You're My Always//Logan Reese

By Kspons21

58.6K 1.1K 139

Bella Parker and Logan Reese have been inseparable since the day they were born. What happens when PCA finall... More

Welcome to PCA
New Roomies
Defending Dustin
Prank Week
Jet X
The Play
Quinns Date
Disc Golf
School Dance
Back to PCA
Time Capsule
The Election
Haunted House
Bad Girl
Broadcast Views
Girls Will Be Boys
Robot Wars
Lola Likes Chase
Spring Break-Up Part 1
Spring Break-Up Part 2
People Auction
Quinns Alpaca
Chases Girlfriend
Hot Dean
Zoeys Tutor
The Great Vince Blake
Silver Hammer Society
Curse of PCA
Logan Gets Cut Off

Little Beach Party

2.3K 42 0
By Kspons21

Bella's POV

Logan and I were sitting at the table we normally eat lunch at, studying for all of our exams that we have coming up. My brain was almost mush, I was so done with studying. I was about to start complaining to Logan when Zoey slammed her books on the table and sat down in the chair with a huff

"Hey Zo you okay?" I looked at her worried, she had her head in her heads for a second before looking up at me

"No, not really. Everyone is asking me for help on studying for their exams, and I feel bad saying no but I barely have enough time to study myself" she finished her sentence by putting her head back in her hands

"So now would be a bad time to ask for help" I whispered to Logan who snickered, while Zoey shot me a glare

"I'm kidding Zoey, just calm down everything will be alright. Tomorrow is the last day of the semester, and then we'll get to go to the beach and celebrate. Okay, just breathe" I tried to encourage her, luckily it worked as she took a deep breath and looked a lot less tense than when she sat down

Logan stood up causing me to look up at him "I gotta go help Chase, we promised Michael we would help him study" he leaned down placing a soft kiss on my lips, causing a smile to take over my face

I watched him walk off, before turning to Zoey who was smiling at me "you guys are so cute" she said causing me to smile even bigger, as we both began to study

The Next Day

We all just finished our last exam of the semester and we're waiting for the bell to ring. Everyone's eyes were trained on the clock, just waiting for the hand to hit the right spot to let us know we could leave

'Ding Ding Ding', the bell rung causing everyone to jump out of their seats cheering. Everyone but our friend group sprinted out of the classroom, a couple seconds later Dustin walked in ready for the beach

"Zoey" he called out excitedly

"Hey look at you looking all cute in your swimsuit" she replied, making me laugh ain't no way would my brothers let me talk to them like that. The siblings were in the middle of talking about Dustin riding with us to the beach, when Quinn walked in the room with some mysterious potion in her hand

"Okay guys you gotta check this out" Quinn started waving her hands around with excitement

"Uh oh what now"
"You're not gonna blow us are you"
"I'm gonna take a couple steps back" we all voiced our skepticism, not trusting anything that Quinn made

She somehow convinced us that this one was safe and was just a really good coconut smelling perfume, she stuck it towards me wanting me to smell it. I looked around at my friends who all had nervous looks on their face, but I could tell wanted me to smell it. I leaned slightly forward and look a quick whiff of this perfume and oh my gosh it smelled amazing

"Quinn this smells great" everyone looked at me surprised, all of them immediately leaning forward to smell it. Everyone voiced their agreement when suddenly I let out a massive yawn, soon everyone else did as well. Next thing I know I hit the ground, with my friends following close after

I heard someone's phone ring but didn't bother to open my eyes, I was extremely comfortable. Somehow when we all fell asleep I ended up on Logan's chest, so I just dug my head deeper into his chest

Michael began freaking out yelling everyone's names, and when he went to kick Logan he kicked me instead

"Michael what the hell" I asked angrily, opening my eyes for the first time. Everyone but Dustin slowly woke up to figure out why Michael was yelling at us and kicking us

"What happened" Nicole was the first to speak up

"We fell asleep" Michael responded very impatiently, he looked like was stressing for some reason

"Huh that must be an affect of my coconut aroma. Weird" Quinn looked at the bottle in her hand

"You're weird" Logan and I spoke in unison, high-fiving each other at the end of our sentence

"What time is it" Zoey asked yawning

"11:46" Michael practically screamed, causing us all to look at him shocked

"The last bus for Mystic Beach leaves at noon" Chase began to freak out

"How are we going to get there in 14 minutes" Nicole asked also beginning to freak out

"We gotta go now" I yelled pushing everyone towards the door, we all sprinted out Zoey, Quinn, and Chase turning around and running back in the room when they realized Dustin hadn't followed us. The rest of us sprinted to our rooms and grabbed everything we needed for the beach and met up where the bus was supposed to pick us up. As we all ran up, the bus pulled away with no intentions of stopping

Everyone started complaining that there was no other way for us to get to the beach and how we were gonna miss the party when Logan spoke up

