Desire's & Fate

By Shevongarraway

75 28 0

"If loving you is wrong, I don't want to be right." What do you do when the one person you are not supposed t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 3

4 2 0
By Shevongarraway


Sibel POV

I stared at myself in the mirror and I tried to process the new feeling that overcame me. Picturing those grey eyes over and over again, those lips and fingers. He was so angry it made the butterflies in my stomach go haywire and I clamp my thighs with the way I throb.

But then it all turned to desires I'd never seen before in him. A pleasurable shiver ran down my spine. I couldn't believe what had happened last night. Nothing like that had ever happened to me before, and although I put on a brave face and faced him head-on, I was afraid of how it might have ended. I was most afraid it might have been the last, and I was never going to see him again like last time. But then he surprised me.

I take in a deep breath and hold it. I waited and waited, and he finally came around. My body was awakened as it had never been before. My inside did weird things I couldn't explain, and my heart beat in synchronized patterns with his.

Then I just don't know, what comes next after he took me home the night before. I took a deep breath, feeling relaxed, but the unknown crept in.

He can be so many things, domineering, overwhelming, impossible, and outright ridiculous. Especially with the level of control, he has over me, and when I'm with him, I'm so much more, and resisting it doesn't go so well.

Well, for me, at least.

I know the type of man he is, I've been around him long enough to know. I've seen the news and read the tabloid and him dating my sisters and being around since I was a teenage girl only made me want him more. I've loved him since I was seventeen years old and he was twenty-two at the time.

Weird, right? Shit wouldn't go away. I began to harness all these feelings that only became stronger with time. The pulsation in my heart when he's around, the need in my loin, the heat on my skin, the driving me crazy thoughts of him could only be fate.

I should probably console myself, but I couldn’t. I loved every minute of it, of him. Those eyes stared back at me, those hands touching me. I close my eyes and imagine every trace of his fingers, every kiss on my lips, the way his hands glided over my body, and the way he pulled me in closer and closer until every inch of space is eliminated between us and I loved every second of it.

I look down at my thighs, imagining his hands between them. The trace of his finger on my treasure, Lord knows I've imagined him that way too many times before. But nothing prepared me for the electricity that reverberated out of his body and into mine.

It still surprised me what happened between us, my hands cover my face as I recall the night before over and over again. My cheeks hurt from smiling all morning and I'm back to my teenage years with those giddy feelings when he gave me my first kiss on my eighteen birthday.

Did he mean it? All those words he said to me, did he mean them?

"If I didn't have a dick appointment, I would have been pist right now," Keyana said, walking into the room and closing the door behind her bringing me out of my thoughts.

"What's wrong with you," she jammed my shoulder, getting me completely out of my pondering. I've been so mentally caught up that it wasn't a joke.

I shake my head and walk over to my closet. "Sibel, what's wrong with you? Are you mad about last night?"

"No, no, I'm not mad, I have to visit the library," I said.

"On Sunday?"

"Yes, Mrs. Cole is coming in today for an hour," I said, and she watched me.

"Wait a minute," she scanned my face. "Well, wouldn't you know... You think I was going to let this slip."

"What are you talking about," I asked as if she didn't know me well enough.

"You hoe, you got fucked and you weren't even going to tell me," she pushed my forehead.

"No, I didn't," I laughed.

"Bitch please, it's written all over you. Was it Ryon to end the year, or was it the guy with his tongue down your throat?" She tapped her chin, "since when did you? look at you," she teases beside me.

"Nothing happened, and I—"

"Bullshit!" She called my bluff. "You're glowing like a light bulb."

"Okay, okay, we argued."


"I kissed a guy."

"He's jealous? I never pictured him to be."

"Me either," I sighed.

"You about to turn that man," she said, laying her hands flat on both of my shoulders with a light squeeze. "Obviously, he likes you if he's angry."

"Of course," I nodded.

"You don't sound happy," she stated.

"Because it's a problem, keyana."

"Want to talk about it," she asked and I shake my head.

