Same Bitches - Post Malone

By Pepepolly

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She has actively tried to get as far away from him as possible after he dumped her belongings she had left be... More

Same Bitches A/N
Bonus Chapter
New Book


148 11 0
By Pepepolly

It happens quickly.

Everything is a flurry.

Hot and heavy.

She reaches out for Austin at the same time as he lifts his hand and curls it around the nape of her neck - smashing their lips together. She hooks her legs over his thighs and moves into a straddle on top of him. Austin's hands are in her hair, down her side, on her ass - fucking everywhere. Their breathing is heaving and their kiss is desperate, passionate. "Shirt," she breaths out breaking free of his lips to pull her shirt off then smashing her lips back on his while he is still trying to get his shirt off his head. She runs her hands over his naked chest, squeezing his pecks then running her hands up to either side of his neck. She feels Austin's hands running up her spine then unlatching her bra and pulling it off. "Fuck," he says pushing her up slightly and latching onto her breasts as his hands curl around her ass, pushing her down as he grinds up.

"Bed, Austin, bed," she demands, her breathing rapid. Austin unlatches and looks up at her. He is thinking. They should not think - they will make good choices. So she slips her hand into his pants, grabbing him and stroking. His brain dies as his head falls back slightly. "Now," she demands again. Austin stands, latching onto her lips again as he walks them to the bed. As soon as she hits the bed she starts pulling her pants off, Austin doing the same then he is on top of her and between her thighs. She wets her fingers and then goes to insert them into herself - lubricating herself and getting herself ready for him. "No, stop," Austin says sitting up and grabbing her wrist. "What are you doing?" he asks, offended. "Getting myself ready," she says pulling her wrist back.

"No. I will do that," he says, still offended, and bats her hand away. Lux lets her hand drop and frowns at Austin.

"You never..."

"I was nineteen and I didn't give a fuck about what I was doing," he says moving down until his head is between her legs. He always refused to go down on her. Said he had a sensitive tongue and that 'giving head' was a woman's thing. She grabs his head and makes him look at her.

"I don't like that."


"Don't know - it's not a pie and is usually treated as such. It's never pleasurable."

Austin smirks. "Give it a moment. Relax, count to twenty in your head - and if you don't like what I am doing by then we can move on."

"Ok," Lux breathes out flopping back onto the pillow and looking up at the ceiling, sliding her fingers into her hair.


What the fuck are they doing?


They have just made this thing ten times more complicated.


She feels Austin place his hand on her hips.


He runs his nose along the inside of her thigh.


He latches onto the crease between her thigh and vagina, biting softly.


He moves to her other thigh, running his nose up the inside and then biting down on that crease.


He dips his head and then licks over her vulva with a flattened tongue., eight.

He dips his head down and licks her again, his tongue now wetter.


He dips his head again, pushing apart her vulva gently with the tip of his tongue.

Ten, ten, ten.

He moves his hand, opening her valva, blowing on her soft sensitive skin that he had wet.! Damit Lux!

He runs the tip of his tongue over her clitoris lightly then keeps his tongue running just around the edge of it.

What comes after five?

Her eyes roll back and her back arches as he continues to lick. Her clitoris screaming for attention. "Fuck," she whispers. He keeps his tongue controlled and he is very good at it.

What number is she on? Fifteen?

She feels her vagina walls pulse and then she feels him move his other hand, interesting first one and then two fingers into her. Her head feels like it's going to burst and her chest is now heaving as warm liquid seeps up her spine slowly.

"What number am I on?" she breathes out then whimpers, wrapping her legs around Austin's head. He licks into her, his tongue soft and his fingers rough. She can feel she won't last much longer. "Stop, you gonna make me cum," she begs bucking her hips and whimpering again. Austin curls his fingers and hits that sweet spot inside her at the same time as he flicks his tongue over her swollen sensitive clitoris. She tries to tell him something but it's too late, her mouth opens and her body goes rogue as her orgasm rolls over her body in waves. Austin strokes her through it. "Fuck...fuck," she breathes out. Still sensitive and still orgasming Austin lifts his head, grabs her waist, and lifts her off the bed.

He sits her on his bended knees, sliding into her. He is big and it was always a struggle but now she is soaking and the slide is easy - still tight though. Her body is shaking and spent so he helps her move as she slings her arms around his neck, kissing him as he thrusts up into her. Her orgasm ignites again and she squeaks into his mouth when he digs his fingers deeper into her flesh, driving up harshly into her as he snaps his hips again and again and again. He is in control of both their movements. Her orgasm hits her again and she can feel Austin's hips stutter slightly when he catches his high and spills into her.

