Origin Of Legends: Wolves Of...

By Ronin141

214 66 15

In the world of Garrvon the human, dwarven and elven kingdoms have always had troubled histories regarding ea... More

Chapter 1: The Third Son
Chapter 2: Plan & History
Chapter 3: The Blackbolt
Chapter 4: The Elven Assassin
Chapter 5: Arrival at Fort Graken
Chapter 6: Into The Woods
Chapter 8: Battle For Fort Graken I
Chapter 9: Battle of Fort Graken II
Chapter 10: Recovery & Plan
Chapter 11: The Dragonborn

Chapter 7: Deadly Ritual

16 6 0
By Ronin141

*few hours since last chapter.*

The group has finally arrived back at Fort Graken as the sky is beginning to turn orange as it's now evening. Erik takes note of the soldiers and Wolves frantically moving about as if they're preparing for battle.

"Bailey what's going on?" Myra asks earning Bailey's attention.

"Our scouts reported a large Hell Spawn force headed right for us, I'll meet you and the recruits inside." Bailey says leaving with one of the human Wolves.

"A large force? Are we gonna be expected to fight in the front lines?" Jenkins asks not sure how to feel.

Myra is silent for moment and turns to the recruits.

"No, but let's focus on the ritual for now." Myra says leading the recruits inside Fort Graken where a lot of the walls are missing or broken.

Erik and the recruits stand in this torn up room with the orange light shining in. Erik looks at the opening with Fae'delar asking Myra if they can hear about the ritual now.

"The ritual is dangerous, some of you may not survive but should you? You'll gain a variety of benefits, mostly physical but the big one? You're technically immortal in the sense that you can't die to old age." Myra says casually.

All the recruits look in shock while tilting their heads.

"Wow... No surprise that this is a secret, everyone would be lining up to become Wolves and not for the right reasons." Durgon says.

Myra nods though Henry Venellix the mage from earlier arrives with multiple goblets as he sets these on the table with Myra giving him the ingredients.

"Any advice?" Erik asks Myra who turns to him.

"There's really nothing to it, you'd just have to hope your will is strong enough to overcome the blood." Myra replies not sugarcoating it.

Erik sighs but nods understanding seeing Henry using his magic to mix the ingredients together. Once he's done, he pours finished product into the goblets one by one.

Bailey arrives with Zaiken and Rennirel in tow.

"Is the ritual ready?" Bailey directs to Henry earning a nod. "We speak few words during the ritual, but they are necessary out of tradition."

Erik looks amongst his fellow recruits with Rennirel clearing his throat.

"Brothers and sisters, future and past, you might be afraid of what comes next with the uncertainty but know that you will never be alone weather that be in life or death. For years to come, your sacrifice will be honored and remembered like us." Rennirel quotes as Erik and the others feel uncertain.

"Those were the words of Sae'dellin Yonvar, King of Yeriyen in the first successful ritual... Sir Jenkins step forward." Bailey says grabbing one of goblets.

Jenkins exchange glances with his fellow recruits but steps forward having the goblet placed into his hands.

"Well... Moment of truth." Jenkins says optimistically as he downs most of goblet.

Jenkins feels great at first feeling stronger, and his senses overload. This sensation ends with a sudden overwhelming pain unlike anything he's ever felt. He touches both sides of his head hearing multiple voices and growls with his veins bulging and skin turning reptilian like.

Myra looks away knowing what's next. Jenkins' eyes turn demonic red and his nails sharpen as he roars out but is abruptly decapitated by Bailey.

"I'm sorry sir Jenkins." Bailey says regretfully as Erik, Fae'delar and Durgon look in surprise seeing a blood puddle being formed from headless body of Jenkins.

Before Erik or any of them could say anything, Zaiken grabs one of the goblets and hands it Durgon.

Durgon stares at the goblet with a lot of uncertainty and fear but he sees Zaiken staring at him with his greataxe in hand.

Durgon takes a deep breath and begins downing the liquid which he finds disgusting but powers through this drinking the entirety. He feels a similar sensation but the pain kicks in but he grits his teeth while grunting.

He sees multiple perspectives of Hell Spawns marching through some woods. Durgon yells out as his entire body burns greatly but he fights whatever is causing him this pain.

Erik and Fae'delar look on in worry seeing Zaiken watching on closely for the slightest mishap. Durgon eventually freezes stiff with his veins returning to normal as he falls back passing out.

