꧁𝘾𝙤𝙢𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙩𝙚𝙡𝙮 𝙒𝙧𝙤�...

By dracolover112

115 8 0

Nora Enstone is entering her fifth year at Hogwarts, and the main thing on her mind is passing her owls. Howe... More

looney lovegood
pumpkins & jumpers
snow and master plans
i shall not talk back
secrets are no fun
happy christmas
bellatrix lestrange
good things never last

twisted nightmares

7 0 0
By dracolover112



"Wait, wait, wait, you and Cho kissed?" I could not be more happy for my friend. Harry has been crushing on Cho since the beginning of fourth year, so this was very exciting for the whole friend group.

"Yeah, I mean... it wasn't as whimsical as you may have expected though."

"Why do you say that?"

"Well, she sort of was weeping near the end."

Ron scoffed, "Bloody hell mate, your snogging must have been complete rubbish then!"

I shot a look Ron's way, "I'm sure Harry's kissing was more than satisfactory." Why they were even having this conversation, I didn't know. Hermione smiled at the complete lack of knowledge that Ron had,

"Well Ron, I'm sure anyone would cry with the fact that she's still mourning Cedric, feeling conflicted about liking Harry, feeling guilty for kissing him, and what has been going on with Voldemort... anyone would be upset"

"I don't think anybody could carry that much, I'd probably explode."

I laughed in his face and continued, "Well that's because you have the emotional range of a teaspoon."

The group of them got back into the rhythm that they had been severely lacking once the holidays came rolling around.

As I went to sleep for the last time before the holidays, I couldn't help but smile. Considering everything going on with Voldemort, it is completely shocking how well the group is handling it. I can feel myself quickly falling asleep that night.

Arthur? What, what are you doing here? Why are we in the Ministry? Oh my god. A, a snake! Someone, someone help him! Oh my god, oh! No, Mr. Weasley are you ok?

I rushed to his aid, "Mr. Weasley! Someone, please help!" Why did it feel like no one could hear her?

I woke to Riley shaking me.

"Jesus Christ Nora! What's going on?"

"It's Mr. Weasley, I um, I had a dream. It didn't feel like a dream though, I was there. He's in danger! We need to go tell someone."

Riley and I rushed to Professor Flitwick. Riley explained as I felt like I was in a state of shock. "Please we need to take her to Dumbledore. She had a vision, she needs to go see him. It's about Mr. Weasley."

"Oh my lord.. of course, of course, this way."

The walk to Dumbledore's office felt like an eternity to me. I needed to make sure Mr. Weasley was ok. As I walked into Dumbledore's office, she was shocked to see Harry, Ron, Fred, George, and Ginny.

"Ms. Enstone?" Dumbledore questioned, "What are you doing here?"

"I uhm, I had a dream."

Everyone's heads shot toward me as I said this, and Dumbledore questioned me. "What was the dream about?"

I looked at my feet and admitted, "I saw Mr. Weasley. He was being um, being attacked. In the Ministry. I recognized it." 

Dumbledore put his hand over his mouth, "How.. peculiar."

I didn't understand. "Professor, what is going on?"

"Well, Mr. Potter over here had the same vision. This is much more severe than I thought..." He looked away to a painting and said, "Tell the order that Mr. Weasley is in trouble. He's at the Ministry. We need to get Professor Snape" He looked toward Harry and me,

"Ms. Enstone, were you beside the victim, or looking down at the scene?"

"I was beside Mr. Weasley, I was able to touch him."

"And Mr. Potter, where were you?"

"Neither, I was uhm, it was like I was the snake."

"How... interesting."

Harry and I got close to one another and embraced each other.

"Look at me! What is happening to us, Professor?" Harry yelled.

Snape emerged, "It seems like the two of you have a strange connection to the dark lord that not even I understand. I am unsure if he knows about it, so, we need to act quickly."

Snape then rushed us down several flights of twisting stairs, until we made it down to his potions office.

"It is obvious how Mr. Potter is connected, but Ms. Enstone... oh I am so confused as to how you are having these visions. Have you ever had anything connected to him in any way before?"

"Nothing... mentally."

"What does that mean?"

"I mean, I have a connection to him..."

"In... in what way?"

"My mum and dad were uhm, they were Death Eaters."

"Ah. Well yes, I knew that. Anything other than that?"

I shook my head no.

Snape then pointed his wand at Harry first, trying to train him not to open his mind when an outside source requests it. It was a terrible sight. I almost threw up when I realized what was to come. Harry was sweating profusely as Snape continued to look through his mind. He saw his memories and his emotions. The torment was evident on Harry's face. He was sweating, clutching himself trying to focus.

After almost an hour of this torture, it was my turn.

