The Sorcerer's Stone - Hermio...

By PocketRock

4.7K 312 6

Step into the bewitching world of Oliver Montclair as he embarks on his exhilarating first year at Hogwarts S... More

Platform 9 3/4
The Hogwarts Express
The Sorting
The Common Room
First Class
Flying class
Fluffy The Three Headed Dog
The Troll
The Quidditch Match
The Forbidden Forrest
The Trap Door
The Man With Two Faces

The Puzzles

170 17 0
By PocketRock


Oliver crashed down into the darkness with Hermione landing on top of him. Despite the surprisingly soft landing, Oliver still had the wind knocked out of him.

"Are you okay?" Hermione shouted in concern.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Oliver said while coughing.

Hermione started slapping Oliver's chest out of frustration. "Don't ever do that again," she said angrily. "You could have died if it weren't for these plant things."

"Sorry, I guess I can't help but play the hero," Oliver said sarcastically while sitting up and lightly pushing Hermione off of him. "What is this stuff, anyway?"

"Uh, guys," Ron cried out.

The plants suddenly wrapped themselves around Ron and Harry's legs. Soon after, they wrapped themselves around Oliver and Hermione.

"Oh no, this is Devil's Snare!" Hermione cried out.

"Well, what can we do to stop it from eating us?" Oliver asked, sinking further into the plant.

"Uhh... we learned this in class. Whenever you run into Devil's Snare, you have to, um... uhh..." Hermione thought out loud.

"Do something!" Harry choked, the Devil's Snare starting to wrap around his throat.

"I'm trying my best!" Hermione shouted in response.

"Hermione, look at me," Oliver said.

Hermione opened her eyes and looked at Oliver, fear taking over her face.

"Take a breath and think," Oliver said calmly. "If anyone can get us out of this mess, it's you."

Oliver's words really encouraged Hermione and gave her a new sense of confidence. "Right, ok, umm...." Hermione sat in silence for about 10 seconds before taking out her wand and shouting "Lumos!"

A big beam of light shone from her wand. The Devil's Snare must not like light because it immediately let go of Hermione, and she fell right through. Oliver grabbed his wand and repeated what Hermione did.

"Lumos!" Oliver shouted. The plant immediately let go of him, and he fell through as well.

"See, I told you you're brilliant, Hermione," Oliver said.

"Thanks," Hermione said, wearing a smile on her face.

Harry and Ron fell through soon after.

Ron dusted himself off and said, "Lucky that you actually pay attention in Herbology."

The sound of wings filled the air around them.

"Uh, what is that?" Oliver asked.

"I don't know," Hermione responded.

"It sounds like wings," Harry said.

They all entered the next room and saw what looked like a thousand birds flying around.

"Are those... birds?" Oliver asked.

"I think they're keys," Ron replied.

"I'd bet one of them fits that door," Harry said as they walked further into the room.

Oliver noticed a lock on the door in front of them. He took out his wand and approached it. "Alohomora!" Oliver said.

The lock didn't budge.

"Oh, come on, it only works when Hermione does it, huh?" Oliver said in frustration.

"Uhh! What are we going to do?" Hermione asked, also frustrated.

Harry scanned all the keys flying above and noticed one that stood out from the rest. "There! The one with the broken wing," he said, pointing up.

Harry then looked down at a broomstick that was hovering right in front of him. He knew he needed to ride it up there to get that key.

"That's all you, Potter," Oliver said, taking a step back.

"Right," Harry said, mounting the broomstick.

As soon as Harry mounted the broomstick, he was swarmed by all the keys. He swatted them away as he ascended into the air. He sped up and managed to grab the key they needed. "Open it," he shouted, while throwing the key down.

Oliver caught it and put it in the keyhole. It was stuck and wouldn't turn properly, so Oliver had to turn it a few times.

"Hurry up!" Ron shouted.

Finally, Oliver got the door open, and Harry flew in after them, shutting the door behind him.

They entered the next room, which was pitch black. They walked forward, and fires lit all around them. There were white and black markings all over the floor.

"What is this?" Hermione asked.

"It's obviously a chessboard, and it looks like we're going to have to play to pass," Ron said.

"Is this a bad time to mention I have literally no idea how to play chess?" Oliver said nervously.

"It's okay; I'll tell you what to do," Ron reassured.