Zaiken kneels touching his neck feeling a steady pulse.

"He'll live." Zaiken states as the others sigh in relief.

Rennirel grabs the goblet handing it to Fae'delar as he doesn't waste time drinking much to everyone's surprise. Fae'delar at first experiences great pain falling to his hands and knees as Rennirel preps to pull out his weapon.

"Don't! I can do this!" Fae'delar demands with his eye turning completely red and his veins bulging and burning. He punches the ground cracking it while yelling as he powers himself up.

Soon his eyes land on a Hell Spawn creature in the shape of a Dragon which looks him in the eyes and roars out at him.

Rennirel watches on cautiously seeing Fae'delar fall to the side but he catches him while touching his neck.

"He'll live." Rennirel says with massive relief as a lot of elves don't survive the ritual.

Erik locks eyes with Myra who gives him a look of hope and reassurance. Bailey approaches with the goblet in hand and gives it to him.

"If I don't make it through this, promise to help my mother get my brother back?" Erik whispers to Bailey.

"I promise." Bailey says touching his shoulder and backs away.

Erik exhales staring at the disgusting liquid and closes his eyes while taking a massive sip of this. He struggles momentarily but drinks it entirely dropping the goblet.

Erik feels massive sensory overload as his vision darkens to complete darkness causing temporary panic.

"Calm yourself, you'll get through this." The same voice from before hisses out.

Erik grunts out with some growls leaving him but Bailey is shocked by well he's taking this.

"Who... The fuck... Are you!?" Erik questions while turning in real time striking the wall nearby cracking it.

The other Wolf Commanders look in concern but Bailey motions them to give him time.

"Who do you think? Your ancestor, the one who made the blade you wield" The ancestor states.

Erik's vision of darkness turns to blistering flames causing him a great deal with pain as he yells out at the sky falling to his hands and knees. Zaiken's seen enough and approaches but He Who Kills suddenly glows red and Erik is surrounded by some magical barrier.

Everyone looks in shock as Zaiken strikes at the barrier but he's sent flying across the room.

"What the hell is happening?" Myra asks in disbelief as Bailey doesn't know what to say.

Erik's vision clears up as he sees a Hell Spawn standing before him. This one however is different, the way it moves and acts is entirely different, having much more discipline and looks much more humanoid than the other Hell Spawns having pointed ears but nothing like an elf's ears.

"Look at you, stumbling about with that guilt." The Hell Spawn speaks with a surprisingly non monstrous voice.

Erik looks in confusion and surprise as the Hell Spawn looks down at him.

"The fact that the Blezyren line has ended up here is disappointing." He says but casually walks backgrounds. "Regardless... I'll see you on the battlefield, Erik." He says disappearing into the flames.

Erik eventually passes out falling forward but Myra and Bailey catch him feeling his steady pulse.

*One hour later.*

Erik is slowly coming awake feeling someone licking him as he opens his eye seeing Basil get real excited.

"Oh... Hey boy." Erik says petting Basil who snuggles against him.

Erik hears groans to his left seeing Fae'delar and Durgon favoring their heads while seated.

"Erik, you okay?" Myra asks kneeling next to him.

"I think just... By the Creator." Erik grunts out as he's helped up by Myra. "But... I... I saw something."

Fae'delar and Durgon look over completely having their attention.

"So did we, I saw the perspectives of Hell Spawn marching through the woods." Durgon says seated by the table the goblets were on.

"I saw a Dragon, or... A Hell Spawn version of one anyway, what'd you see?" Fae'delar asks.

Erik looks around while pacing as he tries to find his words.

"I... Saw a Hell Spawn, but this one seemed like it had discipline and didn't talk like a monster... He seemed... I don't know more intelligent." Erik states as Myra looks at Erik with confusion.

"It sounds like you're describing Ve'Kar, the Hell Spawn general... Interesting that you see him." Myra points out but clears her throat. "Anyhow you three get some rest, you definitely need it." Myra says beginning to walk away.

Erik meanwhile looks at his greatsword with uncertainty over the fact some ancestor is speaking to him.

"Hey Human, get your ass over here and have a drink, we definitely need it." Durgon says as Erik reluctantly agrees to this.

Myra meanwhile is headed to the war room as Bailey wants her to be there for whatever reason. The doors are opened for her seeing the Wolf Commanders discussing strategy with King Trevis and Lord Ferfyn.

