Embracing Chaos [Sweet Pea]

By h3llfir3_eggos

577 10 0

"Why are you so surprised that I can fight?" I asked Sweet pea, I blocked his punch and kicked him in the sto... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 28

5 0 0
By h3llfir3_eggos

Sadie dropped me off late back at the Pembrooke. We had a 20-minute argument about whether or not just spending the night at the Cooper residence. As much as I would've loved to sleepover at her house, I couldn't and that's because I wanted to be with my daughter. I even wanted Sadie to stay but Mrs. Cooper kept blowing up her phone to get home, so I understood. We got a hamburger and milkshake with AJ and Toni. One hour turned into 5 hours; we left Pops around almost 1am so Sadie and I left. I honestly have no idea how late Toni and AJ left Pops since I crashed the second, I laid down on my bed. 

I had awakened to the sound of my daughter crying so I got up and went to see what she needed. She was hungry and she needed a diaper change, so I changed her then fed her. Noelle has been doing such a good job in taking care of Odessa whenever I can't or no one in the family can't. Veronica and Archie or Mom and Dad are mostly the ones taking care of her if Noelle can't show up which I'm always thankful for. Today I'm going to spend some time with her; AJ wants to visit FP in jail so I'm gonna bring Odessa with me and AJ is going to bring Saylor with her. I'm currently finishing getting ready whilst watching my daughter play in her pen through my vanity mirror.

Odessa is sitting and watching me putting on my makeup. I smiled at her, and she smiled back at me. A knock at my bedroom made me turn my head toward it wondering who's knocking. To my surprise, it my Dad. "Good morning, Mija." Dad greeted me, and I smiled at my father. "Good morning, Daddy." I greeted him back, turning to face my vanity mirror again going back into doing my eyeliner. I've been a little behind in doing my makeup since I got distracted watching youtube videos. "How are you, Mija? I feel like I haven't really seen you since I got out of jail." Dad says to me, taking my desk chair and placing it down next to me. "I've been good, I've just been really busy with school, and I've been hanging out with my friend AJ. Archie's sister." 

I set down my eyeliner to look at my father. "Archie's sister? Her name is Aurora, right?" I nodded my head at him. "How come I haven't met her yet?" 

I gave my father a look. "Because you haven't asked to meet her." I replied to him with a little bit of sass and Dad hummed in response. "Your mother also has been telling me about this boy you've been seeing?" Dad gave me THAT fatherly look when it comes to talking about boys. I got really nervous and gulped not expecting Mom to have been telling him anything. "Uh, yeah, he's nothing to be worrying about, Daddy." I reassured him and Dad gave me a look. "Mija, he's a boy. Of course, he's something to be worried about." Dad said to me, and I let out a soft chuckle. "Well, this boy happens to make me really happy." I told him, causing Dad to smile and I smiled too. "I'm glad he does, princesa. Is it good if I meet this mysterious boy and your friend AJ?" 

I nodded my head at him in response as my phone went off, meaning AJ was here. Since my phone was right next to me, all I had to do was glance down and see the message that she sent me that read: 'beep, beep' 

"She's here. I want you to meet her another time though. Is that okay, Papi?" 

Dad smiles and nodded his head as we stood up. "That's fine, my little palomita." 

I smile back at my Dad before giving him a big hug because I have missed him a lot nowadays and I hardly get to see him because of how busy I've been. Dad kissed the top of my head and I pulled away from the hug and went to get my daughter from her play pen. I picked up Odessa and placed her on my hip. I walked over to my bed that had my daughter's bag and my handbag; I grabbed both of them and wrapped the straps of the bags over my shoulders. "I'll see you later, Papi." I said to him, grabbing my keys from my nightstand holder and walked over to my bedroom door that Dad opened the second he saw me walking towards it. 

I placed a soft kiss on Dad's cheek. "Bye, my little princesa's." Dad says to us, giving Odessa a kiss on the cheek, causing her to smile which made me smile as well. "Bye!" I waved at him whilst walking towards the door and went all the way to the front of Pembrooke. AJ was waiting for me. I tapped the window glass to get her attention and she jumped, and I giggled at her when she playfully glared at me when she realized who it was. "Bitch!" AJ mouthed, rolling down her window and there was a smile on her face once she sees Odessa. "Hi baby girl!" AJ spoke to Odessa, Odessa smiled widely once she realized who was talking to her and smiled widely. 

