The Rare Feral

By Avengerssoulmate

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Stryker has a job for Victor; go and retrieve a mutant. But this isn't just any mutant, this is a female fera... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 11

327 15 4
By Avengerssoulmate

"And who, or what, are you supposed to be.............?" (Y/n) growled, as the man smiled at her. His hands busied with shuffling a deck of cards.

"Hmmmm, let me see............I like to see myself as many things, a gambler, a gentleman thief, a lover; but for you, mon cheri, I am simply Gambit........or Remy, I will answer to both." The Cajun chuckled, as finally pushed the cards into the pocket of his shirt.

"And I assure you that I mean you no harm; so, perhaps you could put those things away..........." Remy continued as he pointed to the nails that rivaled the claws of Howlett and made Victor's nails look quite pitiful.

"Harm............? You harm me...........? Now that I would very much like to see............." The rare feral herself chuckled, as her nails slowly began to disappear.

"I have yet to meet the man that can harm me................?"

"What about Creed....................?"

"What about Victor.................?" (Y/n) snapped back, taking a few steps towards the man that was still smiling broadly.

"Did he not cause you any harm when he finally caught you? You know, most of the others bet that he wouldn't be able to find you, never mind bring you here. I on the other hand never doubted it. In fact, I should be thanking him; I made myself some money when you got out of that helicopter." The New Orleans native explained. The mischievous sparkle in his eyes growing, as the beautiful rare feral came to stand right in front of him.

"No..........Victor didn't. And speaking of Victor, I need you to tell me where I can find him.................?"

"Why in such a hurry.........? Don't you like my company.............?"

"To be honest, I don't like most people's company. It's sort of a feral thing, you wouldn't understand. And I am in a hurry as that colonel of yours is coming to my rooms at seven to take me to whatever he has planned for this evening. I would really like to speak with Victor before that.............I have a few things to say to him." The feral explained, as she looked dead into the eyes of the man that stood in front of her.

"Stryker is no colonel of mine. You'll find Victor is on the other side of the compound." Remy replied, anger welling inside of him, as he recalled how he had been captured by Stryker and dragged to Three Mile Island. The former thief, annoyed by the fact that if what Howlett had said was true, and this beauty was Victor's mate, he had brought her anywhere near the colonel. Gambit sure that if she was anything to do with him, he would have taken her as far away from Stryker as he could.

"Thank you. Now, how do I get there without being seen by all the cameras............?"


Victor looked up. The smell, that smell.............The big feral jumping up from his bed and making his way to the door of his room. He didn't need to see her, to hear her, to know that she was close. That somehow his mate had got from where Stryker had left her, to clean across the other side of the compound. The door almost coming from its hinges, as he threw it open. A deep growl coming from inside him, as he saw (Y/n) poke her head out from around the corner. A smile pulling at her lips for a moment, as she saw him, before she turned her attention back to the camera that scanned the space between her and her mate. The rare feral running as quickly as she could, as the camera moved into just the right spot. Her arms and legs wrapping around Victor as she flew at him.


"I had a little help from the Cajun. Now, let's not waste time, I need my mate............." (Y/n) purred seductively. The sound getting louder as Victor moved her collar way from her neck, and let his tongue move over the mark that he had left.


"Be careful of Le Beau..............." Victor said, as he and (Y/n) got redressed. His eyes focusing on the clock; the big feral wishing that they hadn't had to rush things. That instead, he and (Y/n) could just spend the rest of the night curled up in his bed together.

"I'm always careful, you should know that. Anyway, I think he likes that Stryker less than you do; and he did help me get here without being seen. That, and told me the quickest way to get back to my room." (Y/n) told him, as she straightened the collar on his shirt.

"And did you tell him about us..............?" Victor growled softly, as he pulled her into his arms.

"I haven't told anyone anything. All I said was I had to speak with you before the colonel came to get me at seven. Believe it or not, Sabretooth, you aren't the only one around here with some charm." The rare feral countered. Chuckling as Victor huffed at the mention of his moniker; sure, that it was something that le Beau had mentioned as he help (Y/n) get to him.

"Now, I better go. I want to make sure that I am back in time for Stryker to knock on the door. But....................."

"But what..............?" Victor asked, his voice low as he combed his fingers through her hair.

" that I know my way here, I might just spend every night here." The female feral told him, before kissing her mate on the nose and reluctantly pulling herself away from his arms. Making her way to the door and opening it slightly, so that she could see the camera.

"See you soon............Sabretooth............" She continued, before she disappeared through the door, as quickly as she had appeared. 

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