Henry Venellix is also there since he represents the mages with the dame commander of the Watchers is across from him.

"So the elves won't be joining us? Damn it!" Trevis expresses with great annoyance.

"I apologize for the news your grace, but we'll make do with what we have." Rennirel replies as Zaiken chuckles to himself. "Speak dwarf."

"No offense Renn, but there isn't much of elven wolves to make do with, I wouldn't blame you for pulling back for the sake preserving yourselves." Zaiken mocks which Rennirel picks up on.

Rennirel approaches Zaiken and places the tip of his spear against Zaiken's neck.

"Elven Wolves are worth a hundred of you dwarves." Rennirel replies as Myra sighs seeing the bad blood out in full display.

"Hmph, and you got like what? 15? 16 if you wanna include the recruit." Zaiken mocks once again as Bailey gets between the two.

"Enough you two, save your measuring of cocks later." Bailey orders as Rennirel sets his spear against the table and overlooking battle map. "Okay... Our own and the king's archers will be placed across the walls and fire upon the Hell Spawn as they come in."

"We can place about 2,000 men at each wall with Wolves to support them, the center is the most damaged so the majority of our forces will hold there with the majority of the Wolves." Ferfyn says.

Henry tries speaking up on behalf of the mages but is interrupted by Dame Commander Felina.

"Your mages are just to support the troops Venellix, nothing more." Felina sternly states.

Henry furrows his brows while crossing his arms.

"Are you kidding me Dame Commander? We're gonna be trying to pushback a Hell Spawn invasion and you're still more scared of the Mages? Where are your priorities?" Henry asks as Felina places her fists against the table.

"My priorities are to ensure no Mages harm the innocent I swore to protect, weather that be intentional or not. Your people are the reason we even have to deal with these creatures in the first place!" Felina shouts.

Henry slams down a fist with his veins glowing with magical energy.

"How long are you gonna hide behind that excuse?" Henry growls out judgingly as Felina is furious by this.

"Enough! Master Venellix if you or your mages see an opportunity and deem it necessary, you may use your magic for offensive means... Understood Dame Commander?" Trevis questions with a fierce glare to rival that of the Hell Spawns themselves.

Felina puts her hands behind her back and nodding towards King Trevis.

"Now then, Commander Bailey, our men haven't reported any Dragons but should we be prepared?" King Trevis questions with some concern.

"Zaiken's men are installing ballistas as we speak, they're great for Dragon hunting... My main concern is the general, Ve'Kar." Bailey says stroking her chin.

Myra looks Bailey in the eyes who notices her look motioning for her to speak.

"One of our newest recruits, reported seeing Ve'Kar during his ritual... It's not concrete but our senses are rarely wrong and should he get close? We'll sense him out." Myra expresses but Rennirel gets their attention back to the map.

"We'll be outnumbered, which is why we must encircle large groups of Hell Spawn and use that to eliminate them." Rennirel says as Ferfyn gets an idea moving some pieces around.

"If we can lure the Hell Spawn army past this force here? We can entrap them and slaughter them from both sides." Ferfyn says sounding excited making Trevis chuckle seeing his old friend in that sort of mood.

"It's not bad, but how will you know to charge?" Zaiken asks.

"There's an old light tower some men can hold at, once they see the signal? They'll light it and your men can charge." Myra says as Bailey taps a finger against her nose.

"Simple but way too important to leave to chance, Myra? You and the recruits will be charged with this task." Bailey orders as Myra's face contorts with displeasure at being regulated to a simple task.

They continue going over the plan meanwhile a few miles from Fort Graken is the Hell Spawn horde consisting of grunts, vanguards, captains and other forms of creature.

On a demonic mount is Ve'Kar seeing Fort Graken in the distance with his great eyesight as he hums lowly.

"Time to bring upon the ashes of our brothers and sisters!" Ve'Kar exclaims then shouting in a demonic language making the Hell Spawns roar in pride.

Calisa and Zythiás watch on as ravens with Calisa humming to herself.

"Father... Do they have a chance?" Calisa asks referring to the wolves and their allies.

"I wouldn't put it out of the question, but they're gonna have to be both lucky and smart." Zythiás replies flying off as Calisa looks at the Hell Spawn curiously and soon flies off after her father.

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