Ben 10/Transformers: United H...

Por BraedimusSupreme

6.8K 208 116

A/N: this one just came to me after some suggestions by those who've been reading my Transformatrix series. W... Más

CH-2: Interrogation
CH-3: Airborne Attack
CH-4: Alien Ambush & Recovery
CH-5: Final Confrontation

CH-1: Close Encounter

2.3K 68 58
Por BraedimusSupreme

The life of a superhero is filled with danger, adventure, and excitement. However, 16-year-old Ben Tennyson was experiencing none of that today. As things were the most dangerous thing that could happen to him was getting a brain freeze from the smoothie he was drinking.

The state of his homeworld had changed drastically within the last several months. Things had calmed down not only on Earth but throughout most of the universe, save for perhaps the Anur system. The Plumbers, the intergalactic police force dedicated to preserving peace throughout the cosmos, have been granted powerful new technologies developed by the Galvan.

It has only been roughly about a week since the whole Ultimate Kevin incident, where Kevin absorbed all the powers from the Ultimatrix to stop Aggregor from collecting the power of a baby Alien X. However, Kevin lost his sanity in the process and went on a rampage, Ben and Gwen having to chase after him to try and get through to him. After Kevin had fought against some of his allies and those he believed have turned against him, Ben believed there was only one way to stop Kevin. Luckily, it did not come to that conclusion, and Ben and Gwen were able to restore Kevin back to normal, with some help from their friend Cooper. Still, after that whole ordeal, both Ben and Kevin have some serious issues the two of them have to resolve.

The teen hero leaned his elbow on the table and took a sip of his smoothie. "Man... I hate to say it, but... couldn't somebody just try to rob a store or something? Jaywalk in the street? Anything?" He wondered.

The Ultimatrix wielder then sat back up in his seat, and glanced around, almost as if he were looking for signs of something bad happening anywhere in Bellwood. To his minor disappointment, he saw nothing of the sort. It was then that an idea came to Ben's mind, causing a slight smirk to cross his face.

"Man, it sure is a nice day today." Ben said in a pretend happy voice. "The sky is clear, it's nice and quiet..." He paused to look at the sky. "What could go wrong?!"

Ben took another look around but was disappointed yet again by the lack of any commotion. The jacket-wearing teen slouched in his seat and shook his head, internally chastising himself.

"I really shouldn't be asking for bad stuff to happen." Ben berated. "Things could be worse. Boredom is a vacation compared to some stuff I've been through..."

Suddenly, Ben's phone began ringing in his pocket. He pulled it out and checks the caller ID, to see it's his cousin, Gwen. He answered his phone. "Hey, Gwen. What's up?"

"Ben, where are you?!" Gwen's voice demanded. "Have you been watching the news?!"

The Ultimatrix bearer glances about. "I'm at Mr. Smoothie's right now, so no, not really. Why?"

"There's something happening in New York right now." Gwen informed.

Ben then heard Kevin's voice from the other end of the line. "Something really big had appeared just above the Big Apple by the looks of it." Kevin inputted. "Wouldn't be surprised if it's something alien or somethin'."

"We're on our way there ourselves in the Rustbucket jet, but you should head there too." Gwen advised. "Who knows what this is. It could be something dangerous for all we know."

"Don't worry guys. I'm on it." Ben assured, wearing a confident smile. With that, Ben hung up, put his phone in his pocket, and reached for the Ultimatrix. He turns the dial, the core popping up, which brought up a green, holographic image of a four-armed alien. He turns the dial, the hologram changing to be a winged alien, which is exactly what he wanted.

Ben slams down the core, and in a flash of emerald light, he was replaced with a red, humanoid, manta ray-like alien with one black, lightning bolt-like stripes coming down from either shoulder and converging at the Omnitrix dial on his chest. It had yellow lips, which connect to yellow horns above his eyes that resemble large eyebrows pointed upwards. The alien spread his arms wide, revealing yellow patagia under them.

"Jetray!" The manta-ray alien yelled.

