𝙊𝙣 𝙔𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙎𝙞𝙙𝙚 | 𝘴𝘢...

By notaveryloll

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Kusuo Saiki, a psychic boy who has all the power in the world but just wants to be left alone and his best fr... More



123 7 2
By notaveryloll

Jealousy, Jealousy. 

3rd POV

It was a warm and sunny Saturday afternoon. Keomi was hanging upside down off the side of Saiki's bed as he played his new crappy video game, sitting with his back against the side of his bed next to his best friend.

"No no, you need to do a combo move to kill him. Come on Saiki! I thought you were all knowing~" The bored blonde teased. Saiki reached over and flicked her forehead, without taking his eyes off the tv. She quickly brought her hands up to her forehead.

"Ouch! What the hell!?" She exclaimed dramatically, rubbing her sore head.

"That hurt..." She pouted. Saiki simply continued playing his game.

'You're fine.' He said. The hurting girl crossed her arms.

"I think my feelings hurt more than my forehead, I thought you loved me!" She cried. Saiki finally tore his gaze away from the tv and looked at Keomi with a straight face.

'Why would you think that?' He asked. Keomi stopped her fake crying and looked at the boy with a shocked face, her jaw dropped.

"Wahhhh!! You really are mean!" She complained.

'I'm kidding Keomi, sure, I love you.' He gave in, not wanting to listen to her moaning and groaning anymore. She looked at him with a goofy smile on her face.

'Is that a blush I see?' He asked, getting closer to her face.

"W-What? N-no way!" She blurted out, surprised by his boldness. "W-why would you even think th-!" She backed away from Saiki's face and was interrupted as she fell off his bed.

"Owwww" She muttered. Saiki helped her up.

'Good grief, you really are a clutz.' He smirked as she stretched her sore back out and sat next to him on the floor.

"Hey! I wasn't expecting you to get so close to my face!" She reasoned.

'Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night.' He joked.

"Whatever... Just play your stupid game." She crossed her arm and pouted. The strawberry-haired boy was about to continue playing when he was interrupted by the door ringing.

"Kuu! Someone's here to see you!" They could hear Kurumi yell from the first floor.

"Are you expecting anyone?" Keomi asked, confused.

'No, and I can't hear their thoughts...' He answered, getting up and holding a hand out to Keomi.

"Weird, and thank you." She smiled and took his hand, getting up as well. The duo headed downstairs and froze when they saw who was at the door.

"There's a boy looking for you Ku-chan~"

'Nendou!?' They both thought surprised.

'I thought something was wrong, I'd normally know who was at the door before opening it, I should have known...' Saiki thought

'How did he know you lived here?' Keomi questioned. Nendou had a stupid grin on his face.

"Hey, buddy! And Katayama too?! I was just walking around and I saw a house sign that said 'Saiki' So I figured my buddy must live here! I had no idea Katayama would be here too! Heya pal, how ya doing?!" The butt-chinned boy explained.

"I'm good, Nendou, thank you." She smiled at him.

"K-Ku has a f-friend...?!" Kurumi then burst into tears. "Waaaa! This is the first time Ku's invited a friend other than Keke over!! Mama's so happy Ku has friends" She sobbed. Keomi blushed at the childish nickname Kurumi used for her.

"Me and Saiki aren't friends," Nendou said. Kurumi immediately stopped sobbing.

"Huh...?" She questioned.

"We're not just friends!!" He started. "We're best buddies!!"

"PPFFT-" Keomi burst out laughing.

"AWWWW!!! Ku has a best buddy!" Kurumi went back to crying.

"Well buddy, I didn't know you had a sister~!" Nendou said.

'What a smooth talker.' Keomi giggled.

'Seriously? You too?' Saiki deadpanned. Kurumi started bawling even harder.

"Ahhh, I was mistaken for a sister, I'm so happy!"

'How many times are you going to make my mother cry?' Saiki asked while Keomi looked at Nendou and Kurumi with a smile on her face.

"I think it's cute." The blonde swooned as she watched Nendou freak out over Kurumi telling him she's Saiki's mom.

'Of course you think that.' He said looking at her with the slightest smile over how worked up she got over his mom and Nendou getting along.

"What's your name?" Kurumi asked.

"Riki Nendou!" He answered proudly.

"My, that sounds like a strong name!"

"Yep! It's very strong!!" He said proudly.

'She seems really fond of him.' Saiki deadpanned, and Keomi simply smiled at the two.

"So what brings you here Nendou?" Kurumi asked with a closed-eye smile.