"Why don't we just call a cab" he asked like it was an obvious solution, causing all of us to look at him like he was crazy

"Mystic beach is like 55 miles from here"
"Do you know how much a cab would cost" Nicole and Zoey said looking at Logan once again like he was crazy

"Gee, if only we knew someone who had a very rich daddy, and that person had their very rich daddy's credit card" Logan pulled his dads card out of his wallet, causing smiles to take over everyone's face

"Ugh, Logs I love you" I planted a giant kiss on his cheek

"I love you too pretty girl" he looked at me with a giant smile on his face, both of us forgetting that our friends were standing right next to us

"Okay enough with the mushy couple stuff, Logan call a cab" Michael yelled, causing us to snap out of our trance

It was only a matter of time before we pulled up to the beach, all of us jumping out of the van cheering in excitement. I grabbed Logan's hand and intertwined our fingers as ran down to the beach, which we found to be very empty

"Uhhh where is everyone" I looked up and down the beach only to find it completely empty

"Maybe we beat everyone here" Nicole asked shrugging her shoulders, that quickly being shut down by Chase who said that we left after everyone so they should all be here

Dustin who was on Chase's shoulder suddenly started to wake up, so Chase put him on his feet as we all looked at him to see what he would say

"Where is everyone " he rubbed his eyes while looking around the beach before turning back towards us

"We're trying to figure that out" Michael responded as we all just kept looking around

"Are you sure you gave the cab drive the right address" Zoey asked looking towards Logan

"Yes I googled it, Mystic Beach is exactly 57 miles North of PCA" Logan responded very confidently, but that confidence was quickly gone when Dustin spoke up

"No it's not, Mystic Beach is south of PCA" everyone looked at Dustin to try and see if he was telling the truth

"Are you sure" Zoey questioned looking at her little brother

"Who are you gonna believe, me or pretty boy" He said pointing at Logan as I tried to stifle my laugh at the comeback from the kid. Logan looked at me annoyed as I just kept giggling

"You just got owned by a kid pretty boy" Logan ignored me and tried to argue with a literal child before Chase stepped in, which didn't help because everyone just started trying to yell over each other

"Enough!!" I screamed, causing everyone to go silent and stare at me. "Alright so here's what's gonna happen, y'all are gonna stop arguing and we're just gonna call someone for help." The group looking at me like I was a genius, except for Michael who moved slightly behind Logan

"Logan your girlfriend scares me" he tried to whisper but failed at

"She scares me too" Logan agreed causing me to hit him on his arm

We all pulled out our phones before realizing not one of us had signal, after a few minutes of debating what to do we all decided on walking. After what felt like forever, we all decided we needed a break from walking and collapsed on the sand

I put my head in Logan's lap when we sat down closing my eyes, quite literally almost falling asleep I was so exhausted. Logan was playing with my hair when Quinn asked how long we had been walking. He removed his hand from my hair before checking his watch "a little over an hour" he responded as we all groaned

"Cell phone check" Zoey announced, all of us pulling out of phones groaning again when we realized we still had no service

"What do we do now?" Zoey asked

"Keep walking" Michael suggested, shrugging his shoulders

"Why, we don't even know if we're headed in the right direction" Nicole made a good point, I kept my eyes closed, letting them figure it out

I heard Zoey get up and say she was gonna go look for something

"for what" Logan asked confused, which I don't blame him. We're stranded on a beach in the middle of nowhere, what could Zoey possibly be looking for

"I don't know, a pay phone, a person, maybe a coconut to hit you with for getting us into this mess" Zoey replied turning around, anger in her words

"Hey if it weren't for me, we would still be stuck at school" Logan responded, I swear my boyfriend is stupid. Being stranded at school would be way better than being stranded on the beach. It seems Nicole had the same idea as me because she began to verbally attack him

"Let's just stay put and hope someone comes to save us" Quinn spoke up, causing me to nod my head in agreement

"Yeah let's do that" I said pointing my finger towards Quinn to reiterate what she said

"Bella, you don't really get a say, you're sleeping instead of helping us" Dana spoke up for the first time in a while, causing me to shoot up in a sitting position

"Excuse me" I looked at her with my eyebrows raised

"You heard me" she responded cockily like she said nothing wrong

"Forgive me for not freaking out about us being stranded on a beach, when correct me if I'm wrong we wanted to be at the beach" I looked at my friends as they all realized I had a good point, I looked back towards Dana who just rolled her eyes "so yeah, I'm sleeping instead of helping because as of right now there's nothing to help with"

"Whatever" Dana once again rolled her eyes before walking off in the direction Zoey just went

"Let's just go see what we can find" Chase said standing up, all of us following his lead

"I found a inner tube"
"I found some old rope"
"I found a fishing pole"
"I found sand"
We all threw what we found in a pile in the middle of our circle, before everyone began to complain again about us being stranded and not at the PCA party