Jetray crouches low, and then took off into the air. He stopped several metres high and immediately shoots off forth to New York City, a sonic boom in his wake as he heads towards the East Coast.

'Guess I'm gonna get what I asked for...' Jetray thought to himself.


Eventually, in a matter of time, Jetray arrived over the concrete jungle of New York. As he arrived on the scene, he could see what looks like a huge green/blue swirling vortex portal up above the skyline of the city. The vortex looks like it's a Category 5 hurricane, but it wasn't causing any damage or destruction anywhere. Jetray looks down to see the populace of the city were being evacuated from the scene to be on the safe side, and Ben is lucky that they won't be in harm's way.

Jetray lands on the roof of the Chrysler Building, him looking at the vortex overhead. "Gwen? What exactly are we dealing with here?" He asked, tapping the Omnitrix dial to open communications.

"I'm not sure, Ben." Gwen replied on Comms. "The energy that's emanating from that vortex, it's unlike anything we've ever seen or experienced before."

"And it's definitely not related to the Null Void or even a warp gate of any kind either." Kevin added in next.

"Wait a second. Ben, I'm getting something." Gwen's voice spoke up. "The scanners are picking up a signal inside of that vortex. Whatever it is... it's strong. And it's coming in fast."

Jetray needed no further explanation. He immediately took to the air and flew off towards the vortex. As he got close, the electrical energy that's emanating from the portal forced him to pull back from the bolts of lightning all around the vortex. Jetray now looks on with curiosity and uncertainty, but as he does so, he narrows his eyes as he looks at the vortex. As he did, he could see the silhouette of something large heading right towards him!

"Oh, man!" Jetray's eyes glow green as he now shoots his neuroshock blasts at whatever this thing was, only for the blasts to be blocked by metallic armour?

Jetray was so stunned by this, he didn't count for him to be backhanded by the huge humanoid, sending him sailing down into Central Park, a cloud of dust being formed from the impact.

A green flash could be seen from the cloud of dust. A moment goes by, and out from the impact as the dust cleared, now in Jetray's place stood a 12ft tall red-skinned four-eyed and four-armed muscular humanoid alien with well-developed muscles, two pairs of four-fingered arms, gold wrist and ankle bands, black underwear with a gold waistband, as well as two golden sashes that went across his chest. The Ultimatrix symbol is present on his chest.

"Four Arms!" The Tetramand announced while flexing his muscles. "Okay... let's see what this thing is." He looks over to see the huge humanoid crash-landing down into the ground, Four Arms standing his ground. "Now, any last words before I start kicking your butt?" He demanded as he cracked his knuckles.

"Yes..." A gruff and raspy metallic voice spoke, a huge shadow forming above Four Arms as the Tetramand looks up. "You have just made a GRIM mistake!"

Now standing before Four Arms is robotic humanoid, standing 45ft in height. He has red, golden, and greyish armour all across his towering form. His hands have three claw-like structures on his wrists, while his hands are five-fingered. He is tall and largely built, having a broad chest tapering down to a narrow waist, and he possesses large broad shoulders and thickly armoured lower legs. His feet look to be boot-shaped, with the helm only having a visor and battle mask as his facial plate, with a small finical design to the rest of the helm. Finally, an angular black/blue insignia is in the centre of his chest.

"Oh, man..." Was all Four Arms could mutter out as the towering metal humanoid lets out a snarling roar and charges forward...


Not far away, Gwen Tennyson and Kevin Levin were both flying in onboard the sleek green jetliner-like craft known as the Rustbucket 3, the two of them looking on at the swirling vortex up above New York. Kevin lands the craft down not far from Central Park, and the two made their way out of the aircraft.

"Compared to things that do happen in New York, this whole thing would almost be considered like a normal thing on a Friday." Kevin commented nonchalantly, referring to events that have happened in New York.

Gwen's eyes immediately glow pink, her Anodite powers now picking up something. "Wait. I'm getting something..." She said, her and Kevin look to one another, then see a purple comet of sorts shooting out of the vortex. "There!"

"What in the world is that?" Kevin wondered. His eyes narrow as he sees what may be a spacecraft inside the comet.

