Shantae x Assassin's Creed

By Assassins1997

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The Land of Sequin is full of Mystery, Adventure, and danger. It's also a new place for the Assassin Brotherh... More

Chapter 1: Arrival in Sequin Land
Chapter 2: Meeting new friends and Allies
Chapter 3: Attack from Ammo Baron and the Hidden Ones of Sequin Land is born
Chapter 5: The Missing Maidens at the Mermaid Fall
Chapter 6: (Side Mission) Searching Copy Magas Codex and Hidden Ones Treasure
Chapter 7: The Situation in Oasis Town
Chapter 8: Side Mission (Hidden Ones Recruits)
OC's Update
Chapter 9: Arrival in Paradise Island

Chapter 4: The Tan Line Temple and the Lost Catacombs

237 5 0
By Assassins1997

Weeks have passed since Abbas with Shantae helped save many lives in Scuttle town from the Ammo Baron alongside their friends and allies. But Abbas knew that the Order of Ancients was already in the Sequin Land.

Abbas also put the target list of the Order of Ancients and these targets with the codename on it and he must investigate and search behind these attacks in Sequin land and the Islands as well. But he still wondered why he saw Shantae and Sky blushing when he said about Tan Island Temple.

Abbas received a message from Shantae and she told him that he should visit her uncle's laboratory as he started heading there and hoping to get her on time.  He first visits the Bathhouse and regains his vigor or health as he thanks her. He also visits the Item Shop to buy some equipment with some gems that he had.

After he had everything, He started to visit Mimic Lab and he found the location as he enter his lab and he sees Shantae with her uncle waiting for Abbas.

Shantae: "Abbas! You arrived on time. We were just waiting for you to arrive."

Abbas: "Haha thanks Shantae, No wonder why the half-genie waiting for me."

Shantae blushes at what Abbas said as Mimic her adoptive uncle smiles at the two he chuckles as he started to explain to Abbas the things in Sequin Land.

Mimic: "Well now, since you are here Abbas. The Sequin Land is filled with many things and I know that Shantae told me about you and your order. I wonder what are they doing here in Sequin Land. I hope that you will stop them with my adoptive Niece."

Abbas: "No worries Sir, me and Shantae will deal with them. But first I needed to ask Shantae about something very important."

Mimic: "Of course, I will continue my work. Take care of my adoptive niece."

He said to him as Abbas nodded to Mimic. Shantae walked out with Abbas from the workshop he looked at Shantae and asked her

Abbas: "What can you tell me about the Tan Island and the Lost Catacombs?"

Shantae: "Well...that place where the Princess is. One of them thought Sky, Rottytops, Risky, and myself were the princesses. But he didn't know that the real princess had gone for the groceries."

Abbas: "Ahh I see, that's why I see you and Sky were blushing. I think it's very fit on you three and you look beautiful with Sky, your friend Rottytops as well that Queen of Pirate. Risky Boots."

Shantae couldn't stop smiling and blushing at what Abbas said to her about her being a princess as she accepted his commendation and asked him.

Shantae: "So you decided to head to the Tan Line Temple to stop the members of the Order of Ancients."

Abbas: "Yes, the first target is the codename known as the Heron. I fear that he might be planning something in Tan Island."

Shantae: "Alright, I think we should go visit Sky's Hatchery so she can take us there."

Abbas: "Alright Shantae. Let's head there."

He said to her as they started heading toward Sky's Hatchery place as they arrived, Sky is cleaning up her giant bird that was used as Transportation as Sky sees them with a smile.

Sky: "Hey Abbas!, Shantae! How are you two?"

Shantae: "We are doing fine. We just prepare to travel to Tan Line Temple to stop the Order of Ancients there."

Sky: "Well good luck with you two 'cause I really don't want to let them take me again of mistaking me as princess."

Abbas: "No worries, We can handle that. But I also needed some disguised as a Servant to the Princess."

