrows her brows in confusion and comes to his aid.

"What is it?" she gasps, looking him over.

"My foot," he is holding his teeth together. Elaine rolls her eyes.

"Then take your shoes off! I thought you were having a heart attack," she says. Benjamin attempts to take off his black tennis shoe by pushing it with the front of his other.

"Here, let me," Elaine bends down and unties the shoe lace to pulls off one shoe. She slips it off after struggling and sees a bare and swollen foot. She freezes.

"Benjamin, this doesn't look good," she grimace.


Mary runs as fast as her legs could carry. Her lengthy, curly hair flying in every direction.

Why doesn't he care?

More tears shedding from her eyes, making it harder to see clearly. She breaks through a crowd of tourists taking photos, sending them in fits of gasps and grunts. Maryanne didn't know where she was going or how far, she just needed to escape.

Eventually, she runs out of stamina. Mary rests her hands on her knees to catch a few breaths. all the while, sniffing to hold back more tears that wanted to creep up. Mary expected her dad to be 'stand-offish', but being heartless to her needs and emotions made her look at him differently.

Mary gathers herself to soak in the view before her. She realizes that she is far off in a much nicer part of town. It is just as crowed as it is in the other parts of the city, however this part of town seems fit for people who considers two-hundred dollars pocket change. There are Luxury brand shops and diners left and right in a hidden, small town square.

She notices odd looks given towards her, assuming it's because of her out of breath and emotional state. She wipes her face and smooths her hair back. Exploring the square would help get her mind off of being upset.

Maryanne walks by a couple of stores, following behind a group of people, not too close to draw attention on herself.

"Hello, welcome!" a young lady says. She hears the ringing sound coming from the entrance door.

Mary instantly perceives all the clothes and accessories in the store.

This must be a clothing store.

She hadn't payed any attention to the sign before walking in. A sparkling silver party dress catches her eye. It's displayed on a tall white mannequin. Maryanne takes the material in her hands admiring it—never seeing such a glamorous dress before. She envisions herself wearing the dress at a fun party just like the one in the book she read. In real life, Mary doesn't have to look at the tag to know that there was no way she could afford to have a dress like that.

"Need any help?" the young woman unannounced presence gives Mary a fright causing her heart to pump quickly. She looks upon a friendly smile, to only shake her head.

Maryanne moves away from the dress and the girl.

"No?" She asks curiously. Her finger presses the bottom of her chin.

Soon her figure became a distant memory as Mary jogs out of the store. Then the smell of smoked meat invaded her nose and her mouth began to water. Remembering her snacks from earlier, she removes her bag off her shoulders and rummages to find the plastic bag of snacks. Yet, she needs to find a spot to rest a bit.

Maryanne sought and found a seating area just outside a restaurant. She figures it is okay, since plenty of people are also sitting under the white umbrellas. She crosses over a small gate that separated the tables from the sidewalk. Mary sits down at an empty table in the very back corner. That way no one will pay attention to her.


She unwraps a glazed honey bun from its plastic and takes large bites, then takes the opportunity to look around and somewhat enjoy the view of people chatting away. After a few minutes, she lays her head down. She is getting tired, like Elaine stated earlier. It didn't set in until now. Closing her eyes, she relives the situation that was pressed earlier. She can still feel her father's heavy hand wrapped around her wrist.

He's so stubborn. I hate that he makes life so hard for us.

And what was in his pocket?

On the other end, a customer is displeased as she spots Mary peacefully minding her own business. She calls for a waiter in white and ask that he'd look into the situation. The waiter glances at Mary then leaves to retrieve assistance.

Half asleep with her head down, Maryanne is unaware of what's coming for her.

The waiter accompanied by the headwaiter, comes up to the table. They look at each other before the headwaiter speaks up.

"Excuse me, young lady," the headwaiter speaks clear and bold, although her voice isn't clear enough for Mary's slumbering ears. She tries once more and the other waiter suspects that she is asleep.

Soon, a small group of business people that were promised a table at the fine establishment comes on scene. The headwaiter is getting impatient and unsettled. She is determined not to anger future customers. So, she proceeds to tap Mary a couple of times to wake her up.

"Excuse me young lady, you have to leave," She says.

Then goes on to say "You're not allowed to sit here without being a paying customer. You are disturbing the vicinity, and this table is reserved for this fine group right here," she gestures to the people staring at Mary.

"I dont want to keep them waiting," her tone of voice came off very stern and humiliating. Mary picks her head up. She becomes embarrassed and little scared from the wondering faces.

She rubs the sleep from her eyes and mumbles, "I didn't know".

Everyone that is gathered in front of her is shocked to see a young girl in their presence, who was on the verge of crying. Mary cowers in the black metal chair.

"Poor thing," someone spoke.

"It is clear that you are scaring her," a woman speaks up. "Give her room," she demanded.

"But it's your table ma'am," the waiter declared.

"It's fine, let her have it. The little one looks tired," the woman behind the voice makes her presence known. Her eyes dazzle as she looks upon the young girl. Whereas, Mary's eyes see a beautiful blond woman, with an hourglass figure, and high cheekbones.

Except, her facial expression holds worry.

"It's okay sweetheart, they didn't mean to frighten you. We are just concerned," she said, almost cooing.

'Where are her parents?' and 'She looks homeless' are looming out of people's mouths.

Mary begin to stand. The woman rests a gentle hand on her back. It sends waves of heat rippling up her body.

"No, honey you don't have to leave. Sit back down and I will figure something out. Okay?" her voice is soft. Maryanne does not hesitate to settle down.

"She can't stay she's not a paying customer and she's taking up a whole table," the waiter rolls his eyes.

"I'll pay for it, no problem," she trails off to look at Mary.

"And can you get her some water, she looks a bit dehydrated," The headwaiter gives the woman a hard stare, then marches off.

"Would you like something to eat, sweetheart?" The woman sends the girl a gently smile. Mary gives the woman a confusing look before shaking her head. No one has ever offered her food at first glance.

The woman sighed and whispered to the waiter then slipped him some cash. The waiters leave and the small group of business people is finally seated at a table across from Mary.

At this time, the woman can't resist staring at the young girl with empathy and curiosity.


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