Embracing Chaos [Sweet Pea]

By h3llfir3_eggos

576 10 0

"Why are you so surprised that I can fight?" I asked Sweet pea, I blocked his punch and kicked him in the sto... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 1

141 3 0
By h3llfir3_eggos

I went for a run throughout the neighborhood as I had found myself a little route to take everyday thats not too far from the Pembrooke. I didnt realize that my shoe had untied itself so I ended up tripping over it and I fell, landing on my back. I scraped my leg and my arm but I was fine. Good job Brooke. I muttered to myself. I get up then kneel on one knee to tie my shoelaces together so this doesnt happen again. Are you okay? A soft voice asked, I turned my head towards the direction of where I heard the voice to see a pretty, red headed girl. 

Yeah, Im fine. Im just clumsy. I replied to her, I finished tying my other shoe and stood up. My arm and leg stung a bit but it didnt really hurt. I get up from the floor to kneel on one knee and tie my shoelaces together and tighter so I dont fall again. Thats just embarrassing. Okay. Uh do you want to come in to clean the blood off of you so you're not running around the neighborhood like you got jumped? Asked the red head. I think about it for a moment. Why not? It would save concerning questions from my parents and sister. I replied to her. 

She nodded her head. Yeah. She agreed, I could hear the baby cooing, I followed her gaze seeing a cute baby boy in the backseat of her car. A small laugh escaped her lips. Is he yours? I asked, wondering if the baby was her son. I then realized I havent introduced myself yet. Im Violet by the way, but I prefer to go by my middle name, Brooklyn, Brooke for short. Its nice to meet you. I told her, sticking out my hand for her to shake. Yeah, he is. She had her arms wrapped around her body as we walked over to the car. Im Aurora, but everyone calls me AJ or Rory, and this little guy is Saylor. AJ answered me, she shook my hand. You have a pretty name. Saylor is adorable! I have a little one of my own, her name is Odessa. I say to her, I pulled out my phone to show her a picture of my daughter. 

Thanks. Odessa is such a pretty name.

I smiled at her compliment. Yeah, shes a year old now. 

Aww! shes cute. Saylors a little under a year old.

Thank you. Aww, really? 

AJ had grabbed Saylors carrier before I followed her into the house. Yeah, he may not look like it because of how small he is but he is. AJ took out her house key unlocking the front door and we walked in. She closed the door behind her. I nodded my head at her while smiling at Saylor. I kinda looked around the house as she guided me to the kitchen. She set the carrier next to the dining room table. I sit down at one of the chairs. She was holding Saylor on her hip with one arm. Let me go get the first aid kit from the cabinet. 

Im not gonna lie, I felt a little awkward being here seeing as I just met AJ and I dont go to a strangers house until weve hung out at least a few times. Something told me I could trust this girl so Im listening to my gut and staying put. Im really shy around people when I first get to know people. All I do is observe and see if I can trust a person before opening up to them. Im really cautious when I first meet somebody, especially now, after what happened back in New York before I left. You could say that I might or might not have trust issues. 

AJ walked into the kitchen and opened up a cabinet that had the first aid kit in it before she came back over to me. I took it from her and I started to clean myself up. So, if you dont mind me asking, are you new to Riverdale? Ive never seen you before. AJ questioned me, taking a seat next to me. Yes, Im new to town. I arrived just this morning. My mom and my sister moved here a few days ago before I did. You mightve met my sister, her name is Veronica. I answered her question, I put a band-Aid over the large cut on my leg that I have now. I havent, I actually just got back into town today. I was supposed to be back like three weeks ago but I was impulsive and didnt want to leave so I stayed where I was. 

Ohh, thats reasonable if you didnt want to come back. I didnt really wanna leave New York but I did for my sister. I start school tomorrow and Im not ready. I told her, earning a laugh from the red head. Eh I wanted to come back but like I said I was acting impulsive and psyched myself out of coming home. I start back up tomorrow as well. What grade are you in? AJ asks me, I started to have trouble cleaning my arm since I cant reach the back part of it and she noticed. Do you need some help?

Yes please. Im a sophomore taking junior classes by the way. I told her, she was still holding Saylor so she set him down on the floor. He seemed to stay put where he was however, I kept a close eye on him just in case. Same, Sophomore taking junior classes.

What school are you going to?

Riverdale High, you?


Well at least you know someone there besides your sister. 

Yeah, thankfully. Thanks to my clumsiness and all.

AJ laughed a bit. Yeah. 