Sky: "Ahh I have a perfect one for that. Here take this. It will be useful for your disguise as Princess Shantae's servant~"

Sky said to him making Shantae more embarrassed, knowing that she with Sky fell for Abbas and what happen if they met Rottytops along the way Abbas grabbed the outfit and nodded to Sky as they started riding the giant bird Abbas holding Shantae by wrapping his arms around her waist and making her blushing and Abbas is also blushing behind his hood.

They finally landed on Tan Island the place where the Tan Line Temple is Abbas and Shantae were off from Sky's giant bird and they looked at Sky

Sky: "Here we are. I hope I won't get involved in this one."

Abbas: "Well you can wait here and hope these guys won't capture you and turn you into a princess again."

Shantae: "Yeah, me and Abbas will handle this situation and locate his target."

Sky: "Alright and one lasting Abbas, here take this Whistle. used this to call us when you needed to take you two to another location."

Abbas grab the Whistle and he putting inside his pouch he looked at Sky behind his Hood and smiles as he thanked her.

Abbas: "My thanks Sky, We shall start the mission and be ready to rescue the Temple from the Order."

Both Shantae and Abbas waved at Sky and she also waved at them back as they two set on the journey to the Tan Line Temple they faced a lot of danger along the way as the two worked together to face many foes and headed toward the Destination.

Both Shantae and Abbas finally arrived at the Temple as he solved the puzzle the door is opened and Shantae stops as Abbas sees her and asked her some curious questions.

Abbas: "What's wrong Shantae?"

Shantae: "Well I think we shall be ready because those servants inside mistaking me as a Princess. When I have been locked up please rescue me so we can escape."

Abbas: "No worries Shantae, I will rescue you just like a tale of a Knight hero rescuing the princess."

He said to her and smiled at her and she also smiles at Abbas as well as they two start changing their outfit. Abbas sees Shantae in her princess outfit which is more beautiful and revealing Abbas is also almost revealing his athletic muscular and making her blush red on her cheek.

(Ignored Abbas holding sword and dagger)

Shantae: "Wow, you look so handsome and amazing Abbas."

Abbas: "Thanks and you too as well Shantae. You also looked more beautiful. Alright, once inside I will pretend to become your servant while I also search for the clues behind the man with the codename "The Heron" Once I gather all, I will save you and free you."

Shantae: "Alright and they also wanted me to perform my dancing."

Abbas: "Hehe I would love to see your belly dancing, Shantae~"

Shantae: "Abbas..."

She said in shy and blushing Abbas said about watching her belly dancing Abbas smirks at her and winked as they two enter the Temple people sees the Princess has returned and they see a Servant wearing a wolf cloak and holding a staff as one of them is an unknown man.

Servant: "Ahh the Princess has finally returned. We have been waiting for so long."

Man: "Yes, Indeed it is. We have been expecting you princess and who are you?"

Abbas: "Marhaban sadiqi aleaziz (hello my dear friend) I am too the Princess Servant as well and she is very tired all the way here."

Servant: "He's right, We should prepare for her rest and there will be a ceremonial dance with other Princesses as well."

Abbas knows that there is more Princess not just Shantae, others, as well as Abbas, will look at Shantae to know that her friends like Sky, Rottytops, and her archnemesis Risky Boots also here as well as other Servants are taking Shantae to her bed chamber and only left Abbas and he needed to find a clue behind "The Heron"

Abbas also steals the key from the servant to open each room that all Princesses were been forced into for the dancing ceremony he will head to the Shantae bed chamber and she sees Abbas enter and she shocked as she smiles at him.

Shantae: "Abbas, thank goodness you are here."

Abbas: "Yeah, it seems that you are not the only one."

Shantae: "Yeah...They also captured Rottytops, Sky, and Risky as well."

Abbas: "I know, I will speak to them and I think that Risky will know my face already and I also will tell Rottytops that I am a friend with Shantae."

Shantae: "Yeah that will do. But please hurry and search them first and tell the plan as well search for clues."