Her body feels like rubber and she slumps into him, her head bowed as she breathes heavily with him still buried deep inside her. Austin chuckles softly, pulling back slightly to push her hair off her sweaty face and kissing her. She feels him move them, whining with sensitivity as he pulls out gently. "Ok, Lixie, shhh," he soothes her. He pushes her into the mattress and then curves behind her, pulling her to his chest and wrapping the thick duvet around them. Austin grew the fuck up.

"Did you get to twenty?"


Day 4

Lux opens her eyes and peeps out from the cacoon of thick fluffy duvet around her.

Where the fuck is she?


She flexes her legs and groans softly as her sex-hammered muscles stretch out slightly. It feels good, but also like a big problem. She and Austin are on complicated level ten. She can feel he is no longer in the bed and mentally repairs herself for finding him seething on a couch somewhere. They will end up in a fight and one of them is going to end up not going to the wedding. Shit.

She feels the bed dip slightly and turns to see Austin. He is smiling at her softly. What is happening? "Hey, Luxie," he says leaning down and kissing her. She gets lost in the sweep of his tongue and then bites her lip to stop herself from grinning when he pulls back.

"What time is it?"

"4:45 am."

"Fuck," she groans rolling over and burrowing into the duvet. "I know, but I meet the guys in the gym at 5 am. You stay here and I will fetch you for yoga," he says running his fingers down her spine. "No. I need to go shower. You made a mess," she grumbles into the pillows then feels Austin's body over her, pressing her into the mattress. His weight is comforting and then she giggles when he sucks on her ear.

They both freeze.

"What was that, Luxie?" Austin whispers. She is a little afraid to open her eyes because she does not know where that came from. "It's...its an aftershock from the peanuts," she says.

"You giggle after you almost die?"

"Yes. Don't make it a thing. It's not a thing. We should talk about-"

"Don't overthink it," Austin says standing up and gathering her clothing. "Austin," Lux starts as she climbs out of bed and starts dressing but Austin grabs her and pulls her into his arms. "I feel like I have been angry for ten years. Like we have been in this ongoing fight for ten fucking years. You always overthink. Everything has a hidden meaning...just...two days, Luxie. That's all we have left. Let's just...I just want to see...we can talk after the wedding. But, for now, let's just-"

She cuts him off with a kiss then pulls back and pulls on her shirt. "Fine, but just so you know you have failed every test so far," Lux says picking up her shoes and her bag as she walks into the lounge.


"Yes. Tests!" Lux says opening his hotel door and stepping out with him into the hallway. They walk down the long hallway, down a few flights of stairs, and across a courtyard then into another section of the resort and another long hallway. They stop at a door that leads out to the grass lawn in front of Lux's room. Austin juggles the handle and complains that it often gets jammed. While she is waiting for him to finish wrestling with the door she sees a hotel room door open and her grandmother steps out. She taps Austin to get his attention then they watch as Lux's grandmother shoves her panties in her bag and fixes her hair then walks up to them with a sweet smile, stopping to pat Austin's cheek. "Sweet boy," she says then pinches his ass and walks off.

"That whorish cow," Lux whispers. "Your family gives me nightmares, " Austin says getting the door open. Lux steps through but is pulled back by Austin who kisses her quickly. "I will see you at six," he mumbles then walks off.

"What the fuck was that?"

Lux turns to see Louis standing by a payphone. She walks over and watches him put a few quarters in, dial a number and then wait while it rings. A woman answers and screams into the phone, then he cuts the call without a word. He does it another - seven times. "That was just a kiss and what are you doing?" Lux asks. "Being petty and immature. I phone my ex every day at this time, repeatedly. It drives her insane. She does not know it is me and there is no point to it other than the pleasure of me knowing I have pissed her off for the day, and that looked more like a - I fucked my ex and now we are in a weird limbo kind of kiss," Louis says dialing his ex's number again over and over until all his quarters are gone.

"Don't judge. I know this will end badly," Lux says as they walk back to their rooms.


"Why? Louis have you not heard a word I have said this whole time? Besides, isn't that a shrinks number one rule? Don't fuck your ex."



"Shrinks number one rule is don't fuck your clients."

"Good rule, but beside the point. I know this will end badly."

"Not necessarily..."

Lux stops and looks at Louis. "What?" she asks annoyed. "Why does it have to end badly? There is a reason you held onto your anger for so long. Most people fuck up because they are trying to control the situation when all they have to do is just let go."

"Are you suggesting this could have a good outcome?"


"Why are you so sure?"

"Because that man is still in love with you," Louis says ducking into his room then popping his head back out and grinning at her. "You are still in love too," he adds then ducks with an evil laugh when Lux hurls one of her shoes at him.


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