"Did you bring the extra car seat for her?" I asked AJ, and she nodded her head. "Yeah! The car seat is right next to Say-Say." 

I went over to the passenger side of the Jeep and went to the backseat opening the door. I placed Odessa down on the car seat that's next to Saylor. I buckled her up as Saylor looked at me. "Hi baby boy." 

Saylor smiles at me, which melts my heart. I placed Odessa's bag down then I closed the door gently being careful in not scaring Odessa. I've come to learn that she doesn't like loud sounds, those scare her a lot and make her cry. I went to the passenger seat and climbed in and closed the door. "Ready?" AJ asked, and I nodded my head, letting out a soft yawn.  AJ started up the Jeep and then started making her way to Shankshaw Prison. "Tired?" AJ asks, rubbing my back a little bit. "Yeah, and a little sore from yesterday. What time did you get home?" I questioned AJ, she glances at me then back at the road. "Around 3am, I think. I don't really remember but I know it was a pretty late." AJ replies, she turns on the radio and changes the station that was on and searched for the one that she likes. 

Soft pop music was playing through the radio now. AJ put it a somewhat good volume where it's not too loud or too low. I flinched a bit when my phone beeped. "You're still jumpy." AJ comments as I reached into my purse to grab my phone. "Yep." 

I unlocked my phone to see who texted me. I saw a few messages that I still need to answer. A small smile appeared on my face seeing it was Sweet Pea. "It's green giant, isn't it?" 

I giggled.

"I'm taking that as a yes." 

I smiled at the text message and started typing on my keyboard. "Oh, you're adorable." 

"Have you two hung out?" 

"No, not alone anyway if that's what you mean." I replied to her, pressing the send button and setting down my phone. "Yeah, that's what I mean." AJ laughed and so did I. "Uh, last time we hung out alone we kissed. Yes, we talked about it. No, it's not awkward at all between us. We just haven't had time to discuss what it means." I said to AJ, answering every question she was about to ask. She has been making a few turns here and there already. "Well, you need to! Bee, he really likes you and you make him happy." AJ tells me and I looked at her in disbelief. "Don't look at me like that. It's true! Everyone knows it too. You're all he talks about. Brooke this, Brooke that."

I felt the blood rush up to my cheeks. "Does he, really?"

"Yes, honey, he does. I gotta hear about it all the time." AJ joked, and I laughed. "I don't know. I guess I'm just scared in getting hurt again. I don't want to go back down that road."

"I'm scared as well but here I am talking to Lux." 

I sighed. "We're gonna talk about it next time we hang out so keep your phone close, okay?" I looked at AJ and she looked at me and nodded her head. "Yes ma'am." AJ says to me, after we made another few turns here and there, we finally arrived to Shankshaw prison. AJ parked her Jeep in the parking lot and put the Jeep in park and turned off the engine. We both got out of the Jeep and went to the backseats to get the kids. I grabbed the diaper bag and my handbag before grabbing the carrier. I closed the door as did AJ and we walked together. I followed AJ since I had no idea where to go. AJ and I walked into the building, AJ went up to the lady that's at the front desk and told her who were here to see. 

The desk lady nodded her head then she gave me us visitor passes. We said thank you then waited for a security guard to come to us and guide us to where we need to go.  The security guard came to get us and guided us to where FP is. A cold chill ran down my spine as I looked at this place. I haven't visited a place like this in a while. Last time I visited a place like this was back in New York and that was a time where I visited my twin a lot and Dad before we moved to this town. I stayed close behind AJ not wanting to get lost. We got to a room where there's clear windows in between the walls and payphones hooked onto the sides where it seems that you could talk to the person, you're visiting. 

We walked over to where FP was sitting, and we sat down next to each other and grabbed the phones then put it next to our ears.

"Good morning, ladies." 

"Good morning, FP." 

"How are you two?" 

"Good, how are you?" 

FP gave us a look and we giggled. FP took notice of the carrier's that were sitting next to us. "Those are our kids." AJ told FP, and he smiles. "Really? I want to meet them." FP said to us, we nodded our heads at him, setting down the phones for a minute and we quickly unbuckled the kids from their carriers and picked them up and placed them on our laps. We grabbed the phones again and put them next to our ears. "Uncle FP, this is Saylor." AJ introduced her son to FP and his smile grew wider. "And this cutie pie is Odessa." I introduced Odessa next, and FP had the biggest smile on his face once he saw Odessa and she smiled widely at him. "Oh, those little bundle of joy's are adorable!" FP exclaims, causing AJ and I to giggle again. "We know."