"Professor?" I asked, "Why are you doing this?"

"Ms. Enstone, the dark lord will use your memories, your thoughts, feelings, any emotion you've ever had to tear you apart inside out. That is why I am doing this. Is that clear to you, young lady?"

I gulped, "Yes."

As Snape first opened up my mind, he saw my memories... some I didn't even know I had.

"Nora honey!" My mum cried,

"Hide the baby!" My father screamed,

And with that, my brother Finn picked me up and hid himself, me and Oliver in their closet. We were able to hear our mother's screams as an unknown person was yelling "Find the girl!"

Finn clutched me tightly. Oliver was close beside them.

We heard our mother hit the floor, and the man soon after.

When the house was quiet, our father found them.

"Are you guys ok?"

"Papa, is the bad man gone?" Finn asked

"The bad man is gone."

We then used a portkey to get to our aunt's house.

I was then awoken from the trance I was put in by Snape.

"Nora! My god, are you ok?" Harry yelled. Turns out I was crying, I couldn't remember why.

"I'm um, I'm fine."

Snape looked at me, "Ms. Enstone, do you not remember what the memory was you were just thinking of?"

I shook my head, "No. I just um, I just remember it was about my mum. I don't know what happened in it though. Were you able to see it?"

Snape left the room without a peep.

Harry and I looked at each other and I began to cry once again. "Harry, what's going on with us? Why are we having these visions? Do you think Mr. Weasley is ok?"

He looks at the floor, "I'm sorry that I don't have a good answer for you Nora. I have no answer. For any of it." I smiled, "I need sleep."


The next day, it's time to go home for the holidays. As they are walking to the Hogwarts Express, they all make their plans.

"I'm going home with Oliver and Finn for a few days... most likely till the 24th or the 25th, then I'm going to Grimmauld to see the Weasleys and Harry. What about you guys?"

"I have the same plan as you, Nora" Hermione answered.

Riley looked to the floor, "I'm going home for the whole break, sorry I can't go with you to Grimmauld this year. My mum and dad want me for the entire time. They said they miss me... I also think they know something is going on at Hogwarts, even though they're muggles."

I smiled at her and said, "It's fine Riley. I'm getting a little sick of you anyway." Riley hit me in the shoulder with her bag for that.

Oliver asked, "Hey Nora, do you think I could join you at Grimmauld this year?"

"I'm sure that's fine as long as Mr. and Mrs. Weasley are ok with it. Ron?"

Ron laughed and said, "You're all good mate. My mum wants as many people there as possible because of 'me dad."

It was decided then, everyone was going to go to Grimmauld. Apart from Riley though. However, I wasn't... completely lying when I said I was getting tired of Riley. I still was hurt that Riley didn't trust her enough to tell her about Oliver. I was equally pissed at Oliver. I just got really good at hiding it.

"Hey guys," I said, "I'll meet you in there, just gotta talk to someone really fast."

"I don't think you have any other friends besides us but, ok," Riley replied.

That made me roll my eyes. Maybe some distance between the two would do us both some good. I made my way toward Draco Malfoy.

"Hi there Malfoy,"

Draco shuffled away from his friends to talk to me.

"Hey there... Enstone."

"I just wanted to wish you a Happy Christmas."

"Thanks, you too."

"I also wanted to apologize for how weird I was a few weeks ago."

"Oh, you mean when you found out your best friend was shacking up with your brother?"

"Yeah." I looked down at my feet and began rocking back and forth.

"How'd you manage all that?"


"How did you manage that situation? With your brother and the blonde."

"First off, her name is Riley. Secondly, why do you care?"

"I gave you some intel, I'm curious. I'm hooked as they say."

"They? Who is 'they'"

"It's a very common phrase, Enstone."

"Yeah, Yeah, I know."

I laughed, and he smiled.

"Well," I continued, "If you must know"

"Oh yeah, here we go." He then folded his arms and leaned on the door frame between the Ravenclaw and Slytherin train cars.

"I yelled at Riley"


"Then she got all upset"

"Once again, naturally"

"And then I felt bad"

"Enstone, that's the last thing I expected from you! You're so... fight fire with fire."

"I know. To be honest I was just sad she didn't tell me, you know? I care about her. I wanted to know when she got her first boyfriend"

"She only got her first boyfriend in third year?"

"What- uhm, you totally missed my entire point."

"I don't know... I got my first girlfriend when I was in first year. How old were you when you first got a boyfriend?"

"Um... well, I'm 15 now so... maybe 16?"

"Enstone, are you telling me you don't have any dating history?"

"Well I mean, I have had... situations... but no, I've never made anything official with anyone."

"No one's good enough?"


