Inmourti (Smut+Halloween)

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The song Needles and Pins by Deftones fills the club atmosphere as you shoot back the last of your Bourbon. Every now and then, you still wished you could feel the burn like you did centuries ago but you settle for the taste. As it always reminded you of all those fun times you had centuries ago. It was now after midnight and the dimly lit club you owned was beginning to fill as usual. Most of the people who came to the club were familiar faces with a few unknowns. "Well if it isn't the queen of the macabre." You hear a familiar voice say. Turning around you find yourself with a very old friend, Sebastian.

" what do I owe this pleasure?" You grin at the tall handsome brunette whom you've known for centuries. "I missed New Orleans and it's incredible women...I also have someone for you to meet. A new friend in fact." He shrugs pouring himself a cup of your bourbon and sitting down on the dark purple velvet couch near you. "You've talked so much shit about women from the French Quarter but you keep coming back, you know we don't like hypocrites in this town." You scoff shaking your head as you snap your fingers and your body guard Aubrey pours you another drink and hands it to you.

"What can I say Mon Cheri...I mustn't forget my roots. I am a native settler here after all." He smirks at you. " Many may argue that fact but, who is this new friend of yours? A woman?" You cock an eyebrow at him as you sip your bourbon. "A young... really good looking the name of Joseph. Almost wanted to keep him for myself but he's paid a lot of money to get to you." Sebastian smiles. "For what reason?" You ask. "Beats me, I let his money do all of the talking. He paid cash, I got my cut and that's all I care about." he shrugs. "How old is he?" You ask eyeing the naked dancers on the poles across from you and the sea of people below you. "I don't know...20 something perhaps." He chuckles giving you a small shrug. "Oh Seb...that's still a baby." You shake your head knowing you rarely worked with men under 30. "He does have quite the baby face, but I promise...he's all man." He smirks winking at you. "By the way you talk of him, it makes me think you had a taste of him before I've gotten the chance? You know the rules, I don't do seconds." You eye him. "I wish. I will not lie, I tried...but you know human men. They never swing that way...for now anyways." He snorts making you laugh.

The night continues, a few old friends joining you in your section as you await this Joseph man. Downing multiple bottles of Scotch and blood wine in the meantime, flirting with both men and women in the club, until the mystery man finally arrives at your club. "He's here." Sebastian whispers in your ear and you start to eye everyone in the club scanning for any sign of him, quickly spotting the tall blond in the sea of people dancing, drinking and making out. The man looked incredibly out of place and nervous. Listening hard enough and over the music from where you were, the quick heartbeat in his chest confirming what his face was saying. Smirking to yourself, you downed the rest of your blood wine and made your way to the bar where he was standing at. Sebastian giving you a wink as you walk down the metal spiral steps.

As you made your way towards him, people on the dance floor moved out of your way and you approached the bar standing next to him. His scent already infiltrating your nostrils and making your mouth water, Sebastian always did know how to pick them good. The bartender that was dressed in nothing but in red lace lingerie immediately pours you a scotch and she hands it over to you giving you a seductive smirk. Taking a sip, you take in this mans entire profile. He was tall, lean but very muscular with not a flaw. He also had quite the ass on him, which you first spotted from upstairs and lastly a beautiful sculpted face. You hadn't seen a man like this in at least 80 years. You knew very well this one was going to be different.

"Put his drinks on the house." You tell Vivian the bartender after snapping out of your thoughts, pointing to him making him do a double take at your words. "Um, I appreciate that but I'm here to meet someone else." He shakes his head and you chuckle, of course he was oblivious and didn't know who you were. "Joseph, right? I'm Y/N." You a seductive smile playing upon your lips at him before you down the scotch and slam the empty glass on the bar shattering it into pieces making him jump and Vivian chuckle at his reaction and coming from behind the bar going to clean it. "So sorry about that...sometimes I forget my own strength though it's been years of it." You fake pout no breaking eye contact with the pretty blond who was in a bit of shock. "I'm s-so sorry! I didn't know that you were--It's fine. You seem pretty submissive and craven though. I like that." You smirk biting your lip at him, running your long cherry red nails softly on the back of his hand which was flat on the bar top. "You can call me Joe by the way." He nervously chuckles and swallows hard. Seeing his Adams apple bop up and down in his throat made you want to sink your teeth in him already, he had such a lovely smooth neck. "Oh, I'll call you whatever I want. You don't call the shots here. Did Sebastian not tell you?" You ask grabbing the drinks Vivian places in front of you. You wink at Vivian, she already knew the drill of how these things usually went. "Drink up, you're going to need it." You say to Joe who grabs the drink from you, his nervous demeanor making you giggle. You could not wait to have your fun with him.

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