Odessa looks just like you, Brooke. FP says to me, taking a good look between Odessa and I. 

"Everyone says that. I said to him as FP chuckled. Its true. 

FP looked at AJ and gave her a look. Is his dad in the picture? AJ shook her head. Does he even know? AJ once again shook her head. Do you- FP started to say something but AJ cut him off. Yes I know who his dad is. I laughed as FP held a teasing smile. Who is the lucky guy?

Smartass. Its Mantle.

I shook my head at her. Ah, well, is he going to find out about his son? FP asked, I looked at AJ who took a moment to think of what to say. Her face drained of color when FP asked that question. 

Thats if she stops avoiding him. I said, giving AJ a look and she stuck out her tongue at me. You need to tell him. FP tells her. I nodded my head in agreement. She has had plenty of chances in telling him. He wants to talk to her but with her avoiding him he cant exactly do that. I stated, FP looked at me then back at AJ, giving her a look and she let out a deep sigh. I left in the middle of the night after finding out I was pregnant. I thought after almost being gone for a year he would be with someone else and that I would go back to being my normal in the shadow self.

Well, he hasnt. Youre all he talks about. And hes always asking about you too. I said, glancing down at my daughter who had her head laying down on my chest and it looked like she was starting to fall asleep. Then there you have it, you need to go see him and tell him about his son. 

AJ groaned. I dont wanna.

You need to. FP and I said at the time, and AJ shook her head. Yes, you do. FP and I said at the same time again. I popped my back a little bit since it was starting to become stiff and if its stiff, Im not gonna be comfortable. I dont wanna. AJ says, earning a look from FP. Im not gonna lie; this man kind of scares me. You can look at me like that all you want, Uncle FP. I'll do it when Im ready, and right now, Im not ready.

I felt my phone buzz from the inside of my backpocket so I pulled it real quick to check. When I realized it was from an unknown number, my heart stopped. Im not gonna have a panic attack in the middle of visiting FP. I put my phone back in my backpocket and put a strand of my hair behind my ear. Everything okay? I nodded my head yes even though my anxiety is acting up now. Violet. 


Whats wrong? 


Bullshit. Tell me now.

No. Its nothing. I lied, I didnt read the message that was sent to my phone but with it being a different number than from the last unknown number I got last time Im nervous to look at it now. I made myself a mental note to look at the message later when Im alone and to call Mia and Jasper to let them know. I AJ knew was going to try to get me to talk about it later when we are alone. Theres another reason why we came to see you. And talk about something that we need your help with. AJ starts to say and I gave her a look. Are you sure its a good idea to talk about that here? I raised an eyebrow at her, unsure if we should have that conversation here at a Prison. Yes, its fine. 

I nodded my head for her to continue. "The Serpents believe that Brooke should join us to get protection from her psycho ex-boyfriend Dakota." AJ continued, FP made a face at that. Go on. 

We think she should because a few weeks ago, Brooke got a threatening text from an unknown number and we think its from the ex. He did threaten to eliminate her back in New York before and we dont want Brooke to go bye bye so I think this is a good solution to that problem, dont you think? AJ explained to FP. I bit my lower lip, not wanting tears to form in my eyes as a result of my unexpected trip to New York a few months ago. That was something I did not want to think about and a memory I thought I had erased from my brain but apparently not. "Well, based on how much she hangs out with the younger Serpents, I already consider Brooke to be an honorary Serpent. She has my blessing if she wants to become official. FP told us and a small smile appeared on my face. 

"Thank you, Mr. Jones. Ill make sure to keep my father at bay when the news breaks and make sure he doesnt come after you or Jughead or else Ill have his head. I assured FP, and he chuckled. Hiram doesnt scare me, Brooke. Dont worry about me. FP reassured me and I laughed. Okay. Were gonna get going. I really hope to see you out of here soon, Mr. Jones. I tell him. 

"Soon, little one. Soon. 

A guard from FPs side of the wall came and that meant visitation time was over. Bye, girls. Take care of yourselves while I get out. 

"We will. Bye, Uncle FP/Mr.Jones. 

And with that, Mr. Jones was dragged away from the prison guard. AJ and I hung up the phones and then we set our kids back down on their carriers. Then we made our way out of the prison and out to the parking lot.

From this day forward, Im officially a Serpent.

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