Joe Burrow Fics

By glitter-vamp

6.8K 65 7

Joe Burrow fics written by me. 18+ ONLY! More

Not The Same Anymore
Valentines Without You
Visits To The ER
Shots and Cells
Uncle Joe
Vodka Sodas
Paying The Price
One Coffee
Heebie Jeebies (Smut+Halloween Fic)
Put Me In Coach (Smut+Coach!Joe)
80s!Joe Fic (Smut+AU)
Under Pressure (80s LSU!Joe+Smut)
Inmourti (Smut+Halloween)
Hurricane (LSU!Joe + Smut)
Galentines (Smut+Fluff)

Tear You Apart (Smut+Halloween)

409 1 2
By glitter-vamp

The sounds of the chainsaw coming from the TV almost blocked the noise of the crazy storm that was happening outside on this Halloween night. You were currently laid up in your cozy room, in the apartment you shared with your two college roommates Monica and Nicole. They were both currently at a huge frat Halloween party that you decided against going because you just simply preferred to sit at home, watch some horror movies and munch on your favorite fall snacks. Plus, it was raining like crazy and the smell of a wet frat house (because people would be tracking in water) sounded completely awful and unappealing to you since the frat houses already had an awful smell to them due to these boys not knowing how or be bothered to clean up after themselves. Instead here you were, in an oversized Louisiana State University tee, no pants, just panties and a jack-o-lantern thigh high pair of socks that you got a few years ago for a Halloween party you attended when you first started at the university. You were currently stuffing your face with popcorn, Reeces pieces, candy corn and Halloween themed sugar cookies you baked for yourself earlier this evening.

You were watching the classic Texas Chainsaw intently when a loud knock on your apartment door startled you spilling the popcorn on half your bed. "Shit!" You suck your teeth in annoyance seeing the mess you've made. The knock happens again even louder and you sigh leaving the mess to come back too later. You make your way to the door in your dimly lit quiet apartment & you check the peephole thinking it was your roommates drunk and once again locked out of the apartment but instead you see your friend, Joe who was in a LSU football hoodie with the hood up covering most of his face. You could tell he was very wet from the heavy rain that was pouring outside. You open the door confused as to why he was here and not some party right now like every other student was.

"Is there a reason why you're knocking on my door like you're the police, Burrow?" You raise an eyebrow at the tall blonde man. He quickly scans you, his eyes lingering a bit on your legs before he pushes passes you not answering and you roll your eyes closing the door and locking it behind him, he was clearly upset at something. "What's wrong?" You ask Joe following him to your room where he was walking too like he owned the place which he usually did. "Stephanie blew me off again for her stupid friends and some party. Didn't want to stay at my apartment alone tonight." He says taking off his wet hoodie, the shirt he had underneath rising with it where you could see his smooth abs and chiseled chest. You stare quickly at his perfectly toned body before he could notice and playing it off well. "Mind If I take off my pants, they are all soaked." Joe sighs looking down at his sweats that were indeed soaked. "Sure, I'll toss your clothes in the dryer for you." You nod. You always played it as cool as you could when around Joe. You two were pretty good friends, getting assigned a group project once for a class two semesters ago and you two instantly hitting it off. You've had a crush on him since though... but, the only problem was his awful girlfriend that didn't deserve him...and him being the universities QB1 meaning, he had a first pick at any girl he wanted and you knew he wasn't going to pick you. So, you always pushed any of those feelings aside and appreciated his friendship.

"Thanks...sorry for coming over like this, but you weren't answering my texts for the past hour and the girls said you weren't going out tonight to the party... so I figured you'd be here." Joe says taking off his pants in front of you leaving him in his boxer briefs showing off his thick thighs and bulge which made you blush. "You know I don't go out like that anymore, this is my last semester and I'm partied out." You shrug as he hands you his wet clothes and you quickly walk over to the dryer setting it on low and throwing in a dryer sheet in it along with the clothes and starting it.

Once you come back to the room, you see Joe already laying down on the bed despite all the popcorn around him. "You're really laying on my bed with popcorn laying around?" You scoff cleaning up the spilled mess. "There was an empty clean spot where I'm at, at least I'm not sitting on any." He shrugs making you roll your eyes at him as you finish cleaning off the popcorn and sit next to him setting the bowl on your nightstand. "You're crazy for coming over here in this storm by the way, it's Halloween night with a bunch of drunks driving around." You say offering him a sugar cookie which he gladly takes.