"So you kissed another guy, how was it." she changed the topic and I welcomed it.

"Sloppy, and he didn't know what to do with his tongue," I shudder.

"Ah, most of them don't. This one time, this guy's tongue was on my leg instead of —"

"Yeah, no more details. I need to be out," I cut her off.

"Okay, okay, just know I'm ready to listen when you're ready to talk," she said, and I smiled. She knows me too well and I need more time with this.

I nod and grabbed my bag. Studying is what I do best, I've convinced myself everything would fall into place if I give it time. One thing I have figured out over the years is that you can't push that billionaire, so I need him to come to me at this point, but that didn't stop the disappointment of him not showing up this morning.

I check my phone for the thousand and one times today only to get annoyed all over again. Why hasn't he called? the disappointment crept in further.

Sliding into my car, I start the engine. This is my final year at North State University with six months of internship slated to begin in a few weeks was an opportunity I look forward to.

"Hi Miss Julia, thank you for today," I greet walking into the library.

There are a few other persons here but I don't make eye contact with anyone as I need to complete my report on Anxiety disorders.

"Hello Ms. Sibel," she smiled. "There are a few new books on mental disorder back shelf on your right," she smiled.

"There is...You're a lifesaver, Ms. Juli. Thank you."

"You're welcome," she smiled sweetly and all but skipped to the back. My career is about to blossom with the editor I'm assigned and all the background reading she is making me do in light of the column I will be supervising at Coastal Print is incredible.
I worked so hard for this opportunity and to finally see it unfolded before my eyes is a blessing.

I groaned and shut my eyes, feeling them burn with the amount of reading I did in the three hours I'm here.

"Well, well who do we have here," he smiled and his teeth are white shining back at me.

I would have loved to forget this particular individual but unfortunately, I remember this blond hair, blue eyes, and that damn smile.

I stare at him trying to remember his name when it popped into my head. "Well, well who are you," I asked.

"I know I'm not that forgettable since you dance with me last night," he took the seat opposite me. "Looks like you could use a break," he smiled.

"Are you stocking me?" I put down my book to take a closer look at him.

He chuckled "I would like to say it's true but I sneak across here every other Sunday."

"Sneaky," I smile and he chuckled.

"I'm here for books but I'm not going to lie and say I never saw you before."

"Oh," I sit back and he leans forward. "You're from Brown aren't you?"

"Yes. Last night was my first shot at talking to you though," he said

Oh boy, and I made it so much better by kissing him I sighed internally.

"Why did you rush out, by the time I ran out you were gone. And that guy— is he your brother?"

"Rick, it's complicated," I said and he nodded.

"Would it be complicated if I take you out to lunch? Look like you can use a break."

"Stalker and mind reader," I said and he chuckled.

Why not, Rick seems harmless enough. "That would be lovely, thank you."

"You know I didn't picture you to be the quiet reading type," he said.

"What type you peg me to be?"

"Dangerous,"s he smiled genuinely and I smile softly before I shake my head.

"Dangerous uh? Good or bad."

"Somehow I think both," he chuckled and my eyebrows shoot up, I laughed.

"I'm Rickford Cruise, a law student at Harvard," he introduces and I smiled. "Sibel Benjamin an English literature, history, communications, journalism, and business major at North State."

"It's a pleasure to meet an enthusiastic, stunning woman like yourself with a beautiful name and a lot of majors," he chuckled.

"Funny but thank you,"

After returning all our books to their shelves we walked out of the building.
We walk to a nearby restaurant as we continue talking and I find myself enjoying Rick's company. He is easygoing and has an amazing sense of humor.

"Are you enjoying our second date?," he asked and I laughed as I take my seat very caught up in our conversation thus far.

Rick takes his seat opposite me and a familiar pair of gray eyes stood behind Rick startling me.

"Date?" Ryon repeated.

I couldn't believe it. He's here. He came... I stared for a few seconds as I tried to process. I gazed at him in the black trench coat he wore, looking mysteriously hot. I bite my lips to prevent a smile or any kind of sound.