Abbas: "I will and I will rescue you all."

Abbas said to her and smiled at her with winks as he walks out from her bed chamber he first visit the other bed chamber and he enter quietly as he headed toward her room and he also meet a similar face.

Abbas finally met Risky Boots the Queen of the Seven Seas who she laying on her bed she looked at Abbas and was shocked as she stood up quickly and she point at him.

Risky: "You! You are the one from the ship, are you? Looks like we meet again..."

Abbas: "Yeah we did. It seems that they also captured you again and mistook you for a Princess."

Risky: "Yeah, they always mistake me with this little Princess stuff and make me dance for the ceremonial. But since we finally met again, I think we can make a truce."

Abbas: "What do you purpose?"

Risky: "I know we put on the wrong foot. But I think we can work together to stop this madness and someone who is ordered to kill Shantae."

Abbas: "Give me his name."

Risky: "This guy named Jamal ordered his man to kill Shantae during the ceremony."

Abbas: "Thanks Risky, Alright once you ladies perform the dancing ceremony. I will stop the assassination on Shantae and I will free you all."

Risky: "Fine, but be careful. the Guards will notice you for being suspicious."

Abbas: "Don't worry, I will be careful."

Abbas nods to Risky Boots as he left her chamber as he searches for more others he opens the chamber third and enters it and he also sees Sky who is been caught and she wearing the Princess Outfit as well.

Abbas nods to Risky Boots as he leaves her chamber as he searches for more others he opens the chamber third and enters it and he also sees Sky who is been caught and she wearing the Princess Outfit as well

Sky: "Abbas! Glad to see you and again wearing this Princess outfit."

Abbas: "Yeah and it seems you have also been caught again are you Sky?"

Sky: "Yeah, same as always, and do I look beautiful?"

Abbas: "Yeah, you look beautiful same goes with Shantae, Risky, and your friend Rottytops."

Sky: "Aww thank you and ugh Risky is always involved in this and for Rotty should see for yourself."

Abbas: "Alright, What does Rottytops look like?"

Sky: "Well she is a zombie and she always causes trouble during the adventure with Shantae."

Abbas: "Ahh no worries, I will try to confront her. So Risky told me that Jamal's man will try to kill Shantae so we better be ready 'cause I will handle the rest."

Sky: "Alright, I will prepare for it so tell Rottytops as well and also have patience with her. She always is so energetic type of person."

Abbas: "I will speak to her and thank you Sky. Be ready for anything."

He said to her and he nods to her as he left her chamber he move to another one he open the final chamber and he sees a Rottytops who was once a human turned into a zombie he sees her relaxing on the bed and she spotted him with excitement.

Rottytops: "Hey there! I never met you before. I think you are new!"

Abbas: "Yeah indeed I am, I'm Abbas Ibn Ishaq and I come here to rescue you and others from here. But first I needed to do a mission with Shantae as well."

Rottytops: "Wow cool!!! Can I come with you on this Journey of your own?!!"

Abbas: "Perhaps another time for that. But right now I needed you to listen closely Rotty 'cause this is very important."

Rottytops: "Aww why are you so serious? We could have fun together~"

Abbas: "Haha..yeah another time when this mission is over. But right now Shantae will be in great danger. So I want you to join with others to perform a belly dancer and I will save Shantae from the attacker."

Rottytops: "Alright! You can count on that."

Abbas nods to her as he left her chamber he started to find where Jamal's room as he must not be spotted by the heavy guards as he must remain hidden in the shadow he sees Jamal's room and used his lockpicking skills as he enter his room and he searching something as he finally found his mask and he sees a letter as he opens it and reading it.

Once Abbas read the letter, Now he finally recognized the man looked as he wearing a cover hat and he was an African as he needed to be ready to assassinate him but he know that he order his man to assassinate Shantae during the dancing ceremony with others.