Ron got them all lined up on the chessboard. Hermione looked over at Ron, who was sitting on top of the horse piece.

"You don't suppose this is like real wizard's chess, do you?" Hermione asked.

"Let's test it. You there!" Ron said, pointing at a pawn. "D-5," he ordered.

The piece went out onto the board and was immediately destroyed by the opposite side.

"Does that answer your question?" Oliver asked, raising an eyebrow.

Hermione and Ron both gulped, realizing the gravity of the situation they were in. The chess pieces were not just for decorations; they were fully enchanted and ready to play a real game. It was clear that strategy and skill were going to be critical to their success in reaching the Sorcerer's Stone.

After a long, intense game, with both sides' pieces getting equally destroyed, Ron's keen eyes spotted a potential winning move. He looked at Oliver, a glimmer of hope in his eyes, and said, "Oliver, when I make my move, it'll leave you free to check the king."

Oliver nodded, ready to act on Ron's command. "Ok, just tell me what to do," he said, his voice filled with determination.

Harry, who had been watching the game with growing concern, couldn't contain himself any longer. He shouted, "No, you can't!"

Confusion washed over Oliver's face as he turned to face Harry. "Why not?" he asked, genuinely perplexed.

Hermione stepped forward, her voice grave yet filled with wisdom. "He's planning to sacrifice himself."

"Do you want to get the stone or not? This is the only way, so get ready, Oliver," Ron said.

"I'll follow your lead," Oliver said, his voice steady despite the growing tension.

Ron took a deep breath, mentally preparing himself for the potentially life-threatening move. He looked at the chessboard, his eyes fixed on the pieces. "Knight to H-3," he ordered.

The chosen knight piece, carrying Ron on its back, moved swiftly across the board, maneuvering towards the opponent's king. The tension in the room rose as everyone held their breath, waiting to see the outcome of Ron's bold move.

Suddenly, before anyone could react, the opposing king lunged forward, sword in hand, and with lightning speed, struck Ron across the face. A gasp escaped from the onlookers as Ron was forcefully thrown backward, crashing into the wall with a resounding thud.

Silence filled the room as everyone stared in shock at Ron's limp form, now sprawled on the floor.

Hermione started running towards Ron, her heart pounding with worry.

"No, stop!" Harry yelled urgently. "We're still playing, remember? Now, check the King, Oliver."

Startled by Harry's interruption, Oliver quickly refocused on the task at hand. With cautious steps, he moved his piece onto the space in front of the opponent's king, hoping it was the correct move. "Checkmate," he said, praying the king won't attack him.

An agonizing silence filled the room as everyone held their breath, awaiting the king's response. Slowly and miraculously, the opposing king dropped his sword, his body visibly relaxing. The tension that had engulfed the room dissipated as a collective sigh of relief swept through the room. They had won.

The three of them immediately ran over to check on Ron, who was unconscious, lying on the floor.

"You guys take him to the hospital wing and alert Dumbledore. I have to finish this alone," Harry said, determined.

"No way, Harry. I'm not letting you go on by yourself," Oliver said.

"It's too dangerous," Harry warned, his eyes pleading for understanding.

"I don't care," Oliver replied, not backing down. "We're in this together, Harry. We've come too far to back down now."

"But-" Harry started to protest.

"No, Harry, you're not going to convince me to just leave you down here. I'm going with you," Oliver declared again.

Harry understood Oliver's determination and knew he wouldn't be able to change his mind. Reluctantly, he nodded his head in agreement, a mix of gratitude and concern evident on his face.

Oliver turned towards Hermione. "I need you to take care of Ron for us," he said.

Hermione, recognizing that Oliver's decision was final, wrapped her arms around him in a tight hug. She pressed a gentle kiss on his cheek, holding back tears that threatened to spill from her eyes.

"Please be careful. I can't bear to lose the first friend I ever made," she said, her voice quivering with emotion.

Oliver's gaze softened as he met Hermione's tear-filled eyes. He gently wiped away a tear that escaped her grasp and offered her a reassuring smile.

"Don't worry, Hermione. I promise I'll come back to you," he reassured her.

Hermione nodded, placing her hand on her chest where her heart pounded with worry.

"Take care, both of you," she said.

Oliver and Harry walked to the last door guarding the Sorcerer's Stone.

"You ready for this?" Harry asked Oliver, his voice filled with anticipation.

"Always," Oliver replied.

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