"We worked our butts off on those exams, and we came here to party. So I see a perfectly good beach right here" Zoey motioned to the water behind her, everyone agreeing with what she was saying "so I say we have our own party" she finished, causing everyone to cheer in excitement. But I looked at everyone in shock

"Bruh, that's exactly what I just said earlier" I looked around the group, everyone ignoring what I said as they started to set up for our "party"

I looked towards Logan and threw my hands up in annoyance, he just laughed and pulled me into a hug, placing a kiss on my head before we went and helped our friends set up

It was a few hours later and we have done everything from playing football to inter-tubbing to playing tug of war, we even had a limbo contest. We all made our way back to the sand where we once again threw our bodies down from exhaustion

"I'm so tired" I complained, laying down in the sand immediately falling asleep

"No way she's already asleep" Chase looked at me like I was crazy, as Logan looked down at me

"Nope she's asleep" he confirmed as everyone just stared at me in shock

"I'm hungry" Dustin complained, pulling their attention away from me, as everyone agreed with his statement

Zoey came up with a brilliant idea of going out and catching fish, and then making a fire to cook the fish on while Quinn figured out how to hotwire our devices to gain a signal. I just stayed asleep.

I heard my name being called and my body being shaken, as I opened my eyes to see Michael stood above me

"Michael what do you want" I sat up, rubbing my eyes

"Do you know how to start a fire" he looked at me hopeful, while I looked at where some of our friends stood around a pile of wood. I just nodded before walking over to them all

"Okay we don't have any matches, what do we do" Quinn who had stopped her science project to help looked around the beach for anything that could be useful, when it clicked in my brain. I ran and grabbed Logan's backpack, bringing it back to the others who looked at me curiously. I pulled a mirror out of his bag and pointed it at the sun, causing a fire to ignite

"Bells you are a genius" Dana spoke up. "Also I should apologize for what I said earlier, it wasn't cool of me" I just waved her off and told her it was no big deal

I went to put Logan's mirror back in his bag, when I saw a hoodie sitting in the bottom of it. I smiled, pulling it out and immediately putting it on. Leave it to Logan to bring a mirror and a hoodie to the beach, and nothing else

We were all sat around the fire, eating the fish the boys and Zoey(mainly Zoey) had just caught. I was cuddled into Logan's side as he leaned back on his arms

"Can I have some fish" we all turned to Dustin who was stuck in the ocean because a wave knocked off his pants

"Here!" Nicole yelled, throwing a piece of fish at him with insane accuracy, Dustin caught it with ease

"Nice throw Nicole" I told her in utter shock, she just gave me a very toothy smile causing me to giggle

"I did it! I did it!" Quinn came running over to the group making us all look at her "I increased the signal by over 400%" she told us like it was easy

"God bless geeks Quinn. What would we do without you" I teased, as she just stuck her tongue out at me

"Who should I call" Quinn asked causing Dustin to yell something about calling a bathing suit store

"Just call someone it's gonna be dark soon" Logan complained, making me silently giggle as I remembered he was scared of the dark. I guess my laugh wasn't that silent because everyone turned and looked at me confused

"I just remembered Logan is scared of the dark" I explained, causing everyone to laugh and Logan to put his head down in embarrassment. I just leaned up and kissed him on the cheek, making his cheeks turn red from embarrassment to red from blushing

"Call Mr.Bender" Chase told Quinn, making us focus our attention back on the problem at hand

"He's a teacher" Logan scoffed

"A cool teacher" Zoey tried to reason

"I don't care if we call the freaking pope, just call someone. I want to sleep in my bed not on the damm beach" Everyone was shocked at my sudden outburst before agreeing with what I said, making Quinn call Mr.Bender

It was 30 minutes later when we saw a truck pull up and Bender jump out of the front seat "did someone need a lift" he asked, as we all erupted in cheers walking towards him. He handed Chase a pair of shorts, who ran down to the ocean to give them to Dustin as the rest of us jumped in the bed of the truck

Logan sat in the corner as I sat down next to him, he pulled me closer into his side basically forcing me to lay my head on his chest. I just smiled and didn't fight it, making myself comfortable for the long drive to come

"I had fun today" I whispered looking up at my boyfriend, I would never get sick of calling him that

"I did too my love" he whispered back before placing a kiss on my forehead, as we turned to our friends

"Quinn, I gotta say thanks, if it wasn't for you, we wouldn't have had this awesome day" Zoey said turning towards Quinn

"Don't thank me, thank this coconut smelling goo" she responded pulling the perfume out of her bag

"Quinn put that away right now" I scolded her, none of us wanting to be knocked unconscious again. She pouted before putting it back in her bag

Mr.Bender stopped his truck in front of PCA before coming around back "we're here" he announced only to find us all asleep. I guess Quinn didn't actually put up the perfume. He saw the bottle laying down and curiously picked it up to smell, a couple seconds later he was also asleep using a flower pot as a pillow

I guess we're sleeping in a truck tonight

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