By unknown_world_29

235 23 39

When your are in love you forget the future outcomes of your love relationships. This love memories become un... More

Early love pt1
The first MISTAKE...! pt2
True feeling! pt3
The 3 Words...pt4
It a YES!! pt5
The gift 🎁.. pt6
Confession pt7
The first slap.. pt8
The letters pt9
The secrets pt10
Emotions pt11
Reality Pt13
The regrets prt15
the last call Prt 16
the end.....prt 17

Lust pt12

8 1 2
By unknown_world_29

What are your expectations for your beautiful and happy life ? 

A happy marriage and happy living family with lots of wishes. I hope to have all these before I got lot of problems in my life. I never thought of such issues to be happen in my life. Life is too hard. 

Every parents always wish for their child to have a good life. But I was wrong not every thinks in that way,isn't it? I was in now a lot of trouble. Why the hell I always got to choose from the two hard options in my life. My parents were not on my side. Whereas that Mahesh was full supportive towards the marriage topic. I was all alone after I got caught by mg parents again. After 7 days, I tried to reach aarav 's friend who was living near my house. When no one was at home, I know his friend's sister from before. When I went there I told her about my problems and told her to tell aarav and please tell him to understand my situation right now. And tell him not to come near the house for a while. She told me you just don't get disturb now I will let him know okay!

I went home after telling her because was also close to aarav. After days were passing like a hell for me because of overthinking a lot.

 I was waiting for my college merit to come out soon so I can start my college and able to contact him. I was so unlucky because of my issues. Mg father didn't gave me a new phone for my college. I was so unhappy as always. I was finding out ways to contact him but I was totally lost with my thoughts. After 1 month I got my college merit list and college opening dates were also announced. I felt relaxed. 

Because after so many days I can go finally outside. But even wondering about new college's life and people around me. Also hoping to have my school friends with me during the college time. Just hope so! NXT it's was my birthday again !

1yr felt so hard!! With lot of false hope and heartful pain. 

But with this birthday it was much harder for me. Mahesh bought me a gift on this birthday which was unexpected. Why the hell it's happening!? 

Everyone was around me at that time and even my parents also. He gave me gift. I immediately spoked out,

      " Why all of sudden till now you haven't gave me gift!? Why is it this time ! Huh!?"

Mom interrupted in between," what's wrong in giving gift right now ! Now its different for both of you try to understand! Haan ! "

I was like irritated I just took the gift seen it and folded it and kept inside the cupboard. He was smiling and asking me how was it !? I was bit silent and told it's good but I don't use this kind of purses by the way. But it's good!? Mom interrupted," be okay with it"!

From inside I was feeling like give him a tight punch on his face and he would fell off!

The next day it was all good. Parents were started thinking about my marriage again. And as usual I am not ready. Mom usually ask me what I thought about it! But I always tell  I am just starting with my college yet. Its too early for me to adjust. Mom always yell at me by saying 

"you  want to go with that idiot and you like him because only you are not listening to us. Parents are always right you just keep this in your mind.okay " 

I was like why she is forcing me. Mom even tell me many unwanted things and usually I became sad. I always missed aarav at that time. If he would be near to me in such situations.

I went to college the next day. It was good experience seeing my self as college student now. I made new friend who was my bench mate and we both went to see campus. I also met my school friends. I was happy again. Somewhat now I was relaxed and moving outside but deep down i was all sad. Thinking about my home condition and their thoughts.

After few days, Mahesh cams to my house. He was sitting in the front room and I was in the kitchen. As I came in the front room he was watching porn videos on his mobile. As I just took the glance on his phone from side because he was busy looking in it. I was totally irritated now. As he heard mine voice and he kept his mobile inside with full speed. He was startled. He started speaking about my college and all. He was thinking if I would have seen it? !! I told him ," it was good!"

Then he told me I am leaving now. And he left. What the cheap person he is? Yak! Then too my parents want to marry him. He is totally addicted to such lusty things. Now I should take action before it's too late. But my parents will never listen to me. They will tell me I am creating my own excuse about him. Hmm ! I should be thinking another way ! He is so cheap and idiot kind of person. If he is addicted to such porn videos things then he must be addicted to see such in around us as well. 

I was going from lot of overthinking. At least I got to know about him now very clearly. I need a proof. But how will I get it !?

I never missed my college because I don't want to see his face and my parents yelling at me. After few days I made one my good friend name Ishita, who would help me use her phone to call to my parents. But it was difficult for me to tell her about my life situations. But slowly day by day I told her everything. At the end she let me call aarav one day. I dialed his number so fast so that a minute should not be wasted. I was nervous. I called him.

He picked my call and ask me "who's speaking? "

Then I told him "did you remember me ?!" With a great smile. Ishita was looking at me while I was talking. 

Further i told him about what had happened so far. My parents are not listening to me at all. What should I do now ? Are you okay? Or not . I was talking without a stop. Then he told,

         " just wait! Calm down..  everything will be fine. Okay but do one thing till the time just delay the topic of it and tell them let me complete my college atleast. So far I will be also completing my college degree and getting good job. Atleast I can stand in front of them. Please do it. Because if I came in between evrything will be wrong and most important you will be hurt  lot from this. "

        "Aarav please let's meet here in my college. This is my friends number. I will be contacting you with this only. Thet didn't gave me phone. :(  Please save it . I really want to meet you soon. "

         "Even i am eagerly waiting to see as well. I missed u this days. You decide it when we have to meet up. I will manage it so don't worry. It's up to u. " He told me.

I told him bye and even explained him that I will be the only one who will b contacting you...

I told Ishita," thanks a lot to help!it's mean a lot to me . " Even she was happy looking me happy. What the days I was going through. They were sad as well as even happy atleast I got to call aarav. My life was not too messy before. After few days I went to Mahesh's house to get something what mom told me get from there . I went there he was inside the other room his mom was upstairs I think. I went inside saw around he was in the washroom and his phone was outside. I saw it . It was already unlocked. It was chance for me to see it before calling his mom and even before Mahesh coming from washroom. I saw it and opened the gallery and albums folder. It was fully filled with unwanted women's photos. Some where half nude and all. It was disgusting to see it. What the hell it is? Lusty idiot. Even saw random messages from unknown girls with nasty chats and all non veg jokes inside it. I was shock. Yak! 

Then I kept his phone went upstairs to his mom to get the things. I was all in thought. 

"How should I explain my parents about him ? Why they can't see such things which  I am noticing day by day ! " There were many way I can able to cancel this marriage but I wasn't having any proof because from outside he was a gentleman for my parents. I was helpless. From that I was not believing anybody around me. Not even my parents or the others.

Keep reading!....

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