"I'm from Ohio, I drive in this weather all the time. I'm a pro." He says like it's no big deal. "You were the one complaining about hurricane party's on tv a month ago. Pro my ass." You snort. "This is different!" He defends making him shake his head in annoyance. "What are you watching? Put on Scooby doo or something." Joe says and you snort. "Are you 9? It's Halloween, we're watching horror movies like the adults we are." You roll your eyes taking a bite of a cookie which was shaped like a ghost. "We can watch like Halloween cartoon stuff, it doesn't need to be this bloody nightmare that you're watching." Joe grimaces at the blood being splattered on the screen. "If you think this is a bloody nightmare, I can't wait to see what you think of the next movie we're gonna watch." You smirk at him, Joe rolling his eyes at you as he steals another cookie. Joe hated anything about horror genre, you invited him to watch IT in theaters once and he was complaining the entire time like a child. You guys eventually finish Texas chainsaw and start the movie Terrifier. "What is this? Looks disgusting all ready." He cringes at the first violent scene in the movie which made you laugh. "Will you just watch the movie and stop being such a damn baby." You sigh giving him a dirty look. "You're the baby." He mutters like a child making you roll your eyes at him.

" I have a question." Joe says not even giving you 5 minutes of silence to watch the movie. "What Joe..." You sigh looking at him knowing he wasn't going to let you enjoy this movie at all. "I know people are into weird sex think anyone would fuck someone else in that costume?" Joe asks making you snort at the stupid question. "Maybe, I know Monica hooked up with a guy last semester who was into some super intense weird degrading kink shit." You shrug putting your attention back to the movie. "Would you be into...that sort of stuff?" Joe asks hesitantly which catches you completely off guard. "Since when do you care about what I'm into sex wise?" You raise an eyebrow at him and he just shrugs.

"You know...Stephanie hates my guts, you sure that you made the right decision in coming over tonight? What if she tracks your location and busts downs my door? " You ask him changing the subject and he snorts rolling his eyes. " I couldn't give a shit what Stephanie says about you. I'm through with her and you're the only person I share my location with anyway that's not my mom." Joe says and you bust out laughing. "What's so funny?" Joe furrowed his eyebrows at you, super unimpressed by your reaction. "You've said countless times before that you were done with her and she bats her little blue eyes at you and you're back in her hand like putty. She has you wrapped around her finger, get real Burrow" You roll your eyes looking back at the movie. "I'm serious Y/N, I had a whole night planned for us tonight, got her favorite food, wine, movies and even blew off my own friends for her. Just for her to ask if we could rain check tomorrow if she wasn't to hungover from the party tonight. I'm done." He shakes his head getting upset. You hated seeing Joe always upset at about his relationship.

Before you could answer, a loud clap of thunder startles you both and the light in your room which were just Purple and Orange Halloween lights, flicker for a moment and then go out immediately. "Great. There goes our movie night." You sigh reaching for your phone and turning the flashlight on. "Thank god, that movie sucked." Joe says going on his own phone, the light of it illuminating his face. "You can just go back home. I'm trying to enjoy my Halloween and your pissing all over my parade here because your girlfriend sucks." You scoff looking for the lantern you kept from the almost hurricane you guys had a few weeks ago.

"Hell no, I'm not going back out there especially since where's probably no street lights on. You're stuck with me for the rest of the night, cause I'm not getting snatched out there by some ghouls... or gators." Joe scoffs shaking his head.  "Oh what happened to you're 'Mr. Ohio, I drive in weather like this all the time?' You roll your at him eyes finding the lantern and turning it on. It luminated the room pretty well so you set it on your night stand. Turning off the light on your phone, you see a text message from your roommates from a few minutes ago that they were staying at their friends place on campus because of the storm. They asked if you were okay. You let them know that Joe was with you and you guys currently had no electricity but that everything was pretty much okay and hoped they all stayed safe.

"The girls aren't coming, they're crashing on campus with some friends and waiting out the storm there." You say to Joe sitting down on the bed again. "At least their safe and not at the frat house anymore, that place on its own is a safety hazard, I couldn't imagine in the dark with a bunch of drunk people" Joe shakes his head making you laugh. "Did you check on Steph?" You ask and he shakes his head no. " Joe--I'm serious Y/N. I'm done with her, I hope she's safe somewhere but she's simply not my problem anymore. Now, can you please drop it?" He shakes his head sighing, deciding to drop it you change the subject. "Well, this an on brand way to spend Halloween at least. Thunder storming and no lights." You sigh laying on your pillow watching the lightning illuminate the room. "I bet coach is gonna make us go to practice tomorrow somehow." Joe snorts. "Not if everything is flooded." You shake your head seeing the flood warning on your phone. "He'll find away to expect us on that field, shit... he'll make us swim in the flooded field if needed." He sighs sounding defeated. You knew Joe was working hard towards the championships so it was expected for him to feel a bit stressed about football.