"Classic Enstone fashion."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"I don't know, you just seem to think you're too good for people."

"Oh, my Lord. Says you. You know, you contradict yourself quite often Malfoy."

"I guess."

"I should really go now, Malfoy. See you after the holidays. Happy Christmas!"

I was walking away as I said this, but I heard the faintest thing come from Draco's mouth.

"Happy Christmas, Nora."

What was going on? This was now the second time in three weeks that Nora Enstone and Draco Malfoy had had a civil... actually... friendly conversation. Why did I feel so drawn to him all of a sudden?

I decided that it was the holiday season so I was feeling extra... jolly. And that I was delusional. A lot was on my mind, so a rest over the holidays was necessary. I would go back to plain old, mean-to Draco Malfoy, regular Nora.

The train ride back to London was the most exhausting thing I have ever gone through, although I was sitting down and quiet the entire time. About thirty minutes before arriving at Kings Cross, I decided to go to the washroom.

As I was making my way to the washroom, I noticed that people were snogging at the entrance. The next closest washroom was in the Slytherin cart, so I decided to cross into some unknown territory and use the loo there. As I was making my way there, I was able to say hi to Finn.

"Finn!" I ran and hugged him,

"Oh, my little pumpkin. How have you been?"

"Since the last time I saw you, good. Haven't gotten up to much."

"That's good. Why are you here?"

"Oh, right sorry. Dean and Ginny were making out by the washroom and I've really got to use the loo."

"Ah, well the bathroom is just down there." He points to a small entrance at the end of the cart.

"Thank you. Also, I'm going to Grimmauld most likely on the 25th with Oliver. Would you like to join?"

"Oh yeah, for sure."

"Great. I'll let Ron know."

"It'll be nice to see Siri- uhm, it'll be nice to see Padfoot again."

"Mr. Weasley will be there and I'm really looking forward to seeing him."

"Have you had any more... dreams?"

"No, not necessarily. However, You Know Who has been in my head a lot. I can feel it."

"Did you tell Dumbledore?"

"No, I haven't. I'll tell him when we get back."

"Alright. I want to go with you."


"Nora, I'm concerned about you."

"Yeah, I know."

"I never did learn what Snape was doing with you and Harry."

"He was using some sort of spell to train our minds to repel the dark lord. He also unlocked a memory for me. I couldn't remember it immediately after, but I can remember you, me and Oliver in a closet. I remember Mum screaming."


"What was that?"

"Never mind, go to the washroom."

"Finn what-"

"Go." He yelled this at me, he never has yelled at me. He slammed the cart door. 

I practically ran to the loo and started to silently weep. I have no idea why that made her brother act that way. He never had even gotten mad at me, and now he's raising his voice and practically yelling. What had I said? And why could I not remember that memory?! I don't even know why I'm crying. Full of emotions these days. 

As I washed my hands and exited the washroom, I was greeted by Draco standing there, waiting for me.

"Are you ok?"

"What? Malfoy, I'm fine."

"You were crying"

"Since when did you care about me? After all these years of you calling my mum a bitch and basically telling me you hated me so much you wanted to murder me. You want to be friends? What just because our families were friends? Just because my mum and dad were Death Eaters that does not make us friends."

"Your parents were Death Eaters?"


"Blimey Nora, I knew our families used to be friends but I thought it was before the war? I cannot believe this! You were Death Eaters."

"You didn't know?"

"No, I didn't know!"

"I thought most people in Slytherin knew."

"I mean people said weird comments about you being in Ravenclaw... but no I had no idea."

"Is that how your mother died?"

I shoved him inside the washroom.

"I don't know how my mum died, alright? But yeah. I think it had something to do with your little club on that side of the UK."

"Woah, woah, woah. What are you saying?"

"Our families were friends up until about a year before she died. Also, about the time I was born. It just so happens to be that that is when You Know Who was getting really serious. I think my parents backed out and one of his minions killed her."

Draco looked stunned.

"Enstone, I think you have this all wrong. If You Know Who wanted your mum dead, he would have done it way sooner. There's something else going on."

"What are you thinking?"

"I'm not sure. I do know though that my mum and dad ask about you. A lot."


"About your dad too, they really just bring up your family a lot in general. They've asked me multiple times to get close to you."

I took a step back,

"Is that what this is? Our new weird-formed relationship?"


"You know what I mean. We've always been twisted."

"I guess. But no, I have not gotten close to you because of my parents."

"Ok. I believe you."


"Why what?"

"Why do you believe me?"

"I don't know. I guess I just got a feeling."

"Alright then. You got a feeling."

I then felt the train slow down, and eventually stop moving.

"Guess we're in London," I said

"Guess we are."

"I'll see you in the new year, Malfoy."

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