I moved my gaze from Ryon to Rick and then back again to Ryon. For a few seconds, we stared at each other, and I did not think of a damn thing to say to this man as I watched the man I should be mad at. A part of me could not help but think he should've been at my door early this morning. Maybe I am too much of a hopeless romantic but a girl can only dream.

His eyes bore into mine, and I feel like he can see my heart rate increasing with the way his iris burns through me.

"Introduce me to your date," he said calmly one hand in his trouser, eyes piercing into mine in his designer suit that fits him like a glove under his trench coat, and his cologne overwhelmed me way over here.

He doesn't deserve an introduction, but the sentiment born out of love and produced out of fear I see as he lowers his lids made me smile.

"This is Rick, my friend," I said, and Rick looked at me before he shook Ryon's hand. "Rick, this is," complication I wanted to say, but I said, "Ryon."

"Hope I didn't disturb you," Ryon said and Rick chuckled nervously and shake his hand, clearly intimidated but it was hard not to be when Ryon stood out in the room like he owned the place dressed in all black with his confidence mile high.

"No, not at all," Rick said.

"Then it's not a problem if I join you," he stated as he took his seat without an invitation. I roll my eyes and turn to Rick, who is still standing visually confused and very intimidated.

I sent him an apologetic eye, and he nodded before he took his seat. "Don't you have more important things or people to do?" I asked, turning back to Ryon, and Rick seemed even more confused as he skimmed between us.

"I wouldn't be here if I did," he said, taking the menu card and looking it over.

"I should go," Rick said, seeing the stare-down between Ryon and me. "Maybe we can do this another time," he added.

"She will be busy another time," Ryon said, simply looking up at Rick, and I frown.

"No, I won't be," I said, and his piercing gaze returned to me.

"I will make sure of it," he smirked and sat back in his seat proud of himself.

"Uh, am... I..." Rick tries to find some type of words to say but confusion wasn't the word for him anymore. I felt sorry for the guy having to put up with Ryon's very overwhelming presents, but I couldn't help it.

"Goodbye, Rick," he said, and I just shook my head. "I will call you later," I said, and he nodded before walking off.

"You will do no such thing," he said like he was my daddy.

"My daddy does not pass orders on me."

"Someone should," his voice dropped low as he took off his trench coat.

"What are you doing here Ryon?" I asked, ignoring his statement.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"You can't just show up here-" I said, but he signaled the waiter. "I'm talking here, Ryon," I added.

"You should eat," he said like he didn't hear a thing I said.

I watched this man- study his face like a work of art and wonder why I did not hit him upside the head.

"Everything alright?" he asked, noticing my stares.

Same time a waitress approached us before I could answer and completely ignored me as she focused on Ryon with a mile-high smile.

"Welcome to Premium," she smiled down at him sickeningly, sweet, but he didn't even look up as his eyes were trained on me and she rambled on about the menu. "Can I get you anything to drink?" She continued, and every nerve in my body is electrified by his eyes on me.

"Two tropical rhythms, shaken," he said, giving her a quick glance before redirecting his attention to me.

"Can I get you anything else while you go over the menu," she asked with that sickeningly sweet voice and I want to roll my eyes heavily at her but I refrained.

"This beautiful woman sitting across from me is enough," he said eyes still on me and I couldn't help but blush bright red. The waitress seemed startled "yes... of course," she stumbled over her words before she walked away.

His grey eyes sparkled mischievously when he unbuttoned his jacket and leaned forward not breaking eye contact for a second.

"See anything you like," he asked gesturing to the menu in front of me. I avert my gaze to the menu for a second then glance back at him to see the amusement on his face with a small smile etched on his lips.

"Do you have any favorite?" I asked and he smirked leaning back. "I do have a few actually," he licked his lips and I felt shivers run down my spine. "But I want something different," he said voice dropping low this time.

"I bet you would," I said and it was my time to smirk when he chuckled.