"Well, I was on my way to the beach when I saw my buddy's house and figured I'd ask if he'd wanna tag along! You're invited too of course Katayama!" Nendou explained.

"Oh, yes!! Have fun!! Ku hurry up and get ready! Oh and Keke, I'm sure I still have an old swimsuit you can have!" Kurumi said.

'That won't be necessary mom, we're not going.' Saiki said. It felt like the room temperature dropped as Kurumi turned and glared at her son.

"Your buddy came all this way for you! You are going to the beach Kusuo." He felt shivers go down his spine. Kurumi then turned to Keomi and grabbed her arm gently.

"Come with me Keke, I'll get you that bathing suit. Ku, how about you show Nendou your room while Keke gets ready~" She cooed and dragged Keomi up to her room, shutting the door behind them.

· * .* ──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──── *. * ·

"Here you go, sweetheart. I bought this one a couple of years ago but never wore it, you can keep it if you'd like!" Kurumi smiled happily and gave Keomi a small-looking white bikini.

"Oh, thank you so much, Kurumi!" She replied. Kurumi made her way to the door.

"It's not a problem Keke! I'll give you some privacy to try it on. I'll get you kids a couple of towels and some snacks for the beach." She said and closed the door. Keomi held up the small pieces of fabric to take a better look.

"What is this even supposed to cover?" She muttered. She struggled to get the bikini on.

'I'm definitely not as petite as Kurumi...' She thought, adjusting the swimsuit in an effort to cover more skin. Keomi was slightly bigger than her friend, Mera, but she still held lots of self-confidence.

"The bigger the girl, the more to love." Is what her mom would say to her. She always ate healthily and even worked out sometimes. She did like desserts a lot though, especially baking them, that was one thing that brought her and Saiki closer. Saiki loved Keomi's baking and she always allowed him to be the first one to taste her new recipes.

Keomi smiled as she admired herself in the mirror. The bathing suit fit her almost perfectly. The bottoms really complimented the curves of her hips. The top was a little small on her breasts but otherwise fit pretty well.

"Not too bad Keo!" She winked at herself in the mirror. Secretly, she couldn't wait to tease Saiki. Soon after the pair met, the boy realized that Keomi wasn't just muscle mass and bones, he could actually see her. She giggled at the thought of him blushing and put her shorts back over her bottoms. She paused before grabbing her sweater.

'Hmm, If I knew we were going to the beach I would have brought a different shirt.' She thought 'I'm sure Saiki has a shirt I could borrow.' She exited Kurumi's room and headed to Saiki's. She could hear Nendou and Kurumi chatting downstairs which let her know that no one was in Saiki's room. Or so she thought. Opening the door to Saiki's room in only shorts and a bikini top, she saw Saiki standing there, hand out, reaching for the doorknob about to leave to go downstairs. He froze and his eyes dropped down to her breasts, then back up to her eyes just as quickly.

"Hey, I was just wondering if I could borrow a shirt? I only brought my sweater and it's too hot to wear to the beach." She smirked. He quickly averted his eyes.

'Y-yeah sure, just give me a second.' He turned around and went to his closet pulling out a light blue-button up shirt, like the one he was wearing, and handed it to her. Keomi put it on and buttoned up the middle buttons, letting the bottom two and top two undone, revealing a little cleavage.

"You ready to go?" She asked the slightly red boy. He nodded. "Your face is a little red, are you feeling okay?" She asked and placed the back of her hand gently against his forehead to check his temperature. "You're not burning up..." She muttered.

'I'm fine.' He said. She lowered her hand and shrugged.

"If you say so..." She replied. "C'mon, let's go! I need to get a tan!" She whined and dragged him down the stairs.

"Are you two done making out!? Can we go now??" Nendou asked impatiently.

"Yes, yes, we're ready!" Keomi blushed.

"Keke! How does the bathing suit fit?! Is it okay?" Kurumi asked.

"It's a little tight at the top, but other than that, it's perfect!" Keomi answered with a smile. Saiki was quick to notice the pervy smile on Nendou's face.

'I can't hear what he's thinking, but I think I have a pretty good idea.' Saiki thought and glared at Nendou.

· * .* ──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──── *. * ·

As soon as they arrived at the beach, Nendou ripped off his shirt and ran into the water, giggling like a child. The trio also ran into Kaidou while setting up a place to sit.

"What are you doing?? Come over here guys, the water's great!!" He yelled from the sea.

"M-maybe later, I don't really f-feel like swimming r-right now." Kaidou stuttered.