"Whatever that thing is, it's not friendly." Gwen answered with concern, she and Kevin heading off to intercept it. "Ben, where are you?"


Speaking of Ben, a loud smack could be heard across Central Park, with Four Arms being sent flying across the park, slamming into a tree. The Tetramand shook his head and pats his head, all the while getting to his feet. He looks over at the robot humanoid standing a few metres away.

"Stay down if you know what's good for you." The robot grunted, his visor glaring at Four Arms.

"I'll show what I'm good at." Four Arms now runs forward. He throws his upper left arm forward, only to be caught by the robot, then he uses his right upper arm to try and punch again, only to be caught again.

"You and your partners call it quits, and I'll keep the pounding to a minimum." The robot humanoid said next, only for Four Arms to use his lower arms to punch him away, the robotic humanoid sliding backwards a few metres away on his feet.

"Funny. I was gonna say the exact same thing to you." Four Arms cracks his knuckles.

"You want to learn the hard way? Lesson one: aliens like you are not welcome on my planet!" The robot grunted as he glared. "You should know better -- you mess with the Transformer, you're gonna get scrapped."

"What?" Four Arms looks confused. "Are you crazy?"

"Well, you're messing with a 45ft tall Dinobot. I think YOU are the crazy one." The robot stated as he rose up.

"Dinobot? You don't look like one." Four Arms said.

"Oh really?" The robot snarled. "Well, let me show you. Grimlock... BEAST MODE!" Grimlock lets out a roar, and punches his fists into the ground as his body begins to transform, the sound of shifting metal echoing from his form. His hands soon become three digit clawed feet, as his arms shift into long legs, and his legs form a long tail, while his shoulders and helm form a larger head, outfitted with sharp teeth, and small arms.

Grimlock has transformed into a Tyrannosaurus Rex. A 17ft tall, 45ft long, 10 tonne, red, gold, and silver metal T-Rex; his mouth outfitted with metal razor sharp railroad spike-like teeth that can crush and rip apart metal and concrete like it was nothing, two thick strong legs, and a toughened metal body structure.

"Oh, man..." Four Arms muttered.

With a mighty roar shaking the structure around him, the Dinobot charges onward with a roar. Four Arms now looks surprised before he backflips away from the rampaging Dinobot, only for the robotic T-Rex to turn on his heel and charge back, knocking the Tetramand back a few metres. Four Arms got himself straightened up, only for Grimlock to charge in before transforming into robot mode, tackling him like a football player as the two muscular forms go for a tumble across the ground, the two punching one another as they end up in Turtle Pond.

Grimlock steps back and gets into a fighting stance, his visor glaring at Four Arms. The Tetramand looks over, just as the Dinobot raises its hand to the symbol on his chest, engulfing him in a blue flash, Four Arms shielding his eyes. As the flash fades, now in Grimlock's place is a 20ft tall with a bright red and orange colour scheme, with red neon lightning across his form. It has a streamlined body shape and form, with a set of gold 'wings' on his back, wheels for his shoulders, with his second pair of wheels hidden from view, his broad chest tapering down to a narrow waist, and slender legs that are tipped with boot-like feet. Finally, the blue metallic insignia is present in the centre of its chest.

"Hotrod!" The new robot announced, flames engulfing his arms.

'Whoa... did not expect that.' Ben thought to himself.

"Gwen. That thing you said before that came out of the vortex? It's got its own Omnitrix of sorts, except it changes into robot aliens." Four Arms reported in.

"Ben, we're tracking another signal, one that's unlike anything we've ever seen before." Gwen's voice answered back on Comms, Four Arms dodging a wall of fire being shot from the fiery robot. "It's definitely alien, but it's unlike anything we've seen."

"It's got a really sinister atmosphere." Kevin added. "And it's not like Corrodium."

"Noted." Four Arms grunted, just as Hotrod performs a spinning move, creating a fire tornado that rises many hundreds of feet into the air. "Okay... this guy is really getting me hot under the collar..."