He took a sip of his drink and glanced back up at me like the handsome devil he is and his eyes set me in a blaze with the way his lashes lowered, igniting me. "Today is the day to try something new," his voice dropped considerably low with his eyes filled with mischief.

"It is?" I asked and he leaned forward over the table looking deep into my eyes and one hand holding his weight. He placed his thumb and index finger under my chin, engaging in eye contact to ensure I was consenting. He then lowered his lips to mine gently. that I almost didn't feel it, head tilted and eyes closed. There wasn't any tongue as he took my lip into his mouth then he kept kissing my lips and I melt. Every time he kissed me its a different scenery and the feelings he brought out of me had me twitching with the thrills streaming through my body is so electrifying. Every emotion bursting between us exploded in my chest and I almost forgot where we were.

"It is," he confirmed. "I'm sorry I wasn't here sooner."

He caressed my cheek with his thumb so gently I thought I would fly away with how high I floated and I looked up at him with a dazed smile. "Can I take you somewhere," he whispered on my lips and I nodded. When I fully opened my eyes Ryon's gaze was so compelling, I felt wrapped up in clover.

He signaled the waiter and takes his seat. "Yes sir. How may I help you," she asked.

"Is our food ready?" Ryon asked.

"Another five minutes sir," she said and he nodded in response.

"We need to leave soon, can we have it packed to go instead?"

"Not a problem sir as soon as it is ready," she said, hurrying away. "How have your studies been," he asked turning back to me.

I smiled seeing the genuine interest in his eyes. "Good, very good actually, and I can't wait to start my internship," I said enthusiastically and he smiled.

"A very exciting time in one's youthful timeline. I could only imagine how head-first you're waiting to dive in."

"Trust me my entire body is going in at once," I giggled with so much excitement that he chuckled. "I'm so excited I can't wait."

"I'm sure you are," he said and listened to me rambled on.

My father went crazy when I studied English literature. He thought it should come second to a business degree but as long as I can remember I loved reading and there wasn't a time my head wasn't in a book except for when I'm daydreaming about Ryon Menture of course. Now to start as a columnist at Coastal is like a dream come true and eventually, daddy came around when I double majored—adding business management.

"Come on let's go," he takes my hand and lets me walk in front of him as he collected the bag from a waiter this time around. We walked out of the restaurant to his Cadillac xts.

"I'm parked over at the library," I stated and he paused his movement. "How about security park your car at the dorm and I will take you home."

"Sounds like a plan," I said and stepped into the opened door of his car. As soon as he slides into the driver's seat after talking with security he removed his jacket and undone two buttons on his shirt. He then rolled up his sleeves to his elbow and it just add to the mysteries of Ryon Menture.

It's a sin for one man to be this sexy but it runs in the Menture's bloodline.

He placed his hand on my thigh after starting the car and despite the jeans, I wore his heat seeped into my skin reminding me of how they touched me the night before.

I turn to the window and placed a hand on my rapidly beating chest to take in a heavy breath. I tried not to look flushed or feel the heat rising in my skin but who was I kidding with my ivory skin tone.

"Are you alright? he moved his hand further up my thigh and leaves it there after a firm grip. I use my hand to fan my burning cheeks and close my eyes but it helped nothing.

I let out the breath I was holding but this man has an effect on me I couldn't deny and fight it only makes it stronger. It was pure bliss this uncontrollable desire he brings out of me, had me shaking.

What was it about this man yes he is smart, successful, and lucky that everything he touched turned to gold, a strikingly handsome man with, a firm physique, and a very confident personality only adds to his charms. He was the full package it may seem with that devil-may-care attitude but humility in the same rights made it hard to resist. All the women who threw themselves at him only made it easy for him to choose or refuse to know all this, I should run for the hills but lord knows I didn't have the strength to resist him like all the other women.

But what was clear, and evidently clear was he was going to work for it. He was going to earn that right for me even if I'd already shown him it was easy to fall.

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