"Are you doing okay? I know last time I saw you, your arm wasn't doing the best." You ask looking over at him. He looked extra comfy in your bed. "It's alright, I've been getting therapy for it." He nods. "That's good." You smile as thunder claps again outside. "I think your lantern is dying over there by the way." Joe says nodding his head towards your dimming source of light. "Great." You sigh seeing you only had about 26 percent of battery on your phone as well. "Are you tired?" He asks. "Not really, I took a nap earlier cause I wanted to watch movies all night." You shake your head seeing it was 11:46PM.

The light finally dies out and the only light source were the lightening strikes come through the window. "Scared?" Joe asks. "No, you?" You ask. "Maybe." he replies making you laugh. "You did grow up being scared of Grey's Anatomy, seems on brand." You laugh. "Uh no, it was the series House. Totally different ball game than horny doctors in a hospital." He says with some attitude.. "Whatever you say, Burrow." You giggle. You feel Joe shift on the bed lightly brushing his leg with yours. "I like your socks by the way, I should definitely invest in a pair of those." He jokes. "You'd look great in thigh highs." You chuckle making him laugh. "Do you think it's weird we're both in your bed sitting in the dark together...with no pants on." Joe asks making you cackle. "Not weird but not really how I pictured tonight to go." You chuckle.

Suddenly you feel Joe inch closer to you making you feel a bit nervous. "Can I tell you something..." Joe whispers, thunder clashing in the distance, the rain somehow seeming to pick up even more. "Of course." You nod. "Seeing you in those socks and just a T-shirt has been driving me insane and I'm really trying not to make things weird right now." Joe says, you getting butterflies hearing that com from him, it was quite unexpected. "What if I... don't mind that?" You nervously bite your lip. You didn't know where this confidence was coming from but there's no going back now. Joe's hand finds your thigh giving it a light squeeze, butterflies erupting once again in your stomach feeling his warm hand on you.

Barely being able to make out his face you lean in and kiss him. His lips soft just like you'd always imagined they'd be. Joe's hand slowly trails up your body and gently grabs a hold of your face deepening the kiss. You taste the sugar cookies he had eaten prior on his lips and tongue as he kisses you. You run your hands along his muscular back as Joe moves and hovers over you settling himself in between your legs. You could feel his growing erection brushing against your thin panty and against your heat making you even wetter.

"Can I... take your shirt off?" Joe asks softly out of breath pulling apart for a moment. "Yeah." You smirk, Joe immediately takes your shirt off throwing it somewhere in the dark room before his hands find your breasts and he gives them a squeeze making you moan. Joe kisses your chest, his wet lips giving you goosebumps as he places soft kisses over your chest, neck and collar bones. "Joe...I know you want to go further but I don't have any condoms. I mean--I'm on birth control and clean but--." You breath out. "I keep up with my status and I'm clean too's up to you. I don't want to pressure you into anything." Joe says softly giving you another kiss. You couldn't lie to yourself and say you didn't want him more than anything right now. Everything about him was clouding up your brain.

"Take these off." You smirk pulling the elastic of his underwear and snapping it against his skin. "I'm so glad you said that because I've been wanting to tear you apart." Joe says huskily in your ear and as if on cue a bolt of lighting luminates the room around him you catching a glimpse of Joe's face that was filled with lust as he quickly hops off you. You both take your underwear off, Joe making his way to where he was giving you a deep kiss. You wrap your legs around him and you feel him position himself at your entrance. Slowly pushing in you both moan.

"You feel so good, fuck Y/N." Joe hisses as he slowly starts to thrust. Joe's lips find their way back to yours as he finds a good rhythm for you both. The room filled with moans, heavy breathing, skin slapping against each other as the loud clashes of thunder from the storm that has to yet die down. You two lost yourself in it all until you felt Joe's rhythm starting to change and become more erratic. You could tell he was close, his pace started getting quicker and rougher sending you over the edge. "Shit Joe, oh fuck!" You moan as he thrusts into you with force. "That's it Y/N...fuck...f-fuck!" Joe hisses and moans. He tried to pull out to finish out of you but your reflexes of your own orgasm had you tighten your legs around him leaving him no choice but to cum inside of you and fill you up as you felt his cock throb inside you. As Joe finished, he whimpered which nearly drove you to reach another orgasm hearing him turn into complete putty as your walls clenched around him. As you caught your breath, you ran your fingers through Joe's damp hair when all of a sudden the lights in your room turned on illuminating the room again with the Purple and Orange lights.

"Of course." Joe shakes his head looking at you hazily with a smirk on his face. "That was a great grand finale Burrow, you know how to bring it on the field and here." You laughed as he slowly pulled out of you, both of you still sensitive and whimpering at the feeling. "It's Halloween, I have a few tricks and treats up my sleeve." He winks leaning in for a kiss. Joe then moves back and spreads your legs open. "What are you doing?" You giggle knowing you had to go clean yourself up. "Finishing the Job, I gotta clean my girl up." he smirks licking his lips.

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