
By Mikayla14356

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Frankie has been on this Earth for quite some time. Being a rare, one of a kind species has its perks. And i... More

Before You Start
Prologue: Steele
Chapter One: Frankie
Chapter Two: Steele
Chapter Three: Frankie
Chapter Four: Steele
Chapter Five: Frankie
Chapter Six: Steele
Chapter Seven: Frankie
Chapter Eight: Steele/Frankie
Chapter Nine: Steele
Chapter Ten: Frankie
Chapter Eleven: Steele/Frankie

Prologue: Frankie

33 1 1
By Mikayla14356

I was moving swiftly. Nothing could catch me. I'm too fast, I'm too powerful.

The sky was dark. There was no moon.

I was on the run again.

But then again, when was I not?

I just wish that for once in my life, I can sit down in a home and live my life without constantly looking over my shoulder to see if someone was going to kill me.

I heard shouting. My wolf senses kicked in and I quickly hid in some bushes behind a rock. I quickly masked my scent and waited for the voices to pass.

You'd think after 170 years they'd stop trying.

They haven't.

I sighed quietly. I hated being this way.






"Frankie? Mi hijo, que es hora de su decisión," {Frankie? My son, it's time for your decision} my mother told me. I nodded and closed my eyes.

I let go of my control and let the strongest of the three win. Whoever did was what I would become. The other two would die.

It saddened me deeply for I had grown close to all three of them. Raul, my wolf, Stefan, my vampire, and Nikolai, my warlock.

Also, if Nikolai lost, I would be kicked out of the clan, and never be able to see my mother or my family again.

My mother was a witch and my father was a hybrid, a werewolf and vampire. He was the first hybrid ever to exist. My father deserted us when I was ten because he had found his mate who wasn't my mother.

His mate was a werewolf, so his werewolf side won the fight and his vampire soul died.

If Raul won, I would be forced to join my father and the pack that he was in, which was something I didn't want to do. El hijo de puta left us. He is muerto to me.

If Stefan won, I would be a lone vampire since I had no one to turn to for refuge who was a vampire. That would be very dangerous because lone vampires were killed, instantly.

I felt all of them fight in my head and body. It hurt and I whimpered a little, but I couldn't do much. If I distracted them, I could die.

Suddenly, wind started flying everywhere around me. The clan began to scream as I was lifted into the air. I couldn't move my body at all. My body began to burn and all I could do was wait for it to all stop.

And then it did.

I fell to the ground with a thud. I couldn't feel anything and my head was pounding.

My mother ran to me and shook me.

"¿Frankie? ¿Frankie? ¡Despertaras! ¡Abre los ojos!" she pleaded. I opened them and they all gasped.

"Púrpura!" They all whispered. I was shocked.

"¿Qué? ¿Qué es púrpura?" I asked.

"¡¡Los ojos!!" My madre chanted. She looked up at the elders and spoke rapid Spanish. She turned back to me.

"Frankie, I'm telling you this now. I need you to run away. Run and never come back," she said.

"¿Por qué? Why?"

"Mi hijo, listen to me. Your body couldn't choose," she said while she lifted me up and moved quickly towards our house.

"What?" I asked.

"All of them, all the creatures, they're still there. They've come to an agreement and they all want to stay. This puts you in serious danger. People will want you." She ran into my room and started throwing stuff into my suitcase.

"Where am I gonna go?"

"Away from here. You must stay hidden. No one can know what you are, you hear me? No one. They won't hesitate to kill you or experiment on you." She handed me the suitcase.

"Try going to Hungary or Croatia. Spain is no longer safe for you. News travels fast here." She hugged me tightly and I felt the tears run down her face.

"I'm gonna miss you. So much. Te amo mucho, ¿entiendes?" I nodded and she kissed me on the forehead before I left the house and into the real, frightful world.



Present time



My hand subconsciously reached for my locket that had a picture of my mother. I missed her dearly. I felt tears in my eyes. It's been 60 years and I can't get over the fact that she's dead.

Meanwhile, I look like I'm 24.

This was my life now, whether I liked it or not.

Frankie, they're gone. Stefan whispered.

No, how could you possibly know that? Raul fought.

Because I am not a damn slow werewolf, puta. Stefan retaliated.

I sighed and they all shut their mouths. They picked up on my sadness. Nikolai even started crying. Nikolai had a very close relationship with my mother.

I just wish I could've said goodbye one last time.

I headed towards my home, looking for animals on the way. Stefan was slowly taking over, looking for blood. I finally found a deer.

Or at least, I think it's a deer.

I don't know the animals in America well.

I've only been here for about twenty years. It sounds like a long time, but consider the fact that I've lived in Europe for over a hundred years.

My home was a little hut in the middle of the forest. It was well hidden and not very easy to find.

Which was very convenient for me.

I dragged the deer's body around the back and put it on the porch so it could air out.

I climbed quietly into the hut and onto my small mattress next to the window. As I fell asleep, I stared at the stars.

Mamá, te amo y te extraño.


Spanish Terms

Mi hijo: My son

El hijo de puta: Bastard

Muerto: Dead

Despertaras: Wake up!

Abre los ojos: Open your eyes

Te amo: I love you

¿Entiendes?: Do you understand?

Puta: Bitch

Te extraño: I miss you

That's the new prologue!! I hope you all like it! Don't worry, Frankie's sassy side will come out eventually.

Next is Steele.

Love you all!

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