I handed her another band aid to cover up the cut on my arm. Thank you. I thanked her, she sat back down on the chair in front of me. No problem. AJ grabbed Saylor from off of the floor and placed him on her lap holding him closely. I pulled out my phone feeling it buzz in my back pocket seeing a message from Veronica telling me I need to get going home soon. I need to get going soon. I looked at AJ. Do you want me to drive you? You just fell on concrete hard enough to bleed, I dont want you walking home in pain. I saw the worry in her eyes. Ive had worse honestly, it just stings. But because I trust you Im letting you take me home. I wanna grab a bite to eat, whats good to have around here?

You're also new here still, plus Im bored and my dad doesnt get home until later. And Pop's Diner is the best place to go to. AJ says to me. Ill tell her Ill be out a little longer. I have an overprotective big sister. I giggled as I texted back Veronica letting her know Im grabbing food before heading home. As long as I have something to eat I dont care where we go. I get up from the chair. I put my phone back in my back pocket. Yeah, I have an overprotective brother, I know how you feel. She picked her keys up off the table. Pops then? 

Its annoying sometimes isn't it? I joked, I nodded her head at AJ.* Yeah Im starving.

It is. Like okay, there was this one time, before I met Saylors dad I had dated this boy and my brother was being an ass and scared the boy off after 3 months of dating. AJ laughed at the memory of her and her brother. I laughed with her knowing what thats like. Okay, let me just strap him in them. AJ strapped Saylor into the carrier that was almost near the door. When I met Odessas dad, my sister scared him off the first time so badly that he stayed away from me for a long time. It was reasonable though since hes 3 years older than me, but still. 

Oof, Saylors dad is like a year and half older then me. AJ said to me, we started to head towards the door.Theres nothing wrong with dating older people.

We were about to walk out the door when I bumped into someone causing us both to fall over with them falling on top of me. Im so sorry! Are you okay? A male voice apologized, I blinked a couple of times prior to looking at him. Its okay! Im fine. I laughed and so did he, he got off of me then stood up offering me his hands to help me get up. I take his hands pulling myself up with his help. The red headed boy was confused when he looked at AJ. Im assuming this is the overprotective big brother you were just telling me about? I asked, looking at AJ. Yeah, thats the one. AJ nodded her head. He was confused when he looked at his sister who was just standing with Saylors carrier in her arms. When the hell did you get home?

Uh, like 30 minutes ago? 

I stood kinda in between the red headed siblings looking in between the two. Why do you have a baby carrier in your hands? AJ, did you steal a baby? The boy inquired. No! You ass hes the reason why I left. AJ responded back, I tried not to laugh when the brother asked if she stole the baby. I quickly connected the dots and immediately knew that the big brother didn't know that she had a kid. Congratulations, dude, you just found out that youre an uncle. I thought to myself. Im killing Reggie.

Reggie doesnt know, and you're not telling him. Ill tell him when Im ready. AJ says to him, she turned to me. Want to go to Pops still? Questioned AJ. Only If you are. 

I am, I dont want to be here without my dad when Archies home, because I know he wont let me talk


And with that, we brushed past the big brother and went to her car. I got into the passenger seat as AJ put the carrier in the backseat. She gets into the driver's seat, turning on the car then we headed to Pops. 


AJ parked her in front of a diner with a sign above that read Pops Chocklit Shoppe. AJ turned off the car, I unbuckled my seatbelt getting out of the vehicle. I waited for her to get the carrier, we went into the diner and I scanned my eyes around the place. We get to a booth, we sit down across from each other. AJ sets the carrier down next to her. A man with an apron with a pen and notepad in his hand approached us. Miss. Aurora, its nice to see you. Its been a while. Are you having your usual? The man asked AJ, who nodded her head in response. He glanced at Saylor and smiled down at the little guy. 

Yes I am Pop. Pop nods his head at AJ. And, you Miss? 

Brooke. I said to him, he made a mental note to himself to remember my name. What will you be having Miss. Brooke? Pop, whom I now know his name, asked me and I shrugged my shoulders. Its my first time in the diner so I dont really know what to order. Surprise me? I said to him, Alright, Ill be back shortly. Pop turns and he leaves to assist other customers. Knowing Pop Tate hes going to give you a random milkshake. AJ says to me, I nodded my head at her. I dont mind, I really like to try new things. I saw a group of boys in letterman jackets walk into the diner and I noticed that AJ tried to shrink in her seat. Today is not my day. AJ groaned quietly, seeing her reaction I connected the dots. Let me guess, one of those boys is your baby daddy? I asked, glancing at them, they sat in a booth at the other end of the diner. 