"Feel the burn!" Hotrod announced as he launched forward at Four Arms like a rocket and sent him flying through the air, the two of them landing on the Ed Koch Queensboro Bridge.

Four Arms gripped his jaw with his upper left arm as he got to his feet. "Lucky punch." He grunted. He took note of the people running off for cover, to his relief.

Hotrod flies in with his fire abilities shooting from his exhaust pipes on his arms. "I don't believe in luck. Now stand down." He ordered."

"Not a chance, hothead." Four Arms gets ready to fight. "Besides, I've got a city to save. We're wasting time." With that, he punches the Ultimatrix dial on his chest.

In a flash of green light, now standing in Four Arms' place is a 6ft-tall humanoid with yellow and black skin. It has two crab-like claws for hands and its shoulders are broad that form an arch. The being's metallic head is shaped like a skull with green eyes, levitating in-between the arch of its shoulders, with the Ultimatrix symbol in the centre of its chest.

"Lodestar!" The magnetic alien announced. "Metal, meet magnetism." He held out his right pincer and green magnetic waves emitted from it, which distorted the air. A second later, Hotrod was brought back a few metres away, the ground cracking and forming two tracks in response.

"Magnets, hmm? Interesting move." Hotrod comments back. "But magnets don't do well under heat." He now shoots of jets of fire at Lodestar, the magnetic alien using his magnetic abilities to form

"You give up?" Lodestar spoke out.

"No chance." Hotrod spoke out. He then heard a loud explosion, getting his attention. "Oh, scrap." He starts to run, only to get pinned down by Lodestar's magnetic abilities.

"You're not going anywhere!" Lodestar spoke back.

"Too bad you're going." Hotrod shot off a jet of flame, sending Lodestar flying, severing the magnetic connection in the process, Hotrod, rocketing into the air on the process. "WHOA!"


Back with Gwen and Kevin, the two of them were both sprinting on after whatever the purple comet was as it floats over the buildings and structures. As they both look on, they can see the comet land on one building rooftop, revealing itself to be some kind of humanoid structure with what looks like a singular eye, but albeit having purple flames surrounding it.

"What the heck is that thing?" Kevin wondered.

"I don't know... but it's giving me a really bad feeling inside." Gwen answered with honesty. Internally, she can feel something dark and sinister about this being.

The purple-flame figure looks about, as if observing the skyline of the city all around it, it's lone eye looking on. It clenched its fists, the flames around it sparking and spitting, as if observing the area around it. It then saw Hotrod and Jetray crash-landing on top of another building nearby, now getting the being's attention as it stares on with its lone eye, picking up on two strong signals. But before it could make the first move, an energy projectile abruptly strikes it in the back, making it stumble forward and land on one knee, and it looks back at Gwen and Kevin, the former with one hand glowing pink.

"Hey, eyes on us, ugly." Kevin spoke up, touching a metal beam and absorbs the metallic alloy to coat his body. "Leave the aliens alone to duke it out."

"Kevin, make sure it doesn't get too close." Gwen advised to Kevin. "The energy coming off that thing is almost toxic."

"Yeah, I can feel it from here." Kevin acknowledged, then he runs forward at speed. "I'm not exactly sure what we're looking at here. I don't even know it's made with an element I've ever seen before."

Gwen forms mama energy in her arms as she begins to form some energy walls, only for the purple humanoid to shatter them. Kevin charges in next, his right arm forming into a wrecking ball, and he slams it into the humanoid's singular eye.


Hotrod and Jetray blast at one another with their respective powers, but each time they attack, they all seem to counter one another. The pyrokinetic Autobot leaps into the air as he creates a fire tornado from his feet, spinning around at speed. A second later, Jetray shoots right through the flames and shoots Hotrod in the back with his neuroshock eye blasts, knocking the Autobot down to the ground.

"Really? In the back? Cheap move, you flying manta ray." Hotrod grunted before shooting fire at Jetray, who now turns into Lodestar again, using his magnetic powers to move Hotrod's arm away, the fire inadvertently striking a billboard beam, and began to fall to the ground down below, with bystanders underneath!