"Me neither, I'm gonna work on my tan for now." Keomi said while removing her shirt and shorts, then laying down on a towel next to Saiki.

"Oh wow..." Kaidou and Nendou muttered with huge blushes on their faces.

' Yeah, That's enough of that.' Saiki said, throwing an extra towel over Keomi.

"Hey! Saiki! I'm trying to get a tan, you can't really do that without any sun." She complained and gently folded the towel, putting it beside her, then laying back down but on her stomach this time.

'They're staring at you like perverts.' Saiki said to her. Keomi rolled her eyes.

"They'll get over me in 5 seconds, there's plenty of prettier girls on this beach." She reasoned. Saiki simply huffed in response. A couple of seconds later Kaidou and Nendou went back to bickering like children.

"See? I don't understand why you care so much. It doesn't bother me." She said truthfully. In all honesty, she didn't care if those two idiots stared at her, she knows they don't mean any disrespect. Those poor boys don't see girls in bikinis very often, well, unless you count the nude magazines Nendou reads.

'I don't.' He didn't look at her. The blonde-haired girl smirked.

"I don't know Ku~ Seems like you're a little jealous." She teased.

'Don't call me that, it reminds me of my mom.' He cringed.

"Well then, what should I call you?" She asked with a smile.

'Saiki is fine.' He replied. Keomi pouted.

"Come on..." She dragged. "We've been friends for like 2 years now. You call me Keomi, it's not fair~" She sobbed. Saiki hesitated before speaking.

'Kusuo works...I guess.' He sighed. Keomi sat up happily and swung her arms around his neck, giving him a hug.

"Yay~~! Thank you Kusuo~" His name sounded like silk when she said it. He blushed once again.

'What is going on with me lately? I've never felt like this before, and it only happens around Keomi... My face gets all warm and I stutter. I also have this strong urge to protect her at all costs. I hate it. But at the same time...I want to feel it even more...' Saiki's thoughts were interrupted by a hand waving in his face.

"Hello?? Earth to Kusuo?" Keomi taunted. Saiki quickly brought himself back to reality.

'Sorry, I must have zoned out.' He apologized. The pretty girl smiled at him.

"It's okay! Happens to me a-" Keomi was interrupted by Kaidou.

"You'll regret what you just said!" He yelled at Nendou, magically appearing in a full scuba diving outfit with a floaty around his waist as well.

'I'm not sure if you plan to sink or float, but I definitely know you can't swim.' Saiki said as Keomi giggled at how funny the scared boy looked.

"Fine! I'm coming in if it'll prove to you that I'm not scared of w-water!" Kaidou announced. The blue-haired boy took two steps into the water and fell over.

"GAHHH!! THE WATER--! I'M DROWNING, SAVE ME!!!" He squealed and flailed around in the shallow water.

"Are you alright!!?" Yelled a boy who dived into the water to save Kaidou. In the process, the hero's swim trunks came down to reveal his butt.

"Is that..." Keomi trailed off.

'Yup, I'd recognize that butt anywhere.' Saiki concluded and covered Keomi's eyes with his hand as she tried to peek through his fingers.

"Thanks for the help bro!" Nendou said. Hairo pulled his shorts back up after bringing Kaidou back on land. Saiki removed his hand from Keomi's face.

"No, no, it's my job to save people who are drowning... Huh? Oh hey, It's you, Nendou! And Kaidou! And Saiki! And Katayama too!" Keomi waved at the athletic boy.

"What are you doing here? Are you here to swim too?" Nendou asked.

"No, this is my job! I'm volunteering as a lifeguard." Hairo explained.

"That's very heroic of you!" Keomi smiled.

"It's not really a big deal..." Hairo rubbed the back of his neck shyly.

'You're saving people's lives. Give yourself some credit.' Saiki said.

"Well, I'm going back to work, if there's any trouble give me a call! Oh yeah! Make sure to stretch before swimming!" He advised.

"WAAAHH! I'M DROWNING!!!" Another voice came from a distance.

"ARE YOU OKAY!!? I'M COMING!" Hairo yelled and ran off.

"What a hero." Keomi laughed softly, "He really is something else."

'You know I've saved the world like three times right?' Saiki told her, jealous that Keomi gave Hairo so much attention.

"Yeah, yeah, you're very brave too." She smiled and rested her head on his shoulder. He stayed quiet. She wrapped her arm around his other shoulder and played with his hair.

"You don't need to be jealous Kusuo, you're the only hero I need~"

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