Yes. AJ replied to me, I checked to see if one of some of the boys were looking at her. Neither of them were looking at her. Dont worry neither of them are looking over here. I reassured her and she sighed in relief. He doesnt know about Saylor does he? I arched a brow at the red head, No he doesnt and Im not ready to tell him yet. AJ ran her fingers through her hair, I took out my phone and set it in front of me since it keeps going off but I dont want to look at it. Thats fine, you dont have to tell him yet if youre not ready yet. A friend of mine back in New York is going through something similar. 



I spotted one of the boys wearing the leatherman jackets staring over here. One is looking, duck! 

Shit. AJ shrunk in her sea and hid. I kept a close eye on him without making it noticeable that I am. He stopped looking, youre good. I assumed the boy looking over here is her baby daddy. I really hope he doesnt come over here. AJ whined, I smiled and shook my head at her. I dont think he will sweetie.  I reassured her, still kinda keeping an eye on the boy. All Im saying is that I hope he doesnt come over here and ask who Saylor is. AJ scoots further down the booth clearly trying to hide from the baby daddy. You could always tell him youre babysitting for a friend. I tell her, AJ shook her head at me. I could but Reggie can see through my lies. 

Ill help you lie, don't worry.  

"Thank you. AJ gave me a small smile. Its obvious she wants to avoid this boy at all costs for some reason. I dont know why she wants to but Ive learned not to ask questions. Just then, Pop Tate came around with our order and placed it in front of us. I put my phone next to my food so it wasnt in the way, Thank you Pop. AJ and I said at the same time. Youre welcome. Pop walked away again, I tried the fries first as I mentally groaned when my phone kept going off. You look annoyed. AJ commented, noticing that Im clearly annoyed and  I let out a deep sigh. Its him. I picked up my phone to see the messages from Dakota; hes my fathers daughter. I started typing whilst reading the messages and I really wanted to punch this boy. 

What does he want? AJ added on to her comment, she was sipping on her strawberry milkshake. Weve been fighting a lot ever since he got full custody of Odessa. I answered her question,  Dakota and I were arguing back and forth through messenger on facebook. Whats he saying? AJ continued, she dipped her fries in ketchup and ate it. Oh, that I completely  left Odessa because I moved to Riverdale when thats not true. I only left New York because I promised my mom and my sister Id come with them no matter what happened in court. I explained to her, AJ mouthed oh as she understood that.

I placed my phone in my backpacket so I can eat my food before it gets cold. I started munching on my fries and swallowed it down with the milkshake. You know, I do know someone that can help you get Odessa back. AJ said to me, ugh, not those little words again. My moms a lawyer, if you want to win back Odessa, I can get her to fly down here. AJ sets her food to the side, shes probably full and doesnt want to eat anymore. Which is kinda concerning to me; she still had a plate full of food unless shes saving that for later. As much as I want my little Odessa back, my parents forbid it. Which is why they were okay with my baby daddy taking her away from me I dont have much of a say even though, its my baby and Im the mother. Plus, shed have a better life in New York. 

AJ shook her head in disagreement. You have a right whether or not if you want to have her or not, whos to say whats his face isnt hurting her? I bet your mother wants Odessa home and your sister does. Odessa is your child, you made the decision to have her, New York is not a place for a baby without its mother to grow up in. AJ made her point and I completely agree with her. Those are the exact words I said to them! Thats the thing, Dakota, her dad, abuses her. I only know that because last time I saw Odessa she had a large bruise on her cheek and I swear I almost had a heart attack. All I want is for my daughter to be in my arms again. But I cant if I have no job. Im only 15 years old, I cant work yet. 

Ill call my mom, you wont have to pay for her. Pop always needs new people. You will have a chance to get the little girl back. AJ made a mental note to herself to call her mother later. I dont want to get my hopes up, each lawyer Ive gone to promises the same old thing over and over again. Dakota always wins. I sighed, I finished up my fries and milkshake. I was going to save my burger for later. Heres the thing about Mary Andrews, she fights for her cases unlike the other lawyers, youll get your baby back I promise. I slightly nodded my head at the red head. I was still unsure. Ive never had a good lawyer even if they're supposedly the best ones. Ive never had a good lawyer that truly fought for my case because Im too young. 

My mom wont worry about your age. All she'll do is worry about getting Odessa back for you. 

I hope youre right. 

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