His Doctor

By stories425

28.6K 802 61

One smart, gorgeous, badass woman with an attitude. Graduated from Harvard University as one of the youngest... More



1.1K 33 1
By stories425


It was the next morning and I groaned. I feel something move at my feet, making my eyes shoot open in shock. I rip the sheets off my body and check what was moving in my bed. I sigh in relief when I see it is just Kade. "Hi Kade." I smile as I scratch my dog behind his ears. He whines, and I sigh knowing why.

I almost forgot him at the hospital with the guard. I felt so bad, and I still do honestly. "I'm sorry Kade. Why don't we go to PetCo and get some of your favorite treats?" He looks up at me with his puppy eyes that I can never ignore. He uses his cuteness against me and I hate it. "We can get new toys too?" He barks and gets up, licking my face. I laugh and get up, "You're such a spoiled dog, but I love you." I smile and stroke his head and get up, walking to my bathroom and take a shower. After, I walk out and go to my closet to pick out my clothes. I do not have work today so I decide to dress casually but cute.

I grab my white Nike socks, as well as my Air Jordan 4's that I slip on. I walk out of my bedroom and go downstairs to the glass sliding door, leading to the backyard. I stand there with the door open and wait a few seconds. Soon, I hear Kade running down the stairs and zooms past me straight into the grass. I close the sliding door after him and start filling up his food and water bowl, while I let him do his business outside.

After I finish I open back the glass doors and let Kade back in, watching him run straight to the front of his bowls. He sits down right in front of them, waiting ptiently while I walk to his side. "Go ahead." I give him his command and watch as he wastes no time digging into his breakfast. I pet his head before walking back upstairs and up to my bathroom once again. I stare at myself in the mirror, indecisive about what to do with my hair again.

Why is it so hard to be a girl?

I think to myself. Us women have to go through child birth, if not we go through a week of bleeding and pain. We have to worry about how perfect we look, and how we perceive ourselves to others. We have to make sure we are acting like a lady. We have to deal with all the sexist people out there, and we go through so much shit. Well fuck them all.

However, I do respect all the men in this world. When I say men, I mean not the boys who think they are all that or just aren't an asshole. Even kids can be gentlemen. All you respectful and loyal men out there, props to you as well.

"Why am I thinking like I'm making a speech or something." I shake out of my thoughts as I look back at myself in the mirror. "Eh, whatever." I brush my hair out to free it from any tangles. I move my gaze back up to my reflection. "Good enough." I say leaving my bathroom once again. I'm not lazy, I just don't know what to do with my hair ninety percent of the time. That is what I have Madison for. I personally don't think my hair is bad. I like my hair, and I like to let my natural hair and beauty show.

I grab Kade's leash and my car keys. I jog down the staircase and stride to the front door. "Kade!" I call. I wait a few seconds until I hear him running to me. I open the door right in time as he flings himself out the door. He honestly scares me when he does that.

I grab my purse and walk out then lock my door. I enter my garage and I get into my car after putting Kade inside first. I reverse and drive to the pet store.


I park in the parking lot and unbuckle my seatbelt. I open the door, letting my dog jump out on his own. I close it and lock my car. I bend down and attach the leash to him. "Come on Kade!" He barks and we make our way inside. I lead him to the treats area and grab a bag of his favorites. "Okay, let's go pick out a new toy for you." He licks my leg and I smile. We walk to the toy section and I let his leash go so he can pick one out himself.

"Please can we get one?!" I furrow my eyebrows the little girl's voice down the aisle. She's so cute I think to myself. She looks maybe nine or ten. "I don't know about that." I look up to see the face of the deep voice. I silently gasp at who I see. Lorenzo.

What is he doing here? Is that... is that his daughter? "Enzo! Please?!" She begs him. He sighs at her puppy eyes, trying not to give in. I can see him struggling to resist her. "Do you know how hard it is to take care of a pet Sofia?" He questions, looking down at her small frame. "No! I don't! You, mommy, daddy, Leo all never let me!"