*At the Ceremony Hall*

Meanwhile at the Ceremony Hall Ballroom. The member of the Order of Ancient named Jamal also known as the Heron will prepare to order his man to assassinate the half-genie Shantae during the Belly Dance performance with Risky Boots, Sky, and Rottytops.

The Servants called out all the audience to come and joined the party as Shantae, Risky Boots, Sky, and Rootytops started their dancing performance of belly dancing. Abbas is now on the top of the ceiling ready to be eliminated as Abbas sees Jamal watching their belly dancing. He whispers to his man to be ready as he nods and he pulls out his knife.

As the music stops, the man rushes toward Shantae Abbas immediately performs his air assassination on the man and stabbed him in the neck and Jamal starts running away to the Lost Catacombs. Shantae, Risky Boots, Sky, and Rottytops witness Abbas's action that assassinating Jamal's man as she rushes toward him and hugs him tightly.

Shantae: "Thank you so much for saving me."

Abbas: "No problem, Now you ladies should explain to the Servant and also take this key to unlock the real princess from her cell while I'm chasing down Jamal."

Shantae: "Alright be safe Abbas and take care. Also don't die."

Abbas: "I will Shantae"

He said to her as he quickly changed his outfit into the Master Assassin Outfit as he started to rush and chase Jamal at the Lost Catacombs. Once he arrived at the location he sees Jamal who is trapped at the Lost Catacombs he jumps down and landed on the ground as he looking at him behind his hood.

Abbas: "You will not run away this time Jamal."

Jamal: "Then come at get me, Abbas!"

He said to Jamal as he pulls out his Sword and dagger the two attacked each other and he counter his attack kick him in the guts as he striking him with his skills parry his attack and immediately slice him down then he stabbed him with his Hidden Blade. In the void Abbas looked at Jamal almost dying.

Jamal: " finally kill me...but we just getting started..."

Abbas: "Tell me, why does your Order want to kill Shantae, and what purpose of you all doing here in Sequin Land?"

Jamal: "We try to kill her to steal her magic. We learned that Half-Genie's power is the key to opening the desert temple...but it seems I failed and others will also kill her when they discuss more..."

With his last breath, Abbas used the Heron feather and collected his blood as he looked at him behind his hood and start saying praying in the Arabic language.

Abbas: "نرجو أن ترقد روحك في العالم السفلي. ارقد في سلام *narju 'an tarqud ruhuk fi alealam alsufli. arqud fi salam*(May your soul will laying in the underworld. Rest in peace)"

He closed his both eyes and he left him as he headed out from the Lost Catacombs and reached the surface he sees Shantae with Sky and Rottytops waiting for him.

Shantae: "Abbas! you back! Did you deal with him?"

Abbas: "Yes, Jamal is eliminated and the Tan Line Island is now save. What about the Servant about the Princess that been locked in the prison?"

Sky: "He already knows it and he thanking you for saving the Temple and we thanking you for saving us as well."

Abbas: "No problem ladies, just doing my job. I think we should head back to Scuttle Town for another job."

Shantae: "Yeah, you're right. But I think you already made a truce with Risky."

Abbas: "For now, She will do it her way again. I am not sure if the Order of Ancients will use her."

Shantae: "I hope not. Come on let's head back to Scuttle Town."

*Somewhere in the Order of Ancients Hideout*

The Grand Maegester heard about the death of his fellow comrades and he was very angry behind his mask as he throws everything from the table with his anger issue as he order one of his fellow Order of Ancients.

Grand Maegester: "Jamal the Heron has fallen and he failed to kill Shantae. But don't worry we have another plan. Jackal..."

The Jackal: "Yes, my Grand Maegester?"

Grand Maegester: "Go and insist the Techno Baron to kidnaps the Maidens and used them to be a mermaid."

The Jackal: "Yes, my Grand Maegester."

He said to him and he off to the Techno Baron locations as The Grand Maegester still wanted Half-Genie magic one way or another as they would not stop until they achieved it.

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