"Time out! Civilians!" Hotrod and Lodestar spoke out. They both look and stare at one another, then they nod back to one another in response.

Lodestar leaps off the rooftop, tapping the Ultimatrix dial, and in the green flash, turns into Four Arms. With his newfound weight and size, he began to fall faster than before, passing by the falling billboard, and he catches one side of it as he lands on one ledge of the building, only for half of the billboard to split in two, still falling down towards the ground and the people below! But a second later, something fast grabs a reporter and her cameraman before they were flattened by the remains of the billboard.

The reporter and her cameraman now look to see who, or rather, what had just saved them. There, standing before them, is a high-speed Cybertronian at human height, with sharp angular aerodynamic like wings across the body, whilst having blue and black armour, and a blue visor across his optics. The Transformatrix symbol was displayed prominently on his chest.

"Thank you -- who are you?" The reporter asked to the speedy robotic being standing before her and her cameraman.

"Seriously? I'm the fastest thing alive -- I am Blurr! And plus a hundred other things." Blurr, the speedy Autobot, announced to the reporter, only to be knocked down by Four Arms, sending him flying down the street.

"Time-out! Thanks for the assist, but it's time to say goodbye." Four Arms prepared to step up, only for his Ultimatrix to start beeping and flashing, now shooting a yellow holographic beam. "What the-" Blurr now leaps back from the Tetramand.

"Will you stop doing that?" Blurr demanded, shaking his helm. "I'm really getting a headache from that thing."

"So... who or what are you?" Four Arms questioned before turning back into Ben in the green flash. "And how do you have an Omnitrix in the first place."

"Hey, green boy. I don't even know what an Omnitrix or whatever the scrap that is." Blurr snapped back with narrowed optics. "Besides, I'm just trying to do my thing."

"As in what? Destroy our city?" Ben interjected back, gesturing to the damaged buildings and cars around them.

Blurr looks around, then looks back. "What? Destroy?! You really haven't heard of me?" He then taps the blue insignia on his chestplate, engulfing him in a blue flash.

As the flash faded, now standing in Blurr's place is a young human male about the same age as Ben, who has short brown hair, bright blue eyes and pale skin, while wearing denim jeans, a black shirt, and blue jacket with the same blue symbol that was on his chest up against a black circle emblazoned on the left side, with blue/white sneakers.

"My name is Braedey Martin. The Transformer." The brunette announced. "One of the greatest heroes in the world?"

"Wait..." Ben spoke out. He and Braedey both stare on at one another. "You... are like... me..."

Before anyone could say anything, something suddenly slammed down onto the newsvan nearby, getting their attention as they saw Gwen and Kevin fighting against the strange purple flaming humanoid. Before anyone could say or do anything, Kevin was backhanded by the humanoid, sending him flying into the wall.

Ben looks on in shock, just as the Ultimatrix began to beep rapidly, along with Braedey's watch. "Gwen! Get outta there!" He called out, his cousin looking over with concern.

"Everybody, get down!" Braedey yelled out, everyone now going to cover, just as a huge explosion erupted from the purple flaming humanoid, a wall of smoke and dust coming out as a result of the blast.

As soon as the smoke and dust cleared, Ben and Kevin both ran forth as Braedey stood back, getting people away from the area. As the smoke cleared, Ben held Gwen in his arms, her clothes torn in places, but she was luckily still awake, albeit injured from the blast.

"Grandpa, Gwen is down." Ben reported in immediately on his Ultimatrix. "Repeat: Gwen is down."

Kevin turned to face Braedey. "This is your fault!"

Braedey could only stare on with a stunned shocked expression on his face, seeing what just happened. 'What... have I done?' Was all he could think at this.

A/N: here's the first chapter of my Ben 10/Transformers crossover book. This book might not be super-long much like my other stories and such, but I hope you all will enjoy what's there to come.
I'd also like to give a shout-out to many who have all commented and/or suggested a crossover book of my Transformatrix bearer and Ben 10.
Also, in case anyone is wondering, the setting is during 'Ben 10: Ultimate Alien', so Ben will have the Ultimatrix.

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