I feel something hitting my leg and look down at the sight of Kade wagging his tail, making it hit me with a stuffed animal toy in his mouth. I bend down and attach his leash back to him while I look back at the two... relatives? Fight with each other about a hamster. They are so deep in their argument that they have not noticed me or Kade yet.

I get up and turn, about to leave the aisle until I hear the little girl speak again... or more like scream at Lorenzo. "You are so mean Enzo! It is just a small hamster! I want a pet!" He huffs in annoyance and opens his mouth to argue back again but I decide to walk over with Kade.

"I don't mean to intrude but it is only a hamster. It is quite easy to take care of. Don't you think she can handle the responsibility?" I tilt my head, waiting for his response.

The little girl gasps at me and runs to my side and Kade's and she crosses her little arms, she puts on the meanest face she can. I almost burst out in laughter but I manage to hold it in. I look back up to find Lorenzo staring down at both her and me.

"Are you really siding with a ten year old girl, love?" I don't know why but when the word love came out of his mouth, I feel my stomach get swarmed with butterflies for some reason. "Yes I am, it seems more reasonable than having to argue with her which may I add, has the whole store's attention on you both?"

He looks around and sees everyone staring at us and the scene going on. He throws them all a death glare and I watch as they all turn their attention back to what they were doing before. He turns his attention back on us. "Fine Sophia, you can have the stupid hamster, but I swear if mom and father get mad. I will-"

"Thank you Lorenzo!" She runs to the worker and asks to see the selection of hamsters she can take home I assume. I smile sweetly at her as she gives me the most adorable smile saying, "thank you pretty lady!" Children warm my heart so much, especially their sweet words.

I divert my eyes back to Lorenzo, and see him already staring down at me. "What? She is too cute to resist." He gives me a small smile and nods. He continues gazing into my eyes, making me shift uncomfortably from his intense eye contact. "So... is Sophia your sister?" I try to make a conversation to break the awkwardness. Well maybe it's just me that thinks that.

It seems he noticed that I was a bit uncomfortable so he looks at Kade. "Yeah, she is." I nod, "Is she your step sister or something? You two are quite far in ages." I chuckle awkwardly. He shakes his head, "No. It's just my parents had me and Leonardo as a teenager." I hum in response. That makes more sense.

"Is this your dog?" I look at Kade, looking like he will bite Lorenzo if he comes even a step closer to me. "Yeah he is, his name is Kade. He's trained don't worry but he is quite protective of me." I hear Kade growl a little at him. I pet Kade softly, and then pat his head to tell him it's okay. I open my mouth to speak but I get cut off by Sophia running back.

"Enzo look!" She holds up an adorable white and brown fat hamster. He looks down to see the creature and stares at it blankly. "Do you seriously want a rodent Sophia?" She huffs. "I don't know what that is but it doesn't sound nice." I laugh which catches both of their attention. A few seconds pass and I notice both of them staring at me, making me stop.

"Can I pet your doggy pretty lady?" I give her a warm smile, "Sure. I am Kalani, and this is Kade." She gives me the cutest smile ever and begins to softly pet Kade's head. He closes his eyes at her touch and I bend down to her level. "He likes you Sophia." My words cause her to giggle. "I like Kade too!" She exclaims as she holds her new pet hamster in her other hand.

"Enzo! Can we invite Kalani and Kade for dinner please?!" My eyes widen and I get back up to look at Lorenzo. "Sophia, you know father and mom are coming." I wonder why he keeps referring to his dad as father. "Please Lorenzo! She can meet Alex and Leo" A little too late for that...

"Do you wanna come over to our house for dinner Kalani?!" I hesitate. "I don't know what to say Sophia... that's up to Lorenzo and your other family." She whines and stands up, "Enzo please! Can she come over! Both her and Kade!" She pouts and I almost melt right then and there. How can you say no to that adorable and sweet face?

I lift my head up to see what Lorenzo says to his sister. So Lorenzo. What is it going to be?


Author's Note: This is a long chapter but why not? Please leave comments, recommendations, reviews, votes, advice, and support please! You are amazing and never forget that. I am so proud of you, and have an amazing rest of your day!

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